 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2021 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#ifndef __ESP_WPS_H__
#define __ESP_WPS_H__

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "esp_err.h"
#include "esp_wifi_crypto_types.h"
#include "esp_compiler.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

/** \defgroup WiFi_APIs WiFi Related APIs
  * @brief WiFi APIs

/** @addtogroup WiFi_APIs
  * @{

/** @addtogroup WPS_APIs
  * @{

#define ESP_ERR_WIFI_REGISTRAR   (ESP_ERR_WIFI_BASE + 51)  /*!< WPS registrar is not supported */
#define ESP_ERR_WIFI_WPS_TYPE    (ESP_ERR_WIFI_BASE + 52)  /*!< WPS type error */
#define ESP_ERR_WIFI_WPS_SM      (ESP_ERR_WIFI_BASE + 53)  /*!< WPS state machine is not initialized */

typedef enum wps_type {
} wps_type_t;


typedef struct {
    char manufacturer[WPS_MAX_MANUFACTURER_LEN]; /*!< Manufacturer, null-terminated string. The default manufcturer is used if the string is empty */
    char model_number[WPS_MAX_MODEL_NUMBER_LEN]; /*!< Model number, null-terminated string. The default model number is used if the string is empty */
    char model_name[WPS_MAX_MODEL_NAME_LEN];     /*!< Model name, null-terminated string. The default model name is used if the string is empty */
    char device_name[WPS_MAX_DEVICE_NAME_LEN];   /*!< Device name, null-terminated string. The default device name is used if the string is empty */
} wps_factory_information_t;

#define PIN_LEN 9
typedef struct {
    wps_type_t wps_type;
    wps_factory_information_t factory_info;
    char pin[PIN_LEN];
} esp_wps_config_t;

#define WPS_CONFIG_INIT_DEFAULT(type) { \
    .wps_type = type, \
    .factory_info = {   \
    },  \

  * @brief     Enable Wi-Fi WPS function.
  * @attention WPS can only be used when station is enabled.
  * @param     wps_type_t wps_type : WPS type, so far only WPS_TYPE_PBC and WPS_TYPE_PIN is supported
  * @return
  *          - ESP_OK : succeed
  *          - ESP_ERR_WIFI_WPS_TYPE : wps type is invalid
  *          - ESP_ERR_WIFI_WPS_MODE : wifi is not in station mode or sniffer mode is on
  *          - ESP_FAIL : wps initialization fails
esp_err_t esp_wifi_wps_enable(const esp_wps_config_t *config);

  * @brief  Disable Wi-Fi WPS function and release resource it taken.
  * @param  null
  * @return
  *          - ESP_OK : succeed
  *          - ESP_ERR_WIFI_WPS_MODE : wifi is not in station mode or sniffer mode is on
esp_err_t esp_wifi_wps_disable(void);

  * @brief     WPS starts to work.
  * @attention WPS can only be used when station is enabled.
  * @param     timeout_ms : deprecated: This argument's value will have not effect in functionality of API.
  *                         The argument will be removed in future.
  *                         The app should start WPS and register for WIFI events to get the status.
  *                         WPS status is updated through WPS events. See wifi_event_t enum for more info.
  * @return
  *          - ESP_OK : succeed
  *          - ESP_ERR_WIFI_WPS_TYPE : wps type is invalid
  *          - ESP_ERR_WIFI_WPS_MODE : wifi is not in station mode or sniffer mode is on
  *          - ESP_ERR_WIFI_WPS_SM : wps state machine is not initialized
  *          - ESP_FAIL : wps initialization fails
esp_err_t esp_wifi_wps_start(int timeout_ms);

  * @brief     Enable Wi-Fi AP WPS function.
  * @attention WPS can only be used when softAP is enabled.
  * @param     esp_wps_config_t config: wps configuration to be used.
  * @return
  *          - ESP_OK : succeed
  *          - ESP_ERR_WIFI_WPS_TYPE : wps type is invalid
  *          - ESP_ERR_WIFI_WPS_MODE : wifi is not in station mode or sniffer mode is on
  *          - ESP_FAIL : wps initialization fails
esp_err_t esp_wifi_ap_wps_enable(const esp_wps_config_t *config);

  * @brief  Disable Wi-Fi SoftAP WPS function and release resource it taken.
  * @param  null
  * @return
  *          - ESP_OK : succeed
  *          - ESP_ERR_WIFI_WPS_MODE : wifi is not in station mode or sniffer mode is on
esp_err_t esp_wifi_ap_wps_disable(void);

  * @brief     WPS starts to work.
  * @attention WPS can only be used when softAP is enabled.
  * @param  pin : Pin to be used in case of WPS mode is pin.
  *               If Pin is not provided, device will use the pin generated/provided
  *               during esp_wifi_ap_wps_enable() and reported in WIFI_EVENT_AP_WPS_RG_PIN
  * @return
  *          - ESP_OK : succeed
  *          - ESP_ERR_WIFI_WPS_TYPE : wps type is invalid
  *          - ESP_ERR_WIFI_WPS_MODE : wifi is not in station mode or sniffer mode is on
  *          - ESP_ERR_WIFI_WPS_SM : wps state machine is not initialized
  *          - ESP_FAIL : wps initialization fails
esp_err_t esp_wifi_ap_wps_start(const unsigned char *pin);

  * @}

  * @}

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* __ESP_WPS_H__ */