# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # pylint: disable=W0621 # redefined-outer-name import hashlib import logging import os import subprocess import sys from typing import Any, Dict, List, TextIO import pexpect import pytest from _pytest.fixtures import FixtureRequest from _pytest.monkeypatch import MonkeyPatch from pygdbmi.gdbcontroller import GdbController, GdbTimeoutError, NoGdbProcessError from pytest_embedded_idf.app import IdfApp from pytest_embedded_idf.dut import IdfDut from pytest_embedded_idf.serial import IdfSerial def sha256(file: str) -> str: res = hashlib.sha256() with open(file, 'rb') as fr: res.update(fr.read()) return res.hexdigest() class PanicTestDut(IdfDut): BOOT_CMD_ADDR = 0x9000 BOOT_CMD_SIZE = 0x1000 DEFAULT_EXPECT_TIMEOUT = 10 COREDUMP_UART_START = '================= CORE DUMP START =================' COREDUMP_UART_END = '================= CORE DUMP END =================' app: IdfApp serial: IdfSerial def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: # type: ignore super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.gdb: GdbController = None # type: ignore # record this since pygdbmi is using logging.debug to generate some single character mess self.log_level = logging.getLogger().level # pygdbmi is using logging.debug to generate some single character mess if self.log_level <= logging.DEBUG: logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) self.coredump_output: TextIO = None # type: ignore def close(self) -> None: if self.gdb: self.gdb.exit() super().close() def revert_log_level(self) -> None: logging.getLogger().setLevel(self.log_level) def expect_test_func_name(self, test_func_name: str) -> None: self.expect_exact('Enter test name:') self.write(test_func_name) self.expect_exact('Got test name: ' + test_func_name) def expect_none(self, pattern, **kwargs) -> None: # type: ignore """like dut.expect_all, but with an inverse logic""" if 'timeout' not in kwargs: kwargs['timeout'] = 1 try: res = self.expect(pattern, **kwargs) raise AssertionError(f'Unexpected: {res.group().decode("utf8")}') except pexpect.TIMEOUT: pass def expect_backtrace(self) -> None: self.expect_exact('Backtrace:') self.expect_none('CORRUPTED') def expect_gme(self, reason: str) -> None: """Expect method for Guru Meditation Errors""" self.expect_exact(f"Guru Meditation Error: Core 0 panic'ed ({reason})") def expect_reg_dump(self, core: int = 0) -> None: """Expect method for the register dump""" self.expect(r'Core\s+%d register dump:' % core) def expect_elf_sha256(self) -> None: """Expect method for ELF SHA256 line""" elf_sha256 = sha256(self.app.elf_file) elf_sha256_len = int( self.app.sdkconfig.get('CONFIG_APP_RETRIEVE_LEN_ELF_SHA', '16') ) self.expect_exact('ELF file SHA256: ' + elf_sha256[0:elf_sha256_len]) def _call_espcoredump( self, extra_args: List[str], coredump_file_name: str, output_file_name: str ) -> None: # no "with" here, since we need the file to be open for later inspection by the test case if not self.coredump_output: self.coredump_output = open(output_file_name, 'w') espcoredump_script = os.path.join( os.environ['IDF_PATH'], 'components', 'espcoredump', 'espcoredump.py' ) espcoredump_args = [ sys.executable, espcoredump_script, 'info_corefile', '--core', coredump_file_name, ] espcoredump_args += extra_args espcoredump_args.append(self.app.elf_file) logging.info('Running %s', ' '.join(espcoredump_args)) logging.info('espcoredump output is written to %s', self.coredump_output.name) subprocess.check_call(espcoredump_args, stdout=self.coredump_output) self.coredump_output.flush() self.coredump_output.seek(0) def process_coredump_uart(self) -> None: """Extract the core dump from UART output of the test, run espcoredump on it""" self.expect(self.COREDUMP_UART_START) res = self.expect('(.+)' + self.COREDUMP_UART_END) coredump_base64 = res.group(1).decode('utf8') with open(os.path.join(self.logdir, 'coredump_data.b64'), 'w') as coredump_file: logging.info('Writing UART base64 core dump to %s', coredump_file.name) coredump_file.write(coredump_base64) output_file_name = os.path.join(self.logdir, 'coredump_uart_result.txt') self._call_espcoredump( ['--core-format', 'b64'], coredump_file.name, output_file_name ) def process_coredump_flash(self) -> None: """Extract the core dump from flash, run espcoredump on it""" coredump_file_name = os.path.join(self.logdir, 'coredump_data.bin') logging.info('Writing flash binary core dump to %s', coredump_file_name) self.serial.dump_flash(partition='coredump', output=coredump_file_name) output_file_name = os.path.join(self.logdir, 