# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD # SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 import ipaddress import logging import re import socket import subprocess import time from concurrent.futures import Future from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from typing import List from typing import Union import netifaces import paramiko # type: ignore import pytest from common_test_methods import get_host_ip_by_interface from netmiko import ConnectHandler from pytest_embedded import Dut # Testbed configuration BR_PORTS_NUM = 2 IPERF_BW_LIM = 6 MIN_UDP_THROUGHPUT = 5 MIN_TCP_THROUGHPUT = 4 class EndnodeSsh: def __init__(self, host_ip: str, usr: str, passwd: str): self.host_ip = host_ip self.ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient() self.ssh_client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) self.ssh_client.connect(hostname=self.host_ip, username=usr, password=passwd) self.executor: ThreadPoolExecutor self.async_result: Future def exec_cmd(self, cmd: str) -> str: _, stdout, stderr = self.ssh_client.exec_command(cmd) out = stdout.read().decode().strip() error = stderr.read().decode().strip() if error: out = '' logging.error('ssh_endnode_exec error: {}'.format(error)) return out # type: ignore def exec_cmd_async(self, cmd: str) -> None: self.executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) self.async_result = self.executor.submit(self.exec_cmd, cmd) def get_async_res(self) -> str: return self.async_result.result(10) # type: ignore def close(self) -> None: self.ssh_client.close() class SwitchSsh: EDGE_SWITCH_5XP = 0 EDGE_SWITCH_10XP = 1 def __init__(self, host_ip: str, usr: str, passwd: str, device_type: int): self.host_ip = host_ip self.type = device_type if self.type == self.EDGE_SWITCH_5XP: self.ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient() self.ssh_client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) self.ssh_client.connect(hostname=self.host_ip, username=usr, password=passwd) else: edgeSwitch = { 'device_type': 'ubiquiti_edgeswitch', 'host': self.host_ip, 'username': usr, 'password': passwd, } self.ssh_client = ConnectHandler(**edgeSwitch) def exec_cmd(self, cmd: Union[str, List[str]]) -> str: if self.type == self.EDGE_SWITCH_5XP: _, stdout, stderr = self.ssh_client.exec_command(cmd) out = stdout.read().decode().strip() error = stderr.read().decode().strip() if error != 'TSW Init OK!': raise Exception('switch_5xp exec_cmd error: {}'.format(error)) else: out = self.ssh_client.send_config_set(cmd, cmd_verify=False, exit_config_mode=False) return out # type: ignore def switch_port_down(self, port: int) -> None: if self.type == self.EDGE_SWITCH_5XP: command = '/usr/bin/tswconf debug phy set ' + str(port - 1) + ' 0 0x800' self.exec_cmd(command) else: commands = ['interface GigabitEthernet ' + str(port), 'shutdown'] self.exec_cmd(commands) def switch_port_up(self, port: int) -> None: if self.type == self.EDGE_SWITCH_5XP: command = '/usr/bin/tswconf debug phy set ' + str(port - 1) + ' 0 0x1000' self.exec_cmd(command) else: commands = ['interface GigabitEthernet' + str(port), 'no shutdown'] self.exec_cmd(commands) def close(self) -> None: if self.type == self.EDGE_SWITCH_5XP: self.ssh_client.close() else: self.ssh_client.disconnect() def get_endnode_mac_by_interface(endnode: EndnodeSsh, if_name: str) -> str: ip_info = endnode.exec_cmd(f'ip addr show {if_name}') regex = if_name + r':.*?link/ether ([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}:[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}:[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}:[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}:[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}:[0-9A-Fa-f]{2})' mac_addr = re.search(regex, ip_info, re.DOTALL) if mac_addr is None: return '' return mac_addr.group(1) def get_endnode_ip_by_interface(endnode: EndnodeSsh, if_name: str) -> str: ip_info = endnode.exec_cmd(f'ip addr show {if_name}') regex = if_name + r':.*?inet (\d+[.]\d+[.]\d+[.]