{ Copyright 2019-2021 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 } { ------------------------------ Downloading ESP-IDF ------------------------------ } var IDFZIPFileVersion, IDFZIPFileName: String; function GetIDFPath(Unused: String): String; begin if IDFUseExisting then Result := IDFExistingPath else Result := IDFDownloadPath; end; function GetIDFZIPFileVersion(Version: String): String; var ReleaseVerPart: String; i: Integer; Found: Boolean; begin if WildCardMatch(Version, 'v*') or WildCardMatch(Version, 'v*-rc*') then Result := Version else if Version = 'master' then Result := '' else if WildCardMatch(Version, 'release/v*') then begin ReleaseVerPart := Version; Log('ReleaseVerPart=' + ReleaseVerPart) Delete(ReleaseVerPart, 1, Length('release/')); Log('ReleaseVerPart=' + ReleaseVerPart) Found := False; for i := 0 to GetArrayLength(IDFDownloadAvailableVersions) - 1 do begin if Pos(ReleaseVerPart, IDFDownloadAvailableVersions[i]) = 1 then begin Result := IDFDownloadAvailableVersions[i]; Found := True; break; end; end; if not Found then Result := ''; end; Log('GetIDFZIPFileVersion(' + Version + ')=' + Result); end; procedure IDFAddDownload(); var Url, MirrorUrl: String; begin IDFZIPFileVersion := GetIDFZIPFileVersion(IDFDownloadVersion); if IDFZIPFileVersion <> '' then begin Url := 'https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/releases/download/' + IDFZIPFileVersion + '/esp-idf-' + IDFZIPFileVersion + '.zip'; MirrorUrl := 'https://dl.espressif.com/github_assets/espressif/esp-idf/releases/download/' + IDFZIPFileVersion + '/esp-idf-' + IDFZIPFileVersion + '.zip'; IDFZIPFileName := ExpandConstant('{app}\releases\esp-idf-' + IDFZIPFileVersion + '.zip') if not FileExists(IDFZIPFileName) then begin ForceDirectories(ExpandConstant('{app}\releases')) Log('Adding download: ' + Url + ', mirror: ' + MirrorUrl + ', destination: ' + IDFZIPFileName); idpAddFile(Url, IDFZIPFileName); idpAddMirror(Url, MirrorUrl); end else begin Log(IDFZIPFileName + ' already exists') end; end; end; procedure RemoveAlternatesFile(Path: String); begin Log('Removing ' + Path); DeleteFile(Path); end; { Replacement of the '--dissociate' flag of 'git clone', to support older versions of Git. '--reference' is supported for submodules since git 2.12, but '--dissociate' only from 2.18. } procedure GitRepoDissociate(Path: String); var CmdLine: String; begin CmdLine := GitExecutablePath + ' -C ' + Path + ' repack -d -a' DoCmdlineInstall('Finishing ESP-IDF installation', 'Re-packing the repository', CmdLine); CmdLine := GitExecutablePath + ' -C ' + Path + ' submodule foreach git repack -d -a' DoCmdlineInstall('Finishing ESP-IDF installation', 'Re-packing the submodules', CmdLine); FindFileRecursive(Path + '\.git', 'alternates', @RemoveAlternatesFile); end; { Run git config fileMode is repairing problem when git repo was zipped on Linux and extracted on Windows. The repo and submodules are marked as dirty which confuses users that fresh installation already contains changes. More information: https://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-config.html } procedure GitRepoFixFileMode(Path: String); var CmdLine: String; begin CmdLine := GitExecutablePath + ' -C ' + Path + ' config --local core.fileMode false'; Log('Setting core.fileMode on repository: ' + CmdLine); DoCmdlineInstall('Finishing ESP-IDF installation', 'Updating fileMode', CmdLine); Log('Setting core.fileMode on repository for submodules: ' + CmdLine); CmdLine := GitExecutablePath + ' -C ' + Path + ' submodule foreach --recursive git config --local core.fileMode false'; DoCmdlineInstall('Finishing ESP-IDF installation', 'Updating fileMode in submodules', CmdLine); end; { Run git reset --hard in the repo and in the submodules, to fix the newlines. } procedure GitRepoFixNewlines(Path: String); var CmdLine: String; begin CmdLine := GitExecutablePath + ' -C ' + Path + ' reset --hard'; Log('Resetting the repository: ' + CmdLine); DoCmdlineInstall('Finishing ESP-IDF installation', 'Updating newlines', CmdLine); Log('Resetting the submodules: ' + CmdLine); CmdLine := GitExecutablePath + ' -C ' + Path + ' submodule foreach git reset --hard'; DoCmdlineInstall('Finishing ESP-IDF installation', 'Updating newlines in submodules', CmdLine); end; { There are 3 possible ways how an ESP-IDF copy can be obtained: - Download the .zip archive with submodules included, extract to destination directory, then do 'git reset --hard' and 'git submodule foreach git reset --hard' to correct for possibly different newlines. This is done for release versions. - Do a git clone of the Github repository into the destination directory. This is done for the master branch. - Download the .zip archive of a "close enough" release version, extract into a temporary directory. Then do a git clone of the Github repository, using the temporary directory as a '--reference'. This is done for other versions (such as release branches). } procedure IDFDownload(); var CmdLine: String; IDFTempPath: String; IDFPath: String; NeedToClone: Boolean; GitRepoParam: String; GitResetParam: String; GitRecursiveParam: String; begin IDFPath := IDFDownloadPath; { If there is a release archive to download, IDFZIPFileName and IDFZIPFileVersion will be set. See GetIDFZIPFileVersion function. } if IDFZIPFileName <> '' then begin if IDFZIPFileVersion <> IDFDownloadVersion then begin { The version of .zip file downloaded is not the same as the version the user has requested. Will use 'git clone --reference' to obtain the correct version, using the contents of the .zip file as reference. } NeedToClone := True; end; CmdLine := ExpandConstant('{tmp}\7za.exe x -o' + ExpandConstant('{tmp}') + ' -r -aoa "' + IDFZIPFileName + '"'); IDFTempPath := ExpandConstant('{tmp}\esp-idf-') + IDFZIPFileVersion; Log('Extracting ESP-IDF reference repository: ' + CmdLine); Log('Reference repository path: ' + IDFTempPath); DoCmdlineInstall('Extracting ESP-IDF', 'Setting up reference repository', CmdLine); end else begin { IDFZIPFileName is not set, meaning that we will rely on 'git clone'. } NeedToClone := True; Log('Not .zip release archive. Will do full clone.'); end; if NeedToClone then begin CmdLine := GitExecutablePath + ' clone --progress -b ' + IDFDownloadVersion; GitRecursiveParam := ExpandConstant('{param:GITRECURSIVE|yes}'); if (GitRecursiveParam = 'yes') then begin CmdLine := CmdLine + ' --recursive '; end; if IDFTempPath <> '' then CmdLine := CmdLine + ' --reference ' + IDFTempPath; GitRepoParam := ExpandConstant('{param:GITREPO|https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf.git}'); CmdLine := CmdLine + ' ' + GitRepoParam +' ' + IDFPath; Log('Cloning IDF: ' + CmdLine); DoCmdlineInstall('Downloading ESP-IDF', 'Using git to clone ESP-IDF repository', CmdLine); if IDFTempPath <> '' then GitRepoDissociate(IDFPath); end else begin Log('Copying ' + IDFTempPath + ' to ' + IDFPath); if DirExists(IDFPath) then begin if not DirIsEmpty(IDFPath) then begin MsgBox('Destination directory exists and is not empty: ' + IDFPath, mbError, MB_OK); RaiseException('Failed to copy ESP-IDF') end; end; { If cmd.exe command argument starts with a quote, the first and last quote chars in the command will be removed by cmd.exe. Keys explanation: /s+/e includes all subdirectories, /i assumes that destination is a directory, /h copies hidden files, /q disables file name logging (making copying faster!) } CmdLine := ExpandConstant('cmd.exe /c ""xcopy" /s /e /i /h /q "' + IDFTempPath + '" "' + IDFPath + '""'); DoCmdlineInstall('Extracting ESP-IDF', 'Copying ESP-IDF into the destination