// Copyright 2015-2016 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #ifndef _SOC_LEDC_REG_H_ #define _SOC_LEDC_REG_H_ #include "soc.h" #define LEDC_HSCH0_CONF0_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0000) /* LEDC_CLK_EN : R/W ;bitpos:[31] ;default: 1'h0 ; */ /*description: This bit is clock gating control signal. when software config LED_PWM internal registers it controls the register clock.*/ #define LEDC_CLK_EN (BIT(31)) #define LEDC_CLK_EN_M (BIT(31)) #define LEDC_CLK_EN_V 0x1 #define LEDC_CLK_EN_S 31 /* LEDC_IDLE_LV_HSCH0 : R/W ;bitpos:[3] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to control the output value when high speed channel0 is off.*/ #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_HSCH0 (BIT(3)) #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_HSCH0_M (BIT(3)) #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_HSCH0_V 0x1 #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_HSCH0_S 3 /* LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_HSCH0 : R/W ;bitpos:[2] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This is the output enable control bit for high speed channel0*/ #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_HSCH0 (BIT(2)) #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_HSCH0_M (BIT(2)) #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_HSCH0_V 0x1 #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_HSCH0_S 2 /* LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH0 : R/W ;bitpos:[1:0] ;default: 2'd0 ; */ /*description: There are four high speed timers the two bits are used to select one of them for high speed channel0. 2'b00: seletc hstimer0. 2'b01: select hstimer1. 2'b10: select hstimer2. 2'b11: select hstimer3.*/ #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH0 0x00000003 #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH0_M ((LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH0_V)<<(LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH0_S)) #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH0_V 0x3 #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH0_S 0 #define LEDC_HSCH0_HPOINT_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0004) /* LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH0 : R/W ;bitpos:[19:0] ;default: 20'h0 ; */ /*description: The output value changes to high when htimerx(x=[0 3]) selected by high speed channel0 has reached reg_hpoint_hsch0[19:0]*/ #define LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH0 0x000FFFFF #define LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH0_M ((LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH0_V)<<(LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH0_S)) #define LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH0_V 0xFFFFF #define LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH0_S 0 #define LEDC_HSCH0_DUTY_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0008) /* LEDC_DUTY_HSCH0 : R/W ;bitpos:[24:0] ;default: 25'h0 ; */ /*description: The register is used to control output duty. When hstimerx(x=[0 3]) choosed by high speed channel0 has reached reg_lpoint_hsch0 the output signal changes to low. reg_lpoint_hsch0=(reg_hpoint_hsch0[19:0]+reg_duty_hsch0[24:4]) (1) reg_lpoint_hsch0=(reg_hpoint_hsch0[19:0]+reg_duty_hsch0[24:4] +1) (2) The least four bits in this register represent the decimal part and determines when to choose (1) or (2)*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH0 0x01FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH0_M ((LEDC_DUTY_HSCH0_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_HSCH0_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH0_V 0x1FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH0_S 0 #define LEDC_HSCH0_CONF1_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x000C) /* LEDC_DUTY_START_HSCH0 : R/W ;bitpos:[31] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: When reg_duty_num_hsch0 reg_duty_cycle_hsch0 and reg_duty_scale_hsch0 has been configured. these register won't take effect until set reg_duty_start_hsch0. this bit is automatically cleared by hardware.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_START_HSCH0 (BIT(31)) #define LEDC_DUTY_START_HSCH0_M (BIT(31)) #define LEDC_DUTY_START_HSCH0_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_START_HSCH0_S 31 /* LEDC_DUTY_INC_HSCH0 : R/W ;bitpos:[30] ;default: 1'b1 ; */ /*description: This register is used to increase the duty of output signal or decrease the duty of output signal for high speed channel0.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_HSCH0 (BIT(30)) #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_HSCH0_M (BIT(30)) #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_HSCH0_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_HSCH0_S 30 /* LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH0 : R/W ;bitpos:[29:20] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register is used to control the num of increased or decreased times for high speed channel0.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH0 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH0_M ((LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH0_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH0_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH0_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH0_S 20 /* LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH0 : R/W ;bitpos:[19:10] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register is used to increase or decrease the duty every reg_duty_cycle_hsch0 cycles for high speed channel0.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH0 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH0_M ((LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH0_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH0_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH0_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH0_S 10 /* LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH0 : R/W ;bitpos:[9:0] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register controls the increase or decrease step scale for high speed channel0.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH0 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH0_M ((LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH0_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH0_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH0_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH0_S 0 #define LEDC_HSCH0_DUTY_R_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0010) /* LEDC_DUTY_HSCH0 : RO ;bitpos:[24:0] ;default: 25'h0 ; */ /*description: This register represents the current duty of the output signal for high speed channel0.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH0 0x01FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH0_M ((LEDC_DUTY_HSCH0_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_HSCH0_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH0_V 0x1FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH0_S 0 #define LEDC_HSCH1_CONF0_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0014) /* LEDC_IDLE_LV_HSCH1 : R/W ;bitpos:[3] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to control the output value when high speed channel1 is off.*/ #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_HSCH1 (BIT(3)) #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_HSCH1_M (BIT(3)) #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_HSCH1_V 0x1 #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_HSCH1_S 3 /* LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_HSCH1 : R/W ;bitpos:[2] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This is the output enable control bit for high speed channel1*/ #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_HSCH1 (BIT(2)) #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_HSCH1_M (BIT(2)) #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_HSCH1_V 0x1 #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_HSCH1_S 2 /* LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH1 : R/W ;bitpos:[1:0] ;default: 2'd0 ; */ /*description: There are four high speed timers the two bits are used to select one of them for high speed channel1. 2'b00: seletc hstimer0. 2'b01: select hstimer1. 2'b10: select hstimer2. 2'b11: select hstimer3.*/ #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH1 0x00000003 #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH1_M ((LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH1_V)<<(LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH1_S)) #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH1_V 0x3 #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH1_S 0 #define LEDC_HSCH1_HPOINT_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0018) /* LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH1 : R/W ;bitpos:[19:0] ;default: 20'h0 ; */ /*description: The output value changes to high when htimerx(x=[0 3]) selected by high speed channel1 has reached reg_hpoint_hsch1[19:0]*/ #define LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH1 0x000FFFFF #define LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH1_M ((LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH1_V)<<(LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH1_S)) #define LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH1_V 0xFFFFF #define LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH1_S 0 #define LEDC_HSCH1_DUTY_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x001C) /* LEDC_DUTY_HSCH1 : R/W ;bitpos:[24:0] ;default: 25'h0 ; */ /*description: The register is used to control output duty. When hstimerx(x=[0 3]) choosed by high speed channel1 has reached reg_lpoint_hsch1 the output signal changes to low. reg_lpoint_hsch1=(reg_hpoint_hsch1[19:0]+reg_duty_hsch1[24:4]) (1) reg_lpoint_hsch1=(reg_hpoint_hsch1[19:0]+reg_duty_hsch1[24:4] +1) (2) The least four bits in this register represent the decimal part and determines when to choose (1) or (2)*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH1 0x01FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH1_M ((LEDC_DUTY_HSCH1_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_HSCH1_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH1_V 0x1FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH1_S 0 #define LEDC_HSCH1_CONF1_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0020) /* LEDC_DUTY_START_HSCH1 : R/W ;bitpos:[31] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: When reg_duty_num_hsch1 reg_duty_cycle_hsch1 and reg_duty_scale_hsch1 has been configured. these register won't take effect until set reg_duty_start_hsch1. this bit is automatically cleared by hardware.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_START_HSCH1 (BIT(31)) #define LEDC_DUTY_START_HSCH1_M (BIT(31)) #define LEDC_DUTY_START_HSCH1_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_START_HSCH1_S 31 /* LEDC_DUTY_INC_HSCH1 : R/W ;bitpos:[30] ;default: 1'b1 ; */ /*description: This register is used to increase the duty of output signal or decrease the duty of output signal for high speed channel1.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_HSCH1 (BIT(30)) #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_HSCH1_M (BIT(30)) #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_HSCH1_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_HSCH1_S 30 /* LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH1 : R/W ;bitpos:[29:20] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register is used to control the num of increased or decreased times for high speed channel1.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH1 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH1_M ((LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH1_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH1_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH1_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH1_S 20 /* LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH1 : R/W ;bitpos:[19:10] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register is used to increase or decrease the duty every reg_duty_cycle_hsch1 cycles for high speed channel1.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH1 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH1_M ((LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH1_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH1_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH1_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH1_S 10 /* LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH1 : R/W ;bitpos:[9:0] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register controls the increase or decrease step scale for high speed channel1.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH1 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH1_M ((LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH1_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH1_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH1_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH1_S 0 #define LEDC_HSCH1_DUTY_R_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0024) /* LEDC_DUTY_HSCH1 : RO ;bitpos:[24:0] ;default: 25'h0 ; */ /*description: This register represents the current duty of the output signal for high speed channel1.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH1 0x01FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH1_M ((LEDC_DUTY_HSCH1_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_HSCH1_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH1_V 0x1FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH1_S 0 #define LEDC_HSCH2_CONF0_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0028) /* LEDC_IDLE_LV_HSCH2 : R/W ;bitpos:[3] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to control the output value when high speed channel2 is off.*/ #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_HSCH2 (BIT(3)) #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_HSCH2_M (BIT(3)) #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_HSCH2_V 0x1 #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_HSCH2_S 3 /* LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_HSCH2 : R/W ;bitpos:[2] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This is the output enable control bit for high speed channel2*/ #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_HSCH2 (BIT(2)) #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_HSCH2_M (BIT(2)) #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_HSCH2_V 0x1 #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_HSCH2_S 2 /* LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH2 : R/W ;bitpos:[1:0] ;default: 2'd0 ; */ /*description: There are four high speed timers the two bits are used to select one of them for high speed channel2. 2'b00: seletc hstimer0. 2'b01: select hstimer1. 2'b10: select hstimer2. 2'b11: select hstimer3.*/ #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH2 0x00000003 #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH2_M ((LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH2_V)<<(LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH2_S)) #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH2_V 0x3 #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH2_S 0 #define LEDC_HSCH2_HPOINT_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x002C) /* LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH2 : R/W ;bitpos:[19:0] ;default: 20'h0 ; */ /*description: The output value changes to high when htimerx(x=[0 3]) selected by high speed channel2 has reached reg_hpoint_hsch2[19:0]*/ #define LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH2 0x000FFFFF #define LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH2_M ((LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH2_V)<<(LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH2_S)) #define LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH2_V 0xFFFFF #define LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH2_S 0 #define LEDC_HSCH2_DUTY_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0030) /* LEDC_DUTY_HSCH2 : R/W ;bitpos:[24:0] ;default: 25'h0 ; */ /*description: The register is used to control output duty. When hstimerx(x=[0 3]) choosed by high speed channel2 has reached reg_lpoint_hsch2 the output signal changes to low. reg_lpoint_hsch2=(reg_hpoint_hsch2[19:0]+reg_duty_hsch2[24:4]) (1) reg_lpoint_hsch2=(reg_hpoint_hsch2[19:0]+reg_duty_hsch2[24:4] +1) (2) The least four bits in this register represent the decimal part and determines when to choose (1) or (2)*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH2 0x01FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH2_M ((LEDC_DUTY_HSCH2_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_HSCH2_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH2_V 0x1FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH2_S 0 #define LEDC_HSCH2_CONF1_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0034) /* LEDC_DUTY_START_HSCH2 : R/W ;bitpos:[31] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: When reg_duty_num_hsch2 reg_duty_cycle_hsch2 and reg_duty_scale_hsch2 has been configured. these register won't take effect until set reg_duty_start_hsch2. this bit is automatically cleared by hardware.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_START_HSCH2 (BIT(31)) #define LEDC_DUTY_START_HSCH2_M (BIT(31)) #define LEDC_DUTY_START_HSCH2_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_START_HSCH2_S 31 /* LEDC_DUTY_INC_HSCH2 : R/W ;bitpos:[30] ;default: 1'b1 ; */ /*description: This register is used to increase the duty of output signal or decrease the duty of output signal for high speed channel2.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_HSCH2 (BIT(30)) #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_HSCH2_M (BIT(30)) #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_HSCH2_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_HSCH2_S 30 /* LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH2 : R/W ;bitpos:[29:20] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register is used to control the num of increased or decreased times for high speed channel2.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH2 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH2_M ((LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH2_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH2_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH2_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH2_S 20 /* LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH2 : R/W ;bitpos:[19:10] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register is used to increase or decrease the duty every reg_duty_cycle_hsch2 cycles for high speed channel2.