\d+)\/' ip_addr = re.search(regex, ip_info, re.DOTALL) if ip_addr is None: return '' return ip_addr.group(1) def get_host_interface_name_in_same_net(ip_addr: str) -> str: ip_net = ipaddress.IPv4Network(f'{ip_addr}/24', strict=False) for interface in netifaces.interfaces(): addr = get_host_ip_by_interface(interface) if ipaddress.IPv4Address(addr) in ip_net: return str(interface) return '' def get_host_mac_by_interface(interface_name: str, addr_type: int = netifaces.AF_LINK) -> str: for _addr in netifaces.ifaddresses(interface_name)[addr_type]: host_mac = _addr['addr'].replace('%{}'.format(interface_name), '') assert isinstance(host_mac, str) return host_mac return '' def get_host_brcast_ip_by_interface(interface_name: str, ip_type: int = netifaces.AF_INET) -> str: for _addr in netifaces.ifaddresses(interface_name)[ip_type]: host_ip = _addr['broadcast'].replace('%{}'.format(interface_name), '') assert isinstance(host_ip, str) return host_ip return '' def run_iperf(proto: str, endnode: EndnodeSsh, server_ip: str, bandwidth_lim:int=10, interval:int=5, server_if:str='', client_if:str='') -> float: if proto == 'tcp': proto = '' else: proto = '-u' if ipaddress.ip_address(server_ip).is_multicast: # Configure Multicast Server server_proc = subprocess.Popen(['iperf', '-u', '-s', '-i', '1', '-t', '%i' % interval, '-B', '%s%%%s' % (server_ip, server_if)], text=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # Configure Multicast Client endnode_ip = get_endnode_ip_by_interface(endnode, client_if) if endnode_ip == '': raise RuntimeError('End node IP address not found') client_res = endnode.exec_cmd('iperf -u -c %s -t %i -i 1 -b %iM --ttl 5 -B %s' % (server_ip, interval, bandwidth_lim, endnode_ip)) if server_proc.wait(10) is None: # Process did not finish. server_proc.terminate() else: # Configure Server server_proc = subprocess.Popen(['iperf', '%s' % proto, '-s', '-i', '1', '-t', '%i' % interval], text=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # Configure Client client_res = endnode.exec_cmd('iperf %s -c %s -t %i -i 1 -b %iM' % (proto, server_ip, interval, bandwidth_lim)) if server_proc.wait(10) is None: # Process did not finish. server_proc.terminate() try: server_res = server_proc.communicate(timeout=15)[0] except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: server_proc.kill() server_res = server_proc.communicate()[0] print('\n') print(client_res) print('\n') print(server_res) SERVER_BANDWIDTH_LOG_PATTERN = r'(\d+\.\d+)\s*-\s*(\d+.\d+)\s+sec\s+[\d.]+\s+MBytes\s+([\d.]+)\s+Mbits\/sec' performance = re.search(SERVER_BANDWIDTH_LOG_PATTERN, server_res, re.DOTALL) if performance is None: return -1.0 return float(performance.group(3)) def send_brcast_msg_host_to_endnode(endnode: EndnodeSsh, host_brcast_ip: str, test_msg: str) -> str: endnode.exec_cmd_async('timeout 4s nc -u -w 0 -l -p 5100') time.sleep(1) sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) try: sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1) sock.sendto(test_msg.encode('utf-8'), (host_brcast_ip, 5100)) except socket.error as e: raise Exception('Host brcast send failed %s' % e) nc_endnode_out = endnode.get_async_res() sock.close() return nc_endnode_out def send_brcast_msg_endnode_to_host(endnode: EndnodeSsh, host_brcast_ip: str, test_msg: str) -> str: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) sock.settimeout(5) try: sock.bind(('', 5100)) except socket.error as e: raise Exception('Host bind failed %s' % e) endnode.exec_cmd('echo -n "%s" | nc -b -w0 -u %s 5100' % (test_msg, host_brcast_ip)) try: nc_host_out = sock.recv(1500).decode('utf-8') except socket.error as e: raise Exception('Host recv failed %s', e) sock.close() return nc_host_out @pytest.mark.esp32 @pytest.mark.eth_w5500 @pytest.mark.parametrize('config', [ 'w5500', ], indirect=True) def test_esp_eth_bridge( dut: Dut, dev_user: str, dev_password: str ) -> None: # ------------------------------ # # Pre-test testbed configuration # # ------------------------------ # # Get switch configuration info from the hostname host_name = socket.gethostname() regex = r'ethVM-(\d+)-(\d+)' sw_info = re.search(regex, host_name, re.DOTALL) if sw_info is None: raise RuntimeError('Unexpected hostname') sw_num = int(sw_info.group(1)) port_num = int(sw_info.group(2)) port_num_endnode = int(port_num) + 1 # endnode address is always + 1 to the host endnode = EndnodeSsh(f'10.10.