{ Copyright 2019 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 } { ------------------------------ Downloading ESP-IDF ------------------------------ } var IDFZIPFileVersion, IDFZIPFileName: String; function GetIDFPath(Unused: String): String; begin if IDFUseExisting then Result := IDFExistingPath else Result := IDFDownloadPath; end; function GetIDFZIPFileVersion(Version: String): String; var ReleaseVerPart: String; i: Integer; Found: Boolean; begin if WildCardMatch(Version, 'v*') or WildCardMatch(Version, 'v*-rc*') then Result := Version else if Version = 'master' then Result := '' else if WildCardMatch(Version, 'release/v*') then begin ReleaseVerPart := Version; Log('ReleaseVerPart=' + ReleaseVerPart) Delete(ReleaseVerPart, 1, Length('release/')); Log('ReleaseVerPart=' + ReleaseVerPart) Found := False; for i := 0 to GetArrayLength(IDFDownloadAvailableVersions) - 1 do begin if Pos(ReleaseVerPart, IDFDownloadAvailableVersions[i]) = 1 then begin Result := IDFDownloadAvailableVersions[i]; Found := True; break; end; end; if not Found then Result := ''; end; Log('GetIDFZIPFileVersion(' + Version + ')=' + Result); end; procedure IDFAddDownload(); var Url, MirrorUrl: String; begin IDFZIPFileVersion := GetIDFZIPFileVersion(IDFDownloadVersion); if IDFZIPFileVersion <> '' then begin Url := 'https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/releases/download/' + IDFZIPFileVersion + '/esp-idf-' + IDFZIPFileVersion + '.zip'; MirrorUrl := 'https://dl.espressif.com/github_assets/espressif/esp-idf/releases/download/' + IDFZIPFileVersion + '/esp-idf-' + IDFZIPFileVersion + '.zip'; IDFZIPFileName := ExpandConstant('{app}\releases\esp-idf-' + IDFZIPFileVersion + '.zip') if not FileExists(IDFZIPFileName) then begin ForceDirectories(ExpandConstant('{app}\releases')) Log('Adding download: ' + Url + ', mirror: ' + MirrorUrl + ', destination: ' + IDFZIPFileName); idpAddFile(Url, IDFZIPFileName); idpAddMirror(Url, MirrorUrl); end else begin Log(IDFZIPFileName + ' already exists') end; end; end; procedure RemoveAlternatesFile(Path: String); begin Log('Removing ' + Path); DeleteFile(Path); end; { Replacement of the '--dissociate' flag of 'git clone', to support older versions of Git. '--reference' is supported for submodules since git 2.12, but '--dissociate' only from 2.18. } procedure GitRepoDissociate(Path: String); var CmdLine: String; begin CmdLine := GitExecutablePath + ' -C ' + Path + ' repack -d -a' DoCmdlineInstall('Finishing ESP-IDF installation', 'Re-packing the repository', CmdLine); CmdLine := GitExecutablePath + ' -C ' + Path + ' submodule foreach git repack -d -a' DoCmdlineInstall('Finishing ESP-IDF installation', 'Re-packing the submodules', CmdLine); FindFileRecusive(Path + '\.git', 'alternates', @RemoveAlternatesFile); end; { Run git reset --hard in the repo and in the submodules, to fix the newlines. } procedure GitRepoFixNewlines(Path: String); var CmdLine: String; begin CmdLine := GitExecutablePath + ' -C ' + Path + ' reset --hard'; Log('Resetting the repository: ' + CmdLine); DoCmdlineInstall('Finishing ESP-IDF installation', 'Updating newlines', CmdLine); Log('Resetting the submodules: ' + CmdLine); CmdLine := GitExecutablePath + ' -C ' + Path + ' submodule foreach git reset --hard'; DoCmdlineInstall('Finishing ESP-IDF installation', 'Updating newlines in submodules', CmdLine); end; { There are 3 possible ways how an ESP-IDF copy can be obtained: - Download the .zip archive with submodules included, extract to destination directory, then do 'git reset --hard' and 'git submodule foreach git reset --hard' to correct for possibly different newlines. This is done for release versions. - Do a git clone of the Github repository into the destination directory. This is done for the master branch. - Download the .zip archive of a "close enough" release version, extract into a temporary directory. Then do a git clone of the Github repository, using the temporary directory as a '--reference'. This is done for other versions (such as release branches). } procedure IDFDownload(); var CmdLine: String; IDFTempPath: String; IDFPath: String; NeedToClone: Boolean; Res: Boolean; begin IDFPath := IDFDownloadPath; { If there is a release archive to download, IDFZIPFileName and IDFZIPFileVersion will be set. See GetIDFZIPFileVersion function. } if IDFZIPFileName <> '' then begin if IDFZIPFileVersion <> IDFDownloadVersion then begin { The version of .zip file downloaded is not the same as the version the user has requested. Will use 'git clone --reference' to obtain the correct version, using the contents of the .zip file as reference. } NeedToClone := True; end; ExtractTemporaryFile('7za.exe') CmdLine := ExpandConstant('{tmp}\7za.exe x -o' + ExpandConstant('{tmp}') + ' -r -aoa "' + IDFZIPFileName + '"'); IDFTempPath := ExpandConstant('{tmp}\esp-idf-') + IDFZIPFileVersion; Log('Extracting ESP-IDF reference repository: ' + CmdLine); Log('Reference repository path: ' + IDFTempPath); DoCmdlineInstall('Extracting ESP-IDF', 'Setting up reference