#include "unity.h" #include "esp_transport.h" #include "esp_transport_tcp.h" #include "test_utils.h" #include "esp_log.h" #include "lwip/err.h" #include "lwip/sockets.h" #include "freertos/event_groups.h" #include "tcp_transport_fixtures.h" #include "unity_test_utils.h" #define LISTENER_TASK_PRIORITY (UNITY_FREERTOS_PRIORITY+1) #define CONNECT_TASK_PRIORITY (LISTENER_TASK_PRIORITY+1) #define CONNECT_TASK_PRIORITY_LOWER (LISTENER_TASK_PRIORITY-2) // This is a private API of the tcp transport, but needed for socket operation tests int esp_transport_get_socket(esp_transport_handle_t t); /** * @brief Event flags for synchronization between the listener task, the connection task and the test task */ enum { TCP_CONNECT_DONE = 1 << 0, /*!< Indicates that the connection task has finished, so the transport_connect() exited */ TCP_LISTENER_DONE = 1 << 1, /*!< Indicates that the listener task has finished either with success for failure */ TCP_TEST_DONE = 1 << 2, /*!< Indicates that the test case finished, test tear-down() called */ TCP_LISTENER_READY = 1 << 3, /*!< Indicates that the listener task is ready to accept connections */ TCP_LISTENER_ACCEPTED = 1 << 4, /*!< Indicates that the listener task has accepted a connection (from transport_connect()) */ }; /** * @brief Connection test configuration parameters */ struct tcp_connect_test_config { esp_transport_handle_t transport_under_test; bool accept_connection; bool consume_sock_backlog; bool connect_async; int timeout_ms; int port; bool connect_task_prio_lower; }; /** * @brief Test setup structure containing all the info needed for the connection tests */ struct tcp_connect_test_storage { struct tcp_connect_test_config config; TickType_t max_wait; EventGroupHandle_t tcp_connect_done; int connect_return_value; int listen_sock; int accepted_sock; int last_connect_sock; bool tcp_listener_failed; TaskHandle_t listener_task; TaskHandle_t tcp_connect_task; }; typedef struct tcp_connect_test_storage *tcp_connect_test_t; /** * @brief Recursively connects with a new socket to loopback interface until the last one blocks. * The last socket is closed upon test teardown, that initiates recursive cleanup (close) for all * active/connected sockets. */ static void connect_once(struct tcp_connect_test_storage *storage) { struct sockaddr_in dest_addr_ip4 = { .sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK), .sin_family = AF_INET, .sin_port = htons(storage->config.port) }; int connect_sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_IP); if (connect_sock < 0) { storage->tcp_listener_failed = true; return; } storage->last_connect_sock = connect_sock; int err = connect(connect_sock, (struct sockaddr *)&dest_addr_ip4, sizeof(dest_addr_ip4)); if (err != 0) { // The last connection is expected to fail here, since the both sockets get closed on test cleanup return; } connect_once(storage); close(connect_sock); } /** * @brief creates a listener (and an acceptor if configured) * * if consume_sock_backlog set: connect as many times as possible to prepare an endpoint which * would make the client block but not complete TCP handshake * * if accept_connection set: waiting normally for connection creating an acceptor to mimic tcp-transport endpoint */ static void localhost_listener(void *pvParameters) { const char* TAG = "tcp_transport_test"; struct tcp_connect_test_storage *storage = pvParameters; struct sockaddr_in dest_addr_ip4 = { .sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY), .sin_family = AF_INET, .sin_port = htons(storage->config.port) }; // Create listener socket and bind it to ANY address storage->listen_sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_IP); int opt = 1; setsockopt(storage->listen_sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &opt, sizeof(opt)); if (storage->listen_sock < 0) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Unable to create socket"); storage->tcp_listener_failed = true; goto failed; } int err = bind(storage->listen_sock, (struct sockaddr *)&dest_addr_ip4, sizeof(dest_addr_ip4)); if (err != 0) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Socket unable to bind: errno %d", errno); storage->tcp_listener_failed = true; goto failed; } // Listen with backlog set to a low number err = listen(storage->listen_sock, 4); if (err != 0) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Error occurred during listen: errno %d", errno); storage->tcp_listener_failed = true; goto failed; } // Listener is ready at this point xEventGroupSetBits(storage->tcp_connect_done, TCP_LISTENER_READY); if (storage->config.consume_sock_backlog) { // Ideally we would set backlog to 0, but since this is an implementation specific recommendation parameter, // we recursively create sockets and try to connect to this listener in order to consume the backlog. After // the backlog is consumed, the last connection blocks (waiting for accept), but at that point we are sure // that any other connection would also block connect_once(storage); } else if (storage->config.accept_connection) { struct sockaddr_storage source_addr; socklen_t addr_len = sizeof(source_addr); storage->accepted_sock = accept(storage->listen_sock, (struct sockaddr *)&source_addr, &addr_len); if (storage->accepted_sock < 0) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Unable to accept connection: errno %d", errno); goto failed; } xEventGroupSetBits(storage->tcp_connect_done, TCP_LISTENER_ACCEPTED); // Mark the socket as accepted // ...and wait for the "acceptor" tests to finish xEventGroupWaitBits(storage->tcp_connect_done, TCP_TEST_DONE, true, true, storage->config.timeout_ms * 10); } failed: xEventGroupSetBits(storage->tcp_connect_done, TCP_LISTENER_DONE); vTaskSuspend(NULL); } /** * @brief