/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD * * SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 */ #include #include #include #include "sdkconfig.h" #include "esp_log.h" #include "test_params.h" #include "soc/soc_caps.h" #include "hal/ecc_hal.h" #include "hal/clk_gate_ll.h" #include "unity.h" #define _DEBUG_ 0 #define SOC_ECC_SUPPORT_POINT_MULT 1 #define SOC_ECC_SUPPORT_POINT_VERIFY 1 #if SOC_ECC_EXTENDED_MODES_SUPPORTED #define SOC_ECC_SUPPORT_POINT_DIVISION 1 #define SOC_ECC_SUPPORT_JACOB_POINT_MULT 1 #define SOC_ECC_SUPPORT_JACOB_POINT_VERIFY 1 #define SOC_ECC_SUPPORT_POINT_ADDITION 1 #define SOC_ECC_SUPPORT_MOD_ADD 1 #define SOC_ECC_SUPPORT_MOD_SUB 1 #define SOC_ECC_SUPPORT_MOD_MUL 1 #endif static void ecc_be_to_le(const uint8_t* be_point, uint8_t *le_point, uint8_t len) { /* When the size is 24 bytes, it should be padded with 0 bytes*/ memset(le_point, 0x0, 32); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { le_point[i] = be_point[len - i - 1]; } } static void ecc_enable_and_reset(void) { periph_ll_enable_clk_clear_rst(PERIPH_ECC_MODULE); } #if SOC_ECC_SUPPORT_POINT_MULT static void ecc_point_mul(const uint8_t *k_le, const uint8_t *x_le, const uint8_t *y_le, uint8_t len, bool verify_first, uint8_t *res_x_le, uint8_t *res_y_le) { ecc_enable_and_reset(); ecc_hal_write_mul_param(k_le, x_le, y_le, len); if (verify_first) { ecc_hal_set_mode(ECC_MODE_VERIFY_THEN_POINT_MUL); } else { ecc_hal_set_mode(ECC_MODE_POINT_MUL); } ecc_hal_start_calc(); while (!ecc_hal_is_calc_finished()) { ; } ecc_hal_read_mul_result(res_x_le, res_y_le, len); } static void test_ecc_point_mul_inner(bool verify_first) { uint8_t scalar_le[32]; uint8_t x_le[32]; uint8_t y_le[32]; /* P256 */ ecc_be_to_le(ecc_p256_scalar, scalar_le, 32); ecc_be_to_le(ecc_p256_point_x, x_le, 32); ecc_be_to_le(ecc_p256_point_y, y_le, 32); uint8_t x_res_le[32]; uint8_t y_res_le[32]; ecc_point_mul(scalar_le, x_le, y_le, 32, verify_first, x_res_le, y_res_le); uint8_t x_mul_le[32]; uint8_t y_mul_le[32]; ecc_be_to_le(ecc_p256_mul_res_x, x_mul_le, 32); ecc_be_to_le(ecc_p256_mul_res_y, y_mul_le, 32); #if _DEBUG_ ESP_LOG_BUFFER_HEX("Expected X:", x_mul_le, 32); ESP_LOG_BUFFER_HEX("Got X:", x_res_le, 32); ESP_LOG_BUFFER_HEX("Expected Y:", y_mul_le, 32); ESP_LOG_BUFFER_HEX("Got Y:", y_res_le, 32); #endif TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY_MESSAGE(x_mul_le, x_res_le, 32, "X coordinate of P256 point multiplication "); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY_MESSAGE(y_mul_le, y_res_le, 32, "Y coordinate of P256 point multiplication "); memset(x_res_le, 0x0, 32); memset(y_res_le, 0x0, 32); memset(x_mul_le, 0x0, 32); memset(y_mul_le, 0x0, 32); /* P192 */ ecc_be_to_le(ecc_p192_scalar, scalar_le, 24); ecc_be_to_le(ecc_p192_point_x, x_le, 24); ecc_be_to_le(ecc_p192_point_y, y_le, 24); ecc_point_mul(scalar_le, x_le, y_le, 24, verify_first, x_res_le, y_res_le); ecc_be_to_le(ecc_p192_mul_res_x, x_mul_le, 24); ecc_be_to_le(ecc_p192_mul_res_y, y_mul_le, 24); #if _DEBUG_ ESP_LOG_BUFFER_HEX("Expected X:", x_mul_le, 32); ESP_LOG_BUFFER_HEX("Got X:", x_res_le, 32); ESP_LOG_BUFFER_HEX("Expected Y:", y_mul_le, 32); ESP_LOG_BUFFER_HEX("Got Y:", y_res_le, 32); #endif TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY_MESSAGE(x_mul_le, x_res_le, 24, "X coordinate of P192 point multiplication "); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY_MESSAGE(y_mul_le, y_res_le, 24, "Y coordinate of P192 point multiplication "); } TEST_CASE("ECC point multiplication on SECP192R1 and SECP256R1", "[ecc][hal]") { test_ecc_point_mul_inner(false); } #endif #if SOC_ECC_SUPPORT_POINT_VERIFY static int ecc_point_verify(const uint8_t *x_le, const uint8_t *y_le, uint8_t len) { ecc_enable_and_reset(); ecc_hal_write_verify_param(x_le, y_le, len); ecc_hal_set_mode(ECC_MODE_VERIFY); ecc_hal_start_calc(); while (!ecc_hal_is_calc_finished()) { ; } return ecc_hal_read_verify_result(); } TEST_CASE("ECC point verification on SECP192R1 and SECP256R1", "[ecc][hal]") { int res; uint8_t x_le[32]; uint8_t y_le[32]; /* P256 */ ecc_be_to_le(ecc_p256_point_x, x_le, 32); ecc_be_to_le(ecc_p256_point_y, y_le, 32); // Case 1: Correct point on curve res = ecc_point_verify(x_le, y_le, 32); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, res); // Case 2: Modify one byte from the point x_le[6] = x_le[6] ^ 0xFF; res = ecc_point_verify(x_le, y_le, 32); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res); /* P192 */ ecc_be_to_le(ecc_p192_point_x, x_le, 24); ecc_be_to_le(ecc_p192_point_y, y_le, 24); // Case 1: Correct point on curve res = ecc_point_verify(x_le, y_le, 24); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, res); // Case 2: Modify one byte from the point x_le[6] = x_le[6] ^ 0xFF; res = ecc_point_verify(x_le, y_le, 24); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, res); } #endif #if SOC_ECC_SUPPORT_POINT_MULT && SOC_ECC_SUPPORT_POINT_VERIFY TEST_CASE("ECC point verification and multiplication on SECP192R1 and SECP256R1", "[ecc][hal]") { test_ecc_point_mul_inner(true); } #endif #if SOC_ECC_SUPPORT_POINT_DIVISION static void ecc_point_inv_mul(const uint8_t *num_le, const uint8_t *deno_le, uint8_t len, uint8_t *res_le) { ecc_enable_and_reset(); uint8_t zero[32] = {0}; ecc_hal_write_mul_param(zero, num_le, deno_le, len); ecc_hal_set_mode(ECC_MODE_INVERSE_MUL); ecc_hal_start_calc(); while (!ecc_hal_is_calc_finished()) { ; } ecc_hal_read_mul_result(zero, res_le, len); } TEST_CASE("ECC inverse multiplication (or mod division) using SECP192R1 and SECP256R1 order of curve", "[ecc][hal]") { uint8_t res[32] = {0}; ecc_point_inv_mul(ecc256_num, ecc256_den, 32, res); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY_MESSAGE(ecc256_inv_mul_res, res, 32, "P256 Inverse multiplication (or Mod division)"); ecc_point_inv_mul(ecc192_num, ecc192_den, 24, res); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY_MESSAGE(ecc192_inv_mul_res, res, 24, "P192 Inverse multiplication (or Mod division)"); } #endif #if SOC_ECC_SUPPORT_JACOB_POINT_MULT static void ecc_jacob_mul(uint8_t *k_le, uint8_t *x_le, uint8_t *y_le, uint8_t len, bool verify_first, uint8_t *res_x_le, uint8_t *res_y_le, uint8_t *res_z_le) { ecc_enable_and_reset(); ecc_hal_write_mul_param(k_le, x_le, y_le, len); if (verify_first) { ecc_hal_set_mode(ECC_MODE_POINT_VERIFY_JACOBIAN_MUL); } else { ecc_hal_set_mode(ECC_MODE_JACOBIAN_POINT_MUL); } ecc_hal_start_calc(); while (!ecc_hal_is_calc_finished()) { ; } ecc_hal_read_jacob_mul_result(res_x_le, res_y_le, res_z_le, len); } static void test_ecc_jacob_mul_inner(bool verify_first) { uint8_t scalar_le[32]; uint8_t x_le[32]; uint8_t y_le[32]; /* P256 */ ecc_be_to_le(ecc_p256_scalar, scalar_le, 32); ecc_be_to_le(ecc_p256_point_x, x_le, 32); ecc_be_to_le(ecc_p256_point_y, y_le, 32); uint8_t x_res_le[32]; uint8_t y_res_le[32]; uint8_t z_res_le[32]; ecc_jacob_mul(scalar_le, x_le, y_le, 32, verify_first, x_res_le, y_res_le, z_res_le); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY_MESSAGE(ecc_p256_jacob_mul_res_x_le, x_res_le, 32, "X coordinate of P256 point jacobian multiplication "); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY_MESSAGE(ecc_p256_jacob_mul_res_y_le, y_res_le, 32, "Y coordinate of P256 point jacobian multiplication "); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY_MESSAGE(ecc_p256_jacob_mul_res_z_le, z_res_le, 32, "Z coordinate of P256 point jacobian multiplication "); memset(x_res_le, 0x0, 32); memset(y_res_le, 0x0, 32); memset(z_res_le, 0x0, 32); /* P192 */ ecc_be_to_le(ecc_p192_scalar, scalar_le, 24); ecc_be_to_le(ecc_p192_point_x, x_le, 24); ecc_be_to_le(ecc_p192_point_y, y_le, 24); ecc_jacob_mul(scalar_le, x_le, y_le, 24, verify_first, x_res_le, y_res_le, z_res_le); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY_MESSAGE(ecc_p192_jacob_mul_res_x_le, x_res_le, 24, "X coordinate of P192 point jacobian multiplication "); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY_MESSAGE(ecc_p192_jacob_mul_res_y_le, y_res_le, 24, "Y coordinate of P192 point jacobian multiplication "); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY_MESSAGE(ecc_p192_jacob_mul_res_z_le, z_res_le, 24, "Z coordinate of P192 point jacobian multiplication "); } TEST_CASE("ECC jacobian point multiplication on SECP192R1 and SECP256R1", "[ecc][hal]") { test_ecc_jacob_mul_inner(false); } #endif #if SOC_ECC_SUPPORT_JACOB_POINT_VERIFY static int ecc_jacob_verify(const uint8_t *x_le, const uint8_t *y_le, const uint8_t *z_le, uint8_t len) { ecc_enable_and_reset(); ecc_hal_write_jacob_verify_param(x_le, y_le, z_le, len); ecc_hal_set_mode(ECC_MODE_JACOBIAN_POINT_VERIFY); ecc_hal_start_calc(); while (!ecc_hal_is_calc_finished()) { ; } return ecc_hal_read_verify_result(); } TEST_CASE("ECC jacobian point verification on SECP192R1 and SECP256R1", "[ecc][hal]") { int res; /* P256 */ res = ecc_jacob_verify(ecc_p256_jacob_mul_res_x_le, ecc_p256_jacob_mul_res_y_le, ecc_p256_jacob_mul_res_z_le, 32); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, res); /* P192 */ res = ecc_jacob_verify(ecc_p192_jacob_mul_res_x_le, ecc_p192_jacob_mul_res_y_le, ecc_p192_jacob_mul_res_z_le, 24); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, res); } #endif #if SOC_ECC_SUPPORT_JACOB_POINT_MULT && SOC_ECC_SUPPORT_JACOB_POINT_VERIFY TEST_CASE("ECC point verification and Jacobian point multiplication on SECP192R1 and SECP256R1", "[ecc][hal]") { test_ecc_jacob_mul_inner(true); } #endif #if SOC_ECC_SUPPORT_POINT_ADDITION static void ecc_point_addition(uint8_t *px_le, uint8_t *py_le, uint8_t *qx_le, uint8_t *qy_le, uint8_t *qz_le, uint8_t len, bool jacob_output, uint8_t *x_res_le, uint8_t *y_res_le, uint8_t *z_res_le) { ecc_enable_and_reset(); ecc_hal_write_point_add_param(px_le, py_le, qx_le, qy_le, qz_le, len); ecc_hal_set_mode(ECC_MODE_POINT_ADD); ecc_hal_start_calc(); while (!ecc_hal_is_calc_finished()) { ; } ecc_hal_read_point_add_result(x_res_le, y_res_le, z_res_le, len, jacob_output); } TEST_CASE("ECC point addition on SECP192R1 and SECP256R1", "[ecc][hal]") { uint8_t scalar_le[32] = {0}; uint8_t x_le[32] = {0}; uint8_t y_le[32] = {0}; uint8_t z_le[32] = {0}; /* P256 * R = 2 * P */ ecc_be_to_le(ecc_p256_point_x, x_le, 32); ecc_be_to_le(ecc_p256_point_y, y_le, 32); scalar_le[0] = 0x2; uint8_t x_res_le[32]; uint8_t y_res_le[32]; uint8_t z_res_le[32]; ecc_jacob_mul(scalar_le, x_le, y_le, 32, 0, x_res_le, y_res_le, z_res_le); uint8_t x_add_le[32]; uint8_t y_add_le[32]; uint8_t z_add_le[32]; z_le[0] = 0x1; ecc_point_addition(x_le, y_le, x_le, y_le, z_le, 32, 1, x_add_le, y_add_le, z_add_le); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY_MESSAGE(x_add_le, x_res_le, 32, "X coordinate of P256 point addition"); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY_MESSAGE(y_add_le, y_res_le, 32, "Y coordinate of P256 point addition"); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY_MESSAGE(z_add_le, z_res_le, 32, "Z coordinate of P256 point addition"); /* P192 * R = 2 * P */ ecc_be_to_le(ecc_p192_point_x, x_le, 24); ecc_be_to_le(ecc_p192_point_y, y_le, 24); scalar_le[0] = 0x2; ecc_jacob_mul(scalar_le, x_le, y_le, 24, 0, x_res_le, y_res_le, z_res_le); z_le[0] = 0x1; ecc_point_addition(x_le, y_le, x_le, y_le, z_le, 24, 1, x_add_le, y_add_le, z_add_le); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY_MESSAGE(x_add_le, x_res_le, 24, "X coordinate of P192 point addition"); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY_MESSAGE(y_add_le, y_res_le, 24, "Y coordinate of P192 point addition"); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY_MESSAGE(z_add_le, z_res_le, 24, "Z coordinate of P192 point addition"); } #endif #if SOC_ECC_SUPPORT_MOD_ADD || SOC_ECC_SUPPORT_MOD_SUB || SOC_ECC_SUPPORT_MOD_MUL static void ecc_mod_op(ecc_mode_t mode, const uint8_t *a, const uint8_t *b, uint8_t len, uint8_t *res_le) { ecc_enable_and_reset(); ecc_hal_write_mod_op_param(a, b, len); ecc_hal_set_mode(mode); ecc_hal_start_calc(); while (!ecc_hal_is_calc_finished()) { ; } ecc_hal_read_mod_op_result(res_le, len); } #endif #if SOC_ECC_SUPPORT_MOD_ADD TEST_CASE("ECC mod addition using SECP192R1 and SECP256R1 order of curve", "[ecc][hal]") { uint8_t res[32] = {0}; ecc_mod_op(ECC_MODE_MOD_ADD, ecc256_x, ecc256_y, 32, res); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY_MESSAGE(ecc256_add_res, res, 32, "P256 mod addition"); ecc_mod_op(ECC_MODE_MOD_ADD, ecc192_x, ecc192_y, 24, res); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY_MESSAGE(ecc192_add_res, res, 24, "P192 mod addition"); } #endif #if SOC_ECC_SUPPORT_MOD_SUB TEST_CASE("ECC mod subtraction using SECP192R1 and SECP256R1 order of curve", "[ecc][hal]") { uint8_t res[32] = {0}; ecc_mod_op(ECC_MODE_MOD_SUB, ecc256_x, ecc256_y, 32, res); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY_MESSAGE(ecc256_sub_res, res, 32, "P256 mod subtraction"); ecc_mod_op(ECC_MODE_MOD_SUB, ecc192_x, ecc192_y, 24, res); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY_MESSAGE(ecc192_sub_res, res, 24, "P192 mod subtraction"); } #endif #if SOC_ECC_SUPPORT_MOD_MUL TEST_CASE("ECC mod multiplication using SECP192R1 and SECP256R1 order of curve", "[ecc][hal]") { uint8_t res[32] = {0}; ecc_mod_op(ECC_MODE_MOD_MUL, ecc256_x, ecc256_y, 32, res); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY_MESSAGE(ecc256_mul_res, res, 32, "P256 mod multiplication"); ecc_mod_op(ECC_MODE_MOD_MUL, ecc192_x, ecc192_y, 24, res); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY_MESSAGE(ecc192_mul_res, res, 24, "P192 mod multiplication"); } #endif