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH2 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH2_M ((LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH2_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH2_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH2_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH2_S 10 /* LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH2 : R/W ;bitpos:[9:0] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register controls the increase or decrease step scale for high speed channel2.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH2 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH2_M ((LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH2_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH2_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH2_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH2_S 0 #define LEDC_HSCH2_DUTY_R_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0038) /* LEDC_DUTY_HSCH2 : RO ;bitpos:[24:0] ;default: 25'h0 ; */ /*description: This register represents the current duty of the output signal for high speed channel2.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH2 0x01FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH2_M ((LEDC_DUTY_HSCH2_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_HSCH2_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH2_V 0x1FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH2_S 0 #define LEDC_HSCH3_CONF0_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x003C) /* LEDC_IDLE_LV_HSCH3 : R/W ;bitpos:[3] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to control the output value when high speed channel3 is off.*/ #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_HSCH3 (BIT(3)) #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_HSCH3_M (BIT(3)) #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_HSCH3_V 0x1 #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_HSCH3_S 3 /* LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_HSCH3 : R/W ;bitpos:[2] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This is the output enable control bit for high speed channel3*/ #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_HSCH3 (BIT(2)) #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_HSCH3_M (BIT(2)) #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_HSCH3_V 0x1 #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_HSCH3_S 2 /* LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH3 : R/W ;bitpos:[1:0] ;default: 2'd0 ; */ /*description: There are four high speed timers the two bits are used to select one of them for high speed channel3. 2'b00: seletc hstimer0. 2'b01: select hstimer1. 2'b10: select hstimer2. 2'b11: select hstimer3.*/ #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH3 0x00000003 #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH3_M ((LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH3_V)<<(LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH3_S)) #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH3_V 0x3 #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH3_S 0 #define LEDC_HSCH3_HPOINT_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0040) /* LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH3 : R/W ;bitpos:[19:0] ;default: 20'h0 ; */ /*description: The output value changes to high when htimerx(x=[0 3]) selected by high speed channel3 has reached reg_hpoint_hsch3[19:0]*/ #define LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH3 0x000FFFFF #define LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH3_M ((LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH3_V)<<(LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH3_S)) #define LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH3_V 0xFFFFF #define LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH3_S 0 #define LEDC_HSCH3_DUTY_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0044) /* LEDC_DUTY_HSCH3 : R/W ;bitpos:[24:0] ;default: 25'h0 ; */ /*description: The register is used to control output duty. When hstimerx(x=[0 3]) choosed by high speed channel3 has reached reg_lpoint_hsch3 the output signal changes to low. reg_lpoint_hsch3=(reg_hpoint_hsch3[19:0]+reg_duty_hsch3[24:4]) (1) reg_lpoint_hsch3=(reg_hpoint_hsch3[19:0]+reg_duty_hsch3[24:4] +1) (2) The least four bits in this register represent the decimal part and determines when to choose (1) or (2)*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH3 0x01FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH3_M ((LEDC_DUTY_HSCH3_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_HSCH3_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH3_V 0x1FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH3_S 0 #define LEDC_HSCH3_CONF1_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0048) /* LEDC_DUTY_START_HSCH3 : R/W ;bitpos:[31] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: When reg_duty_num_hsch3 reg_duty_cycle_hsch3 and reg_duty_scale_hsch3 has been configured. these register won't take effect until set reg_duty_start_hsch3. this bit is automatically cleared by hardware.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_START_HSCH3 (BIT(31)) #define LEDC_DUTY_START_HSCH3_M (BIT(31)) #define LEDC_DUTY_START_HSCH3_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_START_HSCH3_S 31 /* LEDC_DUTY_INC_HSCH3 : R/W ;bitpos:[30] ;default: 1'b1 ; */ /*description: This register is used to increase the duty of output signal or decrease the duty of output signal for high speed channel3.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_HSCH3 (BIT(30)) #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_HSCH3_M (BIT(30)) #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_HSCH3_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_HSCH3_S 30 /* LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH3 : R/W ;bitpos:[29:20] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register is used to control the num of increased or decreased times for high speed channel3.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH3 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH3_M ((LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH3_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH3_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH3_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH3_S 20 /* LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH3 : R/W ;bitpos:[19:10] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register is used to increase or decrease the duty every reg_duty_cycle_hsch3 cycles for high speed channel3.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH3 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH3_M ((LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH3_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH3_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH3_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH3_S 10 /* LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH3 : R/W ;bitpos:[9:0] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register controls the increase or decrease step scale for high speed channel3.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH3 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH3_M ((LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH3_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH3_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH3_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH3_S 0 #define LEDC_HSCH3_DUTY_R_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x004C) /* LEDC_DUTY_HSCH3 : RO ;bitpos:[24:0] ;default: 25'h0 ; */ /*description: This register represents the current duty of the output signal for high speed channel3.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH3 0x01FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH3_M ((LEDC_DUTY_HSCH3_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_HSCH3_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH3_V 0x1FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH3_S 0 #define LEDC_HSCH4_CONF0_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0050) /* LEDC_IDLE_LV_HSCH4 : R/W ;bitpos:[3] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to control the output value when high speed channel4 is off.*/ #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_HSCH4 (BIT(3)) #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_HSCH4_M (BIT(3)) #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_HSCH4_V 0x1 #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_HSCH4_S 3 /* LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_HSCH4 : R/W ;bitpos:[2] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This is the output enable control bit for high speed channel4*/ #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_HSCH4 (BIT(2)) #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_HSCH4_M (BIT(2)) #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_HSCH4_V 0x1 #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_HSCH4_S 2 /* LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH4 : R/W ;bitpos:[1:0] ;default: 2'd0 ; */ /*description: There are four high speed timers the two bits are used to select one of them for high speed channel4. 2'b00: seletc hstimer0. 2'b01: select hstimer1. 2'b10: select hstimer2. 2'b11: select hstimer3.*/ #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH4 0x00000003 #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH4_M ((LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH4_V)<<(LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH4_S)) #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH4_V 0x3 #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH4_S 0 #define LEDC_HSCH4_HPOINT_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0054) /* LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH4 : R/W ;bitpos:[19:0] ;default: 20'h0 ; */ /*description: The output value changes to high when htimerx(x=[0 3]) selected by high speed channel4 has reached reg_hpoint_hsch4[19:0]*/ #define LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH4 0x000FFFFF #define LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH4_M ((LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH4_V)<<(LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH4_S)) #define LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH4_V 0xFFFFF #define LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH4_S 0 #define LEDC_HSCH4_DUTY_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0058) /* LEDC_DUTY_HSCH4 : R/W ;bitpos:[24:0] ;default: 25'h0 ; */ /*description: The register is used to control output duty. When hstimerx(x=[0 3]) choosed by high speed channel4 has reached reg_lpoint_hsch4 the output signal changes to low. reg_lpoint_hsch4=(reg_hpoint_hsch4[19:0]+reg_duty_hsch4[24:4]) (1) reg_lpoint_hsch4=(reg_hpoint_hsch4[19:0]+reg_duty_hsch4[24:4] +1) (2) The least four bits in this register represent the decimal part and determines when to choose (1) or (2)*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH4 0x01FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH4_M ((LEDC_DUTY_HSCH4_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_HSCH4_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH4_V 0x1FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH4_S 0 #define LEDC_HSCH4_CONF1_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x005C) /* LEDC_DUTY_START_HSCH4 : R/W ;bitpos:[31] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: When reg_duty_num_hsch1 reg_duty_cycle_hsch1 and reg_duty_scale_hsch1 has been configured. these register won't take effect until set reg_duty_start_hsch1. this bit is automatically cleared by hardware.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_START_HSCH4 (BIT(31)) #define LEDC_DUTY_START_HSCH4_M (BIT(31)) #define LEDC_DUTY_START_HSCH4_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_START_HSCH4_S 31 /* LEDC_DUTY_INC_HSCH4 : R/W ;bitpos:[30] ;default: 1'b1 ; */ /*description: This register is used to increase the duty of output signal or decrease the duty of output signal for high speed channel4.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_HSCH4 (BIT(30)) #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_HSCH4_M (BIT(30)) #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_HSCH4_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_HSCH4_S 30 /* LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH4 : R/W ;bitpos:[29:20] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register is used to control the num of increased or decreased times for high speed channel1.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH4 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH4_M ((LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH4_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH4_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH4_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH4_S 20 /* LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH4 : R/W ;bitpos:[19:10] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register is used to increase or decrease the duty every reg_duty_cycle_hsch4 cycles for high speed channel4.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH4 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH4_M ((LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH4_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH4_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH4_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH4_S 10 /* LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH4 : R/W ;bitpos:[9:0] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register controls the increase or decrease step scale for high speed channel4.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH4 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH4_M ((LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH4_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH4_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH4_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH4_S 0 #define LEDC_HSCH4_DUTY_R_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0060) /* LEDC_DUTY_HSCH4 : RO ;bitpos:[24:0] ;default: 25'h0 ; */ /*description: This register represents the current duty of the output signal for high speed channel4.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH4 0x01FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH4_M ((LEDC_DUTY_HSCH4_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_HSCH4_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH4_V 0x1FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH4_S 0 #define LEDC_HSCH5_CONF0_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0064) /* LEDC_IDLE_LV_HSCH5 : R/W ;bitpos:[3] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to control the output value when high speed channel5 is off.*/ #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_HSCH5 (BIT(3)) #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_HSCH5_M (BIT(3)) #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_HSCH5_V 0x1 #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_HSCH5_S 3 /* LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_HSCH5 : R/W ;bitpos:[2] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This is the output enable control bit for high speed channel5.*/ #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_HSCH5 (BIT(2)) #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_HSCH5_M (BIT(2)) #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_HSCH5_V 0x1 #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_HSCH5_S 2 /* LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH5 : R/W ;bitpos:[1:0] ;default: 2'd0 ; */ /*description: There are four high speed timers the two bits are used to select one of them for high speed channel5. 2'b00: seletc hstimer0. 2'b01: select hstimer1. 2'b10: select hstimer2. 2'b11: select hstimer3.*/ #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH5 0x00000003 #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH5_M ((LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH5_V)<<(LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH5_S)) #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH5_V 0x3 #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH5_S 0 #define LEDC_HSCH5_HPOINT_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0068) /* LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH5 : R/W ;bitpos:[19:0] ;default: 20'h0 ; */ /*description: The output value changes to high when htimerx(x=[0 3]) selected by high speed channel5 has reached reg_hpoint_hsch5[19:0]*/ #define LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH5 0x000FFFFF #define LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH5_M ((LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH5_V)<<(LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH5_S)) #define LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH5_V 0xFFFFF #define LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH5_S 0 #define LEDC_HSCH5_DUTY_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x006C) /* LEDC_DUTY_HSCH5 : R/W ;bitpos:[24:0] ;default: 25'h0 ; */ /*description: The register is used to control output duty. When hstimerx(x=[0 3]) choosed by high speed channel5 has reached reg_lpoint_hsch5 the output signal changes to low. reg_lpoint_hsch5=(reg_hpoint_hsch5[19:0]+reg_duty_hsch5[24:4]) (1) reg_lpoint_hsch5=(reg_hpoint_hsch5[19:0]+reg_duty_hsch5[24:4] +1) (2) The least four bits in this register represent the decimal part and determines when to choose (1) or (2)*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH5 0x01FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH5_M ((LEDC_DUTY_HSCH5_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_HSCH5_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH5_V 0x1FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH5_S 0 #define LEDC_HSCH5_CONF1_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0070) /* LEDC_DUTY_START_HSCH5 : R/W ;bitpos:[31] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: When reg_duty_num_hsch5 reg_duty_cycle_hsch5 and reg_duty_scale_hsch5 has been configured. these register won't take effect until set reg_duty_start_hsch5. this bit is automatically cleared by hardware.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_START_HSCH5 (BIT(31)) #define LEDC_DUTY_START_HSCH5_M (BIT(31)) #define LEDC_DUTY_START_HSCH5_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_START_HSCH5_S 31 /* LEDC_DUTY_INC_HSCH5 : R/W ;bitpos:[30] ;default: 1'b1 ; */ /*description: This register is used to increase the duty of output signal or decrease the duty of output signal for high speed channel5.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_HSCH5 (BIT(30)) #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_HSCH5_M (BIT(30)) #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_HSCH5_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_HSCH5_S 30 /* LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH5 : R/W ;bitpos:[29:20] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register is used to control the num of increased or decreased times for high speed channel5.