directory', CmdLine); GitRepoFixFileMode(IDFPath); GitResetParam := ExpandConstant('{param:GITRESET|yes}'); if (GitResetParam = 'yes') then begin GitRepoFixNewlines(IDFPath); end else begin Log('Git reset disabled by command line option /GITRESET=yes.'); end; DelTree(IDFTempPath, True, True, True); end; end; { ------------------------------ IDF Tools setup, Python environment setup ------------------------------ } function UseBundledIDFToolsPy(Version: String) : Boolean; begin Result := False; { Use bundled copy of idf_tools.py, as the copy shipped with these IDF versions can not work due to the --no-site-packages bug. } if (Version = 'v4.0') or (Version = 'v3.3.1') then begin Log('UseBundledIDFToolsPy: version=' + Version + ', using bundled idf_tools.py'); Result := True; end; end; { Find Major and Minor version in esp_idf_version.h file. } function GetIDFVersionFromHeaderFile():String; var HeaderFileName: String; HeaderLines: TArrayOfString; LineIndex: Integer; LineCount: Longint; Line: String; MajorVersion: String; MinorVersion: String; begin HeaderFileName := GetIDFPath('') + '\components\esp_common\include\esp_idf_version.h'; if (not FileExists(HeaderFileName)) then begin Result := ''; Exit; end; LoadStringsFromFile(HeaderFileName, HeaderLines); LineCount := GetArrayLength(HeaderLines); for LineIndex := 0 to LineCount - 1 do begin Line := HeaderLines[LineIndex]; if (pos('define ESP_IDF_VERSION_MAJOR', Line) > 0) then begin Delete(Line, 1, 29); MajorVersion := Trim(Line); end else if (pos('define ESP_IDF_VERSION_MINOR', Line) > 0) then begin Delete(Line, 1, 29); MinorVersion := Trim(Line); Result := MajorVersion + '.' + MinorVersion; Exit; end end; end; { Get short version from long version e.g. 3.7.9 -> 3.7 } function GetShortVersion(VersionString:String):String; var VersionIndex: Integer; MajorString: String; MinorString: String; DotIndex: Integer; begin { Transform version vx.y or release/vx.y to x.y } VersionIndex := pos('v', VersionString); if (VersionIndex > 0) then begin Delete(VersionString, 1, VersionIndex); end; { Transform version x.y.z to x.y } DotIndex := pos('.', VersionString); if (DotIndex > 0) then begin MajorString := Copy(VersionString, 1, DotIndex - 1); Delete(VersionString, 1, DotIndex); { Trim trailing version numbers. } DotIndex := pos('.', VersionString); if (DotIndex > 0) then begin MinorString := Copy(VersionString, 1, DotIndex - 1); VersionString := MajorString + '.' + MinorString; end else begin VersionString := MajorString + '.' + VersionString; end; end; Result := VersionString; end; { Get IDF version string in combination with Python version. } { Result e.g.: idf4.1_py38 } function GetIDFPythonEnvironmentVersion():String; var IDFVersionString: String; begin { Transform main or master to x.y } if (Pos('main', IDFDownloadVersion) > 0) or (Pos('master', IDFDownloadVersion) > 0) then begin IDFVersionString := GetIDFVersionFromHeaderFile(); end else begin IDFVersionString := GetShortVersion(IDFDownloadVersion); end; Result := 'idf' + IDFVersionString + '_py' + GetShortVersion(PythonVersion); end; procedure IDFToolsSetup(); var CmdLine: String; IDFPath: String; IDFToolsPyPath: String; IDFToolsPyCmd: String; BundledIDFToolsPyPath: String; JSONArg: String; OfflineParameter: String; PythonWheelsUrlParameter: String; begin IDFPath := GetIDFPath(''); IDFToolsPyPath := IDFPath + '\tools\idf_tools.py'; BundledIDFToolsPyPath := ExpandConstant('{app}\idf_tools_fallback.py'); JSONArg := ''; if FileExists(IDFToolsPyPath) then begin Log('idf_tools.py exists in IDF directory'); if UseBundledIDFToolsPy(IDFDownloadVersion) then begin Log('Using the bundled idf_tools.py copy'); IDFToolsPyCmd := BundledIDFToolsPyPath; end else begin IDFToolsPyCmd := IDFToolsPyPath; end; end else begin Log('idf_tools.py does not exist in IDF directory, using a fallback