.build_template: stage: build image: $CI_DOCKER_REGISTRY/esp32-ci-env$BOT_DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG tags: - build variables: BATCH_BUILD: "1" V: "0" SIZE_INFO_LOCATION: "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/size_info.txt" .build_ssc_template: extends: .build_template parallel: 3 artifacts: paths: - SSC/ssc_bin expire_in: 1 week variables: TARGET_NAME: "ESP32" only: variables: - $BOT_TRIGGER_WITH_LABEL == null - $BOT_LABEL_BUILD - $BOT_LABEL_INTEGRATION_TEST - $BOT_LABEL_REGULAR_TEST script: - ./tools/ci/retry_failed.sh git clone $SSC_REPOSITORY - python $CHECKOUT_REF_SCRIPT SSC SSC - cd SSC - MAKEFLAGS= ./ci_build_ssc.sh $TARGET_NAME build_ssc_esp32: extends: .build_ssc_template variables: TARGET_NAME: "ESP32" build_ssc_esp32s2: extends: .build_ssc_template parallel: 2 variables: TARGET_NAME: "ESP32S2" .build_esp_idf_tests_cmake: extends: .build_template artifacts: paths: - tools/unit-test-app/output/${IDF_TARGET} - tools/unit-test-app/builds/*.json - tools/unit-test-app/builds/${IDF_TARGET}/*/size.json - components/idf_test/unit_test/*.yml - $LOG_PATH - $SIZE_INFO_LOCATION when: always expire_in: 4 days only: variables: - $BOT_TRIGGER_WITH_LABEL == null - $BOT_LABEL_BUILD - $BOT_LABEL_UNIT_TEST - $BOT_LABEL_UNIT_TEST_S2 - $BOT_LABEL_REGULAR_TEST variables: LOG_PATH: "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/log_ut_cmake" BUILD_PATH: ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/tools/unit-test-app/builds OUTPUT_PATH: ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/tools/unit-test-app/output BUILD_SYSTEM: "cmake" TEST_TYPE: "unit_test" script: # RISC-V toolchain is optional but ULP may need it, so install: - $IDF_PATH/tools/idf_tools.py install riscv-none-embed-gcc - . $IDF_PATH/export.sh - ${IDF_PATH}/tools/ci/find_apps_build_apps.sh - cd $CI_PROJECT_DIR/tools/unit-test-app - python tools/UnitTestParser.py ${BUILD_PATH} build_esp_idf_tests_cmake_esp32: extends: .build_esp_idf_tests_cmake variables: IDF_TARGET: esp32 build_esp_idf_tests_cmake_esp32s2: extends: .build_esp_idf_tests_cmake variables: IDF_TARGET: esp32s2 .build_examples_template: extends: .build_template artifacts: when: always expire_in: 4 days only: variables: - $BOT_TRIGGER_WITH_LABEL == null - $BOT_LABEL_BUILD - $BOT_LABEL_EXAMPLE_TEST - $BOT_LABEL_REGULAR_TEST - $BOT_LABEL_WEEKEND_TEST variables: TEST_PREFIX: examples TEST_RELATIVE_DIR: examples SCAN_TEST_JSON: ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/${TEST_RELATIVE_DIR}/test_configs/scan_${IDF_TARGET}_${BUILD_SYSTEM}.json TEST_TYPE: example_test LOG_PATH: ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/log_${TEST_PREFIX} BUILD_PATH: ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/build_${TEST_PREFIX} script: # RISC-V toolchain is optional but ULP may need it, so install: - $IDF_PATH/tools/idf_tools.py install riscv-none-embed-gcc - . $IDF_PATH/export.sh # it's not possible to build 100% out-of-tree and have the "artifacts" # mechanism work, but this is the next best thing - ${IDF_PATH}/tools/ci/find_apps_build_apps.sh build_examples_make: extends: .build_examples_template # This is a workaround for a rarely encountered issue with building examples in CI. # Probably related to building of Kconfig in 'make clean' stage retry: 1 parallel: 8 artifacts: paths: - $LOG_PATH - build_${TEST_PREFIX}/*/*/*/build/size.json - $SIZE_INFO_LOCATION variables: BUILD_SYSTEM: make IDF_TARGET: esp32 # currently we only support esp32 only: refs: - master - /^release\/v/ - /^v\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?