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH5 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH5_M ((LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH5_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH5_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH5_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH5_S 20 /* LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH5 : R/W ;bitpos:[19:10] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register is used to increase or decrease the duty every reg_duty_cycle_hsch5 cycles for high speed channel5.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH5 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH5_M ((LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH5_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH5_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH5_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH5_S 10 /* LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH5 : R/W ;bitpos:[9:0] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register controls the increase or decrease step scale for high speed channel5.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH5 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH5_M ((LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH5_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH5_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH5_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH5_S 0 #define LEDC_HSCH5_DUTY_R_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0074) /* LEDC_DUTY_HSCH5 : RO ;bitpos:[24:0] ;default: 25'h0 ; */ /*description: This register represents the current duty of the output signal for high speed channel5.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH5 0x01FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH5_M ((LEDC_DUTY_HSCH5_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_HSCH5_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH5_V 0x1FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH5_S 0 #define LEDC_HSCH6_CONF0_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0078) /* LEDC_IDLE_LV_HSCH6 : R/W ;bitpos:[3] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to control the output value when high speed channel6 is off.*/ #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_HSCH6 (BIT(3)) #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_HSCH6_M (BIT(3)) #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_HSCH6_V 0x1 #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_HSCH6_S 3 /* LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_HSCH6 : R/W ;bitpos:[2] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This is the output enable control bit for high speed channel6*/ #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_HSCH6 (BIT(2)) #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_HSCH6_M (BIT(2)) #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_HSCH6_V 0x1 #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_HSCH6_S 2 /* LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH6 : R/W ;bitpos:[1:0] ;default: 2'd0 ; */ /*description: There are four high speed timers the two bits are used to select one of them for high speed channel6. 2'b00: seletc hstimer0. 2'b01: select hstimer1. 2'b10: select hstimer2. 2'b11: select hstimer3.*/ #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH6 0x00000003 #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH6_M ((LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH6_V)<<(LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH6_S)) #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH6_V 0x3 #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH6_S 0 #define LEDC_HSCH6_HPOINT_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x007C) /* LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH6 : R/W ;bitpos:[19:0] ;default: 20'h0 ; */ /*description: The output value changes to high when htimerx(x=[0 3]) selected by high speed channel6 has reached reg_hpoint_hsch6[19:0]*/ #define LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH6 0x000FFFFF #define LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH6_M ((LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH6_V)<<(LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH6_S)) #define LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH6_V 0xFFFFF #define LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH6_S 0 #define LEDC_HSCH6_DUTY_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0080) /* LEDC_DUTY_HSCH6 : R/W ;bitpos:[24:0] ;default: 25'h0 ; */ /*description: The register is used to control output duty. When hstimerx(x=[0 3]) choosed by high speed channel6 has reached reg_lpoint_hsch6 the output signal changes to low. reg_lpoint_hsch6=(reg_hpoint_hsch6[19:0]+reg_duty_hsch6[24:4]) (1) reg_lpoint_hsch6=(reg_hpoint_hsch6[19:0]+reg_duty_hsch6[24:4] +1) (2) The least four bits in this register represent the decimal part and determines when to choose (1) or (2)*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH6 0x01FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH6_M ((LEDC_DUTY_HSCH6_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_HSCH6_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH6_V 0x1FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH6_S 0 #define LEDC_HSCH6_CONF1_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0084) /* LEDC_DUTY_START_HSCH6 : R/W ;bitpos:[31] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: When reg_duty_num_hsch1 reg_duty_cycle_hsch1 and reg_duty_scale_hsch1 has been configured. these register won't take effect until set reg_duty_start_hsch1. this bit is automatically cleared by hardware.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_START_HSCH6 (BIT(31)) #define LEDC_DUTY_START_HSCH6_M (BIT(31)) #define LEDC_DUTY_START_HSCH6_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_START_HSCH6_S 31 /* LEDC_DUTY_INC_HSCH6 : R/W ;bitpos:[30] ;default: 1'b1 ; */ /*description: This register is used to increase the duty of output signal or decrease the duty of output signal for high speed channel6.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_HSCH6 (BIT(30)) #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_HSCH6_M (BIT(30)) #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_HSCH6_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_HSCH6_S 30 /* LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH6 : R/W ;bitpos:[29:20] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register is used to control the num of increased or decreased times for high speed channel6.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH6 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH6_M ((LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH6_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH6_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH6_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH6_S 20 /* LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH6 : R/W ;bitpos:[19:10] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register is used to increase or decrease the duty every reg_duty_cycle_hsch6 cycles for high speed channel6.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH6 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH6_M ((LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH6_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH6_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH6_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH6_S 10 /* LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH6 : R/W ;bitpos:[9:0] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register controls the increase or decrease step scale for high speed channel6.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH6 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH6_M ((LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH6_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH6_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH6_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH6_S 0 #define LEDC_HSCH6_DUTY_R_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0088) /* LEDC_DUTY_HSCH6 : RO ;bitpos:[24:0] ;default: 25'h0 ; */ /*description: This register represents the current duty of the output signal for high speed channel6.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH6 0x01FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH6_M ((LEDC_DUTY_HSCH6_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_HSCH6_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH6_V 0x1FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH6_S 0 #define LEDC_HSCH7_CONF0_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x008C) /* LEDC_IDLE_LV_HSCH7 : R/W ;bitpos:[3] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to control the output value when high speed channel7 is off.*/ #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_HSCH7 (BIT(3)) #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_HSCH7_M (BIT(3)) #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_HSCH7_V 0x1 #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_HSCH7_S 3 /* LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_HSCH7 : R/W ;bitpos:[2] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This is the output enable control bit for high speed channel7.*/ #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_HSCH7 (BIT(2)) #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_HSCH7_M (BIT(2)) #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_HSCH7_V 0x1 #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_HSCH7_S 2 /* LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH7 : R/W ;bitpos:[1:0] ;default: 2'd0 ; */ /*description: There are four high speed timers the two bits are used to select one of them for high speed channel7. 2'b00: seletc hstimer0. 2'b01: select hstimer1. 2'b10: select hstimer2. 2'b11: select hstimer3.*/ #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH7 0x00000003 #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH7_M ((LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH7_V)<<(LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH7_S)) #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH7_V 0x3 #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_HSCH7_S 0 #define LEDC_HSCH7_HPOINT_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0090) /* LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH7 : R/W ;bitpos:[19:0] ;default: 20'h0 ; */ /*description: The output value changes to high when htimerx(x=[0 3]) selected by high speed channel7 has reached reg_hpoint_hsch7[19:0]*/ #define LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH7 0x000FFFFF #define LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH7_M ((LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH7_V)<<(LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH7_S)) #define LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH7_V 0xFFFFF #define LEDC_HPOINT_HSCH7_S 0 #define LEDC_HSCH7_DUTY_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0094) /* LEDC_DUTY_HSCH7 : R/W ;bitpos:[24:0] ;default: 25'h0 ; */ /*description: The register is used to control output duty. When hstimerx(x=[0 3]) choosed by high speed channel7 has reached reg_lpoint_hsch7 the output signal changes to low. reg_lpoint_hsch7=(reg_hpoint_hsch7[19:0]+reg_duty_hsch7[24:4]) (1) reg_lpoint_hsch7=(reg_hpoint_hsch7[19:0]+reg_duty_hsch7[24:4] +1) (2) The least four bits in this register represent the decimal part and determines when to choose (1) or (2)*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH7 0x01FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH7_M ((LEDC_DUTY_HSCH7_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_HSCH7_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH7_V 0x1FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH7_S 0 #define LEDC_HSCH7_CONF1_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0098) /* LEDC_DUTY_START_HSCH7 : R/W ;bitpos:[31] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: When reg_duty_num_hsch1 reg_duty_cycle_hsch1 and reg_duty_scale_hsch1 has been configured. these register won't take effect until set reg_duty_start_hsch1. this bit is automatically cleared by hardware.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_START_HSCH7 (BIT(31)) #define LEDC_DUTY_START_HSCH7_M (BIT(31)) #define LEDC_DUTY_START_HSCH7_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_START_HSCH7_S 31 /* LEDC_DUTY_INC_HSCH7 : R/W ;bitpos:[30] ;default: 1'b1 ; */ /*description: This register is used to increase the duty of output signal or decrease the duty of output signal for high speed channel6.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_HSCH7 (BIT(30)) #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_HSCH7_M (BIT(30)) #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_HSCH7_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_HSCH7_S 30 /* LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH7 : R/W ;bitpos:[29:20] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register is used to control the num of increased or decreased times for high speed channel6.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH7 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH7_M ((LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH7_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH7_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH7_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_HSCH7_S 20 /* LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH7 : R/W ;bitpos:[19:10] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register is used to increase or decrease the duty every reg_duty_cycle_hsch7 cycles for high speed channel7.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH7 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH7_M ((LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH7_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH7_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH7_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_HSCH7_S 10 /* LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH7 : R/W ;bitpos:[9:0] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register controls the increase or decrease step scale for high speed channel7.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH7 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH7_M ((LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH7_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH7_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH7_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_HSCH7_S 0 #define LEDC_HSCH7_DUTY_R_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x009C) /* LEDC_DUTY_HSCH7 : RO ;bitpos:[24:0] ;default: 25'h0 ; */ /*description: This register represents the current duty of the output signal for high speed channel7.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH7 0x01FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH7_M ((LEDC_DUTY_HSCH7_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_HSCH7_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH7_V 0x1FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_HSCH7_S 0 #define LEDC_LSCH0_CONF0_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x00A0) /* LEDC_PARA_UP_LSCH0 : R/W ;bitpos:[4] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to update register LEDC_LSCH0_HPOINT and LEDC_LSCH0_DUTY for low speed channel0.*/ #define LEDC_PARA_UP_LSCH0 (BIT(4)) #define LEDC_PARA_UP_LSCH0_M (BIT(4)) #define LEDC_PARA_UP_LSCH0_V 0x1 #define LEDC_PARA_UP_LSCH0_S 4 /* LEDC_IDLE_LV_LSCH0 : R/W ;bitpos:[3] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to control the output value when low speed channel0 is off.*/ #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_LSCH0 (BIT(3)) #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_LSCH0_M (BIT(3)) #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_LSCH0_V 0x1 #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_LSCH0_S 3 /* LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_LSCH0 : R/W ;bitpos:[2] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This is the output enable control bit for low speed channel0.*/ #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_LSCH0 (BIT(2)) #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_LSCH0_M (BIT(2)) #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_LSCH0_V 0x1 #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_LSCH0_S 2 /* LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH0 : R/W ;bitpos:[1:0] ;default: 2'd0 ; */ /*description: There are four low speed timers the two bits are used to select one of them for low speed channel0. 2'b00: seletc lstimer0. 2'b01: select lstimer1. 2'b10: select lstimer2. 2'b11: select lstimer3.*/ #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH0 0x00000003 #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH0_M ((LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH0_V)<<(LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH0_S)) #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH0_V 0x3 #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH0_S 0 #define LEDC_LSCH0_HPOINT_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x00A4) /* LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH0 : R/W ;bitpos:[19:0] ;default: 20'h0 ; */ /*description: The output value changes to high when lstimerx(x=[0 3]) selected by low speed channel0 has reached reg_hpoint_lsch0[19:0]*/ #define LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH0 0x000FFFFF #define LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH0_M ((LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH0_V)<<(LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH0_S)) #define LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH0_V 0xFFFFF #define LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH0_S 0 #define LEDC_LSCH0_DUTY_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x00A8) /* LEDC_DUTY_LSCH0 : R/W ;bitpos:[24:0] ;default: 25'h0 ; */ /*description: The register is used to control output duty. When lstimerx(x=[0 3]) choosed by low speed channel0 has reached reg_lpoint_lsch0 the output signal changes to low. reg_lpoint_lsch0=(reg_hpoint_lsch0[19:0]+reg_duty_lsch0[24:4]) (1) reg_lpoint_lsch0=(reg_hpoint_lsch0[19:0]+reg_duty_lsch0[24:4] +1) (2) The least four bits in this register represent the decimal part and determines when to choose (1) or (2)*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH0 0x01FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH0_M ((LEDC_DUTY_LSCH0_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_LSCH0_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH0_V 0x1FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH0_S 0 #define LEDC_LSCH0_CONF1_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x00AC) /* LEDC_DUTY_START_LSCH0 : R/W ;bitpos:[31] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: When reg_duty_num_hsch1 reg_duty_cycle_hsch1 and reg_duty_scale_hsch1 has been configured. these register won't take effect until set reg_duty_start_hsch1. this bit is automatically cleared by hardware.