# This is a list of python packages needed for ESP-IDF. This file is used with pip. # Please see the Get Started section of the ESP-IDF Programming Guide for further information. # setuptools>=21 # The setuptools package is required to install source distributions and on some systems is not installed by default. # Please keep it as the first item of this list. Version 21 is required to handle PEP 508 environment markers. # click>=5.0 pyserial>=3.0 future>=0.15.2 cryptography>=2.1.4,<35 # cffi 1.15 supports Python 3.6+ only cffi<1.15;python_version<'3.6' pyparsing>=2.0.3,<2.4.0 pyelftools>=0.22 idf-component-manager~=1.0 gdbgui== # supports Python 3.6+ only # Windows is not supported since See https://github.com/cs01/gdbgui/issues/348 pygdbmi<= # The pygdbmi required max version since is not compatible with latest gdbgui (>= # A compatible Socket.IO should be used. See https://github.com/miguelgrinberg/python-socketio/issues/578 python-socketio<5 # esptool requirements (see components/esptool_py/esptool/setup.py) reedsolo>=1.5.3,<=1.5.4 # bitstring 4 dropped support for Python 3.6 and older bitstring>=3.1.6,<4 ecdsa>=0.16.0 # windows-curses are required in Windows command line but cannot be installed in MSYS2. A requirement like # "windows-curses; sys_platform == 'win32'" would want to install the package on both of them. There is no environment # marker for detecting MSYS2. So instead, a dummy custom package is used with "windows-curses" dependency for Windows # command line. file://${IDF_PATH}/tools/kconfig_new/esp-windows-curses; sys_platform == 'win32'