/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016-2021 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ /* * FreeModbus Libary: A portable Modbus implementation for Modbus ASCII/RTU. * Copyright (c) 2006 Christian Walter * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * File: $Id: mbascii.c,v 1.17 2010/06/06 13:47:07 wolti Exp $ */ /* ----------------------- System includes ----------------------------------*/ #include "stdlib.h" #include "string.h" /* ----------------------- Platform includes --------------------------------*/ #include "port.h" /* ----------------------- Modbus includes ----------------------------------*/ #include "mb_m.h" #include "mbconfig.h" #include "mbascii.h" #include "mbframe.h" #include "mbcrc.h" #include "mbport.h" #if MB_MASTER_ASCII_ENABLED > 0 /* ----------------------- Defines ------------------------------------------*/ /* ----------------------- Type definitions ---------------------------------*/ typedef enum { STATE_M_RX_INIT, /*!< Receiver is in initial state. */ STATE_M_RX_IDLE, /*!< Receiver is in idle state. */ STATE_M_RX_RCV, /*!< Frame is beeing received. */ STATE_M_RX_WAIT_EOF, /*!< Wait for End of Frame. */ STATE_M_RX_ERROR, /*!< If the frame is invalid. */ } eMBMasterAsciiRcvState; typedef enum { STATE_M_TX_IDLE, /*!< Transmitter is in idle state. */ STATE_M_TX_START, /*!< Starting transmission (':' sent). */ STATE_M_TX_DATA, /*!< Sending of data (Address, Data, LRC). */ STATE_M_TX_END, /*!< End of transmission. */ STATE_M_TX_NOTIFY, /*!< Notify sender that the frame has been sent. */ STATE_M_TX_XFWR, /*!< Transmitter is in transfer finish and wait receive state. */ } eMBMasterAsciiSndState; typedef enum { BYTE_HIGH_NIBBLE, /*!< Character for high nibble of byte. */ BYTE_LOW_NIBBLE /*!< Character for low nibble of byte. */ } eMBBytePos; /* ----------------------- Shared values -----------------------------------*/ /* These Modbus values are shared in ASCII mode*/ extern volatile UCHAR ucMasterRcvBuf[]; extern volatile UCHAR ucMasterSndBuf[]; extern volatile eMBMasterTimerMode eMasterCurTimerMode; /* ----------------------- Static functions ---------------------------------*/ static UCHAR prvucMBCHAR2BIN( UCHAR ucCharacter ); static UCHAR prvucMBBIN2CHAR( UCHAR ucByte ); static UCHAR prvucMBLRC( UCHAR * pucFrame, USHORT usLen ); /* ----------------------- Static variables ---------------------------------*/ static volatile eMBMasterAsciiSndState eSndState; static volatile eMBMasterAsciiRcvState eRcvState; static volatile UCHAR *ucMasterASCIIRcvBuf = ucMasterRcvBuf; static volatile UCHAR *ucMasterASCIISndBuf = ucMasterSndBuf; static volatile USHORT usMasterRcvBufferPos; static volatile eMBBytePos eBytePos; static volatile UCHAR *pucMasterSndBufferCur; static volatile USHORT usMasterSndBufferCount; static volatile UCHAR ucLRC; static volatile UCHAR ucMBLFCharacter; /* ----------------------- Start implementation -----------------------------*/ eMBErrorCode eMBMasterASCIIInit( UCHAR ucPort, ULONG ulBaudRate, eMBParity eParity ) { eMBErrorCode eStatus = MB_ENOERR; ENTER_CRITICAL_SECTION( ); ucMBLFCharacter = MB_ASCII_DEFAULT_LF; if( xMBMasterPortSerialInit( ucPort, ulBaudRate, MB_ASCII_BITS_PER_SYMB, eParity ) != TRUE ) { eStatus = MB_EPORTERR; } else if( xMBMasterPortTimersInit( MB_ASCII_TIMEOUT_MS * MB_TIMER_TICS_PER_MS ) != TRUE ) { eStatus = MB_EPORTERR; } EXIT_CRITICAL_SECTION( ); return eStatus; } void eMBMasterASCIIStart( void ) { ENTER_CRITICAL_SECTION( ); eRcvState = STATE_M_RX_IDLE; vMBMasterPortSerialEnable( TRUE, FALSE ); vMBMasterPortTimersT35Enable( ); EXIT_CRITICAL_SECTION( ); } void eMBMasterASCIIStop( void ) { ENTER_CRITICAL_SECTION( ); vMBMasterPortSerialEnable( FALSE, FALSE ); vMBMasterPortTimersDisable( ); EXIT_CRITICAL_SECTION( ); } eMBErrorCode eMBMasterASCIIReceive( UCHAR * pucRcvAddress, UCHAR ** pucFrame, USHORT * pusLength ) { eMBErrorCode eStatus = MB_ENOERR; ENTER_CRITICAL_SECTION( ); assert( usMasterRcvBufferPos < MB_SER_PDU_SIZE_MAX ); /* Length and CRC check */ if( ( usMasterRcvBufferPos >= MB_ASCII_SER_PDU_SIZE_MIN ) && ( prvucMBLRC( ( UCHAR * ) ucMasterASCIIRcvBuf, usMasterRcvBufferPos ) == 0 ) ) { /* Save the address field. All frames are passed to the upper layed * and the decision if a frame is used is done there. */ *pucRcvAddress = ucMasterASCIIRcvBuf[MB_SER_PDU_ADDR_OFF]; /* Total length of Modbus-PDU is Modbus-Serial-Line-PDU minus * size of address field and CRC checksum. */ *pusLength = ( USHORT )( usMasterRcvBufferPos - MB_SER_PDU_PDU_OFF - MB_SER_PDU_SIZE_LRC ); /* Return the start of the Modbus PDU to the caller. */ *pucFrame = ( UCHAR * ) & ucMasterASCIIRcvBuf[MB_SER_PDU_PDU_OFF]; } else { eStatus = MB_EIO; } EXIT_CRITICAL_SECTION( ); return eStatus; } eMBErrorCode eMBMasterASCIISend( UCHAR ucSlaveAddress, const UCHAR * pucFrame, USHORT usLength ) { eMBErrorCode eStatus = MB_ENOERR; UCHAR usLRC; if ( ucSlaveAddress > MB_MASTER_TOTAL_SLAVE_NUM ) return MB_EINVAL; ENTER_CRITICAL_SECTION( ); /* Check if the receiver is still in idle state. If not we where too * slow with processing the received frame and the master sent another * frame on the network. We have to abort sending the frame. */ if(eRcvState == STATE_M_RX_IDLE) { /* First byte before the Modbus-PDU is the slave address. */ pucMasterSndBufferCur = ( UCHAR * ) pucFrame - 1; usMasterSndBufferCount = 1; /* Now copy the Modbus-PDU into the Modbus-Serial-Line-PDU. */ pucMasterSndBufferCur[MB_SER_PDU_ADDR_OFF] = ucSlaveAddress; usMasterSndBufferCount += usLength; /* Calculate LRC checksum for Modbus-Serial-Line-PDU. */ usLRC = prvucMBLRC( ( UCHAR * ) pucMasterSndBufferCur, usMasterSndBufferCount ); ucMasterASCIISndBuf[usMasterSndBufferCount++] = usLRC; /* Activate the transmitter. */ eSndState = STATE_M_TX_START; vMBMasterPortSerialEnable( FALSE, TRUE ); } else { eStatus = MB_EIO; } EXIT_CRITICAL_SECTION( ); return eStatus; } BOOL xMBMasterASCIIReceiveFSM( void ) { BOOL xNeedPoll = FALSE; UCHAR ucByte; UCHAR ucResult; assert(( eSndState == STATE_M_TX_IDLE ) || ( eSndState == STATE_M_TX_XFWR )); /* Always read the character. */ xNeedPoll = xMBMasterPortSerialGetByte( ( CHAR * ) & ucByte ); switch ( eRcvState ) { /* If we have received a character in the init state we have to * wait until the frame is finished. */ case STATE_M_RX_INIT: vMBMasterPortTimersT35Enable( ); break; /* In the error state we wait until all characters in the * damaged frame are transmitted. */ case STATE_M_RX_ERROR: vMBMasterPortTimersRespondTimeoutEnable( ); break; /* In the idle state we wait for a new character. If a character * is received the t1.5 and t3.5 timers are started and the * receiver is in the state STATE_RX_RECEIVE and disable early * the timer of respond timeout . */ case STATE_M_RX_IDLE: /* Waiting for the start of frame character during respond timeout */ vMBMasterPortTimersRespondTimeoutEnable( ); if( ucByte == ':' ) { /* Reset the input buffers to store the frame in receive state. */ usMasterRcvBufferPos = 0; eBytePos = BYTE_HIGH_NIBBLE; eRcvState = STATE_M_RX_RCV; } eSndState = STATE_M_TX_IDLE; break; /* A new character is received. If the character is a ':' the