# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # pylint: disable=W0621 # redefined-outer-name import os import subprocess import sys import time import pytest import serial from _pytest.fixtures import FixtureRequest from _pytest.monkeypatch import MonkeyPatch from pytest_embedded_idf.dut import IdfDut from pytest_embedded_idf.serial import IdfSerial from pytest_embedded_serial_esp.serial import EspSerial efuse_reset_port = os.getenv('EFUSEPORT') esp_port = os.getenv('ESPPORT') # This is a custom Serial Class for the FPGA class FpgaSerial(IdfSerial): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: # type: ignore super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.efuse_reset_port = efuse_reset_port if self.efuse_reset_port is None: raise RuntimeError('EFUSEPORT not specified') self.esp_port = esp_port if self.esp_port is None: raise RuntimeError('ESPPORT not specified') @EspSerial.use_esptool(hard_reset_after=False, no_stub=True) def bootloader_flash(self, bootloader_path: str) -> None: """ Flash bootloader. :return: None """ offs = int(self.app.sdkconfig.get('BOOTLOADER_OFFSET_IN_FLASH', 0)) if subprocess.run( f'{sys.executable} -m esptool --port {self.esp_port} --no-stub write_flash {str(offs)} {bootloader_path} --force'.split() ).returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError('Flashing the bootloader binary failed') @EspSerial.use_esptool(hard_reset_after=False, no_stub=True) def partition_table_flash(self, partition_table_path: str) -> None: """ Flash Partition Table. :return: None """ offs = int(self.app.flash_args['partition-table']['offset'], 16) if subprocess.run( f'{sys.executable} -m esptool --port {self.esp_port} --no-stub write_flash {str(offs)} {partition_table_path}'.split() ).returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError('Flashing the patition table binary failed') @EspSerial.use_esptool(hard_reset_after=True, no_stub=True) def app_flash(self, app_path: str) -> None: """ Flash App. :return: None """ offs = int(self.app.flash_args['app']['offset'], 16) if subprocess.run( f'{sys.executable} -m esptool --port {self.esp_port} --no-stub write_flash {str(offs)} {app_path}'.split() ).returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError('Flashing the app binary failed') def erase_app_header(self) -> None: """ Erase app header :return None """ if not os.path.exists('erase_app_header.bin'): binstr = b'\xff' * 4096 with open('erase_app_header.bin', 'wb') as f: f.write(binstr) self.app_flash('erase_app_header.bin') @EspSerial.use_esptool(hard_reset_after=True, no_stub=True) def burn_efuse_key_digest(self, key: str, purpose: str, block: str) -> None: if subprocess.run( f'{sys.executable} -m espefuse --port {self.esp_port} burn_key_digest {block} {key} {purpose} --do-not-confirm'.split() ).returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError('Burning the key digest for the key {key} into the efuse block {block} failed') @EspSerial.use_esptool(hard_reset_after=False, no_stub=True) def burn_efuse(self, field: str, val: int) -> None: if subprocess.run( f'{sys.executable} -m espefuse --port {self.esp_port} burn_efuse {field} {str(val)} --do-not-confirm'.split() ).returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError(f'Burning the {field} efuse failed') @EspSerial.use_esptool(hard_reset_after=False, no_stub=True) def burn_efuse_key(self, key: str, purpose: str, block: str) -> None: if subprocess.run( f'{sys.executable} -m espefuse --port {self.esp_port} burn_key {block} {key} {purpose} --do-not-confirm'.split() ).returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError('Burning the key {key} into the efuse block {block} failed.') def reset_efuses(self) -> None: with serial.Serial(self.efuse_reset_port) as efuseport: print('Resetting efuses') efuseport.dtr = 0 self.proc.setRTS(0) time.sleep(1) efuseport.dtr = 1 self.proc.setRTS(1) time.sleep(1) self.proc.setRTS(0) efuseport.dtr = 0 class FpgaDut(IdfDut): SECURE_BOOT_EN_KEY = None # type: str SECURE_BOOT_EN_VAL = 0 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: # type: ignore super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.efuse_reset_port = efuse_reset_port class Esp32c3FpgaDut(FpgaDut): SECURE_BOOT_EN_KEY = 'SECURE_BOOT_EN' SECURE_BOOT_EN_VAL = 1 WAFER_VERSION = 'WAFER_VERSION_MINOR_LO' WAFER_VERSION_VAL = 3 def burn_wafer_version(self) -> None: self.serial.burn_efuse(self.WAFER_VERSION, self.WAFER_VERSION_VAL) def secure_boot_burn_en_bit(self) -> None: self.serial.burn_efuse(self.SECURE_BOOT_EN_KEY, self.SECURE_BOOT_EN_VAL) def secure_boot_burn_digest(self, digest: str, key_index: int = 0, block: int = 0) -> None: self.serial.burn_efuse_key_digest(digest, 'SECURE_BOOT_DIGEST%d' % key_index, 'BLOCK_KEY%d' % block) class Esp32s3FpgaDut(FpgaDut): SECURE_BOOT_EN_KEY = 'SECURE_BOOT_EN' SECURE_BOOT_EN_VAL = 1 WAFER_VERSION = 'WAFER_VERSION_MINOR_LO' WAFER_VERSION_VAL = 1 def burn_wafer_version(self) -> None: self.serial.burn_efuse(self.WAFER_VERSION, self.WAFER_VERSION_VAL) def secure_boot_burn_en_bit(self) -> None: self.serial.burn_efuse(self.SECURE_BOOT_EN_KEY, self.SECURE_BOOT_EN_VAL) def secure_boot_burn_digest(self, digest: str, key_index: int = 0, block: int = 0) -> None: self.serial.burn_efuse_key_digest(digest, 'SECURE_BOOT_DIGEST%d' % key_index, 'BLOCK_KEY%d' % block) @pytest.fixture(scope='module') def monkeypatch_module(request: FixtureRequest) -> MonkeyPatch: mp = MonkeyPatch() request.addfinalizer(mp.undo) return mp @pytest.fixture(scope='module', autouse=True) def replace_dut_class(monkeypatch_module: MonkeyPatch, pytestconfig: pytest.Config) -> None: target = pytestconfig.getoption('target') if target == 'esp32c3': monkeypatch_module.setattr('pytest_embedded_idf.IdfDut', Esp32c3FpgaDut) elif target == 'esp32s3': monkeypatch_module.setattr('pytest_embedded_idf.IdfDut', Esp32s3FpgaDut) monkeypatch_module.setattr('pytest_embedded_idf.IdfSerial', FpgaSerial)