/** Check that there are valid JIRA links in MR desctiption. * * This check extracts the "Related" section from the MR description and * searches for JIRA ticket references in the format "Closes [JIRA ticket key]". * * It then extracts the closing GitHub links from the corresponding JIRA tickets and * checks if the linked GitHub issues are still in open state. * * Finally, it checks if the required GitHub closing links are present in the MR's commit messages. * */ module.exports = async function () { const axios = require("axios"); const mrDescription = danger.gitlab.mr.description; const mrCommitMessages = danger.gitlab.commits.map( (commit) => commit.message ); const jiraTicketRegex = /[A-Z0-9]+-[0-9]+/; let partMessages = []; // Create a blank field for future records of individual issues // Parse section "Related" from MR Description const sectionRelated = extractSectionRelated(mrDescription); if ( !sectionRelated.header || // No section Related in MR description or ... !jiraTicketRegex.test(sectionRelated.content) // no Jira links in section Related ) { return message( "Please consider adding references to JIRA issues in the `Related` section of the MR description." ); } // Get closing (only) JIRA tickets const jiraTickets = findClosingJiraTickets(sectionRelated.content); for (const ticket of jiraTickets) { ticket.jiraUIUrl = `https://jira.espressif.com:8443/browse/${ticket.ticketName}`; if (!ticket.correctFormat) { partMessages.push( `- closing ticket \`${ticket.record}\` seems to be in the wrong format (or inaccessible to Jira DangerBot).. The correct format is for example \`- Closes JIRA-123\`.` ); } // Get closing GitHub issue links from JIRA tickets const closingGithubLink = await getGitHubClosingLink(ticket.ticketName); if (closingGithubLink) { ticket.closingGithubLink = closingGithubLink; } else if (closingGithubLink === null) { partMessages.push( `- the Jira issue number [\`${ticket.ticketName}\`](${ticket.jiraUIUrl}) seems to be invalid (please check if the ticket number is correct)` ); continue; // Handle unreachable JIRA tickets; skip the following checks } else { continue; // Jira ticket have no GitHub closing link; skip the following checks } // Get still open GitHub issues const githubIssueStatusOpen = await isGithubIssueOpen( ticket.closingGithubLink ); ticket.isOpen = githubIssueStatusOpen; if (githubIssueStatusOpen === null) { // Handle unreachable GitHub issues partMessages.push( `- the GitHub issue [\`${ticket.closingGithubLink}\`](${ticket.closingGithubLink}) does not seem to exist on GitHub (referenced from JIRA ticket [\`${ticket.ticketName}\`](${ticket.jiraUIUrl}) )` ); continue; // skip the following checks } // Search in commit message if there are all GitHub closing links (from Related section) for still open GH issues if (ticket.isOpen) { if ( !mrCommitMessages.some((item) => item.includes(`Closes ${ticket.closingGithubLink}`) ) ) { partMessages.push( `- please add \`Closes ${ticket.closingGithubLink}\` to the commit message` ); } } } // Create report / DangerJS check feedback if issues with Jira links found if (partMessages.length) { createReport(); } // --------------------------------------------------------------- /** * This function takes in a string mrDescription which contains a Markdown-formatted text * related to a Merge Request (MR) in a GitLab repository. It searches for a section titled "Related" * and extracts the content of that section. If the section is not found, it returns an object * indicating that the header and content are null. If the section is found but empty, it returns * an object indicating that the header is present but the content is null. If the section is found * with content, it returns an object indicating that the header is present and the content of the * "Related" section. * * @param {string} mrDescription - The Markdown-formatted text related to the Merge Request. * @returns {{ * header: string | boolean | null, * content: string | null * }} - An object containing the header and content of the "Related" section, if present. */ function extractSectionRelated(mrDescription) { const regexSectionRelated = /## Related([\s\S]*?)(?=## |$)/; const sectionRelated = mrDescription.match(regexSectionRelated); if (!sectionRelated) { return { header: null, content: null }; // Section "Related" is missing } const content = sectionRelated[1].replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, ""); // Remove empty lines if (!content.length) { return { header: true, content: null }; // Section "Related" is present, but empty } return { header: true, content: sectionRelated[1] }; // Found section "Related" with content } /** * Finds all JIRA tickets that are being closed in the given sectionRelatedcontent. * The function searches for lines that start with - Closes and have the format Closes [uppercase letters]-[numbers]. * @param {string} sectionRelatedcontent - A string that contains lines with mentions of JIRA tickets * @returns {Array} An array of objects with ticketName property that has the correct format */ function findClosingJiraTickets(sectionRelatedcontent) { let closingTickets = []; const lines = sectionRelatedcontent.split("\n"); for (const line of lines) { if (!line.startsWith("- Closes")) { continue; // Not closing-type ticket, skip } const correctJiraClosingLinkFormat = new RegExp( `^- Closes ${jiraTicketRegex.source}$` ); if (!correctJiraClosingLinkFormat.test(line)) { closingTickets.push({ record: line, ticketName: line.match(jiraTicketRegex)[0], correctFormat: false, }); } else { closingTickets.push({ record: line, ticketName: line.match(jiraTicketRegex)[0], correctFormat: true, }); } } return closingTickets; } /** * This function takes a JIRA issue key and retrieves the description from JIRA's API. * It then searches the description for a GitHub closing link in the format "Closes https://github.com/owner/repo/issues/123". * If a GitHub closing link is found, it is returned. If no GitHub closing link is found, it returns null. * @param {string} jiraIssueKey - The key of the JIRA issue to search for the GitHub closing link. * @returns {Promise} - A promise that resolves to a string containing the GitHub closing link if found, * or null if not found. */ async function getGitHubClosingLink(jiraIssueKey) { let jiraDescrition = ""; // Get JIRA ticket description content try { const response = await axios({ url: `https://jira.espressif.com:8443/rest/api/latest/issue/${jiraIssueKey}`, auth: { username: process.env.DANGER_JIRA_USER, password: process.env.DANGER_JIRA_PASSWORD, }, }); jiraDescrition = response.data.fields.description; } catch (error) { return null; } // Find GitHub closing link in description const regexClosingGhLink = /Closes\s+(https:\/\/github.com\/\S+\/\S+\/issues\/\d+)/; const closingGithubLink = jiraDescrition.match(regexClosingGhLink); if (closingGithubLink) { return closingGithubLink[1]; } else { return false; // Jira issue has no GitHub closing link in description } } /** * Check if a GitHub issue linked in a merge request is still open. * * @param {string} link - The link to the GitHub issue. * @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves to a boolean indicating if the issue is open. * @throws {Error} If the link is invalid or if there was an error fetching the issue. */ async function isGithubIssueOpen(link) { const parsedUrl = new URL(link); const [owner, repo] = parsedUrl.pathname.split("/").slice(1, 3); const issueNumber = parsedUrl.pathname.split("/").slice(-1)[0]; try { const response = await axios.get( `https://api.github.com/repos/${owner}/${repo}/issues/${issueNumber}` ); return response.data.state === "open"; // return True if GitHub issue is open } catch (error) { return null; // GET request to issue fails } } function createReport() { partMessages.sort(); let dangerMessage = `Some issues found for the related JIRA tickets in this MR:\n${partMessages.join( "\n" )}`; warn(dangerMessage); } };