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_START_LSCH0 (BIT(31)) #define LEDC_DUTY_START_LSCH0_M (BIT(31)) #define LEDC_DUTY_START_LSCH0_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_START_LSCH0_S 31 /* LEDC_DUTY_INC_LSCH0 : R/W ;bitpos:[30] ;default: 1'b1 ; */ /*description: This register is used to increase the duty of output signal or decrease the duty of output signal for low speed channel6.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_LSCH0 (BIT(30)) #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_LSCH0_M (BIT(30)) #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_LSCH0_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_LSCH0_S 30 /* LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH0 : R/W ;bitpos:[29:20] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register is used to control the num of increased or decreased times for low speed channel6.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH0 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH0_M ((LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH0_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH0_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH0_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH0_S 20 /* LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH0 : R/W ;bitpos:[19:10] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register is used to increase or decrease the duty every reg_duty_cycle_lsch0 cycles for low speed channel0.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH0 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH0_M ((LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH0_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH0_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH0_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH0_S 10 /* LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH0 : R/W ;bitpos:[9:0] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register controls the increase or decrease step scale for low speed channel0.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH0 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH0_M ((LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH0_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH0_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH0_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH0_S 0 #define LEDC_LSCH0_DUTY_R_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x00B0) /* LEDC_DUTY_LSCH0 : RO ;bitpos:[24:0] ;default: 25'h0 ; */ /*description: This register represents the current duty of the output signal for low speed channel0.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH0 0x01FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH0_M ((LEDC_DUTY_LSCH0_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_LSCH0_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH0_V 0x1FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH0_S 0 #define LEDC_LSCH1_CONF0_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x00B4) /* LEDC_PARA_UP_LSCH1 : R/W ;bitpos:[4] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to update register LEDC_LSCH1_HPOINT and LEDC_LSCH1_DUTY for low speed channel1.*/ #define LEDC_PARA_UP_LSCH1 (BIT(4)) #define LEDC_PARA_UP_LSCH1_M (BIT(4)) #define LEDC_PARA_UP_LSCH1_V 0x1 #define LEDC_PARA_UP_LSCH1_S 4 /* LEDC_IDLE_LV_LSCH1 : R/W ;bitpos:[3] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to control the output value when low speed channel1 is off.*/ #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_LSCH1 (BIT(3)) #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_LSCH1_M (BIT(3)) #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_LSCH1_V 0x1 #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_LSCH1_S 3 /* LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_LSCH1 : R/W ;bitpos:[2] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This is the output enable control bit for low speed channel1.*/ #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_LSCH1 (BIT(2)) #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_LSCH1_M (BIT(2)) #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_LSCH1_V 0x1 #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_LSCH1_S 2 /* LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH1 : R/W ;bitpos:[1:0] ;default: 2'd0 ; */ /*description: There are four low speed timers the two bits are used to select one of them for low speed channel1. 2'b00: seletc lstimer0. 2'b01: select lstimer1. 2'b10: select lstimer2. 2'b11: select lstimer3.*/ #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH1 0x00000003 #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH1_M ((LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH1_V)<<(LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH1_S)) #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH1_V 0x3 #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH1_S 0 #define LEDC_LSCH1_HPOINT_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x00B8) /* LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH1 : R/W ;bitpos:[19:0] ;default: 20'h0 ; */ /*description: The output value changes to high when lstimerx(x=[0 3]) selected by low speed channel1 has reached reg_hpoint_lsch1[19:0]*/ #define LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH1 0x000FFFFF #define LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH1_M ((LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH1_V)<<(LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH1_S)) #define LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH1_V 0xFFFFF #define LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH1_S 0 #define LEDC_LSCH1_DUTY_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x00BC) /* LEDC_DUTY_LSCH1 : R/W ;bitpos:[24:0] ;default: 25'h0 ; */ /*description: The register is used to control output duty. When lstimerx(x=[0 3]) choosed by low speed channel1 has reached reg_lpoint_lsch1 the output signal changes to low. reg_lpoint_lsch1=(reg_hpoint_lsch1[19:0]+reg_duty_lsch1[24:4]) (1) reg_lpoint_lsch1=(reg_hpoint_lsch1[19:0]+reg_duty_lsch1[24:4] +1) (2) The least four bits in this register represent the decimal part and determines when to choose (1) or (2)*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH1 0x01FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH1_M ((LEDC_DUTY_LSCH1_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_LSCH1_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH1_V 0x1FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH1_S 0 #define LEDC_LSCH1_CONF1_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x00C0) /* LEDC_DUTY_START_LSCH1 : R/W ;bitpos:[31] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: When reg_duty_num_hsch1 reg_duty_cycle_hsch1 and reg_duty_scale_hsch1 has been configured. these register won't take effect until set reg_duty_start_hsch1. this bit is automatically cleared by hardware.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_START_LSCH1 (BIT(31)) #define LEDC_DUTY_START_LSCH1_M (BIT(31)) #define LEDC_DUTY_START_LSCH1_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_START_LSCH1_S 31 /* LEDC_DUTY_INC_LSCH1 : R/W ;bitpos:[30] ;default: 1'b1 ; */ /*description: This register is used to increase the duty of output signal or decrease the duty of output signal for low speed channel1.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_LSCH1 (BIT(30)) #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_LSCH1_M (BIT(30)) #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_LSCH1_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_LSCH1_S 30 /* LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH1 : R/W ;bitpos:[29:20] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register is used to control the num of increased or decreased times for low speed channel1.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH1 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH1_M ((LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH1_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH1_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH1_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH1_S 20 /* LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH1 : R/W ;bitpos:[19:10] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register is used to increase or decrease the duty every reg_duty_cycle_lsch1 cycles for low speed channel1.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH1 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH1_M ((LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH1_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH1_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH1_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH1_S 10 /* LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH1 : R/W ;bitpos:[9:0] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register controls the increase or decrease step scale for low speed channel1.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH1 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH1_M ((LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH1_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH1_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH1_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH1_S 0 #define LEDC_LSCH1_DUTY_R_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x00C4) /* LEDC_DUTY_LSCH1 : RO ;bitpos:[24:0] ;default: 25'h0 ; */ /*description: This register represents the current duty of the output signal for low speed channel1.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH1 0x01FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH1_M ((LEDC_DUTY_LSCH1_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_LSCH1_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH1_V 0x1FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH1_S 0 #define LEDC_LSCH2_CONF0_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x00C8) /* LEDC_PARA_UP_LSCH2 : R/W ;bitpos:[4] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to update register LEDC_LSCH2_HPOINT and LEDC_LSCH2_DUTY for low speed channel2.*/ #define LEDC_PARA_UP_LSCH2 (BIT(4)) #define LEDC_PARA_UP_LSCH2_M (BIT(4)) #define LEDC_PARA_UP_LSCH2_V 0x1 #define LEDC_PARA_UP_LSCH2_S 4 /* LEDC_IDLE_LV_LSCH2 : R/W ;bitpos:[3] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to control the output value when low speed channel2 is off.*/ #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_LSCH2 (BIT(3)) #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_LSCH2_M (BIT(3)) #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_LSCH2_V 0x1 #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_LSCH2_S 3 /* LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_LSCH2 : R/W ;bitpos:[2] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This is the output enable control bit for low speed channel2.*/ #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_LSCH2 (BIT(2)) #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_LSCH2_M (BIT(2)) #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_LSCH2_V 0x1 #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_LSCH2_S 2 /* LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH2 : R/W ;bitpos:[1:0] ;default: 2'd0 ; */ /*description: There are four low speed timers the two bits are used to select one of them for low speed channel2. 2'b00: seletc lstimer0. 2'b01: select lstimer1. 2'b10: select lstimer2. 2'b11: select lstimer3.*/ #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH2 0x00000003 #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH2_M ((LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH2_V)<<(LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH2_S)) #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH2_V 0x3 #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH2_S 0 #define LEDC_LSCH2_HPOINT_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x00CC) /* LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH2 : R/W ;bitpos:[19:0] ;default: 20'h0 ; */ /*description: The output value changes to high when lstimerx(x=[0 3]) selected by low speed channel2 has reached reg_hpoint_lsch2[19:0]*/ #define LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH2 0x000FFFFF #define LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH2_M ((LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH2_V)<<(LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH2_S)) #define LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH2_V 0xFFFFF #define LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH2_S 0 #define LEDC_LSCH2_DUTY_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x00D0) /* LEDC_DUTY_LSCH2 : R/W ;bitpos:[24:0] ;default: 25'h0 ; */ /*description: The register is used to control output duty. When lstimerx(x=[0 3]) choosed by low speed channel2 has reached reg_lpoint_lsch2 the output signal changes to low. reg_lpoint_lsch2=(reg_hpoint_lsch2[19:0]+reg_duty_lsch2[24:4]) (1) reg_lpoint_lsch2=(reg_hpoint_lsch2[19:0]+reg_duty_lsch2[24:4] +1) (2) The least four bits in this register represent the decimal part and determines when to choose (1) or (2)*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH2 0x01FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH2_M ((LEDC_DUTY_LSCH2_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_LSCH2_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH2_V 0x1FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH2_S 0 #define LEDC_LSCH2_CONF1_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x00D4) /* LEDC_DUTY_START_LSCH2 : R/W ;bitpos:[31] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: When reg_duty_num_hsch2 reg_duty_cycle_hsch2 and reg_duty_scale_hsch2 has been configured. these register won't take effect until set reg_duty_start_hsch2. this bit is automatically cleared by hardware.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_START_LSCH2 (BIT(31)) #define LEDC_DUTY_START_LSCH2_M (BIT(31)) #define LEDC_DUTY_START_LSCH2_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_START_LSCH2_S 31 /* LEDC_DUTY_INC_LSCH2 : R/W ;bitpos:[30] ;default: 1'b1 ; */ /*description: This register is used to increase the duty of output signal or decrease the duty of output signal for low speed channel2.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_LSCH2 (BIT(30)) #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_LSCH2_M (BIT(30)) #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_LSCH2_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_LSCH2_S 30 /* LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH2 : R/W ;bitpos:[29:20] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register is used to control the num of increased or decreased times for low speed channel2.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH2 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH2_M ((LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH2_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH2_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH2_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH2_S 20 /* LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH2 : R/W ;bitpos:[19:10] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register is used to increase or decrease the duty every reg_duty_cycle_lsch2 cycles for low speed channel2.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH2 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH2_M ((LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH2_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH2_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH2_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH2_S 10 /* LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH2 : R/W ;bitpos:[9:0] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register controls the increase or decrease step scale for low speed channel2.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH2 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH2_M ((LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH2_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH2_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH2_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH2_S 0 #define LEDC_LSCH2_DUTY_R_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x00D8) /* LEDC_DUTY_LSCH2 : RO ;bitpos:[24:0] ;default: 25'h0 ; */ /*description: This register represents the current duty of the output signal for low speed channel2.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH2 0x01FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH2_M ((LEDC_DUTY_LSCH2_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_LSCH2_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH2_V 0x1FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH2_S 0 #define LEDC_LSCH3_CONF0_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x00DC) /* LEDC_PARA_UP_LSCH3 : R/W ;bitpos:[4] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to update register LEDC_LSCH3_HPOINT and LEDC_LSCH3_DUTY for low speed channel3.*/ #define LEDC_PARA_UP_LSCH3 (BIT(4)) #define LEDC_PARA_UP_LSCH3_M (BIT(4)) #define LEDC_PARA_UP_LSCH3_V 0x1 #define LEDC_PARA_UP_LSCH3_S 4 /* LEDC_IDLE_LV_LSCH3 : R/W ;bitpos:[3] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to control the output value when low speed channel3 is off.*/ #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_LSCH3 (BIT(3)) #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_LSCH3_M (BIT(3)) #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_LSCH3_V 0x1 #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_LSCH3_S 3 /* LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_LSCH3 : R/W ;bitpos:[2] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This is the output enable control bit for low speed channel3.*/ #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_LSCH3 (BIT(2)) #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_LSCH3_M (BIT(2)) #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_LSCH3_V 0x1 #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_LSCH3_S 2 /* LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH3 : R/W ;bitpos:[1:0] ;default: 2'd0 ; */ /*description: There are four low speed timers the two bits are used to select one of them for low speed channel3. 2'b00: seletc lstimer0. 2'b01: select lstimer1. 2'b10: select lstimer2. 2'b11: select lstimer3.