; Copyright 2019-2020 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD ; SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 [LangOptions] LanguageName=English LanguageID=$0409 [CustomMessages] PreInstallationCheckTitle=Pre-installation system check PreInstallationCheckSubtitle=Verification of environment SystemCheckStart=Starting system check ... SystemCheckForDefender=Checking Windows Defender SystemCheckHint=Hint SystemCheckResultFound=FOUND SystemCheckResultNotFound=NOT FOUND SystemCheckResultOk=OK SystemCheckResultFail=FAIL SystemCheckResultError=ERR SystemCheckResultWarn=WARN SystemCheckStopped=Check stopped. SystemCheckStopButtonCaption=Stop SystemCheckComplete=Check complete. SystemCheckForComponent=Checking installed SystemCheckUnableToExecute=Unable to execute SystemCheckUnableToFindFile=Unable to find file SystemCheckRemedyMissingPip=Please use a supported version of Python available on the next screen. SystemCheckRemedyMissingVirtualenv=Please install virtualenv and retry the installation. Suggested commands: SystemCheckRemedyCreateVirtualenv=Please use the supported Python version that is available on the next screen. SystemCheckRemedyPythonInVirtualenv=Please use the supported Python version that is available on the next screen. SystemCheckRemedyBinaryPythonWheel=Please use the supported Python version that is available on the next screen. SystemCheckRemedyFailedHttpsDownload=Please use the supported Python version that is available on the next screen. SystemCheckRemedyFailedSubmoduleRun=Python contains a subprocess.run module intended for Python 2. Please uninstall the module. Suggested command: SystemCheckApplyFixesButtonCaption=Apply Fixes SystemCheckFullLogButtonCaption=Full log SystemCheckApplyFixesConsent=Do you want to apply the commands with the suggested fixes to update your Windows environment and start a new System Check? SystemCheckFixesSuccessful=Successful application of Fixes. SystemCheckFixesFailed=Failed application of Fixes. Please refer to the Full log. SystemCheckNotCompleteConsent=System check is not complete. Do you want to proceed by skipping checks? SystemCheckRootCertificates=Checking certificates SystemCheckRootCertificateWarning=Unable to load data from server dl.espressif.com. CreateShortcutStartMenu=Start Menu CreateShortcutDesktop=Desktop CreateShortcutPowerShell=PowerShell - Create shortcut for the ESP-IDF Tools: CreateShortcutCMD=CMD - Create shortcut for the ESP-IDF Tools: OptimizationTitle=Optimization: OptimizationWindowsDefender=Register the ESP-IDF Tools executables as Windows Defender exclusions. The registration might improve compilation speed. The registration of exclusions requires elevation of privileges. OptimizationDownloadMirror=Use Espressif download server instead of downloading tool packages from GitHub.