#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2020 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Check placements in this test app for main # specified in main/linker.lf import argparse import subprocess from pyparsing import LineEnd, LineStart, Literal, Optional, Word, alphanums, hexnums argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser() argparser.add_argument('objdump') argparser.add_argument('elf') args = argparser.parse_args() contents = subprocess.check_output([args.objdump, '-t', args.elf]).decode() def check_location(symbol, expected): pattern = (LineStart() + Word(hexnums).setResultsName('address') + Optional(Word(alphanums, exact=1)) + Optional(Word(alphanums,exact=1)) + Word(alphanums + '._*').setResultsName('actual') + Word(hexnums) + Literal(symbol) + LineEnd()) try: results = pattern.searchString(contents)[0] except IndexError: raise Exception("check placement fail: '%s' was not found" % (symbol)) if results.actual != expected: raise Exception("check placement fail: '%s' was placed in '%s', not in '%s'" % (symbol, results.actual, expected)) print("check placement pass: '%s' was successfully placed in '%s'" % (symbol, results.actual)) return int(results.address, 16) # src1:func1 (noflash) - explicit mapping for func2 using 'rtc' scheme # should have been dropped since it is unreferenced. func1 = check_location('func1', '.iram0.text') sym1_start = check_location('_sym1_start', '*ABS*') sym1_end = check_location('_sym1_end', '*ABS*') assert func1 >= sym1_start, 'check placement fail: func1 comes before __sym1_start' assert func1 < sym1_end, 'check placement fail: func1 comes after __sym1_end' assert sym1_start % 9 == 0, '_sym1_start is not aligned as specified in linker fragment' assert sym1_end % 12 == 0, '_sym1_end is not aligned as specified in linker fragment' print('check placement pass: _sym1_start < func1 < __sym1_end and alignments checked') # src1:func2 (rtc) - explicit mapping for func2 using 'rtc' scheme check_location('func2', '.rtc.text') # src1 (default) - only func3 in src1 remains that has not been # mapped using a different scheme check_location('func3', '.flash.text') check_location('func4', '.iram0.text')