/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include #include #include "unity.h" #include "memory_checks.h" /* Note: When first exception (in system) is thrown this test produces memory leaks report (~300 bytes): - 8 bytes are allocated by __cxa_get_globals() to keep __cxa_eh_globals - 16 bytes are allocated by pthread_setspecific() which is called by __cxa_get_globals() to init TLS var for __cxa_eh_globals - 88 bytes are allocated by pthread_setspecific() to init internal lock - some more memory... */ #if CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32 #define LEAKS (300) #elif CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32S2 #define LEAKS (800) #elif CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32C3 #define LEAKS (700) #else #error "unknown target in CXX tests, can't set leaks threshold" #endif extern "C" void setUp() { test_utils_set_leak_level(0, ESP_LEAK_TYPE_CRITICAL, ESP_COMP_LEAK_GENERAL); test_utils_record_free_mem(); } extern "C" void tearDown() { size_t leak_level = test_utils_get_leak_level(ESP_LEAK_TYPE_CRITICAL, ESP_COMP_LEAK_GENERAL); test_utils_finish_and_evaluate_leaks(leak_level, leak_level); } using namespace std; class Base { public: virtual ~Base() {} ; virtual char name() = 0; }; class DerivedA : public Base { public: char name() override { return 'A'; } }; class DerivedB : public Base { public: char name() override { return 'B'; } }; TEST_CASE("unsuccessful dynamic cast on pointer returns nullptr", "[cxx]") { Base *base = new DerivedA(); DerivedB *derived = dynamic_cast(base); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(derived, nullptr); delete base; derived = nullptr; } TEST_CASE("dynamic cast works", "[cxx]") { Base *base = new DerivedA(); DerivedA *derived = dynamic_cast(base); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(derived, base); delete base; } TEST_CASE("typeid of dynamic objects works", "[cxx]") { Base *base = new DerivedA(); DerivedA *derived = dynamic_cast(base); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(typeid(*derived).hash_code(), typeid(*base).hash_code()); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(typeid(*derived).hash_code(), typeid(DerivedA).hash_code()); delete base; derived = nullptr; } int dummy_function1(int arg1, double arg2); int dummy_function2(int arg1, double arg2); TEST_CASE("typeid of function works", "[cxx]") { TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(typeid(dummy_function1).hash_code(), typeid(dummy_function2).hash_code()); } TEST_CASE("unsuccessful dynamic cast on reference throws exception", "[cxx]") { test_utils_set_leak_level(LEAKS, ESP_LEAK_TYPE_CRITICAL, ESP_COMP_LEAK_GENERAL); bool thrown = false; DerivedA derived_a; Base &base = derived_a; try { DerivedB &derived_b = dynamic_cast(base); derived_b.name(); // suppress warning } catch (bad_cast &e) { thrown = true; } TEST_ASSERT(thrown); } TEST_CASE("typeid on nullptr throws bad_typeid", "[cxx]") { Base *base = nullptr; size_t hash = 0; bool thrown = false; try { hash = typeid(*base).hash_code(); } catch (bad_typeid &e) { thrown = true; } TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, hash); TEST_ASSERT(thrown); } extern "C" void app_main(void) { printf("CXX RTTI TEST\n"); unity_run_menu(); }