input * buffer is cleared. A CR-character signals the end of the data * block. Other characters are part of the data block and their * ASCII value is converted back to a binary representation. */ case STATE_M_RX_RCV: /* Enable timer timeout. */ vMBMasterPortTimersT35Enable( ); if( ucByte == ':' ) { /* Empty receive buffer. */ eBytePos = BYTE_HIGH_NIBBLE; usMasterRcvBufferPos = 0; } else if( ucByte == MB_ASCII_DEFAULT_CR ) { eRcvState = STATE_M_RX_WAIT_EOF; } else { ucResult = prvucMBCHAR2BIN( ucByte ); switch ( eBytePos ) { /* High nibble of the byte comes first. We check for * a buffer overflow here. */ case BYTE_HIGH_NIBBLE: if( usMasterRcvBufferPos < MB_SER_PDU_SIZE_MAX ) { ucMasterASCIIRcvBuf[usMasterRcvBufferPos] = ( UCHAR )( ucResult << 4 ); eBytePos = BYTE_LOW_NIBBLE; break; } else { /* not handled in Modbus specification but seems * a resonable implementation. */ eRcvState = STATE_M_RX_ERROR; /* Disable previously activated timer because of error state. */ vMBPortTimersDisable( ); } break; case BYTE_LOW_NIBBLE: ucMasterASCIIRcvBuf[usMasterRcvBufferPos] |= ucResult; usMasterRcvBufferPos++; eBytePos = BYTE_HIGH_NIBBLE; break; } } break; case STATE_M_RX_WAIT_EOF: if( ucByte == ucMBLFCharacter ) { /* Disable character timeout timer because all characters are * received. */ vMBMasterPortTimersDisable( ); /* Receiver is again in idle state. */ eRcvState = STATE_M_RX_IDLE; /* Notify the caller of eMBMasterASCIIReceive that a new frame * was received. */ (void)xMBMasterPortEventPost( EV_MASTER_FRAME_RECEIVED ); xNeedPoll = FALSE; } else if( ucByte == ':' ) { /* Start of frame character received but last message is not completed. * Empty receive buffer and back to receive state. */ eBytePos = BYTE_HIGH_NIBBLE; usMasterRcvBufferPos = 0; eRcvState = STATE_M_RX_IDLE; /* Enable timer for respond timeout and wait for next frame. */ vMBMasterPortTimersRespondTimeoutEnable( ); } else { /* Frame is not okay. Delete entire frame. */ eRcvState = STATE_M_RX_IDLE; } break; } return xNeedPoll; } BOOL xMBMasterASCIITransmitFSM( void ) { BOOL xNeedPoll = TRUE; UCHAR ucByte; BOOL xFrameIsBroadcast = FALSE; assert( eRcvState == STATE_M_RX_IDLE ); switch ( eSndState ) { /* We should not get a transmitter event if the transmitter is in * idle state. */ case STATE_M_TX_XFWR: break; /* We should not get a transmitter event if the transmitter is in * idle state. */ case STATE_M_TX_IDLE: break; /* Start of transmission. The start of a frame is defined by sending * the character ':'. */ case STATE_M_TX_START: ucByte = ':'; xMBMasterPortSerialPutByte( ( CHAR )ucByte ); eSndState = STATE_M_TX_DATA; eBytePos = BYTE_HIGH_NIBBLE; break; /* Send the data block. Each data byte is encoded as a character hex * stream with the high nibble sent first and the low nibble sent * last. If all data bytes are exhausted we send a '\r' character * to end the transmission. */ case STATE_M_TX_DATA: if( usMasterSndBufferCount > 0 ) { switch ( eBytePos ) { case BYTE_HIGH_NIBBLE: ucByte = prvucMBBIN2CHAR( ( UCHAR )( *pucMasterSndBufferCur >> 4 ) ); xMBMasterPortSerialPutByte( ( CHAR ) ucByte ); eBytePos = BYTE_LOW_NIBBLE; break; case BYTE_LOW_NIBBLE: ucByte = prvucMBBIN2CHAR( ( UCHAR )( *pucMasterSndBufferCur & 0x0F ) ); xMBMasterPortSerialPutByte( ( CHAR )ucByte ); pucMasterSndBufferCur++; eBytePos = BYTE_HIGH_NIBBLE; usMasterSndBufferCount--; break; } } else { xMBMasterPortSerialPutByte( MB_ASCII_DEFAULT_CR ); eSndState = STATE_M_TX_END; } break; /* Finish the frame by sending a LF character. */ case STATE_M_TX_END: xMBMasterPortSerialPutByte( ( CHAR )ucMBLFCharacter ); /* We need another state to make sure that the CR character has * been sent. */ eSndState = STATE_M_TX_NOTIFY; break; /* Notify the task which called eMBMasterASCIISend that the frame has * been sent. */ case STATE_M_TX_NOTIFY: xFrameIsBroadcast = ( ucMasterASCIISndBuf[MB_SER_PDU_ADDR_OFF] == MB_ADDRESS_BROADCAST ) ? TRUE : FALSE; vMBMasterRequestSetType( xFrameIsBroadcast ); eSndState = STATE_M_TX_XFWR; /* If the frame is broadcast ,master will enable timer of convert delay, * else master will enable timer of respond timeout. */ if ( xFrameIsBroadcast == TRUE ) { vMBMasterPortTimersConvertDelayEnable( ); } else { vMBMasterPortTimersRespondTimeoutEnable( ); } xNeedPoll = FALSE; break; } return xNeedPoll; } BOOL xMBMasterASCIITimerT1SExpired( void ) { BOOL xNeedPoll = FALSE; switch ( eRcvState ) { /* Timer t35 expired. Startup phase is finished. */ case STATE_M_RX_INIT: xNeedPoll = xMBMasterPortEventPost(EV_MASTER_READY); ESP_EARLY_LOGI("xMBMasterASCIITimerT1SExpired", "RX_INIT_EXPIRED"); break; /* Start of message is not received during respond timeout. * Process error. */ case STATE_M_RX_IDLE: eRcvState = STATE_M_RX_ERROR; break; /* A recieve timeout expired and no any new character received. * Wait for respond time and go to error state to inform listener about error */ case STATE_M_RX_RCV: eRcvState = STATE_M_RX_ERROR; break; /* An error occured while receiving the frame. */ case STATE_M_RX_ERROR: vMBMasterSetErrorType(EV_ERROR_RECEIVE_DATA); xNeedPoll = xMBMasterPortEventPost( EV_MASTER_ERROR_PROCESS ); break; /* If we have a timeout we go back to the idle state and wait for * the next frame. */ case STATE_M_RX_WAIT_EOF: eRcvState = STATE_M_RX_IDLE; break; default: assert( 0 ); break; } eRcvState = STATE_M_RX_IDLE; switch (eSndState) { /* A frame was send finish and convert delay or respond timeout expired. * If the frame is broadcast,The master will idle,and if the frame is not * broadcast.*/ case STATE_M_TX_XFWR: if ( xMBMasterRequestIsBroadcast( ) == FALSE ) { vMBMasterSetErrorType(EV_ERROR_RESPOND_TIMEOUT); xNeedPoll = xMBMasterPortEventPost(EV_MASTER_ERROR_PROCESS); } break; /* Function called in an illegal state. */ default: assert( ( eSndState == STATE_M_TX_START ) || ( eSndState == STATE_M_TX_IDLE ) || ( eSndState == STATE_M_TX_DATA ) || ( eSndState == STATE_M_TX_END ) || ( eSndState == STATE_M_TX_NOTIFY ) ); break; } eSndState = STATE_M_TX_IDLE; vMBMasterPortTimersDisable( ); /* If timer mode is convert delay, the master event then turns EV_MASTER_EXECUTE status. */ if (xMBMasterGetCurTimerMode() == MB_TMODE_CONVERT_DELAY) { xNeedPoll = xMBMasterPortEventPost( EV_MASTER_EXECUTE ); } vMBMasterPortTimersDisable( ); /* no context switch required. */ return xNeedPoll; } static UCHAR prvucMBCHAR2BIN( UCHAR ucCharacter ) { if( ( ucCharacter >= '0' ) && ( ucCharacter <= '9' ) ) { return ( UCHAR )( ucCharacter - '0' ); } else if( ( ucCharacter >= 'A' ) && ( ucCharacter <= 'F' ) ) { return ( UCHAR )( ucCharacter - 'A' + 0x0A ); } else { return 0xFF; } } static UCHAR prvucMBBIN2CHAR( UCHAR ucByte ) { if( ucByte <= 0x09 ) { return ( UCHAR )( '0' + ucByte ); } else if( ( ucByte >= 0x0A ) && ( ucByte <= 0x0F ) ) { return ( UCHAR )( ucByte - 0x0A + 'A' ); } else { /* Programming error. */ assert( 0 ); } return '0'; } static UCHAR prvucMBLRC( UCHAR * pucFrame, USHORT usLen ) { UCHAR ucLRC = 0; /* LRC char initialized */ while( usLen-- ) { ucLRC += *pucFrame++; /* Add buffer byte without carry */ } /* Return twos complement */ ucLRC = ( UCHAR ) ( -( ( CHAR ) ucLRC ) ); return ucLRC; } #endif