// Copyright 2015-2016 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "freertos/task.h" #include "freertos/queue.h" #include "freertos/timers.h" #include "esp_log.h" #include "driver/gpio.h" #include "iot_button.h" #include "esp_timer.h" #include "esp_rom_sys.h" #define USE_ESP_TIMER CONFIG_BUTTON_USE_ESP_TIMER #if USE_ESP_TIMER #define STOP_TIMER(tmr) esp_timer_stop(tmr) #define DELETE_TIMER(tmr) esp_timer_delete(tmr) #else #define STOP_TIMER(tmr) xTimerStop(tmr, portMAX_DELAY) #define DELETE_TIMER(tmr) xTimerDelete(tmr, portMAX_DELAY); #endif #define IOT_CHECK(tag, a, ret) if(!(a)) { \ ESP_LOGE(tag,"%s:%d (%s)", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); \ return (ret); \ } #define ERR_ASSERT(tag, param) IOT_CHECK(tag, (param) == ESP_OK, ESP_FAIL) #define POINT_ASSERT(tag, param, ret) IOT_CHECK(tag, (param) != NULL, (ret)) typedef enum { BUTTON_STATE_IDLE = 0, BUTTON_STATE_PUSH, BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED, } button_status_t; typedef struct button_dev button_dev_t; typedef struct btn_cb button_cb_t; struct btn_cb{ TickType_t interval; button_cb cb; void* arg; #if !USE_ESP_TIMER TimerHandle_t tmr; #else esp_timer_handle_t tmr; #endif button_dev_t *pbtn; button_cb_t *next_cb; }; struct button_dev{ uint8_t io_num; uint8_t active_level; uint32_t serial_thres_sec; button_status_t state; button_cb_t tap_short_cb; button_cb_t tap_psh_cb; button_cb_t tap_rls_cb; button_cb_t press_serial_cb; button_cb_t* cb_head; }; #define BUTTON_GLITCH_FILTER_TIME_MS CONFIG_BUTTON_IO_GLITCH_FILTER_TIME_MS static const char* TAG = "button"; // static void button_press_cb(xTimerHandle tmr) static void button_press_cb(void* tmr) { #if !USE_ESP_TIMER button_cb_t* btn_cb = (button_cb_t*) pvTimerGetTimerID(tmr); #else button_cb_t* btn_cb = (button_cb_t*)(tmr); #endif button_dev_t* btn = btn_cb->pbtn; // low, then restart if (btn->active_level == gpio_get_level(btn->io_num)) { btn->state = BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED; if (btn_cb->cb) { btn_cb->cb(btn_cb->arg); } } } // static void button_tap_psh_cb(xTimerHandle tmr) static void button_tap_psh_cb(void* tmr) { #if !USE_ESP_TIMER button_cb_t* btn_cb = (button_cb_t*) pvTimerGetTimerID(tmr); #else button_cb_t* btn_cb = (button_cb_t*)(tmr); #endif button_dev_t* btn = btn_cb->pbtn; STOP_TIMER(btn->tap_rls_cb.tmr); int lv = gpio_get_level(btn->io_num); if (btn->active_level == lv) { // high, then key is up btn->state = BUTTON_STATE_PUSH; if (btn->press_serial_cb.tmr) { #if !USE_ESP_TIMER xTimerChangePeriod(btn->press_serial_cb.tmr, btn->serial_thres_sec*1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS, portMAX_DELAY); xTimerReset(btn->press_serial_cb.tmr, portMAX_DELAY); #else esp_timer_stop(btn->press_serial_cb.tmr); esp_timer_start_once(btn->press_serial_cb.tmr, btn->serial_thres_sec * 1000 * 1000); #endif } if (btn->tap_psh_cb.cb) { btn->tap_psh_cb.cb(btn->tap_psh_cb.arg); } } else { // 50ms, check if this is a real key up if (btn->tap_rls_cb.tmr) { STOP_TIMER(btn->tap_rls_cb.tmr); #if !USE_ESP_TIMER xTimerReset(btn->tap_rls_cb.tmr, portMAX_DELAY); #else