/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense OR CC0-1.0 */ /* DESCRIPTION: * This example contains code to make ESP32-S2/S3 as a USB network Device. */ #include #include "esp_log.h" #include "esp_netif.h" #include "esp_event.h" #include "tinyusb.h" #include "tinyusb_net.h" #include "wired_iface.h" #include "dhcpserver/dhcpserver_options.h" #include "lwip/esp_netif_net_stack.h" #include "esp_mac.h" static const char *TAG = "example_wired_tusb_ncm"; static esp_netif_t *s_netif = NULL; /** * In this scenario of WiFi station to Ethernet bridge mode, we have this configuration * * (ISP) router ESP32 PC * [ AP ] <-> [ sta -- USB ] <-> [ USB-NCM device acting as eth-NIC ] * * From the PC's NIC perspective the L2 forwarding should be transparent and resemble this configuration: * * (ISP) router PC * [ AP ] <----------> [ virtual wifi-NIC ] * * In order for the ESP32 to act as L2 bridge it needs to accept the frames for the NCM device, * which we have fully under control, we can modify it's MAC address, as well as the WiFi station * MAC address, which need to be the same so the AP would see one device (virtual eth-NIC). * No need to modify the ethernet frames here, as we can set the station's MAC to the USB NCM device. */ void mac_spoof(mac_spoof_direction_t direction, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t len, uint8_t own_mac[6]) { } esp_err_t wired_bridge_init(wired_rx_cb_t rx_cb, wired_free_cb_t free_cb) { const tinyusb_config_t tusb_cfg = { .external_phy = false, }; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(tinyusb_driver_install(&tusb_cfg)); tinyusb_net_config_t net_config = { .on_recv_callback = rx_cb, .free_tx_buffer = free_cb, }; esp_read_mac(net_config.mac_addr, ESP_MAC_WIFI_STA); esp_err_t ret = tinyusb_net_init(TINYUSB_USBDEV_0, &net_config); if (ret != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "USB net init but not connect wifi"); return ret; } return ESP_OK; } esp_err_t wired_send(void *buffer, uint16_t len, void *buff_free_arg) { return tinyusb_net_send_sync(buffer, len, buff_free_arg, pdMS_TO_TICKS(100)); } static void l2_free(void *h, void *buffer) { free(buffer); } static esp_err_t netif_transmit (void *h, void *buffer, size_t len) { if (wired_send(buffer, len, NULL) != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Failed to send buffer to USB!"); } return ESP_OK; } static esp_err_t netif_recv_callback(void *buffer, uint16_t len, void *ctx) { if (s_netif) { void *buf_copy = malloc(len); if (!buf_copy) { return ESP_ERR_NO_MEM; } memcpy(buf_copy, buffer, len); return esp_netif_receive(s_netif, buf_copy, len, NULL); } return ESP_OK; } /** * In this scenario of configuring WiFi, we setup USB-Ethernet to create a virtual network and run DHCP server, * so it could assign an IP address to the PC * * ESP32 PC * | lwip MAC=...01 | eth NIC MAC=...02 * | usb | <-> [ USB-NCM device acting as eth-NIC ] * | | * | (wifi-provisioning) | * * From the PC's NIC perspective the board acts as a separate network with it's own IP and MAC address, * but the virtual ethernet NIC has also it's own IP and MAC address (configured via tinyusb_net_init()). * That's why we need to create the virtual network with *different* MAC address. * Here, we use two different OUI range MAC addresses. */ esp_err_t wired_netif_init(void) { const tinyusb_config_t tusb_cfg = { .external_phy = false, }; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(tinyusb_driver_install(&tusb_cfg)); const tinyusb_net_config_t net_config = { // locally administrated address for the ncm device as it's going to be used internally // for configuration only .mac_addr = {0x02, 0x02, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x01}, .on_recv_callback = netif_recv_callback, }; esp_err_t ret = tinyusb_net_init(TINYUSB_USBDEV_0, &net_config); if (ret != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Cannot initialize USB Net device"); return ret; } // with OUI range MAC to create a virtual netif running http server // this needs to be different to usb_interface_mac (==client) uint8_t lwip_addr[6] = {0x02, 0x02, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x02}; // Definition of // 1) Derive the base config (very similar to IDF's default WiFi AP with DHCP server) esp_netif_inherent_config_t base_cfg = { .flags = ESP_NETIF_DHCP_SERVER | ESP_NETIF_FLAG_AUTOUP, // Run DHCP server; set the netif "ip" immediately .ip_info = &_g_esp_netif_soft_ap_ip, // Use the same IP ranges as IDF's soft AP .if_key = "wired", // Set mame, key, priority .if_desc = "usb ncm config device", .route_prio = 10 }; // 2) Use static config for driver's config pointing only to static transmit and free functions esp_netif_driver_ifconfig_t driver_cfg = { .handle = (void *)1, // not using an instance, USB-NCM is a static singleton (must be != NULL) .transmit = netif_transmit, // point to static Tx function .driver_free_rx_buffer = l2_free // point to Free Rx buffer function }; // 3) USB-NCM is an Ethernet netif from lwip perspective, we already have IO definitions for that: struct esp_netif_netstack_config lwip_netif_config = { .lwip = { .init_fn = ethernetif_init, .input_fn = ethernetif_input } }; // Config the esp-netif with: // 1) inherent config (behavioural settings of an interface) // 2) driver's config (connection to IO functions -- usb) // 3) stack config (using lwip IO functions -- derive from eth) esp_netif_config_t cfg = { .base = &base_cfg, .driver = &driver_cfg, .stack = &lwip_netif_config }; s_netif = esp_netif_new(&cfg); if (s_netif == NULL) { return ESP_FAIL; } esp_netif_set_mac(s_netif, lwip_addr); // set the minimum lease time uint32_t lease_opt = 1; esp_netif_dhcps_option(s_netif, ESP_NETIF_OP_SET, IP_ADDRESS_LEASE_TIME, &lease_opt, sizeof(lease_opt)); // start the interface manually (as the driver has been started already) esp_netif_action_start(s_netif, 0, 0, 0); return ESP_OK; }