# set_default # # Define a variable to a default value if otherwise unset. # # Priority for new value is: # - Existing cmake value (ie set with cmake -D, or already set in CMakeLists) # - Value of any non-empty environment variable of the same name # - Default value as provided to function # function(set_default variable default_value) if(NOT ${variable}) if($ENV{${variable}}) set(${variable} $ENV{${variable}} PARENT_SCOPE) else() set(${variable} ${default_value} PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endif() endfunction() # spaces2list # # Take a variable whose value was space-delimited values, convert to a cmake # list (semicolon-delimited) # # Note: if using this for directories, keeps the issue in place that # directories can't contain spaces... # # TODO: look at cmake separate_arguments, which is quote-aware function(spaces2list variable_name) string(REPLACE " " ";" tmp "${${variable_name}}") set("${variable_name}" "${tmp}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # lines2list # # Take a variable with multiple lines of output in it, convert it # to a cmake list (semicolon-delimited), one line per item # function(lines2list variable_name) string(REGEX REPLACE "\r?\n" ";" tmp "${${variable_name}}") string(REGEX REPLACE ";;" ";" tmp "${tmp}") set("${variable_name}" "${tmp}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # move_if_different # # If 'source' has different md5sum to 'destination' (or destination # does not exist, move it across. # # If 'source' has the same md5sum as 'destination', delete 'source'. # # Avoids timestamp updates for re-generated files where content hasn't # changed. function(move_if_different source destination) set(do_copy 1) file(GLOB dest_exists ${destination}) if(dest_exists) file(MD5 ${source} source_md5) file(MD5 ${destination} dest_md5) if(source_md5 STREQUAL dest_md5) set(do_copy "") endif() endif() if(do_copy) message("Moving ${source} -> ${destination}") file(RENAME ${source} ${destination}) else() message("Not moving ${source} -> ${destination}") file(REMOVE ${source}) endif() endfunction() # add_compile_options variant for C++ code only # # This adds global options, set target properties for # component-specific flags function(add_cxx_compile_options) foreach(option ${ARGV}) # note: the Visual Studio Generator doesn't support this... add_compile_options($<$:${option}>) endforeach() endfunction() # add_compile_options variant for C code only # # This adds global options, set target properties for # component-specific flags function(add_c_compile_options) foreach(option ${ARGV}) # note: the Visual Studio Generator doesn't support this... add_compile_options($<$:${option}>) endforeach() endfunction() # target_add_binary_data adds binary data into the built target, # by converting it to a generated source file which is then compiled # to a binary object as part of the build function(target_add_binary_data target embed_file embed_type) get_filename_component(embed_file "${embed_file}" ABSOLUTE) get_filename_component(name "${embed_file}" NAME) set(embed_srcfile "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${name}.S") add_custom_command(OUTPUT "${embed_srcfile}" COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -D "DATA_FILE=${embed_file}" -D "SOURCE_FILE=${embed_srcfile}" -D "FILE_TYPE=${embed_type}" -P "${IDF_PATH}/tools/cmake/scripts/data_file_embed_asm.cmake" MAIN_DEPENDENCY "${embed_file}" DEPENDENCIES "${IDF_PATH}/tools/cmake/scripts/data_file_embed_asm.cmake" WORKING_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}") set_property(DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" APPEND PROPERTY ADDITIONAL_MAKE_CLEAN_FILES "${embed_srcfile}") target_sources("${target}" PRIVATE "${embed_srcfile}") endfunction() macro(include_if_exists path) if(EXISTS "${path}") include("${path}") endif() endmacro() # Append a single line to the file specified # The line ending is determined by the host OS function(file_append_line file line) if(ENV{MSYSTEM} OR CMAKE_HOST_WIN32) set(line_ending "\r\n") else() # unix set(line_ending "\n") endif() file(READ ${file} existing) string(FIND ${existing} ${line_ending} last_newline REVERSE) string(LENGTH ${existing} length) math(EXPR length "${length}-1") if(NOT length EQUAL last_newline) # file doesn't end with a newline file(APPEND "${file}" "${line_ending}") endif() file(APPEND "${file}" "${line}${line_ending}") endfunction() # Add a linker script to the target, including a link-time dependency # # Automatically adds a -L search path for the containing directory (if found), # and then adds -T with the filename only. This allows INCLUDE directives to be # used to include other linker scripts in the same directory. function(target_linker_script target scriptfile) get_filename_component(abs_script "${scriptfile}" ABSOLUTE) get_filename_component(search_dir "${abs_script}" DIRECTORY) get_filename_component(scriptname "${abs_script}" NAME) get_target_property(link_libraries "${target}" LINK_LIBRARIES) list(FIND "${link_libraries}" "-L ${search_dir}" found_search_dir) if(found_search_dir EQUAL "-1") # not already added as a search path target_link_libraries("${target}" "-L ${search_dir}") endif() target_link_libraries("${target}" "-T ${scriptname}") # Note: In ESP-IDF, most targets are libraries and libary LINK_DEPENDS don't propagate to # executable(s) the library is linked to. This is done manually in components.cmake. set_property(TARGET "${target}" APPEND PROPERTY LINK_DEPENDS "${abs_script}") endfunction()