($|-)/ - triggers - schedules - pipelines - web # same as above, but for CMake .build_examples_cmake: &build_examples_cmake extends: .build_examples_template dependencies: - scan_tests artifacts: paths: - build_${TEST_PREFIX}/list.json - build_${TEST_PREFIX}/list_job_*.json - build_${TEST_PREFIX}/*/*/*/sdkconfig - build_${TEST_PREFIX}/*/*/*/build/size.json - build_${TEST_PREFIX}/*/*/*/build/*.bin - build_${TEST_PREFIX}/*/*/*/build/*.elf - build_${TEST_PREFIX}/*/*/*/build/*.map - build_${TEST_PREFIX}/*/*/*/build/flasher_args.json - build_${TEST_PREFIX}/*/*/*/build/bootloader/*.bin - build_${TEST_PREFIX}/*/*/*/build/partition_table/*.bin - $LOG_PATH - $SIZE_INFO_LOCATION variables: BUILD_SYSTEM: cmake build_examples_cmake_esp32: extends: .build_examples_cmake parallel: 10 variables: IDF_TARGET: esp32 build_examples_cmake_esp32s2: extends: .build_examples_cmake parallel: 8 variables: IDF_TARGET: esp32s2 .build_test_apps: extends: .build_examples_cmake variables: TEST_PREFIX: test_apps TEST_RELATIVE_DIR: tools/test_apps TEST_TYPE: custom_test only: variables: - $BOT_TRIGGER_WITH_LABEL == null - $BOT_LABEL_BUILD - $BOT_LABEL_REGULAR_TEST - $BOT_LABEL_CUSTOM_TEST - $BOT_LABEL_WEEKEND_TEST script: - ${IDF_PATH}/tools/ci/find_apps_build_apps.sh build_test_apps_esp32: extends: .build_test_apps parallel: 8 variables: IDF_TARGET: esp32 build_test_apps_esp32s2: extends: .build_test_apps parallel: 8 variables: IDF_TARGET: esp32s2 .build_component_ut: extends: .build_test_apps variables: TEST_PREFIX: component_ut TEST_RELATIVE_DIR: component_ut only: variables: - $BOT_TRIGGER_WITH_LABEL == null - $BOT_LABEL_BUILD - $BOT_LABEL_REGULAR_TEST - $BOT_LABEL_UNIT_TEST - $BOT_LABEL_UNIT_TEST_S2 build_component_ut_esp32: extends: .build_component_ut variables: IDF_TARGET: esp32 build_component_ut_esp32s2: extends: .build_component_ut variables: IDF_TARGET: esp32s2 # If you want to add new build example jobs, please add it into dependencies of `.example_test_template` .build_docs_template: &build_docs_template stage: build image: $ESP_IDF_DOC_ENV_IMAGE tags: - build_docs artifacts: when: always paths: - docs/_build/*/*/*.txt - docs/_build/*/*/html/* expire_in: 4 days only: variables: - $BOT_TRIGGER_WITH_LABEL == null - $BOT_LABEL_BUILD - $BOT_LABEL_BUILD_DOCS - $BOT_LABEL_REGULAR_TEST dependencies: [] script: - cd docs - ${IDF_PATH}/tools/ci/multirun_with_pyenv.sh -p 3.6.10 pip install -r requirements.txt - ${IDF_PATH}/tools/ci/multirun_with_pyenv.sh -p 3.6.10 ./build_docs.py -bs html -l $DOCLANG -t $DOCTGT build build_docs_html: extends: .build_docs_template parallel: matrix: - DOCLANG: ["en", "zh_CN"] DOCTGT: ["esp32", "esp32s2"] build_docs_pdf: stage: build image: $ESP_IDF_DOC_ENV_IMAGE tags: - build_docs artifacts: when: always paths: - docs/_build/*/*/latex/* expire_in: 4 days rules: - if: '$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME == "master"' - if: '$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME =~ "/^release\/v/"' - if: '$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME =~ "/^v\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?($|-)/"' - if: $BOT_LABEL_BUILD_DOCS dependencies: [] parallel: matrix: - DOCLANG: ["en", "zh_CN"] DOCTGT: ["esp32", "esp32s2"] script: - cd docs - ${IDF_PATH}/tools/ci/multirun_with_pyenv.sh -p 3.6.10 pip install -r requirements.txt - ${IDF_PATH}/tools/ci/multirun_with_pyenv.sh -p 3.6.10 ./build_docs.py -bs latex -l $DOCLANG -t $DOCTGT build test_build_system: extends: .build_template only: variables: - $BOT_TRIGGER_WITH_LABEL == null - $BOT_LABEL_BUILD - $BOT_LABEL_REGULAR_TEST - $BOT_LABEL_WEEKEND_TEST script: - ${IDF_PATH}/tools/ci/test_configure_ci_environment.sh - rm -rf test_build_system - mkdir test_build_system - cd test_build_system - ${IDF_PATH}/tools/ci/test_build_system.sh test_build_system_cmake: extends: .build_template only: variables: - $BOT_TRIGGER_WITH_LABEL == null - $BOT_LABEL_BUILD - $BOT_LABEL_REGULAR_TEST - $BOT_LABEL_WEEKEND_TEST script: - ${IDF_PATH}/tools/ci/test_configure_ci_environment.sh - rm -rf test_build_system - mkdir test_build_system - cd test_build_system - ${IDF_PATH}/tools/ci/test_build_system_cmake.sh test_build_system_cmake_macos: extends: .macos_build_template only: refs: - master - /^release\/v/ - /^v\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?