repository', CmdLine); end else begin { IDFZIPFileName is not set, meaning that we will rely on 'git clone'. } NeedToClone := True; Log('Not .zip release archive. Will do full clone.'); end; if NeedToClone then begin CmdLine := GitExecutablePath + ' clone --recursive --progress -b ' + IDFDownloadVersion; if IDFTempPath <> '' then CmdLine := CmdLine + ' --reference ' + IDFTempPath; CmdLine := CmdLine + ' https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf.git ' + IDFPath; Log('Cloning IDF: ' + CmdLine); DoCmdlineInstall('Downloading ESP-IDF', 'Using git to clone ESP-IDF repository', CmdLine); if IDFTempPath <> '' then GitRepoDissociate(IDFPath); end else begin Log('Moving ' + IDFTempPath + ' to ' + IDFPath); if DirExists(IDFPath) then begin if not DirIsEmpty(IDFPath) then begin MsgBox('Destination directory exists and is not empty: ' + IDFPath, mbError, MB_OK); RaiseException('Failed to copy ESP-IDF') end; Res := RemoveDir(IDFPath); if not Res then begin MsgBox('Failed to remove destination directory: ' + IDFPath, mbError, MB_OK); RaiseException('Failed to copy ESP-IDF') end; end; Res := RenameFile(IDFTempPath, IDFPath); if not Res then begin MsgBox('Failed to copy ESP-IDF to the destination directory: ' + IDFPath, mbError, MB_OK); RaiseException('Failed to copy ESP-IDF'); end; GitRepoFixNewlines(IDFPath); end; end; { ------------------------------ IDF Tools setup, Python environment setup ------------------------------ } procedure IDFToolsSetup(); var CmdLine: String; IDFPath: String; IDFToolsPyPath: String; IDFToolsPyCmd: String; begin IDFPath := GetIDFPath(''); IDFToolsPyPath := IDFPath + '\tools\idf_tools.py'; if FileExists(IDFToolsPyPath) then begin Log('idf_tools.py exists in IDF directory'); IDFToolsPyCmd := PythonExecutablePath + ' ' + IDFToolsPyPath; end else begin Log('idf_tools.py does not exist in IDF directory, using a fallback version'); IDFToolsPyCmd := ExpandConstant(PythonExecutablePath + ' "{app}\idf_tools_fallback.py"' + ' --idf-path ' + IDFPath + ' --tools "{app}\tools_fallback.json"'); end; Log('idf_tools.py command: ' + IDFToolsPyCmd); CmdLine := IDFToolsPyCmd + ' install'; Log('Installing tools:' + CmdLine); DoCmdlineInstall('Installing ESP-IDF tools', '', CmdLine); CmdLine := IDFToolsPyCmd + ' install-python-env'; Log('Installing Python environment:' + CmdLine); DoCmdlineInstall('Installing Python environment', '', CmdLine); end; { ------------------------------ Start menu shortcut ------------------------------ } procedure CreateIDFCommandPromptShortcut(LnkString: String); var Destination: String; Description: String; Command: String; begin ForceDirectories(ExpandConstant(LnkString)); Destination := ExpandConstant(LnkString + '\{#IDFCmdExeShortcutFile}'); Description := '{#IDFCmdExeShortcutDescription}'; { If cmd.exe command argument starts with a quote, the first and last quote chars in the command will be removed by cmd.exe; each argument needs to be surrounded by quotes as well. } Command := ExpandConstant('/k ""{app}\idf_cmd_init.bat" "') + PythonPath + '" "' + GitPath + '""'; Log('CreateShellLink Destination=' + Destination + ' Description=' + Description + ' Command=' + Command) try CreateShellLink( Destination, Description, 'cmd.exe', Command, GetIDFPath(''), '', 0, SW_SHOWNORMAL); except MsgBox('Failed to create the Start menu shortcut: ' + Destination, mbError, MB_OK); RaiseException('Failed to create the shortcut'); end; end; { ------------------------------ WD exclusion registration ------------------------------ } procedure RegisterIDFToolsExecutablesInWD(); var CmdLine: String; begin CmdLine := ExpandConstant('powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File "{app}\dist\tools_WD_excl.ps1" -AddExclPath "{app}\*.exe"'); Log('Registering IDF Tools executables in Windows Defender: ' + CmdLine); DoCmdlineInstall('Finishing ESP-IDF installation', 'Registering IDF Tools executables in Windows Defender', CmdLine); end; procedure CheckWinDefenderAvailable(CurPageID: Integer); var bHasWD: Boolean; szHasWD: String; szWDPath: String; listPSModulePath: TStringList; x: Integer; begin if CurPageID = wpSelectTasks then begin listPSModulePath := TStringList.Create; listPSModulePath.Delimiter := ';'; listPSModulePath.StrictDelimiter := True; listPSModulePath.DelimitedText := GetEnv('PsModulePath'); Log('Checking PSMODULEPATH for Windows Defender module...'); for x:=0 to (listPSModulePath.Count-1) do begin szWDPath := listPSModulePath[x] + '\Defender' bHasWD := DirExists(szWDPath); if bHasWD then begin szHasWD := 'YES (' + szWDPath + ')'; Break; end else szHasWD := 'NO'; end; Log('CheckWinDefenderAvailable: ' + szHasWD); { WD registration checkbox is identified by 'Windows Defender' substring anywhere in its caption. Please, keep this in mind when making changes } for x:=0 to (WizardForm.TasksList.Items.Count-1) do begin if Pos('Windows Defender', WizardForm.TasksList.ItemCaption[x]) > 0 then begin WizardForm.TasksList.ItemEnabled[x] := bHasWD; WizardForm.TasksList.Checked[x] := bHasWD; break; end; end; end; end;