'coredump_flash_result.txt') self._call_espcoredump( ['--core-format', 'raw'], coredump_file_name, output_file_name ) def gdb_write(self, command: str) -> Any: """ Wrapper to write to gdb with a longer timeout, as test runner host can be slow sometimes """ return self.gdb.write(command, timeout_sec=10) def start_gdb(self) -> None: """ Runs GDB and connects it to the "serial" port of the DUT. After this, the DUT expect methods can no longer be used to capture output. """ self.gdb = GdbController(gdb_path=self.toolchain_prefix + 'gdb') # pygdbmi logs to console by default, make it log to a file instead pygdbmi_log_file_name = os.path.join(self.logdir, 'pygdbmi_log.txt') pygdbmi_logger = self.gdb.logger pygdbmi_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) while pygdbmi_logger.hasHandlers(): pygdbmi_logger.removeHandler(pygdbmi_logger.handlers[0]) log_handler = logging.FileHandler(pygdbmi_log_file_name) log_handler.setFormatter( logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s') ) pygdbmi_logger.addHandler(log_handler) logging.info('Running command: %s', self.gdb.get_subprocess_cmd()) for _ in range(10): try: # GdbController creates a process with subprocess.Popen(). Is it really running? It is probable that # an RPI under high load will get non-responsive during creating a lot of processes. resp = self.gdb.get_gdb_response( timeout_sec=10 ) # calls verify_valid_gdb_subprocess() internally # it will be interesting to look up this response if the next GDB command fails (times out) logging.info('GDB response: %s', resp) break # success except GdbTimeoutError: logging.warning( 'GDB internal error: cannot get response from the subprocess' ) except NoGdbProcessError: logging.error('GDB internal error: process is not running') break # failure - TODO: create another GdbController except ValueError: logging.error( 'GDB internal error: select() returned an unexpected file number' ) # Set up logging for GDB remote protocol gdb_remotelog_file_name = os.path.join(self.logdir, 'gdb_remote_log.txt') self.gdb_write('-gdb-set remotelogfile ' + gdb_remotelog_file_name) # Load the ELF file self.gdb_write('-file-exec-and-symbols {}'.format(self.app.elf_file)) # Connect GDB to UART self.serial.proc.close() logging.info('Connecting to GDB Stub...') self.gdb_write('-gdb-set serial baud 115200') responses = self.gdb_write('-target-select remote ' + self.serial.port) # Make sure we get the 'stopped' notification stop_response = self.find_gdb_response('stopped', 'notify', responses) if not stop_response: responses = self.gdb_write('-exec-interrupt') stop_response = self.find_gdb_response('stopped', 'notify', responses) assert stop_response frame = stop_response['payload']['frame'] if 'file' not in frame: frame['file'] = '?' if 'line' not in frame: frame['line'] = '?' logging.info('Stopped in {func} at {addr} ({file}:{line})'.format(**frame)) # Drain remaining responses self.gdb.get_gdb_response(raise_error_on_timeout=False) def gdb_backtrace(self) -> Any: """ Returns the list of stack frames for the current thread. Each frame is a dictionary, refer to pygdbmi docs for the format. """ assert self.gdb responses = self.gdb_write('-stack-list-frames') return self.find_gdb_response('done', 'result', responses)['payload']['stack'] @staticmethod def match_backtrace( gdb_backtrace: List[Any], expected_functions_list: List[Any] ) -> bool: """ Returns True if the function names listed in expected_functions_list match the backtrace given by gdb_backtrace argument. The latter is in the same format as returned by gdb_backtrace() function. """ return all( [ frame['func'] == expected_functions_list[i] for i, frame in enumerate(gdb_backtrace) ] ) @staticmethod def find_gdb_response( message: str, response_type: str, responses: List[Any] ) -> Any: """ Helper function which extracts one response from an array of GDB responses, filtering by message and type. Returned message is a dictionary, refer to pygdbmi docs for the format. """ def match_response(response: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool: return response['message'] == message and response['type'] == response_type # type: ignore filtered_responses = [r for r in responses if match_response(r)] if not filtered_responses: return None return filtered_responses[0] @pytest.fixture(scope='module') def monkeypatch_module(request: FixtureRequest) -> MonkeyPatch: mp = MonkeyPatch() request.addfinalizer(mp.undo) return mp @pytest.fixture(scope='module', autouse=True) def replace_dut_class(monkeypatch_module: MonkeyPatch) -> None: monkeypatch_module.setattr('pytest_embedded_idf.dut.IdfDut', PanicTestDut)