*/ #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH3 0x00000003 #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH3_M ((LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH3_V)<<(LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH3_S)) #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH3_V 0x3 #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH3_S 0 #define LEDC_LSCH3_HPOINT_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x00E0) /* LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH3 : R/W ;bitpos:[19:0] ;default: 20'h0 ; */ /*description: The output value changes to high when lstimerx(x=[0 3]) selected by low speed channel3 has reached reg_hpoint_lsch3[19:0]*/ #define LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH3 0x000FFFFF #define LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH3_M ((LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH3_V)<<(LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH3_S)) #define LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH3_V 0xFFFFF #define LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH3_S 0 #define LEDC_LSCH3_DUTY_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x00E4) /* LEDC_DUTY_LSCH3 : R/W ;bitpos:[24:0] ;default: 25'h0 ; */ /*description: The register is used to control output duty. When lstimerx(x=[0 3]) choosed by low speed channel3 has reached reg_lpoint_lsch3 the output signal changes to low. reg_lpoint_lsch3=(reg_hpoint_lsch3[19:0]+reg_duty_lsch3[24:4]) (1) reg_lpoint_lsch3=(reg_hpoint_lsch3[19:0]+reg_duty_lsch3[24:4] +1) (2) The least four bits in this register represent the decimal part and determines when to choose (1) or (2)*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH3 0x01FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH3_M ((LEDC_DUTY_LSCH3_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_LSCH3_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH3_V 0x1FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH3_S 0 #define LEDC_LSCH3_CONF1_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x00E8) /* LEDC_DUTY_START_LSCH3 : R/W ;bitpos:[31] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: When reg_duty_num_hsch3 reg_duty_cycle_hsch3 and reg_duty_scale_hsch3 has been configured. these register won't take effect until set reg_duty_start_hsch3. this bit is automatically cleared by hardware.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_START_LSCH3 (BIT(31)) #define LEDC_DUTY_START_LSCH3_M (BIT(31)) #define LEDC_DUTY_START_LSCH3_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_START_LSCH3_S 31 /* LEDC_DUTY_INC_LSCH3 : R/W ;bitpos:[30] ;default: 1'b1 ; */ /*description: This register is used to increase the duty of output signal or decrease the duty of output signal for low speed channel3.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_LSCH3 (BIT(30)) #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_LSCH3_M (BIT(30)) #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_LSCH3_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_LSCH3_S 30 /* LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH3 : R/W ;bitpos:[29:20] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register is used to control the num of increased or decreased times for low speed channel3.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH3 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH3_M ((LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH3_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH3_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH3_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH3_S 20 /* LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH3 : R/W ;bitpos:[19:10] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register is used to increase or decrease the duty every reg_duty_cycle_lsch3 cycles for low speed channel3.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH3 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH3_M ((LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH3_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH3_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH3_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH3_S 10 /* LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH3 : R/W ;bitpos:[9:0] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register controls the increase or decrease step scale for low speed channel3.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH3 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH3_M ((LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH3_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH3_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH3_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH3_S 0 #define LEDC_LSCH3_DUTY_R_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x00EC) /* LEDC_DUTY_LSCH3 : RO ;bitpos:[24:0] ;default: 25'h0 ; */ /*description: This register represents the current duty of the output signal for low speed channel3.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH3 0x01FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH3_M ((LEDC_DUTY_LSCH3_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_LSCH3_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH3_V 0x1FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH3_S 0 #define LEDC_LSCH4_CONF0_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x00F0) /* LEDC_PARA_UP_LSCH4 : R/W ;bitpos:[4] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to update register LEDC_LSCH4_HPOINT and LEDC_LSCH4_DUTY for low speed channel4.*/ #define LEDC_PARA_UP_LSCH4 (BIT(4)) #define LEDC_PARA_UP_LSCH4_M (BIT(4)) #define LEDC_PARA_UP_LSCH4_V 0x1 #define LEDC_PARA_UP_LSCH4_S 4 /* LEDC_IDLE_LV_LSCH4 : R/W ;bitpos:[3] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to control the output value when low speed channel4 is off.*/ #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_LSCH4 (BIT(3)) #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_LSCH4_M (BIT(3)) #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_LSCH4_V 0x1 #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_LSCH4_S 3 /* LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_LSCH4 : R/W ;bitpos:[2] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This is the output enable control bit for low speed channel4.*/ #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_LSCH4 (BIT(2)) #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_LSCH4_M (BIT(2)) #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_LSCH4_V 0x1 #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_LSCH4_S 2 /* LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH4 : R/W ;bitpos:[1:0] ;default: 2'd0 ; */ /*description: There are four low speed timers the two bits are used to select one of them for low speed channel4. 2'b00: seletc lstimer0. 2'b01: select lstimer1. 2'b10: select lstimer2. 2'b11: select lstimer3.*/ #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH4 0x00000003 #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH4_M ((LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH4_V)<<(LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH4_S)) #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH4_V 0x3 #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH4_S 0 #define LEDC_LSCH4_HPOINT_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x00F4) /* LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH4 : R/W ;bitpos:[19:0] ;default: 20'h0 ; */ /*description: The output value changes to high when lstimerx(x=[0 3]) selected by low speed channel4 has reached reg_hpoint_lsch4[19:0]*/ #define LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH4 0x000FFFFF #define LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH4_M ((LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH4_V)<<(LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH4_S)) #define LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH4_V 0xFFFFF #define LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH4_S 0 #define LEDC_LSCH4_DUTY_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x00F8) /* LEDC_DUTY_LSCH4 : R/W ;bitpos:[24:0] ;default: 25'h0 ; */ /*description: The register is used to control output duty. When lstimerx(x=[0 3]) choosed by low speed channel4 has reached reg_lpoint_lsch4 the output signal changes to low. reg_lpoint_lsch4=(reg_hpoint_lsch4[19:0]+reg_duty_lsch4[24:4]) (1) reg_lpoint_lsch4=(reg_hpoint_lsch4[19:0]+reg_duty_lsch4[24:4] +1) (2) The least four bits in this register represent the decimal part and determines when to choose (1) or (2)*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH4 0x01FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH4_M ((LEDC_DUTY_LSCH4_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_LSCH4_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH4_V 0x1FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH4_S 0 #define LEDC_LSCH4_CONF1_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x00FC) /* LEDC_DUTY_START_LSCH4 : R/W ;bitpos:[31] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: When reg_duty_num_hsch4 reg_duty_cycle_hsch4 and reg_duty_scale_hsch4 has been configured. these register won't take effect until set reg_duty_start_hsch4. this bit is automatically cleared by hardware.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_START_LSCH4 (BIT(31)) #define LEDC_DUTY_START_LSCH4_M (BIT(31)) #define LEDC_DUTY_START_LSCH4_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_START_LSCH4_S 31 /* LEDC_DUTY_INC_LSCH4 : R/W ;bitpos:[30] ;default: 1'b1 ; */ /*description: This register is used to increase the duty of output signal or decrease the duty of output signal for low speed channel4.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_LSCH4 (BIT(30)) #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_LSCH4_M (BIT(30)) #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_LSCH4_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_LSCH4_S 30 /* LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH4 : R/W ;bitpos:[29:20] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register is used to control the num of increased or decreased times for low speed channel4.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH4 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH4_M ((LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH4_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH4_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH4_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH4_S 20 /* LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH4 : R/W ;bitpos:[19:10] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register is used to increase or decrease the duty every reg_duty_cycle_lsch4 cycles for low speed channel4.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH4 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH4_M ((LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH4_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH4_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH4_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH4_S 10 /* LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH4 : R/W ;bitpos:[9:0] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register controls the increase or decrease step scale for low speed channel4.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH4 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH4_M ((LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH4_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH4_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH4_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH4_S 0 #define LEDC_LSCH4_DUTY_R_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0100) /* LEDC_DUTY_LSCH4 : RO ;bitpos:[24:0] ;default: 25'h0 ; */ /*description: This register represents the current duty of the output signal for low speed channel4.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH4 0x01FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH4_M ((LEDC_DUTY_LSCH4_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_LSCH4_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH4_V 0x1FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH4_S 0 #define LEDC_LSCH5_CONF0_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0104) /* LEDC_PARA_UP_LSCH5 : R/W ;bitpos:[4] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to update register LEDC_LSCH5_HPOINT and LEDC_LSCH5_DUTY for low speed channel5.*/ #define LEDC_PARA_UP_LSCH5 (BIT(4)) #define LEDC_PARA_UP_LSCH5_M (BIT(4)) #define LEDC_PARA_UP_LSCH5_V 0x1 #define LEDC_PARA_UP_LSCH5_S 4 /* LEDC_IDLE_LV_LSCH5 : R/W ;bitpos:[3] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to control the output value when low speed channel5 is off.*/ #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_LSCH5 (BIT(3)) #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_LSCH5_M (BIT(3)) #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_LSCH5_V 0x1 #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_LSCH5_S 3 /* LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_LSCH5 : R/W ;bitpos:[2] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This is the output enable control bit for low speed channel5.*/ #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_LSCH5 (BIT(2)) #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_LSCH5_M (BIT(2)) #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_LSCH5_V 0x1 #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_LSCH5_S 2 /* LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH5 : R/W ;bitpos:[1:0] ;default: 2'd0 ; */ /*description: There are four low speed timers the two bits are used to select one of them for low speed channel5. 2'b00: seletc lstimer0. 2'b01: select lstimer1. 2'b10: select lstimer2. 2'b11: select lstimer3.*/ #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH5 0x00000003 #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH5_M ((LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH5_V)<<(LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH5_S)) #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH5_V 0x3 #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH5_S 0 #define LEDC_LSCH5_HPOINT_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0108) /* LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH5 : R/W ;bitpos:[19:0] ;default: 20'h0 ; */ /*description: The output value changes to high when lstimerx(x=[0 3]) selected by low speed channel5 has reached reg_hpoint_lsch5[19:0]*/ #define LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH5 0x000FFFFF #define LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH5_M ((LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH5_V)<<(LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH5_S)) #define LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH5_V 0xFFFFF #define LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH5_S 0 #define LEDC_LSCH5_DUTY_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x010C) /* LEDC_DUTY_LSCH5 : R/W ;bitpos:[24:0] ;default: 25'h0 ; */ /*description: The register is used to control output duty. When lstimerx(x=[0 3]) choosed by low speed channel5 has reached reg_lpoint_lsch5 the output signal changes to low. reg_lpoint_lsch5=(reg_hpoint_lsch5[19:0]+reg_duty_lsch5[24:4]) (1) reg_lpoint_lsch5=(reg_hpoint_lsch5[19:0]+reg_duty_lsch5[24:4] +1) (2) The least four bits in this register represent the decimal part and determines when to choose (1) or (2)*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH5 0x01FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH5_M ((LEDC_DUTY_LSCH5_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_LSCH5_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH5_V 0x1FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH5_S 0 #define LEDC_LSCH5_CONF1_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0110) /* LEDC_DUTY_START_LSCH5 : R/W ;bitpos:[31] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: When reg_duty_num_hsch4 reg_duty_cycle_hsch4 and reg_duty_scale_hsch4 has been configured. these register won't take effect until set reg_duty_start_hsch4. this bit is automatically cleared by hardware.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_START_LSCH5 (BIT(31)) #define LEDC_DUTY_START_LSCH5_M (BIT(31)) #define LEDC_DUTY_START_LSCH5_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_START_LSCH5_S 31 /* LEDC_DUTY_INC_LSCH5 : R/W ;bitpos:[30] ;default: 1'b1 ; */ /*description: This register is used to increase the duty of output signal or decrease the duty of output signal for low speed channel5.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_LSCH5 (BIT(30)) #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_LSCH5_M (BIT(30)) #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_LSCH5_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_LSCH5_S 30 /* LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH5 : R/W ;bitpos:[29:20] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register is used to control the num of increased or decreased times for low speed channel5.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH5 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH5_M ((LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH5_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH5_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH5_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH5_S 20 /* LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH5 : R/W ;bitpos:[19:10] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register is used to increase or decrease the duty every reg_duty_cycle_lsch5 cycles for low speed channel4.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH5 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH5_M ((LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH5_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH5_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH5_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH5_S 10 /* LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH5 : R/W ;bitpos:[9:0] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register controls the increase or decrease step scale for low speed channel5.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH5 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH5_M ((LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH5_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH5_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH5_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH5_S 0 #define LEDC_LSCH5_DUTY_R_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0114) /* LEDC_DUTY_LSCH5 : RO ;bitpos:[24:0] ;default: 25'h0 ; */ /*description: This register represents the current duty of the output signal for low speed channel5.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH5 0x01FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH5_M ((LEDC_DUTY_LSCH5_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_LSCH5_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH5_V 0x1FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH5_S 0 #define LEDC_LSCH6_CONF0_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0118) /* LEDC_PARA_UP_LSCH6 : R/W ;bitpos:[4] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to update register LEDC_LSCH6_HPOINT and LEDC_LSCH6_DUTY for low speed channel6.