idf_component_register(SRCS "fatfsgen_example_main.c" INCLUDE_DIRS ".") # Create a FATFS image from the contents of the 'fatfs_image' directory # that fits the partition named 'storage'. FLASH_IN_PROJECT indicates that # the generated image should be flashed when the entire project is flashed to # the target with ' -p PORT flash'. # If read-only mode is set (CONFIG_EXAMPLE_FATFS_MODE_READ_ONLY) # the generated image will be raw without wear levelling support. # Otherwise it will support wear levelling and thus enable read-write mounting of the image in the device. if(CONFIG_EXAMPLE_FATFS_MODE_READ_ONLY) fatfs_create_rawflash_image(storage ../fatfs_image FLASH_IN_PROJECT) else() fatfs_create_spiflash_image(storage ../fatfs_image FLASH_IN_PROJECT) endif()