#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Script to build the IDF Tools installer for Windows with Inno Setup. # This script should be executed inside wine-innosetup docker image. # # - Downloads all tools to install into the "dist/" directory # - Downloads 7z and idf_versions.txt # - Runs ISCC under wine to compile the installer itself set -x set -e set -u INSTALLER_TYPE="${1-online}" COMPRESSION="${2-lzma}" # Default values for IDF installer passed in 'offline' version of build IDF_GIT_VERSION="" IDF_GIT_VERSION_DIR="v2.30.0.windows.2" IDF_PYTHON_VERSION="3.8.7" IDF_PYTHON_WHEELS_VERSION="3.8-2021-01-21" echo "Selected installer type: $INSTALLER_TYPE" echo "Selected compresion: $COMPRESSION" echo "Available installer types: online, offline, precached, draft" echo "Available compressions: lzma, none" # Configuration options passed to ISCC compiler # OFFLINE [yes|no] - set installer to offline mode, nothing will be retrieved from # internet during installation ISCC_PARAMS="" function prepare_offline_branches() { BUNDLE_DIR="releases/esp-idf-bundle" if [[ ! -d "$BUNDLE_DIR" ]]; then echo "Performing full clone." git clone --shallow-since=2020-01-01 --jobs 8 --recursive https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf.git "$BUNDLE_DIR" # Fix repo mode git -C "$BUNDLE_DIR" config --local core.fileMode false git -C "$BUNDLE_DIR" submodule foreach --recursive git config --local core.fileMode false # Allow deleting directories by git clean --force # Required when switching between versions which does not have a module present in current branch git -C "$BUNDLE_DIR" config --local clean.requireForce false git -C "$BUNDLE_DIR" reset --hard git -C "$BUNDLE_DIR" submodule foreach git reset --hard else git -C "$BUNDLE_DIR" fetch fi VERSIONS="idf_versions.txt" tac "$VERSIONS" | while read BRANCH; do pushd "$BUNDLE_DIR" if [[ -z "$BRANCH" ]]; then continue fi echo "processing branch: ($BRANCH)" git fetch origin tag "$BRANCH" git checkout "$BRANCH" # Pull changes only for branches, tags does not support pull #https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1593188/how-to-programmatically-determine-whether-the-git-checkout-is-a-tag-and-if-so-w git describe --exact-match HEAD || git pull git submodule update --init --recursive # Clean up left over submodule directories after switching to other branch git clean --force -d # Some modules are very persistent like cmok and needs 2nd round of cleaning git clean --force -d git reset --hard git submodule foreach git reset --hard if [[ $(git status -s | wc -l ) -ne 0 ]]; then echo "git status not empty. Repository is dirty. Aborting." git status exit 1 fi $IDF_PATH/tools/idf_tools.py --tools-json tools/tools.json --non-interactive download --platform Windows-x86_64 all popd done # Remove symlinks which are not supported on Windws, unfortunatelly -c core.symlinks=false does not work find "$BUNDLE_DIR" -type l -print -delete; } function install_idf_package() { TOOL_URL="$1" TOOL_FILE="$2" TOOL_VERSION="$3" if [[ ! -f "${TOOL_FILE}" ]]; then wget --no-verbose -O "${TOOL_FILE}" "${TOOL_URL}" fi if [[ ! -d "${TOOL_VERSION}" ]]; then mkdir -p "${TOOL_VERSION}" unzip -q "${TOOL_FILE}" -d "${TOOL_VERSION}" fi } function install_idf_python() { install_idf_package \ "https://dl.espressif.com/dl/idf-python/idf-python-$IDF_PYTHON_VERSION-embed-win64.zip" \ "${IDF_TOOLS_PATH}/idf-python-${IDF_PYTHON_VERSION}-embed-win64.zip" \ "tools/idf-python/${IDF_PYTHON_VERSION}" } function install_idf_python_wheels() { install_idf_package \ "https://dl.espressif.com/dl/idf-python-wheels/idf-python-wheels-$IDF_PYTHON_WHEELS_VERSION-win64.zip" \ "${IDF_TOOLS_PATH}/idf-python-wheels-${IDF_PYTHON_WHEELS_VERSION}-win64.zip" \ "tools/idf-python-wheels/${IDF_PYTHON_WHEELS_VERSION}" } function install_idf_git() { IDF_FILE="Git-${IDF_GIT_VERSION}-64-bit.exe" if [[ -f "${IDF_FILE}" ]]; then return fi mkdir -p "${IDF_TOOLS_PATH}/dist/" wget -nc --no-verbose -O "${IDF_TOOLS_PATH}/dist/${IDF_FILE}" "https://github.com/git-for-windows/git/releases/download/${IDF_GIT_VERSION_DIR}/${IDF_FILE}" || echo "exists" if [[ `file -b "${IDF_TOOLS_PATH}/dist/${IDF_FILE}"` != "PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows" ]]; then echo "Git installer is not valid Windows Executable" exit 1 fi } function download_idf_versions() { echo "Downloading idf_versions.txt..." wget --no-verbose -O idf_versions.txt https://dl.espressif.com/dl/esp-idf/idf_versions.txt } function build_with_wine() { xvfb-run-wine /opt/wine/drive_c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Inno\ Setup\ 6/ISCC.exe $ISCC_PARAMS idf_tool_setup.iss } # Check for ISCC on Windows WSL2 iscc_path=$(which ISCC.exe) || echo "ISCC.exe not found. If running in WSL2, install ISCC by following command: choco install innosetup" if [[ -z "$iscc_path" ]]; then echo "Searching for iscc" iscc_path=$(which iscc) if [[ -z "$iscc_path" ]]; then echo "Inno setup compiler (iscc) not found. Are you running wine-innosetup Docker image?" exit 1 fi fi if [ ! -d "unzip" ]; then echo "Downloading 7z..." mkdir -p unzip pushd unzip wget --no-verbose -O 7z1900-extra.7z https://www.7-zip.org/a/7z1900-extra.7z 7zr e -y 7z1900-extra.7z popd fi if [[ -z "${IDF_PATH:-}" ]]; then export IDF_PATH=$(cd ../../../; pwd) echo "Assuming IDF_PATH: ${IDF_PATH}" fi export IDF_TOOLS_PATH="${PWD}/idf_tools_tmp_${INSTALLER_TYPE}" mkdir -p "${IDF_TOOLS_PATH}" echo "Using IDF_TOOLS_PATH specific for installer type: ${IDF_TOOLS_PATH}" # Clean up production dist, data will be transferred from helper dist specific for installer type if [[ -d "dist" ]]; then rm -rf dist fi mkdir -p dist if [[ "$INSTALLER_TYPE" == "precached" ]]; then ISCC_PARAMS="/DOFFLINE=no /DCOMPRESSION=$COMPRESSION /DSOLIDCOMPRESSION=no /DPYTHONWHEELSVERSION= /DGITVERSION=${IDF_GIT_VERSION} /DGITVERSIONDIR=${IDF_GIT_VERSION_DIR}" download_idf_versions $IDF_PATH/tools/idf_tools.py --non-interactive download --platform Windows-x86_64 all $IDF_PATH/tools/idf_tools.py --tools-json tools_fallback.json --non-interactive download --platform Windows-x86_64 all cp $IDF_TOOLS_PATH/dist/* dist/ elif [[ "$INSTALLER_TYPE" == "online" ]]; then ISCC_PARAMS="/DOFFLINE=no /DCOMPRESSION=$COMPRESSION /DSOLIDCOMPRESSION=no /DPYTHONWHEELSVERSION= /DGITVERSION=${IDF_GIT_VERSION} /DGITVERSIONDIR=${IDF_GIT_VERSION_DIR}" download_idf_versions install_idf_python rm -rf tools/idf-python-wheels elif [[ "$INSTALLER_TYPE" == "offline" ]]; then # Turn off also solid compression - it causes delay in start time of installer. ISCC_PARAMS="/DOFFLINE=yes /DCOMPRESSION=$COMPRESSION /DSOLIDCOMPRESSION=no /DPYTHONWHEELSVERSION=$IDF_PYTHON_WHEELS_VERSION /DGITVERSION=${IDF_GIT_VERSION} /DGITVERSIONDIR=${IDF_GIT_VERSION_DIR}" install_idf_git install_idf_python install_idf_python_wheels cp idf_versions_offline.txt idf_versions.txt prepare_offline_branches cp $IDF_TOOLS_PATH/dist/* dist/ elif [[ "$INSTALLER_TYPE" == "draft" ]]; then ISCC_PARAMS="/DOFFLINE=yes /DCOMPRESSION=$COMPRESSION /DSOLIDCOMPRESSION=no /DPYTHONWHEELSVERSION=$IDF_PYTHON_WHEELS_VERSION /DGITVERSION=${IDF_GIT_VERSION} /DGITVERSIONDIR=${IDF_GIT_VERSION_DIR}" else echo "Uknown type of installer: $INSTALLER_TYPE" exit 1 fi # Check for cmdlinerunner if [[ ! -f "cmdlinerunner/build/cmdlinerunner.dll" ]]; then echo "cmdlinerunner not found, downloading" wget --no-verbose -O $IDF_TOOLS_PATH/idf-cmdlinerunner-1.0.zip https://dl.espressif.com/dl/idf-cmdlinerunner/idf-cmdlinerunner-1.0.zip mkdir -p cmdlinerunner/build unzip -q $IDF_TOOLS_PATH/idf-cmdlinerunner-1.0.zip -d cmdlinerunner/build/ rm $IDF_TOOLS_PATH/idf-cmdlinerunner-1.0.zip fi echo "Running ISCC..." # https://jrsoftware.org/ishelp/index.php?topic=compilercmdline echo "iscc $ISCC_PARAMS idf_tool_setup.iss" # Check whether we should run wine in case of docker image which xvfb-run-wine && \ build_with_wine || iscc $ISCC_PARAMS idf_tool_setup.iss mv "Output/esp-idf-tools-setup-unsigned.exe" "Output/esp-idf-tools-setup-${INSTALLER_TYPE}-unsigned.exe"