($|-)/ - schedules - triggers - pipelines - web variables: - $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE != "push" && $BOT_LABEL_MACOS_TEST != null - $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "push" script: - ${IDF_PATH}/tools/ci/test_configure_ci_environment.sh - rm -rf test_build_system - mkdir test_build_system - cd test_build_system - ${IDF_PATH}/tools/ci/test_build_system_cmake.sh build_docker: stage: build image: espressif/docker-builder:1 tags: - build_docker_amd64_brno only: refs: - master - /^release\/v/ - /^v\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?($|-)/ - schedules variables: DOCKER_TMP_IMAGE_NAME: "idf_tmp_image" before_script: [] script: - export LOCAL_CI_REPOSITORY_URL=$CI_REPOSITORY_URL - if [ -n "$LOCAL_GITLAB_HTTPS_HOST" ]; then export LOCAL_CI_REPOSITORY_URL="https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN}@${LOCAL_GITLAB_HTTPS_HOST}/${CI_PROJECT_PATH}"; fi - echo "Using repository at $LOCAL_CI_REPOSITORY_URL" - export DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS="--build-arg IDF_CLONE_URL=${LOCAL_CI_REPOSITORY_URL} --build-arg IDF_CLONE_BRANCH_OR_TAG=${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME} --build-arg IDF_CHECKOUT_REF=${CI_COMMIT_TAG:-$CI_COMMIT_SHA}" # Build - docker build --tag ${DOCKER_TMP_IMAGE_NAME} ${DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS} tools/docker/ # We can't mount $PWD/examples/get-started/blink into the container, see https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/41227. # The workaround mentioned there works, but leaves around directories which need to be cleaned up manually. # Therefore, build a copy of the example located inside the container. - docker run --rm --workdir /opt/esp/idf/examples/get-started/blink ${DOCKER_TMP_IMAGE_NAME} idf.py build build_idf_exe: stage: build image: $CI_DOCKER_REGISTRY/esp32-toolchain-win-cross tags: - build only: refs: - master - /^release\/v/ - /^v\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?($|-)/ - schedules before_script: [] artifacts: paths: - tools/windows/idf_exe/build/idf-exe-v*.zip expire_in: 4 days script: - cd tools/windows/idf_exe/ - mkdir build - cd build - cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../toolchain-i686-w64-mingw32.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. - cmake --build . build_cmdlinerunner: stage: build image: $CI_DOCKER_REGISTRY/esp32-toolchain-win-cross tags: - build only: refs: - master - /^release\/v/ - /^v\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?($|-)/ - schedules before_script: [] artifacts: paths: - tools/windows/tool_setup/cmdlinerunner/build/cmdlinerunner.dll expire_in: 4 days script: - cd tools/windows/tool_setup/cmdlinerunner - mkdir build - cd build - cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../toolchain-i686-w64-mingw32.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. - cmake --build . build_installer: # using a different stage here to be able to use artifacts from build_cmdlinerunner job stage: host_test image: $CI_DOCKER_REGISTRY/wine-innosetup:1 tags: - build only: refs: - master - /^release\/v/ - /^v\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?