{sw_num}.{port_num_endnode}', dev_user, dev_password) switch1 = SwitchSsh(f'10.10.{sw_num}.100', dev_user, dev_password, SwitchSsh.EDGE_SWITCH_10XP) # Collect all addresses in our network # ------------------------------------ # Bridge (DUT) MAC br_mac = dut.expect(r'esp_netif_br_glue: ([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}:[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}:[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}:[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}:[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}:[0-9A-Fa-f]{2})') br_mac = br_mac.group(1).decode('utf-8') logging.info('ESP Bridge MAC %s', br_mac) # Get unique identification of each Ethernet port p1_id = dut.expect(r'Ethernet \((0x[0-9A-Fa-f]{8})\) Started') p1_id = p1_id.group(1).decode('utf-8') p2_id = dut.expect(r'Ethernet \((0x[0-9A-Fa-f]{8})\) Started') p2_id = p2_id.group(1).decode('utf-8') # Bridge (DUT) IP dut.expect_exact('Ethernet Got IP Address') br_ip = dut.expect(r'ETHIP:(\d+[.]\d+[.]\d+[.]\d+)\r') br_ip = br_ip.group(1).decode('utf-8') logging.info('ESP Bridge IP %s', br_ip) # Host interface is in the same network as DUT host_if = get_host_interface_name_in_same_net(br_ip) # Test Host MAC host_mac = get_host_mac_by_interface(host_if) logging.info('Host MAC %s', host_mac) # Test Host IP host_ip = get_host_ip_by_interface(host_if, netifaces.AF_INET) logging.info('Host IP %s', host_ip) endnode_if = host_if # endnode is a clone of the host # Endnode MAC endnode_mac = get_endnode_mac_by_interface(endnode, endnode_if) logging.info('Endnode MAC %s', endnode_mac) # Toggle link status at the End Node to initiate DHCP request endnode.exec_cmd(f'sudo ip link set down dev {endnode_if}') endnode.exec_cmd(f'sudo ip link set up dev {endnode_if}') # Endnode IP for i in range(15): endnode_ip = get_endnode_ip_by_interface(endnode, endnode_if) if endnode_ip != '': break time.sleep(1) logging.info('End node waiting for DHCP IP addr, %isec...', i) else: raise RuntimeError('End node IP address not found') logging.info('Endnode IP %s', endnode_ip) # -------------------------------------------------- # TEST Objective 1: Ping the devices on the network # -------------------------------------------------- # ping bridge ping_test = subprocess.call(f'ping {br_ip} -c 2', shell=True) if ping_test != 0: raise RuntimeError('ESP bridge is not reachable') # ping the end nodes of the network ping_test = subprocess.call(f'ping {endnode_ip} -c 2', shell=True) if ping_test != 0: raise RuntimeError('End node is not reachable') # ------------------------------------------------- # TEST Objective 2: Ports Link Up/Down combinations # ------------------------------------------------- logging.info('link down the port #1') switch1.switch_port_down(port_num) dut.expect_exact(f'Ethernet ({p1_id}) Link Down') logging.info('link down both ports') switch1.switch_port_down(port_num_endnode) dut.expect_exact(f'Ethernet ({p2_id}) Link Down') logging.info('link up the port #1') switch1.switch_port_up(port_num) dut.expect_exact(f'Ethernet ({p1_id}) Link Up') dut.expect_exact('Ethernet Got IP Address') # DHCP Server is connected to port #1 logging.info('link down both ports') switch1.switch_port_down(port_num) dut.expect_exact(f'Ethernet ({p1_id}) Link Down') logging.info('link up the port #2') switch1.switch_port_up(port_num_endnode) dut.expect_exact(f'Ethernet ({p2_id}) Link Up') # Note: No "Ethernet Got IP Address" since DHCP Server is connected to port #1 logging.info('link down both ports') switch1.switch_port_down(port_num_endnode) dut.expect_exact(f'Ethernet ({p2_id}) Link Down') logging.info('link up both ports') switch1.switch_port_up(port_num_endnode) dut.expect_exact(f'Ethernet ({p2_id}) Link Up') switch1.switch_port_up(port_num) # link up port #1 as last to ensure we Got IP address after link port #2 is up dut.expect_exact(f'Ethernet ({p1_id}) Link Up') dut.expect_exact('Ethernet Got IP Address') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TEST Objective 3: IP traffic forwarding (iPerf between network end nodes) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # unicast UDP bandwidth_udp = run_iperf('udp', endnode, host_ip, IPERF_BW_LIM, 5) if bandwidth_udp < MIN_UDP_THROUGHPUT: logging.warning('Unicast UDP bandwidth was less than expected. Trying again over longer period to compensate transient drops.') bandwidth_udp = run_iperf('udp', endnode, host_ip, IPERF_BW_LIM, 60) logging.info('Unicast UDP average bandwidth: %s Mbits/s', bandwidth_udp) # unicast TCP bandwidth_tcp = run_iperf('tcp', endnode, host_ip, IPERF_BW_LIM, 5) if bandwidth_tcp < MIN_TCP_THROUGHPUT: logging.warning('Unicast TCP bandwidth was less than expected. Trying again over longer period to compensate transient drops.') bandwidth_tcp = run_iperf('tcp', endnode, host_ip, IPERF_BW_LIM, 60) logging.info('Unicast TCP average bandwidth: %s Mbits/s', bandwidth_tcp) # multicast UDP bandwidth_mcast_udp = run_iperf('udp', endnode, '', IPERF_BW_LIM, 5, host_if, endnode_if) if bandwidth_mcast_udp < MIN_UDP_THROUGHPUT: logging.warning('Multicast UDP bandwidth was less than expected. Trying again over longer period to compensate transient drops.') bandwidth_mcast_udp = run_iperf('udp', endnode, '', IPERF_BW_LIM, 60, host_if, endnode_if) logging.info('Multicast UDP average bandwidth: %s Mbits/s', bandwidth_mcast_udp) if bandwidth_udp < MIN_UDP_THROUGHPUT: raise RuntimeError('Unicast UDP throughput expected %.2f, actual %.2f' % (MIN_UDP_THROUGHPUT, bandwidth_udp) + ' Mbits/s') if bandwidth_tcp < MIN_TCP_THROUGHPUT: raise RuntimeError('Unicast TCP throughput expected %.2f, actual %.2f' % (MIN_TCP_THROUGHPUT, bandwidth_tcp) + ' Mbits/s') if bandwidth_mcast_udp < MIN_UDP_THROUGHPUT: raise RuntimeError('Multicast UDP throughput expected %.2f, actual %.2f' % (MIN_UDP_THROUGHPUT, bandwidth_mcast_udp) + ' Mbits/s') # ------------------------------------------------ # TEST Objective 4: adding/deleting entries in FDB # ------------------------------------------------ # At first test the Bridge Example Command Interface MAC_ADDR = '01:02:03:04:05:06' dut.write('\n') dut.expect_exact('bridge>') # invalid MAC format dut.write('add --addr=01:125:02:00:00:0A -d') dut.expect_exact('Ivalid MAC address format') dut.expect_exact('Command returned non-zero error code: 0x1') dut.write('add --addr=01:QA:02:00:00:0A -d') dut.expect_exact('Ivalid MAC address format') dut.expect_exact('Command returned non-zero error code: 0x1') dut.write('add --addr=01:00:02:00:0A -d') dut.expect_exact('Ivalid MAC address format') dut.expect_exact('Command returned non-zero error code: 0x1') # invalid number of config parameters dut.write('add --addr=' + MAC_ADDR + ' -d -c -p 1') dut.expect_exact('Invalid number or combination of arguments') dut.expect_exact('Command returned non-zero error code: 0x1') dut.write('add --addr=' + MAC_ADDR + ' -d -c') dut.expect_exact('Invalid number or combination of arguments') dut.expect_exact('Command returned non-zero error code: 0x1') dut.write('add --addr=' + MAC_ADDR + ' -f -c') dut.expect_exact('Invalid number or combination of arguments') dut.expect_exact('Command returned non-zero error code: 0x1') dut.write('add --addr=' + MAC_ADDR + ' -d -p 1') dut.expect_exact('Invalid number or combination of arguments') dut.expect_exact('Command returned non-zero error code: 0x1') dut.write('add --addr=' + MAC_ADDR + ' -f -p 1 -p 2') dut.expect_exact('Invalid number or combination of arguments') dut.expect_exact('Command returned non-zero error code: 0x1') dut.write('add -p 1') dut.expect_exact('Command returned non-zero error code: 0x1') dut.write('add --addr=' + MAC_ADDR + ' -p') dut.expect_exact('Command returned non-zero error code: 0x1') dut.write('remove') dut.expect_exact('Command returned non-zero error code: 0x1') dut.write('remove --addr=' + MAC_ADDR + ' -d') dut.expect_exact('Command returned non-zero error code: 0x1') # Invalid port interval number dut.write('add --addr=' + MAC_ADDR + ' -p 0') dut.expect_exact('Invalid port number') dut.expect_exact('Command returned non-zero error code: 0x1') dut.write('add --addr=' + MAC_ADDR + ' -p ' + str(BR_PORTS_NUM + 1)) dut.expect_exact('Invalid port number') dut.expect_exact('Command returned non-zero error code: 0x1') # try to add more FDB entries than configured max number for i in range(BR_PORTS_NUM + 1): dut.write('add --addr=01:02:03:00:00:%02x' % i + ' -d') if i < BR_PORTS_NUM: dut.expect_exact('Bridge Config OK!') else: dut.expect_exact('Adding FDB entry failed') dut.expect_exact('Command returned non-zero error code: 0x1') # try to remove non-existent FDB entry dut.write('remove --addr=' + MAC_ADDR) dut.expect_exact('Removing FDB entry failed') dut.expect_exact('Command returned non-zero error code: 0x1') # remove dummy entries for i in range(BR_PORTS_NUM): dut.write('remove --addr=01:02:03:00:00:%02x' % i) dut.expect_exact('Bridge Config OK!') # valid multiple ports at once dut.write('add --addr=' + MAC_ADDR + ' -c -p 1 -p 2') dut.expect_exact('Bridge Config OK!') dut.write('remove --addr=' + MAC_ADDR) dut.expect_exact('Bridge Config OK!') dut.write('add --addr=' + MAC_ADDR + ' -p 1 -p 2') dut.expect_exact('Bridge Config OK!') dut.write('remove --addr=' + MAC_ADDR) dut.expect_exact('Bridge Config OK!') # drop `Endnode` MAC and try to ping it from `Test Host` logging.info('Drop `Endnode` MAC') dut.write('add --addr=' + endnode_mac + ' -d') dut.expect_exact('Bridge Config OK!') ping_test = subprocess.call(f'ping {endnode_ip} -c 2', shell=True) if ping_test == 0: raise RuntimeError('End node should not be reachable') logging.info('Remove Drop `Endnode` MAC entry') dut.write('remove --addr=' + endnode_mac) dut.expect_exact('Bridge Config OK!') ping_test = subprocess.call(f'ping {endnode_ip} -c 2', shell=True) if ping_test != 0: raise RuntimeError('End node is not reachable') # Since we have only two ports on DUT, it is kind of tricky to verify the forwarding directly with devices' # specific MAC addresses. However, we can verify it using broadcast address and to observe the system # behavior in all directions. # At first, check normal condition TEST_MSG = 'ESP32 bridge test message' host_brcast_ip = get_host_brcast_ip_by_interface(host_if, netifaces.AF_INET) endnode_recv = send_brcast_msg_host_to_endnode(endnode, host_brcast_ip, TEST_MSG) if endnode_recv != TEST_MSG: raise RuntimeError('Broadcast message was not received by endnode') host_recv = send_brcast_msg_endnode_to_host(endnode, host_brcast_ip, TEST_MSG) if host_recv != TEST_MSG: raise RuntimeError('Broadcast message was not received by host') # now, configure forward the broadcast only to port #1 dut.write('add --addr=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff -p 1') dut.expect_exact('Bridge Config OK!') # we should not be able to receive a message at endnode (no forward to port #2)... endnode_recv = send_brcast_msg_host_to_endnode(endnode, host_brcast_ip, TEST_MSG) if endnode_recv != '': raise RuntimeError('Broadcast message should not be received by endnode') # ... but we should be able to do the same in opposite direction (forward to port #1) host_recv = send_brcast_msg_endnode_to_host(endnode, host_brcast_ip, TEST_MSG) if host_recv != TEST_MSG: raise RuntimeError('Broadcast message was not received by host') # Remove ARP record from Test host computer. ARP is broadcasted, hence Bridge port does not reply to a request since # it does not receive it (no forward to Bridge port). As a result, Bridge is not pingable. subprocess.call(f'sudo arp -d {br_ip}', shell=True) subprocess.call('arp -a', shell=True) ping_test = subprocess.call(f'ping {br_ip} -c 2', shell=True) if ping_test == 0: raise RuntimeError('Bridge should not be reachable') # Remove current broadcast entry and replace it with extended one which includes Bridge port # Now, we should be able to ping the Bridge... dut.write('remove --addr=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff') dut.expect_exact('Bridge Config OK!') dut.write('add --addr=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff -p 1 -c') dut.expect_exact('Bridge Config OK!') ping_test = subprocess.call(f'ping {br_ip} -c 2', shell=True) if ping_test != 0: raise RuntimeError('Bridge is not reachable') # ...but we should still not be able to receive a message at endnode (no forward to port #2) endnode_recv = send_brcast_msg_host_to_endnode(endnode, host_brcast_ip, TEST_MSG) if endnode_recv != '': raise RuntimeError('Broadcast message should not be received by endnode') endnode.close() switch1.close()