version'); IDFToolsPyCmd := BundledIDFToolsPyPath; JSONArg := ExpandConstant('--tools "{app}\tools_fallback.json"'); end; { IDFPath not quoted, as it can not contain spaces } IDFToolsPyCmd := PythonExecutablePath + ' "' + IDFToolsPyCmd + '" --idf-path ' + IDFPath + JSONArg; SetEnvironmentVariable('PYTHONUNBUFFERED', '1'); OfflineParameter := ExpandConstant('{param:OFFLINE|no}'); if (OfflineParameter = 'yes') then begin SetEnvironmentVariable('PIP_NO_INDEX', 'true'); Log('Offline installation selected. Setting environment variable PIP_NO_INDEX=1'); end else begin PythonWheelsUrlParameter := ExpandConstant('{param:PYTHONWHEELSURL|https://dl.espressif.com/pypi}'); SetEnvironmentVariable('PIP_EXTRA_INDEX_URL', PythonWheelsUrlParameter); Log('Adding extra Python wheels location. Setting environment variable PIP_EXTRA_INDEX_URL=' + PythonWheelsUrlParameter); end; Log('idf_tools.py command: ' + IDFToolsPyCmd); CmdLine := IDFToolsPyCmd + ' install'; Log('Installing tools:' + CmdLine); DoCmdlineInstall('Installing ESP-IDF tools', '', CmdLine); CmdLine := IDFToolsPyCmd + ' install-python-env'; Log('Installing Python environment:' + CmdLine); DoCmdlineInstall('Installing Python environment', '', CmdLine); end; { ------------------------------ Start menu shortcut ------------------------------ } procedure CreateIDFCommandPromptShortcut(LnkString: String); var Destination: String; Description: String; PythonVirtualEnvPath: String; Command: String; begin ForceDirectories(ExpandConstant(LnkString)); Destination := ExpandConstant(LnkString + '\{#IDFCmdExeShortcutFile}'); Description := '{#IDFCmdExeShortcutDescription}'; { The links should contain reference to Python vitual env } PythonVirtualEnvPath := ExpandConstant('{app}\python_env\') + GetIDFPythonEnvironmentVersion() + '_env\Scripts'; Log('Path to Python in virtual env: ' + PythonVirtualEnvPath); { Fallback in case of not existing environment. } if (not FileExists(PythonVirtualEnvPath + '\python.exe')) then begin PythonVirtualEnvPath := PythonPath; Log('python.exe not found, reverting to:' + PythonPath); end; { If cmd.exe command argument starts with a quote, the first and last quote chars in the command will be removed by cmd.exe; each argument needs to be surrounded by quotes as well. } Command := ExpandConstant('/k ""{app}\idf_cmd_init.bat" "') + PythonVirtualEnvPath + '" "' + GitPath + '""'; Log('CreateShellLink Destination=' + Destination + ' Description=' + Description + ' Command=' + Command) try CreateShellLink( Destination, Description, 'cmd.exe', Command, GetIDFPath(''), '', 0, SW_SHOWNORMAL); except MsgBox('Failed to create the Start menu shortcut: ' + Destination, mbError, MB_OK); RaiseException('Failed to create the shortcut'); end; end; { ------------------------------ WD exclusion registration ------------------------------ } procedure RegisterIDFToolsExecutablesInWD(); var CmdLine: String; begin CmdLine := ExpandConstant('powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File "{app}\dist\tools_WD_excl.ps1" -AddExclPath "{app}\*.exe"'); Log('Registering IDF Tools executables in Windows Defender: ' + CmdLine); DoCmdlineInstall('Finishing ESP-IDF installation', 'Registering IDF Tools executables in Windows Defender', CmdLine); end; procedure CheckWinDefenderAvailable(CurPageID: Integer); var x: Integer; begin if CurPageID = wpSelectTasks then begin { WD registration checkbox is identified by 'Windows Defender' substring anywhere in its caption. Please, keep this in mind when making changes } for x:=0 to (WizardForm.TasksList.Items.Count-1) do begin if Pos('Windows Defender', WizardForm.TasksList.ItemCaption[x]) > 0 then begin WizardForm.TasksList.ItemEnabled[x] := isWindowsDefenderEnabled; WizardForm.TasksList.Checked[x] := isWindowsDefenderEnabled; break; end; end; end; end;