Removed or Deprecated Components
Components Moved to ESP Component Registry
Following components are removed from ESP-IDF and moved to `ESP Component Registry `_:
* `libsodium `_
* `cbor `_
* `jsmn `_
* `esp_modem `_
* `nghttp `_
* `mdns `_
* `esp_websocket_client `_
* `asio `_
* `freemodbus `_
* `sh2lib `_
* `expat `_
* `coap `_
* `esp-cryptoauthlib `_
* `qrcode `_
* `tjpgd `_
* `esp_serial_slave_link `_
* `tinyusb `_
.. note::
Please note that http parser functionality which was previously part of ``nghttp`` component is now part of :component:`http_parser ` component.
These components can be installed using `` add-dependency`` command.
For example, to install libsodium component with the exact version X.Y, run `` add-dependency libsodium==X.Y``.
To install libsodium component with the latest version compatible to X.Y according to `semver `_ rules, run `` add-dependency libsodium~X.Y``.
To find out which versions of each component are available, open, search for the component by its name and check the versions listed on the component page.
Deprecated Components
The following components are removed since they were deprecated in ESP-IDF v4.x:
* ``tcpip_adapter``. Please use the :doc:`ESP-NETIF ` component instead; you can follow the :ref:`tcpip-adapter`.
.. note::
OpenSSL-API component is no longer supported. It is not available in the ESP Component Registry, either. Please use :doc:`ESP-TLS ` or :component:`mbedtls` API directly.
.. note::
``esp_adc_cal`` component is no longer supported. New adc calibration driver is in ``esp_adc`` component. Legacy adc calibration driver has been moved into ``esp_adc`` component. To use legacy ``esp_adc_cal`` driver APIs, you should add ``esp_adc`` component to the list of component requirements in CMakeLists.txt. Also check :doc:`Peripherals Migration Guide ` for more details.
The targets components are no longer necessary after refactoring and have been removed:
* ``esp32``
* ``esp32s2``
* ``esp32s3``
* ``esp32c2``
* ``esp32c3``
* ``esp32h2``