.host_test_template: stage: host_test image: $CI_DOCKER_REGISTRY/esp32-ci-env$BOT_DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG tags: - host_test dependencies: [] only: variables: - $BOT_TRIGGER_WITH_LABEL == null - $BOT_LABEL_HOST_TEST - $BOT_LABEL_REGULAR_TEST .host_fuzzer_test_template: stage: host_test image: $CI_DOCKER_REGISTRY/afl-fuzzer-test tags: - host_test dependencies: [] artifacts: when: always paths: - ${FUZZER_TEST_DIR}/out/crashes - ${FUZZER_TEST_DIR}/fuzz_output.log expire_in: 1 week only: variables: - $BOT_LABEL_FUZZER_TEST - $BOT_LABEL_WEEKEND_TEST script: - export AFL_I_DONT_CARE_ABOUT_MISSING_CRASHES=1 && export AFL_SKIP_CPUFREQ=1 - cd ${FUZZER_TEST_DIR} # run AFL fuzzer for one hour - ( ( make ${FUZZER_PARAMS} fuzz | tee fuzz_output.log | grep -v '\(Fuzzing test case\|Entering queue cycle\)' ) || pkill sleep ) & - ( sleep 3600 || mkdir -p out/crashes/env_failed ) && pkill afl-fuz # check no crashes found - test -z "$(ls out/crashes/)" || exit 1 .clang_tidy_check_template: stage: host_test image: ${CI_DOCKER_REGISTRY}/clang-static-analysis tags: - host_test dependencies: [] artifacts: reports: junit: $IDF_PATH/output.xml when: always paths: - $IDF_PATH/examples/get-started/hello_world/tidybuild/report/* expire_in: 1 day script: - ./tools/ci/retry_failed.sh git clone $IDF_ANALYSIS_UTILS static_analysis_utils && cd static_analysis_utils # Setup parameters of triggered/regular job - export TRIGGERED_RELATIVE=${BOT_LABEL_STATIC_ANALYSIS-} && export TRIGGERED_ABSOLUTE=${BOT_LABEL_STATIC_ANALYSIS_ALL-} && export TARGET_BRANCH=${BOT_CUSTOMIZED_REVISION-} - ./analyze.sh $IDF_PATH/examples/get-started/hello_world/ $IDF_PATH/tools/ci/static-analysis-rules.yml $IDF_PATH/output.xml test_nvs_on_host: extends: .host_test_template script: - cd components/nvs_flash/test_nvs_host - ${IDF_PATH}/tools/ci/multirun_with_pyenv.sh make test test_nvs_coverage: extends: .host_test_template artifacts: paths: - components/nvs_flash/test_nvs_host/coverage_report expire_in: 1 week only: refs: - triggers variables: - $BOT_LABEL_NVS_COVERAGE script: - cd components/nvs_flash/test_nvs_host - make coverage_report test_partition_table_on_host: extends: .host_test_template tags: - build script: - cd components/partition_table/test_gen_esp32part_host - ${IDF_PATH}/tools/ci/multirun_with_pyenv.sh ./gen_esp32part_tests.py test_wl_on_host: extends: .host_test_template artifacts: paths: - components/wear_levelling/test_wl_host/coverage_report.zip expire_in: 1 week script: - cd components/wear_levelling/test_wl_host - make test test_fatfs_on_host: extends: .host_test_template script: - cd components/fatfs/test_fatfs_host/ - make test test_ldgen_on_host: extends: .host_test_template script: - cd tools/ldgen/test - ./test_fragments.py - ./test_generation.py clang_tidy_check: extends: .clang_tidy_check_template variables: BOT_NEEDS_TRIGGER_BY_NAME: 1 BOT_LABEL_STATIC_ANALYSIS: 1 clang_tidy_check_regular: extends: .clang_tidy_check_template clang_tidy_check_all: extends: .clang_tidy_check_template variables: BOT_NEEDS_TRIGGER_BY_NAME: 1 BOT_LABEL_STATIC_ANALYSIS_ALL: 1 test_mdns_fuzzer_on_host: extends: .host_fuzzer_test_template variables: FUZZER_TEST_DIR: components/mdns/test_afl_fuzz_host test_lwip_dns_fuzzer_on_host: extends: .host_fuzzer_test_template variables: FUZZER_TEST_DIR: components/lwip/test_afl_host FUZZER_PARAMS: MODE=dns test_lwip_dhcp_fuzzer_on_host: extends: .host_fuzzer_test_template variables: FUZZER_TEST_DIR: components/lwip/test_afl_host FUZZER_PARAMS: MODE=dhcp_client test_lwip_dhcps_fuzzer_on_host: extends: .host_fuzzer_test_template variables: FUZZER_TEST_DIR: components/lwip/test_afl_host FUZZER_PARAMS: MODE=dhcp_server test_spiffs_on_host: extends: .host_test_template script: - cd components/spiffs/test_spiffs_host/ - make test test_multi_heap_on_host: extends: .host_test_template script: - cd components/heap/test_multi_heap_host - ./test_all_configs.sh test_confserver: extends: .host_test_template script: - cd tools/kconfig_new/test - ${IDF_PATH}/tools/ci/multirun_with_pyenv.sh ./test_confserver.py test_idf_monitor: extends: .host_test_template artifacts: # save artifacts always in order to access results which were retried without consequent failure when: always paths: - tools/test_idf_monitor/outputs/* expire_in: 1 week script: - cd ${IDF_PATH}/tools/test_idf_monitor - ./run_test_idf_monitor.py test_idf_size: extends: .host_test_template artifacts: when: on_failure paths: - tools/test_idf_size/output - tools/test_idf_size/.coverage expire_in: 1 week script: - cd ${IDF_PATH}/tools/test_idf_size - ${IDF_PATH}/tools/ci/multirun_with_pyenv.sh ./test.sh test_idf_py: extends: .host_test_template variables: LC_ALL: C.UTF-8 script: - cd ${IDF_PATH}/tools/test_idf_py - ${IDF_PATH}/tools/ci/multirun_with_pyenv.sh ./test_idf_py.py test_idf_tools: extends: .host_test_template script: # Remove Xtensa and ULP toolchains from the PATH, tests will expect a clean environment - export PATH=$(p=$(echo $PATH | tr ":" "\n" | grep -v "/root/.espressif/tools\|/opt/espressif" | tr "\n" ":"); echo ${p%:}) - cd ${IDF_PATH}/tools/test_idf_tools - ${IDF_PATH}/tools/ci/multirun_with_pyenv.sh ./test_idf_tools.py test_esp_err_to_name_on_host: extends: .host_test_template artifacts: when: on_failure paths: - components/esp32/esp_err_to_name.c expire_in: 1 week script: - cd ${IDF_PATH}/tools/ - ${IDF_PATH}/tools/ci/multirun_with_pyenv.sh -p 2.7.15 ./gen_esp_err_to_name.py - git diff --exit-code -- ../components/esp_common/src/esp_err_to_name.c || { echo 'Differences found. Please run gen_esp_err_to_name.py and commit the changes.'; exit 1; } - ${IDF_PATH}/tools/ci/multirun_with_pyenv.sh -p 3.4.8 ./gen_esp_err_to_name.py - git diff --exit-code -- ../components/esp_common/src/esp_err_to_name.c || { echo 'Differences found between running under Python 2 and 3.'; exit 1; } test_esp32_efuse_table_on_host: extends: .host_test_template artifacts: when: on_failure paths: - components/efuse/esp32/esp_efuse_table.c expire_in: 1 week script: - cd ${IDF_PATH}/components/efuse/ - ${IDF_PATH}/tools/ci/multirun_with_pyenv.sh -p 2.7.15 ./efuse_table_gen.py ${IDF_PATH}/components/efuse/esp32/esp_efuse_table.csv - git diff --exit-code -- esp32/esp_efuse_table.c || { echo 'Differences found for esp32 target. Please run make efuse_common_table or idf.py efuse_common_table and commit the changes.'; exit 1; } - ${IDF_PATH}/tools/ci/multirun_with_pyenv.sh -p 3.4.8 ./efuse_table_gen.py ${IDF_PATH}/components/efuse/esp32/esp_efuse_table.csv - git diff --exit-code -- esp32/esp_efuse_table.c || { echo 'Differences found between running under Python 2 and 3.'; exit 1; } - cd ${IDF_PATH}/components/efuse/test_efuse_host - ${IDF_PATH}/tools/ci/multirun_with_pyenv.sh ./efuse_tests.py test_espcoredump: extends: .host_test_template artifacts: when: always paths: - components/espcoredump/test/.coverage - components/espcoredump/test/output expire_in: 1 week script: - cd components/espcoredump/test/ - ${IDF_PATH}/tools/ci/multirun_with_pyenv.sh ./test_espcoredump.sh test_logtrace_proc: extends: .host_test_template artifacts: when: on_failure paths: - tools/esp_app_trace/test/logtrace/output - tools/esp_app_trace/test/logtrace/.coverage expire_in: 1 week script: - cd ${IDF_PATH}/tools/esp_app_trace/test/logtrace - ${IDF_PATH}/tools/ci/multirun_with_pyenv.sh ./test.sh test_sysviewtrace_proc: extends: .host_test_template artifacts: when: on_failure paths: - tools/esp_app_trace/test/sysview/output - tools/esp_app_trace/test/sysview/.coverage expire_in: 1 week script: - cd ${IDF_PATH}/tools/esp_app_trace/test/sysview - ${IDF_PATH}/tools/ci/multirun_with_pyenv.sh ./test.sh check_doc_links: stage: host_test image: $CI_DOCKER_REGISTRY/esp32-ci-env$BOT_DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG tags: - check_doc_links only: refs: # can only be triggered - triggers variables: - $BOT_TRIGGER_WITH_LABEL == null - $BOT_LABEL_BUILD_DOCS artifacts: paths: - docs/_build/linkcheck expire_in: 1 week dependencies: [] script: # must be triggered with CHECK_LINKS=Yes, otherwise exit without test - test "$CHECK_LINKS" = "Yes" || exit 0 # can only run on master branch (otherwise the commit is not on Github yet) - test "${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}" = "master" || exit 0 - cd docs - make linkcheck test_detect_python: extends: .host_test_template image: $CI_DOCKER_REGISTRY/linux-shells:1 script: - cd ${IDF_PATH} - shellcheck -s sh tools/detect_python.sh - shellcheck -s bash tools/detect_python.sh - shellcheck -s dash tools/detect_python.sh - "bash -c '. tools/detect_python.sh && echo Our Python: ${ESP_PYTHON?Python is not set}'" - "dash -c '. tools/detect_python.sh && echo Our Python: ${ESP_PYTHON?Python is not set}'" - "zsh -c '. tools/detect_python.sh && echo Our Python: ${ESP_PYTHON?Python is not set}'"