*/ #define LEDC_PARA_UP_LSCH6 (BIT(4)) #define LEDC_PARA_UP_LSCH6_M (BIT(4)) #define LEDC_PARA_UP_LSCH6_V 0x1 #define LEDC_PARA_UP_LSCH6_S 4 /* LEDC_IDLE_LV_LSCH6 : R/W ;bitpos:[3] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to control the output value when low speed channel6 is off.*/ #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_LSCH6 (BIT(3)) #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_LSCH6_M (BIT(3)) #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_LSCH6_V 0x1 #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_LSCH6_S 3 /* LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_LSCH6 : R/W ;bitpos:[2] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This is the output enable control bit for low speed channel6.*/ #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_LSCH6 (BIT(2)) #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_LSCH6_M (BIT(2)) #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_LSCH6_V 0x1 #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_LSCH6_S 2 /* LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH6 : R/W ;bitpos:[1:0] ;default: 2'd0 ; */ /*description: There are four low speed timers the two bits are used to select one of them for low speed channel6. 2'b00: seletc lstimer0. 2'b01: select lstimer1. 2'b10: select lstimer2. 2'b11: select lstimer3.*/ #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH6 0x00000003 #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH6_M ((LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH6_V)<<(LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH6_S)) #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH6_V 0x3 #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH6_S 0 #define LEDC_LSCH6_HPOINT_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x011C) /* LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH6 : R/W ;bitpos:[19:0] ;default: 20'h0 ; */ /*description: The output value changes to high when lstimerx(x=[0 3]) selected by low speed channel6 has reached reg_hpoint_lsch6[19:0]*/ #define LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH6 0x000FFFFF #define LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH6_M ((LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH6_V)<<(LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH6_S)) #define LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH6_V 0xFFFFF #define LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH6_S 0 #define LEDC_LSCH6_DUTY_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0120) /* LEDC_DUTY_LSCH6 : R/W ;bitpos:[24:0] ;default: 25'h0 ; */ /*description: The register is used to control output duty. When lstimerx(x=[0 3]) choosed by low speed channel6 has reached reg_lpoint_lsch6 the output signal changes to low. reg_lpoint_lsch6=(reg_hpoint_lsch6[19:0]+reg_duty_lsch6[24:4]) (1) reg_lpoint_lsch6=(reg_hpoint_lsch6[19:0]+reg_duty_lsch6[24:4] +1) (2) The least four bits in this register represent the decimal part and determines when to choose (1) or (2)*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH6 0x01FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH6_M ((LEDC_DUTY_LSCH6_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_LSCH6_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH6_V 0x1FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH6_S 0 #define LEDC_LSCH6_CONF1_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0124) /* LEDC_DUTY_START_LSCH6 : R/W ;bitpos:[31] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: When reg_duty_num_hsch6 reg_duty_cycle_hsch6 and reg_duty_scale_hsch6 has been configured. these register won't take effect until set reg_duty_start_hsch6. this bit is automatically cleared by hardware.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_START_LSCH6 (BIT(31)) #define LEDC_DUTY_START_LSCH6_M (BIT(31)) #define LEDC_DUTY_START_LSCH6_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_START_LSCH6_S 31 /* LEDC_DUTY_INC_LSCH6 : R/W ;bitpos:[30] ;default: 1'b1 ; */ /*description: This register is used to increase the duty of output signal or decrease the duty of output signal for low speed channel6.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_LSCH6 (BIT(30)) #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_LSCH6_M (BIT(30)) #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_LSCH6_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_LSCH6_S 30 /* LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH6 : R/W ;bitpos:[29:20] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register is used to control the num of increased or decreased times for low speed channel6.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH6 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH6_M ((LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH6_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH6_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH6_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH6_S 20 /* LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH6 : R/W ;bitpos:[19:10] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register is used to increase or decrease the duty every reg_duty_cycle_lsch6 cycles for low speed channel6.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH6 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH6_M ((LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH6_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH6_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH6_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH6_S 10 /* LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH6 : R/W ;bitpos:[9:0] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register controls the increase or decrease step scale for low speed channel6.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH6 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH6_M ((LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH6_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH6_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH6_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH6_S 0 #define LEDC_LSCH6_DUTY_R_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0128) /* LEDC_DUTY_LSCH6 : RO ;bitpos:[24:0] ;default: 25'h0 ; */ /*description: This register represents the current duty of the output signal for low speed channel6.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH6 0x01FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH6_M ((LEDC_DUTY_LSCH6_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_LSCH6_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH6_V 0x1FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH6_S 0 #define LEDC_LSCH7_CONF0_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x012C) /* LEDC_PARA_UP_LSCH7 : R/W ;bitpos:[4] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to update register LEDC_LSCH7_HPOINT and LEDC_LSCH7_DUTY for low speed channel7.*/ #define LEDC_PARA_UP_LSCH7 (BIT(4)) #define LEDC_PARA_UP_LSCH7_M (BIT(4)) #define LEDC_PARA_UP_LSCH7_V 0x1 #define LEDC_PARA_UP_LSCH7_S 4 /* LEDC_IDLE_LV_LSCH7 : R/W ;bitpos:[3] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to control the output value when low speed channel7 is off.*/ #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_LSCH7 (BIT(3)) #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_LSCH7_M (BIT(3)) #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_LSCH7_V 0x1 #define LEDC_IDLE_LV_LSCH7_S 3 /* LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_LSCH7 : R/W ;bitpos:[2] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This is the output enable control bit for low speed channel7.*/ #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_LSCH7 (BIT(2)) #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_LSCH7_M (BIT(2)) #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_LSCH7_V 0x1 #define LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_LSCH7_S 2 /* LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH7 : R/W ;bitpos:[1:0] ;default: 2'd0 ; */ /*description: There are four low speed timers the two bits are used to select one of them for low speed channel7. 2'b00: seletc lstimer0. 2'b01: select lstimer1. 2'b10: select lstimer2. 2'b11: select lstimer3.*/ #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH7 0x00000003 #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH7_M ((LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH7_V)<<(LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH7_S)) #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH7_V 0x3 #define LEDC_TIMER_SEL_LSCH7_S 0 #define LEDC_LSCH7_HPOINT_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0130) /* LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH7 : R/W ;bitpos:[19:0] ;default: 20'h0 ; */ /*description: The output value changes to high when lstimerx(x=[0 3]) selected by low speed channel7 has reached reg_hpoint_lsch7[19:0]*/ #define LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH7 0x000FFFFF #define LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH7_M ((LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH7_V)<<(LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH7_S)) #define LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH7_V 0xFFFFF #define LEDC_HPOINT_LSCH7_S 0 #define LEDC_LSCH7_DUTY_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0134) /* LEDC_DUTY_LSCH7 : R/W ;bitpos:[24:0] ;default: 25'h0 ; */ /*description: The register is used to control output duty. When lstimerx(x=[0 3]) choosed by low speed channel7 has reached reg_lpoint_lsch7 the output signal changes to low. reg_lpoint_lsch7=(reg_hpoint_lsch7[19:0]+reg_duty_lsch7[24:4]) (1) reg_lpoint_lsch7=(reg_hpoint_lsch7[19:0]+reg_duty_lsch7[24:4] +1) (2) The least four bits in this register represent the decimal part and determines when to choose (1) or (2)*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH7 0x01FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH7_M ((LEDC_DUTY_LSCH7_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_LSCH7_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH7_V 0x1FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH7_S 0 #define LEDC_LSCH7_CONF1_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0138) /* LEDC_DUTY_START_LSCH7 : R/W ;bitpos:[31] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: When reg_duty_num_hsch4 reg_duty_cycle_hsch4 and reg_duty_scale_hsch4 has been configured. these register won't take effect until set reg_duty_start_hsch4. this bit is automatically cleared by hardware.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_START_LSCH7 (BIT(31)) #define LEDC_DUTY_START_LSCH7_M (BIT(31)) #define LEDC_DUTY_START_LSCH7_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_START_LSCH7_S 31 /* LEDC_DUTY_INC_LSCH7 : R/W ;bitpos:[30] ;default: 1'b1 ; */ /*description: This register is used to increase the duty of output signal or decrease the duty of output signal for low speed channel4.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_LSCH7 (BIT(30)) #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_LSCH7_M (BIT(30)) #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_LSCH7_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_INC_LSCH7_S 30 /* LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH7 : R/W ;bitpos:[29:20] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register is used to control the num of increased or decreased times for low speed channel4.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH7 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH7_M ((LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH7_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH7_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH7_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_NUM_LSCH7_S 20 /* LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH7 : R/W ;bitpos:[19:10] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register is used to increase or decrease the duty every reg_duty_cycle_lsch7 cycles for low speed channel7.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH7 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH7_M ((LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH7_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH7_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH7_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_LSCH7_S 10 /* LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH7 : R/W ;bitpos:[9:0] ;default: 10'h0 ; */ /*description: This register controls the increase or decrease step scale for low speed channel7.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH7 0x000003FF #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH7_M ((LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH7_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH7_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH7_V 0x3FF #define LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_LSCH7_S 0 #define LEDC_LSCH7_DUTY_R_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x013C) /* LEDC_DUTY_LSCH7 : RO ;bitpos:[24:0] ;default: 25'h0 ; */ /*description: This register represents the current duty of the output signal for low speed channel7.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH7 0x01FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH7_M ((LEDC_DUTY_LSCH7_V)<<(LEDC_DUTY_LSCH7_S)) #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH7_V 0x1FFFFFF #define LEDC_DUTY_LSCH7_S 0 #define LEDC_HSTIMER0_CONF_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0140) /* LEDC_TICK_SEL_HSTIMER0 : R/W ;bitpos:[25] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to choose apb_clk or ref_tick for high speed timer0. 1'b1:apb_clk 0:ref_tick*/ #define LEDC_TICK_SEL_HSTIMER0 (BIT(25)) #define LEDC_TICK_SEL_HSTIMER0_M (BIT(25)) #define LEDC_TICK_SEL_HSTIMER0_V 0x1 #define LEDC_TICK_SEL_HSTIMER0_S 25 /* LEDC_HSTIMER0_RST : R/W ;bitpos:[24] ;default: 1'b1 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to reset high speed timer0 the counter will be 0 after reset.*/ #define LEDC_HSTIMER0_RST (BIT(24)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER0_RST_M (BIT(24)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER0_RST_V 0x1 #define LEDC_HSTIMER0_RST_S 24 /* LEDC_HSTIMER0_PAUSE : R/W ;bitpos:[23] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to pause the counter in high speed timer0*/ #define LEDC_HSTIMER0_PAUSE (BIT(23)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER0_PAUSE_M (BIT(23)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER0_PAUSE_V 0x1 #define LEDC_HSTIMER0_PAUSE_S 23 /* LEDC_DIV_NUM_HSTIMER0 : R/W ;bitpos:[22:5] ;default: 18'h0 ; */ /*description: This register is used to configure parameter for divider in high speed timer0 the least significant eight bits represent the decimal part.*/ #define LEDC_DIV_NUM_HSTIMER0 0x0003FFFF #define LEDC_DIV_NUM_HSTIMER0_M ((LEDC_DIV_NUM_HSTIMER0_V)<<(LEDC_DIV_NUM_HSTIMER0_S)) #define LEDC_DIV_NUM_HSTIMER0_V 0x3FFFF #define LEDC_DIV_NUM_HSTIMER0_S 5 /* LEDC_HSTIMER0_LIM : R/W ;bitpos:[4:0] ;default: 5'h0 ; */ /*description: This register controls the range of the counter in high speed timer0. the counter range is [0 2**reg_hstimer0_lim] the max bit width for counter is 20.*/ #define LEDC_HSTIMER0_DUTY_RES 0x0000001F #define LEDC_HSTIMER0_DUTY_RES_M ((LEDC_HSTIMER0_DUTY_RES_V)<<(LEDC_HSTIMER0_DUTY_RES_S)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER0_DUTY_RES_V 0x1F #define LEDC_HSTIMER0_DUTY_RES_S 0 // Keep the definitions below to be compatible with previous version #define LEDC_HSTIMER0_LIM LEDC_HSTIMER0_DUTY_RES #define LEDC_HSTIMER0_LIM_M LEDC_HSTIMER0_DUTY_RES_M #define LEDC_HSTIMER0_LIM_V LEDC_HSTIMER0_DUTY_RES_V #define LEDC_HSTIMER0_LIM_S LEDC_HSTIMER0_DUTY_RES_S #define LEDC_HSTIMER0_VALUE_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0144) /* LEDC_HSTIMER0_CNT : RO ;bitpos:[19:0] ;default: 20'b0 ; */ /*description: software can read this register to get the current counter value in high speed timer0*/ #define LEDC_HSTIMER0_CNT 0x000FFFFF #define LEDC_HSTIMER0_CNT_M ((LEDC_HSTIMER0_CNT_V)<<(LEDC_HSTIMER0_CNT_S)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER0_CNT_V 0xFFFFF #define LEDC_HSTIMER0_CNT_S 0 #define LEDC_HSTIMER1_CONF_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0148) /* LEDC_TICK_SEL_HSTIMER1 : R/W ;bitpos:[25] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to choose apb_clk or ref_tick for high speed timer1. 1'b1:apb_clk 0:ref_tick*/ #define LEDC_TICK_SEL_HSTIMER1 (BIT(25)) #define LEDC_TICK_SEL_HSTIMER1_M (BIT(25)) #define LEDC_TICK_SEL_HSTIMER1_V 0x1 #define LEDC_TICK_SEL_HSTIMER1_S 25 /* LEDC_HSTIMER1_RST : R/W ;bitpos:[24] ;default: 1'b1 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to reset high speed timer1 the counter will be 0 after reset.*/ #define LEDC_HSTIMER1_RST (BIT(24)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER1_RST_M (BIT(24)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER1_RST_V 0x1 #define LEDC_HSTIMER1_RST_S 24 /* LEDC_HSTIMER1_PAUSE : R/W ;bitpos:[23] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to pause the counter in high speed timer1*/ #define LEDC_HSTIMER1_PAUSE (BIT(23)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER1_PAUSE_M (BIT(23)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER1_PAUSE_V 0x1 #define LEDC_HSTIMER1_PAUSE_S 23 /* LEDC_DIV_NUM_HSTIMER1 : R/W ;bitpos:[22:5] ;default: 18'h0 ; */ /*description: This register is used to configure parameter for divider in high speed timer1 the least significant eight bits represent the decimal part.*/ #define LEDC_DIV_NUM_HSTIMER1 0x0003FFFF #define LEDC_DIV_NUM_HSTIMER1_M ((LEDC_DIV_NUM_HSTIMER1_V)<<(LEDC_DIV_NUM_HSTIMER1_S)) #define LEDC_DIV_NUM_HSTIMER1_V 0x3FFFF #define LEDC_DIV_NUM_HSTIMER1_S 5 /* LEDC_HSTIMER1_LIM : R/W ;bitpos:[4:0] ;default: 5'h0 ; */ /*description: This register controls the range of the counter in high speed timer1. the counter range is [0 2**reg_hstimer1_lim] the max bit width for counter is 20.*/ #define LEDC_HSTIMER1_DUTY_RES 0x0000001F #define LEDC_HSTIMER1_DUTY_RES_M ((LEDC_HSTIMER1_DUTY_RES_V)<<(LEDC_HSTIMER1_DUTY_RES_S)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER1_DUTY_RES_V 0x1F #define LEDC_HSTIMER1_DUTY_RES_S 0 // Keep the definitions below to be compatible with previous version #define LEDC_HSTIMER1_LIM LEDC_HSTIMER1_DUTY_RES #define LEDC_HSTIMER1_LIM_M LEDC_HSTIMER1_DUTY_RES_M #define LEDC_HSTIMER1_LIM_V LEDC_HSTIMER1_DUTY_RES_V #define LEDC_HSTIMER1_LIM_S LEDC_HSTIMER1_DUTY_RES_S #define LEDC_HSTIMER1_VALUE_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x014C) /* LEDC_HSTIMER1_CNT : RO ;bitpos:[19:0] ;default: 20'b0 ; */ /*description: software can read this register to get the current counter value in high speed timer1.