{ Copyright 2019-2021 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 } { ------------------------------ Page to select Python interpreter ------------------------------ } #include "python_find_installed.iss.inc" var PythonPage: TInputOptionWizardPage; PythonVersion, PythonPath, PythonExecutablePath: String; function GetPythonPath(Unused: String): String; begin Result := PythonPath; end; function PythonVersionSupported(Version: String): Boolean; var Major, Minor: Integer; begin Result := False; if not VersionExtractMajorMinor(Version, Major, Minor) then begin Log('PythonVersionSupported: Could not parse version=' + Version); exit; end; if (Major = 2) and (Minor = 7) then Result := True; if (Major = 3) and (Minor >= 5) then Result := True; end; procedure OnPythonPagePrepare(Sender: TObject); var Page: TInputOptionWizardPage; FullName: String; i, Index, FirstEnabledIndex: Integer; OfferToInstall: Boolean; VersionToInstall: String; VersionSupported: Boolean; begin Page := TInputOptionWizardPage(Sender); Log('OnPythonPagePrepare'); if Page.CheckListBox.Items.Count > 0 then exit; VersionToInstall := '{#PythonVersion}'; OfferToInstall := True; FirstEnabledIndex := -1; for i := 0 to InstalledPythonVersions.Count - 1 do begin VersionSupported := PythonVersionSupported(InstalledPythonVersions[i]); FullName := InstalledPythonDisplayNames.Strings[i]; if not VersionSupported then begin FullName := FullName + ' (unsupported)'; end; FullName := FullName + #13#10 + InstalledPythonExecutables.Strings[i]; Index := Page.Add(FullName); if not VersionSupported then begin Page.CheckListBox.ItemEnabled[Index] := False; end else begin if FirstEnabledIndex < 0 then FirstEnabledIndex := Index; end; if InstalledPythonVersions[i] = VersionToInstall then begin OfferToInstall := False; end; end; if OfferToInstall then begin Index := Page.Add('Install Python ' + VersionToInstall); if FirstEnabledIndex < 0 then FirstEnabledIndex := Index; end; Page.SelectedValueIndex := FirstEnabledIndex; end; procedure OnPythonSelectionChange(Sender: TObject); var Page: TInputOptionWizardPage; begin Page := TInputOptionWizardPage(Sender); Log('OnPythonSelectionChange index=' + IntToStr(Page.SelectedValueIndex)); end; procedure ApplyPythonConfigurationByIndex(Index:Integer); begin Log('ApplyPythonConfigurationByIndex index=' + IntToStr(Index)); PythonExecutablePath := InstalledPythonExecutables[Index]; PythonPath := ExtractFilePath(PythonExecutablePath); PythonVersion := InstalledPythonVersions[Index]; Log('ApplyPythonConfigurationByIndex: PythonPath='+PythonPath+' PythonExecutablePath='+PythonExecutablePath); end; function OnPythonPageValidate(Sender: TWizardPage): Boolean; var Page: TInputOptionWizardPage; begin Page := TInputOptionWizardPage(Sender); ApplyPythonConfigurationByIndex(Page.SelectedValueIndex); Result := True; end; procedure UpdatePythonVariables(ExecutablePath: String); begin PythonExecutablePath := ExecutablePath; PythonPath := ExtractFilePath(PythonExecutablePath); Log('PythonExecutablePathUpdateAfterInstall: PythonPath='+PythonPath+' PythonExecutablePath='+PythonExecutablePath); end; procedure CreatePythonPage(); begin PythonPage := ChoicePageCreate( wpLicense, 'Python choice', 'Please choose Python version', 'Available Python versions', '', False, @OnPythonPagePrepare, @OnPythonSelectionChange, @OnPythonPageValidate); end; function ShouldSkipPythonPage(PageID: Integer): Boolean; begin if (PageID = PythonPage.ID) then begin { Skip in case of embedded Python. } if (UseEmbeddedPython) then begin ApplyPythonConfigurationByIndex(0); Result := True; end; end; end;