# For more information about build system see # https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/api-guides/build-system.html # The following five lines of boilerplate have to be in your project's # CMakeLists in this exact order for cmake to work correctly cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5) set(g0_components soc hal esp_common esp_rom) # also , i.e. xtensa or riscv, will be added below set(g1_components spi_flash freertos log heap newlib esp_system esp_hw_support) set(COMPONENTS ${g0_components} ${g1_components} main) include($ENV{IDF_PATH}/tools/cmake/project.cmake) idf_build_set_property(__BUILD_COMPONENT_DEPGRAPH_ENABLED 1) project(g1_components) set(extra_allowed_components ${CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ARCH} ${CONFIG_IDF_TARGET} ) # These components are currently included into "G1" build, but shouldn't. # After removing the extra dependencies, remove the components from this list as well. set(extra_components_which_shouldnt_be_included # app_update gets added because of bootloader_support, spi_flash, espcoredump, esp_system. # bootloader_support, spi_flash, espcoredump should be removed from dependencies; # esp_system code that reads app version should be made conditional on app_update being included # (via weak CMake dependency and #if __has_include in C code) app_update # of G1 components, bootloader is only included from spi_flash # [refactor-todo]: see if this dependency from spi_flash can be made weak bootloader # bootloader_support is a dependency of efuse, app_update, spi_flash. # efuse and app_update should be removed from G1 build; # [refactor-todo]: see if the dependency from spi_flash can be made weak bootloader_support # [refactor-todo]: should cxx be in G1? Can it exist without FreeRTOS? cxx # [refactor-todo]: driver is a dependency of esp_pm, esp_timer, spi_flash, vfs, esp_wifi, ${IDF_TARGET} # all of these should be removed from G1 except for spi_flash. driver # [refactor-todo]: efuse is a dependency of esp_hw_support, esp_system. # Figure out if these components can exist without a dependency on efuse. # If not, see if esp_hw_support can provide minimal efuse component replacement in G1 build. efuse # esp_eth is a dependency of esp_netif, esp_event, lwip # Once they are removed from G1, esp_eth will be removed as well. esp_eth # esp_event is a dependency of esp_wifi, esp_eth. Both should be removed from G1. esp_event # esp_netif is a dependency of lwip and esp_event, should disappear once lwip is removed. esp_netif # esp_phy is a dependency of esp_system and esp_wifi. For the former, it can be made a weak dependency. esp_phy # esp_pm is pulled in by esp_system and freertos, can be made a weak dependency # conditional on related Kconfig option. It is also used by esp_wifi, driver, mbedtls, # all of which should be removed from G1-only build. esp_pm # esp_ringbuf is a dependency of driver, which should be removed. esp_ringbuf # esp_timer is a dependency of freertos, esp_event, esp_wifi, driver. # For freertos, it can be made a weak dependency conditional on FREERTOS_RUN_TIME_STATS_USING_ESP_TIMER esp_timer # esp_wifi is a dependency of lwip. # [refactor-todo]: investigate making esp_wifi a conditional dependency. esp_wifi # esptool_py is a dependency of bootloader, esp_wifi, app_update, partition_table, all of which # should be removed from G1-only build. esptool_py # lwip is a common component due to "sys/socket.h" header. # [refactor-todo] consider adding a system-level sys/socket.h in newlib instead lwip # mbedtls is a dependency of bootloader_support (plus other easier-to-remove ones) # it is hard to make it conditional, need to remove bootloader_support. mbedtls # nvs_flash is required by: # esp_system — no obvious reason, [refactor-todo] why? # esp_wifi, esp_phy — both should be removed nvs_flash # partition_table is pulled in by app_update, esptool_py, bootloader; all to be removed partition_table # pthread is required by esp_system (for initialization only, can be made a weak dependency) # and cxx. See also [refactor-todo] about cxx, can it work without pthread? pthread # vfs is a dependency of lwip. It can be made conditional, while lwip is still a common component. vfs # wpa_supplicant is a dependency of esp_wifi, which is to be removed from G1-only build wpa_supplicant ) set(expected_components ${COMPONENTS} ${extra_allowed_components} ${extra_components_which_shouldnt_be_included} ) list(SORT expected_components) idf_build_get_property(build_components BUILD_COMPONENTS) list(SORT build_components) if(NOT "${expected_components}" STREQUAL "${build_components}") message(FATAL_ERROR "Unexpected components list in G1 build. " "Expected: ${expected_components}. " "Actual: ${build_components}") endif()