@echo off :: This script is called from a shortcut (cmd.exe /k export_fallback.bat), with :: the working directory set to an ESP-IDF directory. :: Its purpose is to support using the "IDF Tools Directory" method of :: installation for ESP-IDF versions older than IDF v4.0. :: It does the same thing as "export.bat" in IDF v4.0. set IDF_PATH=%CD% if not exist "%IDF_PATH%\tools\idf.py" ( echo This script must be invoked from ESP-IDF directory. goto :end ) if "%~2"=="" ( echo Usage: idf_cmd_init.bat ^<Python directory^> ^<Git directory^> echo This script must be invoked from ESP-IDF directory. goto :end ) set "IDF_PYTHON_DIR=%1" set "IDF_GIT_DIR=%2" :: Strip quoutes set "IDF_PYTHON_DIR=%IDF_PYTHON_DIR:"=%" set "IDF_GIT_DIR=%IDF_GIT_DIR:"=%" :: Clear PYTHONPATH as it may contain libraries of other Python versions if not "%PYTHONPATH%"=="" ( echo Clearing PYTHONPATH, was set to %PYTHONPATH% set PYTHONPATH= ) :: Clear PYTHONHOME as it may contain path to other Python versions which can cause crash of Python using virtualenv if not "%PYTHONHOME%"=="" ( echo Clearing PYTHONHOME, was set to %PYTHONHOME% set PYTHONHOME= ) :: Set PYTHONNOUSERSITE to avoid loading of Python packages from AppData\Roaming profile if "%PYTHONNOUSERSITE%"=="" ( echo Setting PYTHONNOUSERSITE, was not set set PYTHONNOUSERSITE=True ) :: Add Python and Git paths to PATH set "PATH=%IDF_PYTHON_DIR%;%IDF_GIT_DIR%;%PATH%" echo Using Python in %IDF_PYTHON_DIR% python.exe --version echo Using Git in %IDF_GIT_DIR% git.exe --version :: Check if this is a recent enough copy of ESP-IDF. :: If so, use export.bat provided there. :: Note: no "call", will not return into this batch file. if exist "%IDF_PATH%\export.bat" %IDF_PATH%\export.bat echo IDF version does not include export.bat. Using the fallback version. if exist "%IDF_PATH%\tools\tools.json" ( set "IDF_TOOLS_JSON_PATH=%IDF_PATH%\tools\tools.json" ) else ( echo IDF version does not include tools\tools.json. Using the fallback version. set "IDF_TOOLS_JSON_PATH=%~dp0%tools_fallback.json" ) if exist "%IDF_PATH%\tools\idf_tools.py" ( set "IDF_TOOLS_PY_PATH=%IDF_PATH%\tools\idf_tools.py" ) else ( echo IDF version does not include tools\idf_tools.py. Using the fallback version. set "IDF_TOOLS_PY_PATH=%~dp0%idf_tools_fallback.py" ) echo. echo Setting IDF_PATH: %IDF_PATH% echo. set "OLD_PATH=%PATH%" echo Adding ESP-IDF tools to PATH... :: Export tool paths and environment variables. :: It is possible to do this without a temporary file (running idf_tools.py from for /r command), :: but that way it is impossible to get the exit code of idf_tools.py. set "IDF_TOOLS_EXPORTS_FILE=%TEMP%\idf_export_vars.tmp" python.exe "%IDF_TOOLS_PY_PATH%" --tools-json "%IDF_TOOLS_JSON_PATH%" export --format key-value >"%IDF_TOOLS_EXPORTS_FILE%" if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto :end for /f "usebackq tokens=1,2 eol=# delims==" %%a in ("%IDF_TOOLS_EXPORTS_FILE%") do ( call set "%%a=%%b" ) :: This removes OLD_PATH substring from PATH, leaving only the paths which have been added, :: and prints semicolon-delimited components of the path on separate lines call set PATH_ADDITIONS=%%PATH:%OLD_PATH%=%% if "%PATH_ADDITIONS%"=="" call :print_nothing_added if not "%PATH_ADDITIONS%"=="" echo %PATH_ADDITIONS:;=&echo. % echo Checking if Python packages are up to date... python.exe %IDF_PATH%\tools\check_python_dependencies.py if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto :end echo. echo Done! You can now compile ESP-IDF projects. echo Go to the project directory and run: echo. echo idf.py build echo. goto :end :print_nothing_added echo No directories added to PATH: echo. echo %PATH% echo. goto :eof :end :: Clean up if not "%IDF_TOOLS_EXPORTS_FILE%"=="" ( del "%IDF_TOOLS_EXPORTS_FILE%" 1>nul 2>nul ) set IDF_TOOLS_EXPORTS_FILE= set IDF_PYTHON_DIR= set IDF_GIT_DIR= set IDF_TOOLS_PY_PATH= set IDF_TOOLS_JSON_PATH= set OLD_PATH= set PATH_ADDITIONS=