#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Script to sign the IDF Tools installer for Windows, built with build_installer.sh. # set -e set -u INSTALLER_TYPE="${1-online}" if [[ -z "${KEYFILE:-}" || -z "${CERTCHAIN:-}" ]]; then echo "To sign the installer, set the following environment variables:" echo " KEYFILE - private key file" echo " KEYPASSWORD - password for the private key file (optional, will prompt for password if not set)" echo " CERTCHAIN - certificate chain file" exit 1 fi umask 770 # for the process substitution FIFO VERSION=`grep "#define MyAppVersion " idf_tool_setup.iss | cut -d ' ' -f3 | tr -d '"'` echo "Installer version ${VERSION}" IN_FILE="Output/esp-idf-tools-setup-${INSTALLER_TYPE}-unsigned.exe" OUT_FILE="Output/esp-idf-tools-setup-${INSTALLER_TYPE}-${VERSION}.exe" if [[ -n "${KEYPASSWORD:-}" ]]; then PASSARG="-readpass <(echo \"$KEYPASSWORD\")" else PASSARG="-askpass" fi echo "Signing the installer (${IN_FILE})..." # Note: The cert chain passed to -certs needs to contain the intermediate # cert(s) as well, appended after the code signing cert, or Windows may see # it as "Unknown Publisher" # # See https://stackoverflow.com/a/52637050 for full details # osslsigncode -certs ${CERTCHAIN} -key ${KEYFILE} \ ${PASSARG} \ -in ${IN_FILE} \ -out ${OUT_FILE} \ -h sha256 \ -n "Espressif Systems (Shanghai) Co., Ltd." \ -i "https://www.espressif.com/" \ -ts http://timestamp.digicert.com chmod 644 ${OUT_FILE} # make up for the umask echo "Generated ${OUT_FILE}"