This task simply tries to connect to localhost (server provided by listner's task) using tcp_transport */ static void tcp_connect_task(void *pvParameters) { struct tcp_connect_test_storage *storage = pvParameters; int (*connect_fn)(esp_transport_handle_t, const char *, int, int) = storage->config.connect_async ? esp_transport_connect_async : esp_transport_connect; storage->connect_return_value = connect_fn(storage->config.transport_under_test, "localhost", storage->config.port, storage->config.timeout_ms); if (storage->config.accept_connection) { // If we test the accepted connection, need to wait until the test completes xEventGroupWaitBits(storage->tcp_connect_done, TCP_TEST_DONE, true, true, storage->config.timeout_ms * 10); } xEventGroupSetBits(storage->tcp_connect_done, TCP_CONNECT_DONE); vTaskSuspend(NULL); } static inline void close_if_valid(int *s) { if (*s >= 0) { close(*s); *s = -1; } } /** * @brief Connect test setup function * * Creates the Test storage, configures it accordingly and starts two tasks * * localhost_listener -- to provide a simple server endpoint for the transport layers to connect to * * tcp_connect_task -- to perform the connection */ static tcp_connect_test_t connect_test_setup(struct tcp_connect_test_config *config) { tcp_connect_test_t t = calloc(1, sizeof(struct tcp_connect_test_storage)); if (!t) { return NULL; } memcpy(&t->config, config, sizeof(struct tcp_connect_test_config)); t->tcp_connect_done = xEventGroupCreate(); if (!t->tcp_connect_done) { return NULL; } t->max_wait = pdMS_TO_TICKS(config->timeout_ms * 10); t->listen_sock = t->last_connect_sock = t->accepted_sock = -1; // mark all sockets invalid test_case_uses_tcpip(); // Create listener task xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(localhost_listener, "localhost_listener", 4096, t, LISTENER_TASK_PRIORITY, &t->listener_task, 0); xEventGroupWaitBits(t->tcp_connect_done, TCP_LISTENER_READY, true, true, t->max_wait); // Perform tcp-connect in a separate task to check asynchronously for the timeout or to connect (depends on the test config) xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(tcp_connect_task, "tcp_connect_task", 4096, t, config->connect_task_prio_lower? CONNECT_TASK_PRIORITY_LOWER : CONNECT_TASK_PRIORITY, &t->tcp_connect_task, 0); return t; } /** * @brief Destroys and cleans out the test environment */ static void connect_test_teardown(tcp_connect_test_t t) { // Mark the test done and wait for the listener to check if finished with no issues xEventGroupSetBits(t->tcp_connect_done, TCP_TEST_DONE); xEventGroupWaitBits(t->tcp_connect_done, TCP_LISTENER_DONE, true, true, t->max_wait); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(false, t->tcp_listener_failed); // Closing both parties of the last "blocking" connection to unwind localhost_listener() and let other connected sockets closed close_if_valid(&t->listen_sock); close_if_valid(&t->last_connect_sock); close_if_valid(&t->accepted_sock); // Cleanup vTaskSuspend(t->tcp_connect_task); vTaskSuspend(t->listener_task); vEventGroupDelete(t->tcp_connect_done); unity_utils_task_delete(t->tcp_connect_task); unity_utils_task_delete(t->listener_task); free(t); } /** * @brief Utility function for testing timeouts for different transports */ void tcp_transport_test_connection_timeout(esp_transport_handle_t transport_under_test) { struct tcp_connect_test_config params = { .timeout_ms = 200, .port = 80, .consume_sock_backlog = true, .connect_async = false, .transport_under_test = transport_under_test, .connect_task_prio_lower = true }; tcp_connect_test_t test = connect_test_setup(¶ms); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(test); // Roughly measure tick-time spent while trying to connect #if !CONFIG_FREERTOS_SMP // IDF-5225 - timeout is several times shorter than expected, probably not measured correctly TickType_t start = xTaskGetTickCount(); #endif EventBits_t bits = xEventGroupWaitBits(test->tcp_connect_done, TCP_CONNECT_DONE, true, true, test->max_wait); #if !CONFIG_FREERTOS_SMP // IDF-5225 - timeout is several times shorter than expected, probably not measured correctly TickType_t end = xTaskGetTickCount(); #endif TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(TCP_CONNECT_DONE, TCP_CONNECT_DONE & bits); // Connection has finished #if !CONFIG_FREERTOS_SMP // IDF-5225 - timeout is several times shorter than expected, probably not measured correctly TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, test->connect_return_value); // Connection failed with -1 // Test connection attempt took expected timeout value TEST_ASSERT_INT_WITHIN(pdMS_TO_TICKS(params.timeout_ms/5), pdMS_TO_TICKS(params.timeout_ms), end-start); #endif // Close the last bound connection, to recursively unwind the consumed backlog close_if_valid(&test->last_connect_sock); connect_test_teardown(test); } /** * @brief Utility function for testing timeouts for different transports, options and both sync and async connection */ void tcp_transport_test_socket_options(esp_transport_handle_t transport_under_test, bool async, const struct expected_sock_option *expected_opts, size_t sock_options_len) { struct tcp_connect_test_config params = { .timeout_ms = 200, .port = 80, .accept_connection = true, .consume_sock_backlog = false, .transport_under_test = transport_under_test, .connect_async = async, .connect_task_prio_lower = false }; tcp_connect_test_t test = connect_test_setup(¶ms); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(test); // Wait till the connection gets accepted to get the client's socket xEventGroupWaitBits(test->tcp_connect_done, TCP_LISTENER_ACCEPTED, true, true, test->max_wait); int sock = esp_transport_get_socket(params.transport_under_test); for (int i=0; i