($|-)/ - schedules dependencies: - build_cmdlinerunner before_script: [] script: - cd tools/windows/tool_setup/ - ./build_installer.sh # This job builds template app with permutations of targets and optimization levels build_template_app: extends: .build_template_app_template # Sonarqube related jobs put here for this reason: # Here we have two jobs. code_quality_check and code_quality_report. # # code_quality_check will analyze the code changes between your MR and # code repo stored in sonarqube server. The analysis result is only shown in # the comments under this MR and won't be transferred to the server. # # code_quality_report will analyze and transfer both of the newly added code # and the analysis result to the server. # # Put in the front to ensure that the newly merged code can be stored in # sonarqube server ASAP, in order to avoid reporting unrelated code issues .sonar_scan_template: stage: build image: name: $CI_DOCKER_REGISTRY/sonarqube-scanner:2 before_script: - export PYTHONPATH="$CI_PROJECT_DIR/tools:$CI_PROJECT_DIR/tools/ci/python_packages:$PYTHONPATH" - python $SUBMODULE_FETCH_TOOL # Exclude the submodules, all paths ends with /** # get all submodules configs | get all paths | add /** as suffix | xargs | replace all to - export SUBMODULES=$(git config --file .gitmodules --get-regexp path | awk '{ print $2 }' | sed -e 's|$|/**|' | xargs | sed -e 's/ /,/g') # Exclude the report dir - export EXCLUSIONS="$SUBMODULES,$REPORT_DIR/**,docs/_static/**,**/*.png,**/*.jpg" - python $NORMALIZE_CLANGTIDY_PY $CI_PROJECT_DIR/$REPORT_DIR/warnings.txt $CI_PROJECT_DIR/$REPORT_DIR/clang_tidy_report.txt $CI_PROJECT_DIR variables: GIT_DEPTH: 0 NORMALIZE_CLANGTIDY_PY: $CI_PROJECT_DIR/tools/ci/normalize_clangtidy_path.py REPORT_DIR: examples/get-started/hello_world/tidybuild/report tags: - host_test code_quality_check: extends: .sonar_scan_template dependencies: - clang_tidy_check_regular only: - triggers allow_failure: true script: - export CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID=`python ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/tools/ci/ci_get_latest_mr_iid.py ${CI_COMMIT_BRANCH} | xargs` # test if this branch have merge request, if not, exit 0 - test -n "$CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID" || exit 0 - sonar-scanner -Dsonar.analysis.mode=preview -Dsonar.host.url=$SONAR_HOST_URL -Dsonar.login=$SONAR_LOGIN -Dsonar.sources=$CI_PROJECT_DIR -Dsonar.sourceEncoding=UTF-8 -Dsonar.projectKey=esp-idf -Dsonar.projectBaseDir=$CI_PROJECT_DIR -Dsonar.exclusions=$EXCLUSIONS -Dsonar.gitlab.project_id=$CI_PROJECT_ID -Dsonar.gitlab.commit_sha=$(git log --pretty=format:%H origin/master..origin/$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME | tr '\n' ',') -Dsonar.gitlab.ref_name=$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME -Dsonar.cxx.clangtidy.reportPath=$REPORT_DIR/clang_tidy_report.txt -Dsonar.cxx.includeDirectories=components,/usr/include -Dsonar.python.pylint_config=.pylintrc -Dsonar.gitlab.ci_merge_request_iid=$CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID -Dsonar.gitlab.merge_request_discussion=true -Dsonar.branch.name=$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME code_quality_report: extends: .sonar_scan_template only: - master - /^release\/v/ - /^v\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?($|-)/ - schedules dependencies: - clang_tidy_check_regular script: - sonar-scanner -Dsonar.host.url=$SONAR_HOST_URL -Dsonar.login=$SONAR_LOGIN -Dsonar.sources=$CI_PROJECT_DIR -Dsonar.sourceEncoding=UTF-8 -Dsonar.projectKey=esp-idf -Dsonar.projectBaseDir=$CI_PROJECT_DIR -Dsonar.exclusions=$EXCLUSIONS -Dsonar.gitlab.project_id=$CI_PROJECT_ID -Dsonar.gitlab.commit_sha=$CI_COMMIT_SHA -Dsonar.gitlab.ref_name=$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME -Dsonar.cxx.clangtidy.reportPath=$REPORT_DIR/clang_tidy_report.txt -Dsonar.cxx.includeDirectories=components,/usr/include -Dsonar.python.pylint_config=.pylintrc -Dsonar.branch.name=$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME