/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include "utils/includes.h" #include "utils/common.h" #include "esp_event.h" #include "esp_wifi.h" #include "esp_wifi_types.h" #include "esp_wifi_driver.h" #include "drivers/driver.h" #include "common/bss.h" #include "common/rrm.h" #include "common/wnm_sta.h" #include "common/wpa_supplicant_i.h" #include "esp_scan_i.h" #include "esp_common_i.h" #include "common/ieee802_11_common.h" #include "esp_rrm.h" #include "esp_wnm.h" struct wpa_supplicant g_wpa_supp; static TaskHandle_t s_supplicant_task_hdl = NULL; static void *s_supplicant_evt_queue = NULL; static void *s_supplicant_api_lock = NULL; static int handle_action_frm(u8 *frame, size_t len, u8 *sender, u32 rssi, u8 channel) { struct ieee_mgmt_frame *frm = os_malloc(sizeof(struct ieee_mgmt_frame) + len); if (!frm) { wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR, "memory allocation failed"); return -1; } os_memcpy(frm->sender, sender, ETH_ALEN); frm->len = len; frm->channel = channel; frm->rssi = rssi; os_memcpy(frm->payload, frame, len); if (esp_supplicant_post_evt(SIG_SUPPLICANT_RX_ACTION, (u32)frm) != 0) { os_free(frm); return -1; } return 0; } static void handle_rrm_frame(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s, u8 *sender, u8 *payload, size_t len, u32 rssi) { if (payload[0] == WLAN_RRM_NEIGHBOR_REPORT_RESPONSE) { /* neighbor report parsing */ wpas_rrm_process_neighbor_rep(wpa_s, payload + 1, len - 1); } else if (payload[0] == WLAN_RRM_RADIO_MEASUREMENT_REQUEST) { /* Beacon measurement */ wpas_rrm_handle_radio_measurement_request(wpa_s, NULL, sender, payload + 1, len - 1); } else if (payload[0] == WLAN_RRM_LINK_MEASUREMENT_REQUEST) { /* Link measurement */ wpas_rrm_handle_link_measurement_request(wpa_s, NULL, payload + 1, len - 1, rssi); } } static int mgmt_rx_action(u8 *sender, u8 *payload, size_t len, u8 channel, u32 rssi) { u8 category; u8 bssid[ETH_ALEN]; struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s = &g_wpa_supp; int ret = esp_wifi_get_assoc_bssid_internal(bssid); if (ret < 0) { wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "STA not associated"); return -1; } category = *payload++; len--; if (category == WLAN_ACTION_WNM) { ieee802_11_rx_wnm_action(wpa_s, sender, payload, len); } else if (category == WLAN_ACTION_RADIO_MEASUREMENT) { handle_rrm_frame(wpa_s, sender, payload, len, rssi); } return 0; } static void btm_rrm_task(void *pvParameters) { supplicant_event_t *evt; bool task_del = false; while(1) { if (xQueueReceive(s_supplicant_evt_queue, &evt, portMAX_DELAY) != pdTRUE) continue; /* event validation failed */ if (evt->id >= SIG_SUPPLICANT_MAX) { os_free(evt); continue; } switch (evt->id) { case SIG_SUPPLICANT_RX_ACTION: { struct ieee_mgmt_frame *frm = (struct ieee_mgmt_frame *)evt->data; mgmt_rx_action(frm->sender, frm->payload, frm->len, frm->channel, frm->rssi); os_free(frm); break; } case SIG_SUPPLICANT_SCAN_DONE: esp_supplicant_handle_scan_done_evt(); break; case SIG_SUPPLICANT_DEL_TASK: task_del = true; break; default: break; } os_free(evt); if (task_del) break; } vQueueDelete(s_supplicant_evt_queue); s_supplicant_evt_queue = NULL; if (s_supplicant_api_lock) { vSemaphoreDelete(s_supplicant_api_lock); s_supplicant_api_lock = NULL; } /* At this point, we completed */ vTaskDelete(NULL); } static void clear_bssid_flag(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s) { wifi_config_t *config; /* Reset only if btm is enabled */ if (esp_wifi_is_btm_enabled_internal(WIFI_IF_STA) == false) return; config = os_zalloc(sizeof(wifi_config_t)); if (!config) { wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR, "failed to allocate memory"); return; } esp_wifi_get_config(WIFI_IF_STA, config); config->sta.bssid_set = 0; esp_wifi_set_config(WIFI_IF_STA, config); os_free(config); wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "cleared bssid flag"); } static void register_action_frame(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s) { wpa_s->type &= ~(1 << WLAN_FC_STYPE_ACTION); /* subtype is defined only for action frame */ wpa_s->subtype = 0; /* current supported features in supplicant: rrm and btm */ if (esp_wifi_is_rm_enabled_internal(WIFI_IF_STA)) wpa_s->subtype = 1 << WLAN_ACTION_RADIO_MEASUREMENT; if (esp_wifi_is_btm_enabled_internal(WIFI_IF_STA)) wpa_s->subtype |= 1 << WLAN_ACTION_WNM; if (wpa_s->subtype) wpa_s->type |= 1 << WLAN_FC_STYPE_ACTION; esp_wifi_register_mgmt_frame_internal(wpa_s->type, wpa_s->subtype); } static void supplicant_sta_conn_handler(void* arg, esp_event_base_t event_base, int32_t event_id, void* event_data) { u8 bssid[ETH_ALEN]; u8 *ie; struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s = &g_wpa_supp; int ret = esp_wifi_get_assoc_bssid_internal(bssid); if (ret < 0) { wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR, "Not able to get connected bssid"); return; } struct wpa_bss *bss = wpa_bss_get_bssid(wpa_s, bssid); if (!bss) { wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "connected bss entry not present in scan cache"); return; } wpa_s->current_bss = bss; ie = (u8 *)bss; ie += sizeof(struct wpa_bss); ieee802_11_parse_elems(wpa_s, ie, bss->ie_len); wpa_bss_flush(wpa_s); /* Register for action frames */ register_action_frame(wpa_s); /* clear set bssid flag */ clear_bssid_flag(wpa_s); } static void supplicant_sta_disconn_handler(void* arg, esp_event_base_t event_base, int32_t event_id, void* event_data) { struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s = &g_wpa_supp; wifi_event_sta_disconnected_t *disconn = event_data; wpas_rrm_reset(wpa_s); if (wpa_s->current_bss) { wpa_s->current_bss = NULL; } if (disconn->reason != WIFI_REASON_ROAMING) { clear_bssid_flag(wpa_s); } } static int ieee80211_handle_rx_frm(u8 type, u8 *frame, size_t len, u8 *sender, u32 rssi, u8 channel, u64 current_tsf) { if (type == WLAN_FC_STYPE_BEACON || type == WLAN_FC_STYPE_PROBE_RESP) { return esp_handle_beacon_probe(type, frame, len, sender, rssi, channel, current_tsf); } else if (type == WLAN_FC_STYPE_ACTION) { return handle_action_frm(frame, len, sender, rssi, channel); } return -1; } #ifdef CONFIG_MBO static bool bss_profile_match(u8 *sender) { /* Incase supplicant wants drivers to skip this BSS, return false */ struct wpa_bss *bss = wpa_bss_get_bssid(&g_wpa_supp, sender); if (!bss) { return true; } const u8 *assoc_disallow = wpas_mbo_get_bss_attr(bss, MBO_ATTR_ID_ASSOC_DISALLOW); if (assoc_disallow && assoc_disallow[1] >= 1) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "skip - MBO association disallowed (reason %u)", assoc_disallow[2]); return false; } if (wpa_is_bss_tmp_disallowed(&g_wpa_supp, bss)) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "skip - BSS is temporary disallowed"); return false; } return true; } #endif int esp_supplicant_common_init(struct wpa_funcs *wpa_cb) { struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s = &g_wpa_supp; int ret; s_supplicant_api_lock = xSemaphoreCreateRecursiveMutex(); if (!s_supplicant_api_lock) { wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR, "%s: failed to create Supplicant API lock", __func__); ret = -1; goto err; } s_supplicant_evt_queue = xQueueCreate(3, sizeof(supplicant_event_t)); if (!s_supplicant_evt_queue) { wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR, "%s: failed to create Supplicant event queue", __func__); ret = -1; goto err; } ret = xTaskCreate(btm_rrm_task, "btm_rrm_t", SUPPLICANT_TASK_STACK_SIZE, NULL, 2, &s_supplicant_task_hdl); if (ret != pdPASS) { wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR, "btm: failed to create task"); ret = -1; goto err; } esp_scan_init(wpa_s); wpas_rrm_reset(wpa_s); wpas_clear_beacon_rep_data(wpa_s); esp_event_handler_register(WIFI_EVENT, WIFI_EVENT_STA_CONNECTED, &supplicant_sta_conn_handler, NULL); esp_event_handler_register(WIFI_EVENT, WIFI_EVENT_STA_DISCONNECTED, &supplicant_sta_disconn_handler, NULL); wpa_s->type = 0; wpa_s->subtype = 0; esp_wifi_register_mgmt_frame_internal(wpa_s->type, wpa_s->subtype); wpa_cb->wpa_sta_rx_mgmt = ieee80211_handle_rx_frm; /* Matching is done only for MBO at the moment, this can be extended for other features*/ #ifdef CONFIG_MBO wpa_cb->wpa_sta_profile_match = bss_profile_match; dl_list_init(&wpa_s->bss_tmp_disallowed); #else wpa_cb->wpa_sta_profile_match = NULL; #endif return 0; err: esp_supplicant_common_deinit(); return ret; } void esp_supplicant_common_deinit(void) { struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s = &g_wpa_supp; esp_scan_deinit(wpa_s); wpas_rrm_reset(wpa_s); wpas_clear_beacon_rep_data(wpa_s); esp_event_handler_unregister(WIFI_EVENT, WIFI_EVENT_STA_CONNECTED, &supplicant_sta_conn_handler); esp_event_handler_unregister(WIFI_EVENT, WIFI_EVENT_STA_DISCONNECTED, &supplicant_sta_disconn_handler); if (wpa_s->type) { wpa_s->type = 0; esp_wifi_register_mgmt_frame_internal(wpa_s->type, wpa_s->subtype); } if (!s_supplicant_task_hdl && esp_supplicant_post_evt(SIG_SUPPLICANT_DEL_TASK, 0) != 0) { if (s_supplicant_evt_queue) { vQueueDelete(s_supplicant_evt_queue); s_supplicant_evt_queue = NULL; } if (s_supplicant_api_lock) { vSemaphoreDelete(s_supplicant_api_lock); s_supplicant_api_lock = NULL; } wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR, "failed to send task delete event"); } } int esp_rrm_send_neighbor_rep_request(neighbor_rep_request_cb cb, void *cb_ctx) { struct wpa_ssid_value wpa_ssid = {0}; struct wifi_ssid *ssid = esp_wifi_sta_get_prof_ssid_internal(); os_memcpy(wpa_ssid.ssid, ssid->ssid, ssid->len); wpa_ssid.ssid_len = ssid->len; return wpas_rrm_send_neighbor_rep_request(&g_wpa_supp, &wpa_ssid, 0, 0, cb, cb_ctx); } int esp_wnm_send_bss_transition_mgmt_query(enum btm_query_reason query_reason, const char *btm_candidates, int