import re from import miniterm from .console_parser import ConsoleParser from .constants import CMD_STOP, CTRL_T from .output_helpers import red_print try: import queue # noqa except ImportError: import Queue as queue # type: ignore # noqa # regex matches an potential PC value (0x4xxxxxxx) MATCH_PCADDR = re.compile(r'0x4[0-9a-f]{7}', re.IGNORECASE) DEFAULT_TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX = 'xtensa-esp32-elf-' DEFAULT_PRINT_FILTER = '' # coredump related messages COREDUMP_UART_START = b'================= CORE DUMP START =================' COREDUMP_UART_END = b'================= CORE DUMP END =================' COREDUMP_UART_PROMPT = b'Press Enter to print core dump to UART...' # coredump states COREDUMP_IDLE = 0 COREDUMP_READING = 1 COREDUMP_DONE = 2 # coredump decoding options COREDUMP_DECODE_DISABLE = 'disable' COREDUMP_DECODE_INFO = 'info' # panic handler related messages PANIC_START = r'Core \s*\d+ register dump:' PANIC_END = b'ELF file SHA256:' PANIC_STACK_DUMP = b'Stack memory:' # panic handler decoding states PANIC_IDLE = 0 PANIC_READING = 1 # panic handler decoding options PANIC_DECODE_DISABLE = 'disable' PANIC_DECODE_BACKTRACE = 'backtrace' def prompt_next_action(reason, console, console_parser, event_queue, cmd_queue): # type: (str, miniterm.Console, ConsoleParser, queue.Queue, queue.Queue) -> None console.setup() # set up console to trap input characters try: red_print('--- {}'.format(reason)) red_print(console_parser.get_next_action_text()) k = CTRL_T # ignore CTRL-T here, so people can muscle-memory Ctrl-T Ctrl-F, etc. while k == CTRL_T: k = console.getkey() finally: console.cleanup() ret = console_parser.parse_next_action_key(k) if ret is not None: cmd = ret[1] if cmd == CMD_STOP: # the stop command should be handled last event_queue.put(ret) else: cmd_queue.put(ret)