*/ #define LEDC_HSTIMER1_CNT 0x000FFFFF #define LEDC_HSTIMER1_CNT_M ((LEDC_HSTIMER1_CNT_V)<<(LEDC_HSTIMER1_CNT_S)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER1_CNT_V 0xFFFFF #define LEDC_HSTIMER1_CNT_S 0 #define LEDC_HSTIMER2_CONF_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0150) /* LEDC_TICK_SEL_HSTIMER2 : R/W ;bitpos:[25] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to choose apb_clk or ref_tick for high speed timer2. 1'b1:apb_clk 0:ref_tick*/ #define LEDC_TICK_SEL_HSTIMER2 (BIT(25)) #define LEDC_TICK_SEL_HSTIMER2_M (BIT(25)) #define LEDC_TICK_SEL_HSTIMER2_V 0x1 #define LEDC_TICK_SEL_HSTIMER2_S 25 /* LEDC_HSTIMER2_RST : R/W ;bitpos:[24] ;default: 1'b1 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to reset high speed timer2 the counter will be 0 after reset.*/ #define LEDC_HSTIMER2_RST (BIT(24)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER2_RST_M (BIT(24)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER2_RST_V 0x1 #define LEDC_HSTIMER2_RST_S 24 /* LEDC_HSTIMER2_PAUSE : R/W ;bitpos:[23] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to pause the counter in high speed timer2*/ #define LEDC_HSTIMER2_PAUSE (BIT(23)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER2_PAUSE_M (BIT(23)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER2_PAUSE_V 0x1 #define LEDC_HSTIMER2_PAUSE_S 23 /* LEDC_DIV_NUM_HSTIMER2 : R/W ;bitpos:[22:5] ;default: 18'h0 ; */ /*description: This register is used to configure parameter for divider in high speed timer2 the least significant eight bits represent the decimal part.*/ #define LEDC_DIV_NUM_HSTIMER2 0x0003FFFF #define LEDC_DIV_NUM_HSTIMER2_M ((LEDC_DIV_NUM_HSTIMER2_V)<<(LEDC_DIV_NUM_HSTIMER2_S)) #define LEDC_DIV_NUM_HSTIMER2_V 0x3FFFF #define LEDC_DIV_NUM_HSTIMER2_S 5 /* LEDC_HSTIMER2_LIM : R/W ;bitpos:[4:0] ;default: 5'h0 ; */ /*description: This register controls the range of the counter in high speed timer2. the counter range is [0 2**reg_hstimer2_lim] the max bit width for counter is 20.*/ #define LEDC_HSTIMER2_DUTY_RES 0x0000001F #define LEDC_HSTIMER2_DUTY_RES_M ((LEDC_HSTIMER2_DUTY_RES_V)<<(LEDC_HSTIMER2_DUTY_RES_S)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER2_DUTY_RES_V 0x1F #define LEDC_HSTIMER2_DUTY_RES_S 0 // Keep the definitions below to be compatible with previous version #define LEDC_HSTIMER2_LIM LEDC_HSTIMER2_DUTY_RES #define LEDC_HSTIMER2_LIM_M LEDC_HSTIMER2_DUTY_RES_M #define LEDC_HSTIMER2_LIM_V LEDC_HSTIMER2_DUTY_RES_V #define LEDC_HSTIMER2_LIM_S LEDC_HSTIMER2_DUTY_RES_S #define LEDC_HSTIMER2_VALUE_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0154) /* LEDC_HSTIMER2_CNT : RO ;bitpos:[19:0] ;default: 20'b0 ; */ /*description: software can read this register to get the current counter value in high speed timer2*/ #define LEDC_HSTIMER2_CNT 0x000FFFFF #define LEDC_HSTIMER2_CNT_M ((LEDC_HSTIMER2_CNT_V)<<(LEDC_HSTIMER2_CNT_S)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER2_CNT_V 0xFFFFF #define LEDC_HSTIMER2_CNT_S 0 #define LEDC_HSTIMER3_CONF_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0158) /* LEDC_TICK_SEL_HSTIMER3 : R/W ;bitpos:[25] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to choose apb_clk or ref_tick for high speed timer3. 1'b1:apb_clk 0:ref_tick*/ #define LEDC_TICK_SEL_HSTIMER3 (BIT(25)) #define LEDC_TICK_SEL_HSTIMER3_M (BIT(25)) #define LEDC_TICK_SEL_HSTIMER3_V 0x1 #define LEDC_TICK_SEL_HSTIMER3_S 25 /* LEDC_HSTIMER3_RST : R/W ;bitpos:[24] ;default: 1'b1 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to reset high speed timer3 the counter will be 0 after reset.*/ #define LEDC_HSTIMER3_RST (BIT(24)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER3_RST_M (BIT(24)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER3_RST_V 0x1 #define LEDC_HSTIMER3_RST_S 24 /* LEDC_HSTIMER3_PAUSE : R/W ;bitpos:[23] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to pause the counter in high speed timer3*/ #define LEDC_HSTIMER3_PAUSE (BIT(23)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER3_PAUSE_M (BIT(23)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER3_PAUSE_V 0x1 #define LEDC_HSTIMER3_PAUSE_S 23 /* LEDC_DIV_NUM_HSTIMER3 : R/W ;bitpos:[22:5] ;default: 18'h0 ; */ /*description: This register is used to configure parameter for divider in high speed timer3 the least significant eight bits represent the decimal part.*/ #define LEDC_DIV_NUM_HSTIMER3 0x0003FFFF #define LEDC_DIV_NUM_HSTIMER3_M ((LEDC_DIV_NUM_HSTIMER3_V)<<(LEDC_DIV_NUM_HSTIMER3_S)) #define LEDC_DIV_NUM_HSTIMER3_V 0x3FFFF #define LEDC_DIV_NUM_HSTIMER3_S 5 /* LEDC_HSTIMER3_LIM : R/W ;bitpos:[4:0] ;default: 5'h0 ; */ /*description: This register controls the range of the counter in high speed timer3. the counter range is [0 2**reg_hstimer3_lim] the max bit width for counter is 20.*/ #define LEDC_HSTIMER3_DUTY_RES 0x0000001F #define LEDC_HSTIMER3_DUTY_RES_M ((LEDC_HSTIMER3_DUTY_RES_V)<<(LEDC_HSTIMER3_DUTY_RES_S)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER3_DUTY_RES_V 0x1F #define LEDC_HSTIMER3_DUTY_RES_S 0 // Keep the definitions below to be compatible with previous version #define LEDC_HSTIMER3_LIM LEDC_HSTIMER3_DUTY_RES #define LEDC_HSTIMER3_LIM_M LEDC_HSTIMER3_DUTY_RES_M #define LEDC_HSTIMER3_LIM_V LEDC_HSTIMER3_DUTY_RES_V #define LEDC_HSTIMER3_LIM_S LEDC_HSTIMER3_DUTY_RES_S #define LEDC_HSTIMER3_VALUE_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x015C) /* LEDC_HSTIMER3_CNT : RO ;bitpos:[19:0] ;default: 20'b0 ; */ /*description: software can read this register to get the current counter value in high speed timer3*/ #define LEDC_HSTIMER3_CNT 0x000FFFFF #define LEDC_HSTIMER3_CNT_M ((LEDC_HSTIMER3_CNT_V)<<(LEDC_HSTIMER3_CNT_S)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER3_CNT_V 0xFFFFF #define LEDC_HSTIMER3_CNT_S 0 #define LEDC_LSTIMER0_CONF_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0160) /* LEDC_LSTIMER0_PARA_UP : R/W ;bitpos:[26] ;default: 1'h0 ; */ /*description: Set this bit to update reg_div_num_lstime0 and reg_lstimer0_lim.*/ #define LEDC_LSTIMER0_PARA_UP (BIT(26)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER0_PARA_UP_M (BIT(26)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER0_PARA_UP_V 0x1 #define LEDC_LSTIMER0_PARA_UP_S 26 /* LEDC_TICK_SEL_LSTIMER0 : R/W ;bitpos:[25] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to choose slow_clk or ref_tick for low speed timer0. 1'b1:slow_clk 0:ref_tick*/ #define LEDC_TICK_SEL_LSTIMER0 (BIT(25)) #define LEDC_TICK_SEL_LSTIMER0_M (BIT(25)) #define LEDC_TICK_SEL_LSTIMER0_V 0x1 #define LEDC_TICK_SEL_LSTIMER0_S 25 /* LEDC_LSTIMER0_RST : R/W ;bitpos:[24] ;default: 1'b1 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to reset low speed timer0 the counter will be 0 after reset.*/ #define LEDC_LSTIMER0_RST (BIT(24)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER0_RST_M (BIT(24)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER0_RST_V 0x1 #define LEDC_LSTIMER0_RST_S 24 /* LEDC_LSTIMER0_PAUSE : R/W ;bitpos:[23] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to pause the counter in low speed timer0.*/ #define LEDC_LSTIMER0_PAUSE (BIT(23)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER0_PAUSE_M (BIT(23)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER0_PAUSE_V 0x1 #define LEDC_LSTIMER0_PAUSE_S 23 /* LEDC_DIV_NUM_LSTIMER0 : R/W ;bitpos:[22:5] ;default: 18'h0 ; */ /*description: This register is used to configure parameter for divider in low speed timer0 the least significant eight bits represent the decimal part.*/ #define LEDC_DIV_NUM_LSTIMER0 0x0003FFFF #define LEDC_DIV_NUM_LSTIMER0_M ((LEDC_DIV_NUM_LSTIMER0_V)<<(LEDC_DIV_NUM_LSTIMER0_S)) #define LEDC_DIV_NUM_LSTIMER0_V 0x3FFFF #define LEDC_DIV_NUM_LSTIMER0_S 5 /* LEDC_LSTIMER0_LIM : R/W ;bitpos:[4:0] ;default: 5'h0 ; */ /*description: This register controls the range of the counter in low speed timer0. the counter range is [0 2**reg_lstimer0_lim] the max bit width for counter is 20.*/ #define LEDC_LSTIMER0_DUTY_RES 0x0000001F #define LEDC_LSTIMER0_DUTY_RES_M ((LEDC_LSTIMER0_DUTY_RES_V)<<(LEDC_LSTIMER0_DUTY_RES_S)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER0_DUTY_RES_V 0x1F #define LEDC_LSTIMER0_DUTY_RES_S 0 // Keep the definitions below to be compatible with previous version #define LEDC_LSTIMER0_LIM LEDC_LSTIMER0_DUTY_RES #define LEDC_LSTIMER0_LIM_M LEDC_LSTIMER0_DUTY_RES_M #define LEDC_LSTIMER0_LIM_V LEDC_LSTIMER0_DUTY_RES_V #define LEDC_LSTIMER0_LIM_S LEDC_LSTIMER0_DUTY_RES_S #define LEDC_LSTIMER0_VALUE_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0164) /* LEDC_LSTIMER0_CNT : RO ;bitpos:[19:0] ;default: 20'b0 ; */ /*description: software can read this register to get the current counter value in low speed timer0.*/ #define LEDC_LSTIMER0_CNT 0x000FFFFF #define LEDC_LSTIMER0_CNT_M ((LEDC_LSTIMER0_CNT_V)<<(LEDC_LSTIMER0_CNT_S)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER0_CNT_V 0xFFFFF #define LEDC_LSTIMER0_CNT_S 0 #define LEDC_LSTIMER1_CONF_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0168) /* LEDC_LSTIMER1_PARA_UP : R/W ;bitpos:[26] ;default: 1'h0 ; */ /*description: Set this bit to update reg_div_num_lstime1 and reg_lstimer1_lim.*/ #define LEDC_LSTIMER1_PARA_UP (BIT(26)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER1_PARA_UP_M (BIT(26)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER1_PARA_UP_V 0x1 #define LEDC_LSTIMER1_PARA_UP_S 26 /* LEDC_TICK_SEL_LSTIMER1 : R/W ;bitpos:[25] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to choose slow_clk or ref_tick for low speed timer1. 1'b1:slow_clk 0:ref_tick*/ #define LEDC_TICK_SEL_LSTIMER1 (BIT(25)) #define LEDC_TICK_SEL_LSTIMER1_M (BIT(25)) #define LEDC_TICK_SEL_LSTIMER1_V 0x1 #define LEDC_TICK_SEL_LSTIMER1_S 25 /* LEDC_LSTIMER1_RST : R/W ;bitpos:[24] ;default: 1'b1 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to reset low speed timer1 the counter will be 0 after reset.*/ #define LEDC_LSTIMER1_RST (BIT(24)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER1_RST_M (BIT(24)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER1_RST_V 0x1 #define LEDC_LSTIMER1_RST_S 24 /* LEDC_LSTIMER1_PAUSE : R/W ;bitpos:[23] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to pause the counter in low speed timer1.*/ #define LEDC_LSTIMER1_PAUSE (BIT(23)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER1_PAUSE_M (BIT(23)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER1_PAUSE_V 0x1 #define LEDC_LSTIMER1_PAUSE_S 23 /* LEDC_DIV_NUM_LSTIMER1 : R/W ;bitpos:[22:5] ;default: 18'h0 ; */ /*description: This register is used to configure parameter for divider in low speed timer1 the least significant eight bits represent the decimal part.*/ #define LEDC_DIV_NUM_LSTIMER1 0x0003FFFF #define LEDC_DIV_NUM_LSTIMER1_M ((LEDC_DIV_NUM_LSTIMER1_V)<<(LEDC_DIV_NUM_LSTIMER1_S)) #define LEDC_DIV_NUM_LSTIMER1_V 0x3FFFF #define LEDC_DIV_NUM_LSTIMER1_S 5 /* LEDC_LSTIMER1_LIM : R/W ;bitpos:[4:0] ;default: 5'h0 ; */ /*description: This register controls the range of the counter in low speed timer1. the counter range is [0 2**reg_lstimer1_lim] the max bit width for counter is 20.*/ #define LEDC_LSTIMER1_DUTY_RES 0x0000001F #define LEDC_LSTIMER1_DUTY_RES_M ((LEDC_LSTIMER1_DUTY_RES_V)<<(LEDC_LSTIMER1_DUTY_RES_S)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER1_DUTY_RES_V 0x1F #define LEDC_LSTIMER1_DUTY_RES_S 0 // Keep the definitions below to be compatible with previous version #define LEDC_LSTIMER1_LIM LEDC_LSTIMER1_DUTY_RES #define LEDC_LSTIMER1_LIM_M LEDC_LSTIMER1_DUTY_RES_M #define LEDC_LSTIMER1_LIM_V LEDC_LSTIMER1_DUTY_RES_V #define LEDC_LSTIMER1_LIM_S LEDC_LSTIMER1_DUTY_RES_S #define LEDC_LSTIMER1_VALUE_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x016C) /* LEDC_LSTIMER1_CNT : RO ;bitpos:[19:0] ;default: 20'b0 ; */ /*description: software can read this register to get the current counter value in low speed timer1.*/ #define LEDC_LSTIMER1_CNT 0x000FFFFF #define LEDC_LSTIMER1_CNT_M ((LEDC_LSTIMER1_CNT_V)<<(LEDC_LSTIMER1_CNT_S)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER1_CNT_V 0xFFFFF #define LEDC_LSTIMER1_CNT_S 0 #define LEDC_LSTIMER2_CONF_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0170) /* LEDC_LSTIMER2_PARA_UP : R/W ;bitpos:[26] ;default: 1'h0 ; */ /*description: Set this bit to update reg_div_num_lstime2 and reg_lstimer2_lim.*/ #define LEDC_LSTIMER2_PARA_UP (BIT(26)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER2_PARA_UP_M (BIT(26)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER2_PARA_UP_V 0x1 #define LEDC_LSTIMER2_PARA_UP_S 26 /* LEDC_TICK_SEL_LSTIMER2 : R/W ;bitpos:[25] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to choose slow_clk or ref_tick for low speed timer2. 1'b1:slow_clk 0:ref_tick*/ #define LEDC_TICK_SEL_LSTIMER2 (BIT(25)) #define LEDC_TICK_SEL_LSTIMER2_M (BIT(25)) #define LEDC_TICK_SEL_LSTIMER2_V 0x1 #define LEDC_TICK_SEL_LSTIMER2_S 25 /* LEDC_LSTIMER2_RST : R/W ;bitpos:[24] ;default: 1'b1 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to reset low speed timer2 the counter will be 0 after reset.*/ #define LEDC_LSTIMER2_RST (BIT(24)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER2_RST_M (BIT(24)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER2_RST_V 0x1 #define LEDC_LSTIMER2_RST_S 24 /* LEDC_LSTIMER2_PAUSE : R/W ;bitpos:[23] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to pause the counter in low speed timer2.*/ #define LEDC_LSTIMER2_PAUSE (BIT(23)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER2_PAUSE_M (BIT(23)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER2_PAUSE_V 0x1 #define LEDC_LSTIMER2_PAUSE_S 23 /* LEDC_DIV_NUM_LSTIMER2 : R/W ;bitpos:[22:5] ;default: 18'h0 ; */ /*description: This register is used to configure parameter for divider in low speed timer2 the least significant eight bits represent the decimal part.*/ #define LEDC_DIV_NUM_LSTIMER2 0x0003FFFF #define LEDC_DIV_NUM_LSTIMER2_M ((LEDC_DIV_NUM_LSTIMER2_V)<<(LEDC_DIV_NUM_LSTIMER2_S)) #define LEDC_DIV_NUM_LSTIMER2_V 0x3FFFF #define LEDC_DIV_NUM_LSTIMER2_S 5 /* LEDC_LSTIMER2_LIM : R/W ;bitpos:[4:0] ;default: 5'h0 ; */ /*description: This register controls the range of the counter in low speed timer2. the counter range is [0 2**reg_lstimer2_lim] the max bit width for counter is 20.*/ #define LEDC_LSTIMER2_DUTY_RES 0x0000001F #define LEDC_LSTIMER2_DUTY_RES_M ((LEDC_LSTIMER2_DUTY_RES_V)<<(LEDC_LSTIMER2_DUTY_RES_S)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER2_DUTY_RES_V 0x1F #define LEDC_LSTIMER2_DUTY_RES_S 0 // Keep the definitions below to be compatible with previous version #define LEDC_LSTIMER2_LIM LEDC_LSTIMER2_DUTY_RES #define LEDC_LSTIMER2_LIM_M LEDC_LSTIMER2_DUTY_RES_M #define LEDC_LSTIMER2_LIM_V LEDC_LSTIMER2_DUTY_RES_V #define LEDC_LSTIMER2_LIM_S LEDC_LSTIMER2_DUTY_RES_S #define LEDC_LSTIMER2_VALUE_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0174) /* LEDC_LSTIMER2_CNT : RO ;bitpos:[19:0] ;default: 20'b0 ; */ /*description: software can read this register to get the current counter value in low speed timer2.*/ #define LEDC_LSTIMER2_CNT 0x000FFFFF #define LEDC_LSTIMER2_CNT_M ((LEDC_LSTIMER2_CNT_V)<<(LEDC_LSTIMER2_CNT_S)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER2_CNT_V 0xFFFFF #define LEDC_LSTIMER2_CNT_S 0 #define LEDC_LSTIMER3_CONF_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0178) /* LEDC_LSTIMER3_PARA_UP : R/W ;bitpos:[26] ;default: 1'h0 ; */ /*description: Set this bit to update reg_div_num_lstime3 and reg_lstimer3_lim.*/ #define LEDC_LSTIMER3_PARA_UP (BIT(26)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER3_PARA_UP_M (BIT(26)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER3_PARA_UP_V 0x1 #define LEDC_LSTIMER3_PARA_UP_S 26 /* LEDC_TICK_SEL_LSTIMER3 : R/W ;bitpos:[25] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to choose slow_clk or ref_tick for low speed timer3. 1'b1:slow_clk 0:ref_tick*/ #define LEDC_TICK_SEL_LSTIMER3 (BIT(25)) #define LEDC_TICK_SEL_LSTIMER3_M (BIT(25)) #define LEDC_TICK_SEL_LSTIMER3_V 0x1 #define LEDC_TICK_SEL_LSTIMER3_S 25 /* LEDC_LSTIMER3_RST : R/W ;bitpos:[24] ;default: 1'b1 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to reset low speed timer3 the counter will be 0 after reset.*/ #define LEDC_LSTIMER3_RST (BIT(24)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER3_RST_M (BIT(24)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER3_RST_V 0x1 #define LEDC_LSTIMER3_RST_S 24 /* LEDC_LSTIMER3_PAUSE : R/W ;bitpos:[23] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to pause the counter in low speed timer3.*/ #define LEDC_LSTIMER3_PAUSE (BIT(23)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER3_PAUSE_M (BIT(23)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER3_PAUSE_V 0x1 #define LEDC_LSTIMER3_PAUSE_S 23 /* LEDC_DIV_NUM_LSTIMER3 : R/W ;bitpos:[22:5] ;default: 18'h0 ; */ /*description: This register is used to configure parameter for divider in low speed timer3 the least significant eight bits represent the decimal part.*/ #define LEDC_DIV_NUM_LSTIMER3 0x0003FFFF #define LEDC_DIV_NUM_LSTIMER3_M ((LEDC_DIV_NUM_LSTIMER3_V)<<(LEDC_DIV_NUM_LSTIMER3_S)) #define LEDC_DIV_NUM_LSTIMER3_V 0x3FFFF #define LEDC_DIV_NUM_LSTIMER3_S 5 /* LEDC_LSTIMER3_LIM : R/W ;bitpos:[4:0] ;default: 5'h0 ; */ /*description: This register controls the range of the counter in low speed timer3. the counter range is [0 2**reg_lstimer3_lim] the max bit width for counter is 20.*/ #define LEDC_LSTIMER3_DUTY_RES 0x0000001F #define LEDC_LSTIMER3_DUTY_RES_M ((LEDC_LSTIMER3_DUTY_RES_V)<<(LEDC_LSTIMER3_DUTY_RES_S)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER3_DUTY_RES_V 0x1F #define LEDC_LSTIMER3_DUTY_RES_S 0 // Keep the definitions below to be compatible with previous version #define LEDC_LSTIMER3_LIM LEDC_LSTIMER3_DUTY_RES #define LEDC_LSTIMER3_LIM_M LEDC_LSTIMER3_DUTY_RES_M #define LEDC_LSTIMER3_LIM_V LEDC_LSTIMER3_DUTY_RES_V #define LEDC_LSTIMER3_LIM_S LEDC_LSTIMER3_DUTY_RES_S #define LEDC_LSTIMER3_VALUE_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x017C) /* LEDC_LSTIMER3_CNT : RO ;bitpos:[19:0] ;default: 20'b0 ; */ /*description: software can read this register to get the current counter value in low speed timer3.*/ #define LEDC_LSTIMER3_CNT 0x000FFFFF #define LEDC_LSTIMER3_CNT_M ((LEDC_LSTIMER3_CNT_V)<<(LEDC_LSTIMER3_CNT_S)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER3_CNT_V 0xFFFFF #define LEDC_LSTIMER3_CNT_S 0 #define LEDC_INT_RAW_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0180) /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH7_INT_RAW : RO ;bitpos:[23] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt raw bit for low speed channel 7 duty change done.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH7_INT_RAW (BIT(23)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH7_INT_RAW_M (BIT(23)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH7_INT_RAW_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH7_INT_RAW_S 23 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH6_INT_RAW : RO ;bitpos:[22] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt raw bit for low speed channel 6 duty change done.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH6_INT_RAW (BIT(22)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH6_INT_RAW_M (BIT(22)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH6_INT_RAW_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH6_INT_RAW_S 22 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH5_INT_RAW : RO ;bitpos:[21] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt raw bit for low speed channel 5 duty change done.