esp_timer_start_once(btn->tap_rls_cb.tmr, btn->tap_rls_cb.interval * portTICK_PERIOD_MS * 1000); #endif } } } static void button_tap_rls_cb(void* tmr) { #if !USE_ESP_TIMER button_cb_t* btn_cb = (button_cb_t*) pvTimerGetTimerID(tmr); #else button_cb_t* btn_cb = (button_cb_t*)(tmr); #endif button_dev_t* btn = btn_cb->pbtn; STOP_TIMER(btn->tap_rls_cb.tmr); if (btn->active_level == gpio_get_level(btn->io_num)) { } else { // high, then key is up button_cb_t *pcb = btn->cb_head; while (pcb != NULL) { if (pcb->tmr != NULL) { STOP_TIMER(pcb->tmr); } pcb = pcb->next_cb; } if (btn->press_serial_cb.tmr && btn->press_serial_cb.tmr != NULL) { STOP_TIMER(btn->press_serial_cb.tmr); } if (btn->tap_short_cb.cb && btn->state == BUTTON_STATE_PUSH) { btn->tap_short_cb.cb(btn->tap_short_cb.arg); } if(btn->tap_rls_cb.cb && btn->state != BUTTON_STATE_IDLE) { btn->tap_rls_cb.cb(btn->tap_rls_cb.arg); } btn->state = BUTTON_STATE_IDLE; } } static void button_press_serial_cb(void* tmr) { #if !USE_ESP_TIMER button_dev_t* btn = (button_dev_t*) pvTimerGetTimerID(tmr); #else button_dev_t* btn = (button_dev_t*)(tmr); #endif if (btn->press_serial_cb.cb) { btn->press_serial_cb.cb(btn->press_serial_cb.arg); } #if !USE_ESP_TIMER xTimerChangePeriod(btn->press_serial_cb.tmr, btn->press_serial_cb.interval, portMAX_DELAY); xTimerReset(btn->press_serial_cb.tmr, portMAX_DELAY); #else esp_timer_stop(btn->press_serial_cb.tmr); esp_timer_start_once(btn->press_serial_cb.tmr, btn->press_serial_cb.interval * portTICK_PERIOD_MS * 1000); #endif } static void button_gpio_isr_handler(void* arg) { button_dev_t* btn = (button_dev_t*) arg; portBASE_TYPE HPTaskAwoken = pdFALSE; int level = gpio_get_level(btn->io_num); if (level == btn->active_level) { if (btn->tap_psh_cb.tmr) { #if !USE_ESP_TIMER xTimerStopFromISR(btn->tap_psh_cb.tmr, &HPTaskAwoken); xTimerResetFromISR(btn->tap_psh_cb.tmr, &HPTaskAwoken); #else esp_timer_stop(btn->tap_psh_cb.tmr); esp_timer_start_once(btn->tap_psh_cb.tmr, btn->tap_psh_cb.interval * portTICK_PERIOD_MS * 1000); #endif } button_cb_t *pcb = btn->cb_head; while (pcb != NULL) { if (pcb->tmr != NULL) { #if !USE_ESP_TIMER xTimerStopFromISR(pcb->tmr, &HPTaskAwoken); xTimerResetFromISR(pcb->tmr, &HPTaskAwoken); #else esp_timer_stop(pcb->tmr); esp_timer_start_once(pcb->tmr, pcb->interval * portTICK_PERIOD_MS * 1000); #endif } pcb = pcb->next_cb; } } else { // 50ms, check if this is a real key up if (btn->tap_rls_cb.tmr) { #if !USE_ESP_TIMER xTimerStopFromISR(btn->tap_rls_cb.tmr, &HPTaskAwoken); xTimerResetFromISR(btn->tap_rls_cb.tmr, &HPTaskAwoken); #else esp_timer_stop(btn->tap_rls_cb.tmr); esp_timer_start_once(btn->tap_rls_cb.tmr, btn->tap_rls_cb.interval * portTICK_PERIOD_MS * 1000); #endif } } if(HPTaskAwoken == pdTRUE) { portYIELD_FROM_ISR(); } } #if !USE_ESP_TIMER static void button_free_tmr(xTimerHandle* tmr) #else static void button_free_tmr(esp_timer_handle_t *tmr) #endif { if (tmr && *tmr) { STOP_TIMER(*tmr); DELETE_TIMER(*tmr); *tmr = NULL; } } esp_err_t iot_button_delete(button_handle_t btn_handle) { POINT_ASSERT(TAG, btn_handle, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG); button_dev_t* btn = (button_dev_t*) btn_handle; gpio_set_intr_type(btn->io_num, GPIO_INTR_DISABLE); gpio_isr_handler_remove(btn->io_num); button_free_tmr(&btn->tap_rls_cb.tmr); button_free_tmr(&btn->tap_psh_cb.tmr); button_free_tmr(&btn->tap_short_cb.tmr); button_free_tmr(&btn->press_serial_cb.tmr); button_cb_t *pcb = btn->cb_head; while (pcb != NULL) { button_cb_t *cb_next = pcb->next_cb; button_free_tmr(&pcb->tmr); free(pcb); pcb = cb_next; } free(btn); return ESP_OK; } button_handle_t iot_button_create(gpio_num_t gpio_num, button_active_t active_level) { #if USE_ESP_TIMER esp_rom_printf("use esp timer !!!\n"); esp_timer_init(); #endif IOT_CHECK(TAG, gpio_num < GPIO_NUM_MAX, NULL); button_dev_t* btn = (button_dev_t*) calloc(1, sizeof(button_dev_t)); POINT_ASSERT(TAG, btn, NULL); btn->active_level = active_level; btn->io_num = gpio_num; btn->state = BUTTON_STATE_IDLE; btn->tap_rls_cb.arg = NULL; btn->tap_rls_cb.cb = NULL; btn->tap_rls_cb.interval = BUTTON_GLITCH_FILTER_TIME_MS / portTICK_PERIOD_MS; btn->tap_rls_cb.pbtn = btn; #if !USE_ESP_TIMER btn->tap_rls_cb.tmr = xTimerCreate("btn_rls_tmr", btn->tap_rls_cb.interval, pdFALSE, &btn->tap_rls_cb, button_tap_rls_cb); #else esp_timer_create_args_t tmr_param_rls; tmr_param_rls.arg = &btn->tap_rls_cb; tmr_param_rls.callback = button_tap_rls_cb; tmr_param_rls.dispatch_method = ESP_TIMER_TASK; tmr_param_rls.name = "btn_rls_tmr"; esp_timer_create(&tmr_param_rls, &btn->tap_rls_cb.tmr); #endif btn->tap_psh_cb.arg = NULL; btn->tap_psh_cb.cb = NULL; btn->tap_psh_cb.interval = BUTTON_GLITCH_FILTER_TIME_MS / portTICK_PERIOD_MS; btn->tap_psh_cb.pbtn = btn; #if !USE_ESP_TIMER btn->tap_psh_cb.tmr = xTimerCreate("btn_psh_tmr", btn->tap_psh_cb.interval, pdFALSE, &btn->tap_psh_cb, button_tap_psh_cb); #else esp_timer_create_args_t tmr_param_psh; tmr_param_psh.arg = &btn->tap_psh_cb; tmr_param_psh.callback = button_tap_psh_cb; tmr_param_psh.dispatch_method = ESP_TIMER_TASK; tmr_param_psh.name = "btn_psh_tmr"; esp_timer_create(&tmr_param_psh, &btn->tap_psh_cb.tmr); #endif gpio_install_isr_service(0); gpio_config_t gpio_conf; gpio_conf.intr_type = GPIO_INTR_ANYEDGE; gpio_conf.mode = GPIO_MODE_INPUT; gpio_conf.pin_bit_mask = (1ULL << gpio_num); gpio_conf.pull_down_en = GPIO_PULLDOWN_DISABLE; gpio_conf.pull_up_en = GPIO_PULLUP_ENABLE; gpio_config(&gpio_conf); gpio_isr_handler_add(gpio_num, button_gpio_isr_handler, btn); return (button_handle_t) btn; } esp_err_t iot_button_rm_cb(button_handle_t btn_handle, button_cb_type_t type) { button_dev_t* btn = (button_dev_t*) btn_handle; button_cb_t* btn_cb = NULL; if (type == BUTTON_CB_PUSH) { btn_cb = &btn->tap_psh_cb; } else if (type == BUTTON_CB_RELEASE) { btn_cb = &btn->tap_rls_cb; } else if (type == BUTTON_CB_TAP) { btn_cb = &btn->tap_short_cb; } else if (type == BUTTON_CB_SERIAL) { btn_cb = &btn->press_serial_cb; } btn_cb->cb = NULL; btn_cb->arg = NULL; btn_cb->pbtn = btn; button_free_tmr(&btn_cb->tmr); return ESP_OK; } esp_err_t iot_button_set_serial_cb(button_handle_t btn_handle, uint32_t start_after_sec, TickType_t interval_tick, button_cb cb, void* arg) { button_dev_t* btn = (button_dev_t*) btn_handle; btn->serial_thres_sec = start_after_sec; if (btn->press_serial_cb.tmr == NULL) { #if !USE_ESP_TIMER btn->press_serial_cb.tmr = xTimerCreate("btn_serial_tmr", btn->serial_thres_sec*1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS, pdFALSE, btn, button_press_serial_cb); #else esp_timer_create_args_t tmr_param_ser; tmr_param_ser.arg = btn; tmr_param_ser.callback = button_press_serial_cb; tmr_param_ser.dispatch_method = ESP_TIMER_TASK; tmr_param_ser.name = "btn_serial_tmr"; esp_timer_create(&tmr_param_ser, &btn->press_serial_cb.tmr); #endif } btn->press_serial_cb.arg = arg; btn->press_serial_cb.cb = cb; btn->press_serial_cb.interval = interval_tick; btn->press_serial_cb.pbtn = btn; #if !USE_ESP_TIMER xTimerChangePeriod(btn->press_serial_cb.tmr, btn->serial_thres_sec*1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS, portMAX_DELAY); #endif return ESP_OK; } esp_err_t iot_button_set_evt_cb(button_handle_t btn_handle, button_cb_type_t type, button_cb cb, void* arg) { POINT_ASSERT(TAG, btn_handle, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG); button_dev_t* btn = (button_dev_t*) btn_handle; if (type == BUTTON_CB_PUSH) { btn->tap_psh_cb.arg = arg; btn->tap_psh_cb.cb = cb; btn->tap_psh_cb.interval = BUTTON_GLITCH_FILTER_TIME_MS / portTICK_RATE_MS; btn->tap_psh_cb.pbtn = btn; #if !USE_ESP_TIMER xTimerChangePeriod(btn->tap_psh_cb.tmr, btn->tap_psh_cb.interval, portMAX_DELAY); #endif } else if (type == BUTTON_CB_RELEASE) { btn->tap_rls_cb.arg = arg; btn->tap_rls_cb.cb = cb; btn->tap_rls_cb.interval = BUTTON_GLITCH_FILTER_TIME_MS / portTICK_RATE_MS; btn->tap_rls_cb.pbtn = btn; #if !USE_ESP_TIMER xTimerChangePeriod(btn->tap_rls_cb.tmr, btn->tap_psh_cb.interval, portMAX_DELAY); #endif } else if (type == BUTTON_CB_TAP) { btn->tap_short_cb.arg = arg; btn->tap_short_cb.cb = cb; btn->tap_short_cb.interval = BUTTON_GLITCH_FILTER_TIME_MS / portTICK_RATE_MS; btn->tap_short_cb.pbtn = btn; } else if (type == BUTTON_CB_SERIAL) { iot_button_set_serial_cb(btn_handle, 1, 1000 / portTICK_RATE_MS, cb, arg); } return ESP_OK; } esp_err_t iot_button_add_custom_cb(button_handle_t btn_handle, uint32_t press_sec, button_cb cb, void* arg) { POINT_ASSERT(TAG, btn_handle, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG); IOT_CHECK(TAG, press_sec != 0, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG); button_dev_t* btn = (button_dev_t*) btn_handle; button_cb_t* cb_new = (button_cb_t*) calloc(1, sizeof(button_cb_t)); POINT_ASSERT(TAG, cb_new, ESP_FAIL); cb_new->arg = arg; cb_new->cb = cb; cb_new->interval = press_sec * 1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS; cb_new->pbtn = btn; #if !USE_ESP_TIMER cb_new->tmr = xTimerCreate("btn_press_tmr", cb_new->interval, pdFALSE, cb_new, button_press_cb); #else esp_timer_create_args_t tmr_param_cus; tmr_param_cus.arg = cb_new; tmr_param_cus.callback = button_press_cb; tmr_param_cus.dispatch_method = ESP_TIMER_TASK; tmr_param_cus.name = "btn_press_custom_tmr"; esp_timer_create(&tmr_param_cus, &cb_new->tmr); #endif cb_new->next_cb = btn->cb_head; btn->cb_head = cb_new; return ESP_OK; }