Migrate Storage to ESP-IDF 5.0 ================================== Breaking changes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ f_mkfs() signature change in FATFS v0.14 ---------------------------------------- New signature is ``FRESULT f_mkfs (const TCHAR* path, const MKFS_PARM* opt, void* work, UINT len);`` which now uses ``MKFS_PARM`` struct as a second argument. Partition table generation no longer supports misaligned partitions ------------------------------------------------------------------- When generating a partiton table, ``esp-idf`` will no longer accept partitions which offset does not align to 4kB. This change only affects generating new partition tables, reading and writing to already existing partitions remains unchanged. esp_vfs_semihost_register() signature change -------------------------------------------- New signature is ``esp_err_t esp_vfs_semihost_register(const char* base_path);`` Absolute path as a second parameter will no longer in use. Instead, the OpenOCD command ``ESP_SEMIHOST_BASEDIR`` should be used to set the full path on the host. NVS --- ``nvs_entry_find()``, ``nvs_entry_next()`` and ``nvs_entry_info()`` always return ``esp_err_t`` now instead of ``void`` or ``nvs_iterator_t``. This provides better error reporting when parameters are invalid or something goes wrong internally than returning ``nullptr`` instead of a valid iterator or checking parameters with ``assert``. ``nvs_entry_find()`` and ``nvs_entry_next()`` modify iterators via parameters now instead of returning an iterator. The old programming pattern to iterate over an NVS partition was as follows: .. highlight:: c :: nvs_iterator_t it = nvs_entry_find(, , NVS_TYPE_ANY); while (it != NULL) { nvs_entry_info_t info; nvs_entry_info(it, &info); it = nvs_entry_next(it); printf("key '%s', type '%d' \n", info.key, info.type); }; The new programming pattern to iterate over an NVS partition is now: .. highlight:: c :: nvs_iterator_t it = nullptr; esp_err_t res = nvs_entry_find(, , NVS_TYPE_ANY, &it); while(res == ESP_OK) { nvs_entry_info_t info; nvs_entry_info(it, &info); // Can omit error check if parameters are guaranteed to be non-NULL printf("key '%s', type '%d' \n", info.key, info.type); res = nvs_entry_next(&it); } nvs_release_iterator(it); Signature Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``nvs_iterator_t nvs_entry_find(const char *part_name, const char *namespace_name, nvs_type_t type)`` changes to ``esp_err_t nvs_entry_find(const char *part_name, const char *namespace_name, nvs_type_t type, nvs_iterator_t *output_iterator)``. The iterator is returned via the parameter ``output_iterator`` instead of a return value. This allows reporting additional errors, like e.g. memory errors, via the new return value. ``nvs_iterator_t nvs_entry_next(nvs_iterator_t iterator)`` changes to ``esp_err_t nvs_entry_next(nvs_iterator_t *it)``. This allows reporting parameter errors and internal errors, like e.g. flash errors. ``void nvs_entry_info(nvs_iterator_t iterator, nvs_entry_info_t *out_info)`` changes to ``esp_err_t nvs_entry_info(const nvs_iterator_t iterator, nvs_entry_info_t *out_info)`` to allow reporting parameter errors. Iterator Validity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Note that due to the new signatures, it is possible to have an invalid iterator from ``nvs_entry_find()``, if there is a parameter errors. Hence, it is important to initialize the iterator with ``NULL`` before using ``nvs_entry_find()`` to avoid complex error checking before calling ``nvs_release_iterator()``. A good example is the programming pattern above. Removed SDSPI deprecated API ---------------------------- Removed structure ``sdspi_slot_config_t`` and fuction ``sdspi_host_init_slot``. These were replaced by a structure ``sdspi_device_config_t`` and a fuction ``sdspi_host_init_device`` respectively.