cand_list) { return wnm_send_bss_transition_mgmt_query(&g_wpa_supp, query_reason, btm_candidates, cand_list); } int esp_mbo_update_non_pref_chan(struct non_pref_chan_s *non_pref_chan) { int ret = wpas_mbo_update_non_pref_chan(&g_wpa_supp, non_pref_chan); if (ret == 0) { esp_set_assoc_ie(); } return ret; } void wpa_supplicant_connect(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s, struct wpa_bss *bss, char *ssid) { wifi_config_t *config = os_zalloc(sizeof(wifi_config_t)); if (!config) { wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR, "failed to allocate memory"); return; } esp_wifi_get_config(WIFI_IF_STA, config); /* We only support roaming in same ESS, therefore only bssid setting is needed */ os_memcpy(config->sta.bssid, bss->bssid, ETH_ALEN); config->sta.bssid_set = 1; /* supplicant connect will only be called in case of bss transition(roaming) */ esp_wifi_internal_issue_disconnect(WIFI_REASON_BSS_TRANSITION_DISASSOC); esp_wifi_set_config(WIFI_IF_STA, config); os_free(config); esp_wifi_connect(); } static size_t get_rm_enabled_ie(uint8_t *ie, size_t len) { uint8_t rrm_ie[7] = {0}; uint8_t rrm_ie_len = 5; uint8_t *pos = rrm_ie; if (!esp_wifi_is_rm_enabled_internal(WIFI_IF_STA)) { return 0; } *pos++ = WLAN_EID_RRM_ENABLED_CAPABILITIES; *pos++ = rrm_ie_len; *pos |= WLAN_RRM_CAPS_LINK_MEASUREMENT; *pos |= WLAN_RRM_CAPS_BEACON_REPORT_PASSIVE | #ifdef SCAN_CACHE_SUPPORTED WLAN_RRM_CAPS_BEACON_REPORT_TABLE | #endif WLAN_RRM_CAPS_BEACON_REPORT_ACTIVE; os_memcpy(ie, rrm_ie, sizeof(rrm_ie)); return rrm_ie_len + 2; } #ifdef CONFIG_MBO static size_t get_mbo_oce_scan_ie(uint8_t *ie, size_t len) { uint8_t mbo_ie[32] = {0}; uint8_t mbo_ie_len = 32; /* Return if MBO IE is not enabled in driver */ if (!esp_wifi_is_mbo_enabled_internal(WIFI_IF_STA)) { return 0; } struct wpabuf *default_ies = NULL; if (wpabuf_resize(&default_ies, 18) == 0) { wpas_mbo_scan_ie(&g_wpa_supp, default_ies); os_memcpy(mbo_ie, wpabuf_head_u8(default_ies), wpabuf_len(default_ies)); mbo_ie_len = wpabuf_len(default_ies); wpabuf_free(default_ies); } os_memcpy(ie, mbo_ie, mbo_ie_len); return mbo_ie_len; } static size_t get_mbo_oce_assoc_ie(uint8_t *ie, size_t len) { uint8_t mbo_ie[32] = {0}; uint8_t mbo_ie_len = 32; /* Return if MBO IE is not enabled in driver */ if (!esp_wifi_is_mbo_enabled_internal(WIFI_IF_STA)) { return 0; } mbo_ie_len = wpas_mbo_ie(&g_wpa_supp, mbo_ie, mbo_ie_len, 0); os_memcpy(ie, mbo_ie, mbo_ie_len); return mbo_ie_len; } #endif static uint8_t get_extended_caps_ie(uint8_t *ie, size_t len) { uint8_t ext_caps_ie[5] = {0}; uint8_t ext_caps_ie_len = 3; uint8_t *pos = ext_caps_ie; if (!esp_wifi_is_btm_enabled_internal(WIFI_IF_STA)) { return 0; } *pos++ = WLAN_EID_EXT_CAPAB; *pos++ = ext_caps_ie_len; *pos++ = 0; *pos++ = 0; #define WLAN_EXT_CAPAB_BSS_TRANSITION BIT(3) *pos |= WLAN_EXT_CAPAB_BSS_TRANSITION; #undef WLAN_EXT_CAPAB_BSS_TRANSITION os_memcpy(ie, ext_caps_ie, sizeof(ext_caps_ie)); return ext_caps_ie_len + 2; } static uint8_t get_operating_class_ie(uint8_t *ie, size_t len) { uint8_t op_class_ie[4] = {0}; uint8_t op_class_ie_len = 2; uint8_t *pos = op_class_ie; *pos++ = WLAN_EID_SUPPORTED_OPERATING_CLASSES; *pos++ = op_class_ie_len; #define OPER_CLASS 0x51 /* Current Operating Class */ *pos++ = OPER_CLASS; #undef OPER_CLASS *pos = 0; os_memcpy(ie, op_class_ie, sizeof(op_class_ie)); return op_class_ie_len + 2; } void esp_set_scan_ie(void) { #define SCAN_IE_LEN 64 uint8_t *ie, *pos; size_t len = SCAN_IE_LEN, ie_len; ie = os_malloc(SCAN_IE_LEN); if (!ie) { wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR, "failed to allocate ie"); return; } pos = ie; ie_len = get_extended_caps_ie(pos, len); pos += ie_len; len -= ie_len; #ifdef CONFIG_MBO ie_len = get_mbo_oce_scan_ie(pos, len); pos += ie_len; len -= ie_len; #endif esp_wifi_unset_appie_internal(WIFI_APPIE_PROBEREQ); esp_wifi_set_appie_internal(WIFI_APPIE_PROBEREQ, ie, SCAN_IE_LEN - len, 0); os_free(ie); #undef SCAN_IE_LEN } void esp_set_assoc_ie(void) { #define ASSOC_IE_LEN 128 uint8_t *ie, *pos; size_t len = ASSOC_IE_LEN, ie_len; ie = os_malloc(ASSOC_IE_LEN); if (!ie) { wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR, "failed to allocate ie"); return; } pos = ie; ie_len = get_extended_caps_ie(pos, len); pos += ie_len; len -= ie_len; ie_len = get_operating_class_ie(pos, len); pos += ie_len; len -= ie_len; ie_len = get_rm_enabled_ie(pos, len); pos += ie_len; len -= ie_len; #ifdef CONFIG_MBO ie_len = get_mbo_oce_assoc_ie(pos, len); pos += ie_len; len -= ie_len; #endif esp_wifi_unset_appie_internal(WIFI_APPIE_ASSOC_REQ); esp_wifi_set_appie_internal(WIFI_APPIE_ASSOC_REQ, ie, ASSOC_IE_LEN - len, 0); os_free(ie); #undef ASSOC_IE_LEN } void esp_get_tx_power(uint8_t *tx_power) { #define DEFAULT_MAX_TX_POWER 19 /* max tx power is 19.5 dbm */ s8 power; /* esp sends management frames at max tx power configured */ int ret = esp_wifi_get_max_tx_power(&power); if (ret != 0) { wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR, "failed to get tx power"); *tx_power = DEFAULT_MAX_TX_POWER; return; } *tx_power = power/4; #undef DEFAULT_MAX_TX_POWER } int wpa_drv_send_action(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s, unsigned int channel, unsigned int wait, const u8 *data, size_t data_len, int no_cck) { int ret = 0; wifi_mgmt_frm_req_t *req = os_zalloc(sizeof(*req) + data_len);; if (!req) return -1; if (!wpa_s->current_bss) { wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR, "STA not associated, return"); ret = -1; goto cleanup; } req->ifx = WIFI_IF_STA; req->subtype = WLAN_FC_STYPE_ACTION; req->data_len = data_len; os_memcpy(req->data, data, req->data_len); if (esp_wifi_send_mgmt_frm_internal(req) != 0) { wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR, "action frame sending failed"); ret = -1; goto cleanup; } wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "action frame sent"); cleanup: os_free(req); return ret; } int esp_supplicant_post_evt(uint32_t evt_id, uint32_t data) { supplicant_event_t *evt = os_zalloc(sizeof(supplicant_event_t)); if (evt == NULL) { return -1; } evt->id = evt_id; evt->data = data; /* Make sure lock exists before taking it */ if (s_supplicant_api_lock) { SUPPLICANT_API_LOCK(); } else { os_free(evt); return -1; } if (xQueueSend(s_supplicant_evt_queue, &evt, 10 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS ) != pdPASS) { SUPPLICANT_API_UNLOCK(); os_free(evt); return -1; } if (evt_id != SIG_SUPPLICANT_DEL_TASK) { SUPPLICANT_API_UNLOCK(); } return 0; }