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH5_INT_RAW (BIT(21)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH5_INT_RAW_M (BIT(21)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH5_INT_RAW_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH5_INT_RAW_S 21 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH4_INT_RAW : RO ;bitpos:[20] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt raw bit for low speed channel 4 duty change done.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH4_INT_RAW (BIT(20)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH4_INT_RAW_M (BIT(20)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH4_INT_RAW_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH4_INT_RAW_S 20 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH3_INT_RAW : RO ;bitpos:[19] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt raw bit for low speed channel 3 duty change done.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH3_INT_RAW (BIT(19)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH3_INT_RAW_M (BIT(19)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH3_INT_RAW_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH3_INT_RAW_S 19 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH2_INT_RAW : RO ;bitpos:[18] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt raw bit for low speed channel 2 duty change done.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH2_INT_RAW (BIT(18)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH2_INT_RAW_M (BIT(18)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH2_INT_RAW_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH2_INT_RAW_S 18 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH1_INT_RAW : RO ;bitpos:[17] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt raw bit for low speed channel 1 duty change done.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH1_INT_RAW (BIT(17)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH1_INT_RAW_M (BIT(17)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH1_INT_RAW_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH1_INT_RAW_S 17 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH0_INT_RAW : RO ;bitpos:[16] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt raw bit for low speed channel 0 duty change done.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH0_INT_RAW (BIT(16)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH0_INT_RAW_M (BIT(16)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH0_INT_RAW_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH0_INT_RAW_S 16 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH7_INT_RAW : RO ;bitpos:[15] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt raw bit for high speed channel 7 duty change done.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH7_INT_RAW (BIT(15)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH7_INT_RAW_M (BIT(15)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH7_INT_RAW_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH7_INT_RAW_S 15 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH6_INT_RAW : RO ;bitpos:[14] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt raw bit for high speed channel 6 duty change done.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH6_INT_RAW (BIT(14)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH6_INT_RAW_M (BIT(14)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH6_INT_RAW_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH6_INT_RAW_S 14 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH5_INT_RAW : RO ;bitpos:[13] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt raw bit for high speed channel 5 duty change done.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH5_INT_RAW (BIT(13)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH5_INT_RAW_M (BIT(13)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH5_INT_RAW_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH5_INT_RAW_S 13 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH4_INT_RAW : RO ;bitpos:[12] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt raw bit for high speed channel 4 duty change done.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH4_INT_RAW (BIT(12)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH4_INT_RAW_M (BIT(12)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH4_INT_RAW_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH4_INT_RAW_S 12 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH3_INT_RAW : RO ;bitpos:[11] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt raw bit for high speed channel 3 duty change done.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH3_INT_RAW (BIT(11)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH3_INT_RAW_M (BIT(11)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH3_INT_RAW_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH3_INT_RAW_S 11 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH2_INT_RAW : RO ;bitpos:[10] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt raw bit for high speed channel 2 duty change done.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH2_INT_RAW (BIT(10)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH2_INT_RAW_M (BIT(10)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH2_INT_RAW_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH2_INT_RAW_S 10 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH1_INT_RAW : RO ;bitpos:[9] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt raw bit for high speed channel 1 duty change done.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH1_INT_RAW (BIT(9)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH1_INT_RAW_M (BIT(9)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH1_INT_RAW_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH1_INT_RAW_S 9 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH0_INT_RAW : RO ;bitpos:[8] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt raw bit for high speed channel 0 duty change done.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH0_INT_RAW (BIT(8)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH0_INT_RAW_M (BIT(8)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH0_INT_RAW_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH0_INT_RAW_S 8 /* LEDC_LSTIMER3_OVF_INT_RAW : RO ;bitpos:[7] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt raw bit for low speed channel3 counter overflow.*/ #define LEDC_LSTIMER3_OVF_INT_RAW (BIT(7)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER3_OVF_INT_RAW_M (BIT(7)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER3_OVF_INT_RAW_V 0x1 #define LEDC_LSTIMER3_OVF_INT_RAW_S 7 /* LEDC_LSTIMER2_OVF_INT_RAW : RO ;bitpos:[6] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt raw bit for low speed channel2 counter overflow.*/ #define LEDC_LSTIMER2_OVF_INT_RAW (BIT(6)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER2_OVF_INT_RAW_M (BIT(6)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER2_OVF_INT_RAW_V 0x1 #define LEDC_LSTIMER2_OVF_INT_RAW_S 6 /* LEDC_LSTIMER1_OVF_INT_RAW : RO ;bitpos:[5] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt raw bit for low speed channel1 counter overflow.*/ #define LEDC_LSTIMER1_OVF_INT_RAW (BIT(5)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER1_OVF_INT_RAW_M (BIT(5)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER1_OVF_INT_RAW_V 0x1 #define LEDC_LSTIMER1_OVF_INT_RAW_S 5 /* LEDC_LSTIMER0_OVF_INT_RAW : RO ;bitpos:[4] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt raw bit for low speed channel0 counter overflow.*/ #define LEDC_LSTIMER0_OVF_INT_RAW (BIT(4)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER0_OVF_INT_RAW_M (BIT(4)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER0_OVF_INT_RAW_V 0x1 #define LEDC_LSTIMER0_OVF_INT_RAW_S 4 /* LEDC_HSTIMER3_OVF_INT_RAW : RO ;bitpos:[3] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt raw bit for high speed channel3 counter overflow.*/ #define LEDC_HSTIMER3_OVF_INT_RAW (BIT(3)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER3_OVF_INT_RAW_M (BIT(3)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER3_OVF_INT_RAW_V 0x1 #define LEDC_HSTIMER3_OVF_INT_RAW_S 3 /* LEDC_HSTIMER2_OVF_INT_RAW : RO ;bitpos:[2] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt raw bit for high speed channel2 counter overflow.*/ #define LEDC_HSTIMER2_OVF_INT_RAW (BIT(2)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER2_OVF_INT_RAW_M (BIT(2)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER2_OVF_INT_RAW_V 0x1 #define LEDC_HSTIMER2_OVF_INT_RAW_S 2 /* LEDC_HSTIMER1_OVF_INT_RAW : RO ;bitpos:[1] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt raw bit for high speed channel1 counter overflow.*/ #define LEDC_HSTIMER1_OVF_INT_RAW (BIT(1)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER1_OVF_INT_RAW_M (BIT(1)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER1_OVF_INT_RAW_V 0x1 #define LEDC_HSTIMER1_OVF_INT_RAW_S 1 /* LEDC_HSTIMER0_OVF_INT_RAW : RO ;bitpos:[0] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt raw bit for high speed channel0 counter overflow.*/ #define LEDC_HSTIMER0_OVF_INT_RAW (BIT(0)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER0_OVF_INT_RAW_M (BIT(0)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER0_OVF_INT_RAW_V 0x1 #define LEDC_HSTIMER0_OVF_INT_RAW_S 0 #define LEDC_INT_ST_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0184) /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH7_INT_ST : RO ;bitpos:[23] ;default: 1'h0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt status bit for low speed channel 7 duty change done event*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH7_INT_ST (BIT(23)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH7_INT_ST_M (BIT(23)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH7_INT_ST_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH7_INT_ST_S 23 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH6_INT_ST : RO ;bitpos:[22] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt status bit for low speed channel 6 duty change done event.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH6_INT_ST (BIT(22)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH6_INT_ST_M (BIT(22)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH6_INT_ST_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH6_INT_ST_S 22 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH5_INT_ST : RO ;bitpos:[21] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt status bit for low speed channel 5 duty change done event.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH5_INT_ST (BIT(21)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH5_INT_ST_M (BIT(21)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH5_INT_ST_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH5_INT_ST_S 21 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH4_INT_ST : RO ;bitpos:[20] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt status bit for low speed channel 4 duty change done event.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH4_INT_ST (BIT(20)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH4_INT_ST_M (BIT(20)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH4_INT_ST_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH4_INT_ST_S 20 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH3_INT_ST : RO ;bitpos:[19] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt status bit for low speed channel 3 duty change done event.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH3_INT_ST (BIT(19)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH3_INT_ST_M (BIT(19)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH3_INT_ST_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH3_INT_ST_S 19 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH2_INT_ST : RO ;bitpos:[18] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt status bit for low speed channel 2 duty change done event.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH2_INT_ST (BIT(18)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH2_INT_ST_M (BIT(18)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH2_INT_ST_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH2_INT_ST_S 18 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH1_INT_ST : RO ;bitpos:[17] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt status bit for low speed channel 1 duty change done event.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH1_INT_ST (BIT(17)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH1_INT_ST_M (BIT(17)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH1_INT_ST_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH1_INT_ST_S 17 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH0_INT_ST : RO ;bitpos:[16] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt status bit for low speed channel 0 duty change done event.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH0_INT_ST (BIT(16)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH0_INT_ST_M (BIT(16)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH0_INT_ST_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH0_INT_ST_S 16 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH7_INT_ST : RO ;bitpos:[15] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt status bit for high speed channel 7 duty change done event.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH7_INT_ST (BIT(15)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH7_INT_ST_M (BIT(15)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH7_INT_ST_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH7_INT_ST_S 15 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH6_INT_ST : RO ;bitpos:[14] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt status bit for high speed channel 6 duty change done event.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH6_INT_ST (BIT(14)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH6_INT_ST_M (BIT(14)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH6_INT_ST_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH6_INT_ST_S 14 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH5_INT_ST : RO ;bitpos:[13] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt status bit for high speed channel 5 duty change done event.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH5_INT_ST (BIT(13)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH5_INT_ST_M (BIT(13)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH5_INT_ST_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH5_INT_ST_S 13 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH4_INT_ST : RO ;bitpos:[12] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt status bit for high speed channel 4 duty change done event.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH4_INT_ST (BIT(12)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH4_INT_ST_M (BIT(12)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH4_INT_ST_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH4_INT_ST_S 12 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH3_INT_ST : RO ;bitpos:[11] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt status bit for high speed channel 3 duty change done event.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH3_INT_ST (BIT(11)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH3_INT_ST_M (BIT(11)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH3_INT_ST_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH3_INT_ST_S 11 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH2_INT_ST : RO ;bitpos:[10] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt status bit for high speed channel 2 duty change done event.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH2_INT_ST (BIT(10)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH2_INT_ST_M (BIT(10)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH2_INT_ST_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH2_INT_ST_S 10 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH1_INT_ST : RO ;bitpos:[9] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt status bit for high speed channel 1 duty change done event.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH1_INT_ST (BIT(9)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH1_INT_ST_M (BIT(9)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH1_INT_ST_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH1_INT_ST_S 9 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH0_INT_ST : RO ;bitpos:[8] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt status bit for high speed channel 0 duty change done event.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH0_INT_ST (BIT(8)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH0_INT_ST_M (BIT(8)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH0_INT_ST_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH0_INT_ST_S 8 /* LEDC_LSTIMER3_OVF_INT_ST : RO ;bitpos:[7] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt status bit for low speed channel3 counter overflow event.*/ #define LEDC_LSTIMER3_OVF_INT_ST (BIT(7)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER3_OVF_INT_ST_M (BIT(7)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER3_OVF_INT_ST_V 0x1 #define LEDC_LSTIMER3_OVF_INT_ST_S 7 /* LEDC_LSTIMER2_OVF_INT_ST : RO ;bitpos:[6] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt status bit for low speed channel2 counter overflow event.*/ #define LEDC_LSTIMER2_OVF_INT_ST (BIT(6)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER2_OVF_INT_ST_M (BIT(6)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER2_OVF_INT_ST_V 0x1 #define LEDC_LSTIMER2_OVF_INT_ST_S 6 /* LEDC_LSTIMER1_OVF_INT_ST : RO ;bitpos:[5] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt status bit for low speed channel1 counter overflow event.*/ #define LEDC_LSTIMER1_OVF_INT_ST (BIT(5)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER1_OVF_INT_ST_M (BIT(5)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER1_OVF_INT_ST_V 0x1 #define LEDC_LSTIMER1_OVF_INT_ST_S 5 /* LEDC_LSTIMER0_OVF_INT_ST : RO ;bitpos:[4] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt status bit for low speed channel0 counter overflow event.*/ #define LEDC_LSTIMER0_OVF_INT_ST (BIT(4)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER0_OVF_INT_ST_M (BIT(4)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER0_OVF_INT_ST_V 0x1 #define LEDC_LSTIMER0_OVF_INT_ST_S 4 /* LEDC_HSTIMER3_OVF_INT_ST : RO ;bitpos:[3] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt status bit for high speed channel3 counter overflow event.*/ #define LEDC_HSTIMER3_OVF_INT_ST (BIT(3)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER3_OVF_INT_ST_M (BIT(3)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER3_OVF_INT_ST_V 0x1 #define LEDC_HSTIMER3_OVF_INT_ST_S 3 /* LEDC_HSTIMER2_OVF_INT_ST : RO ;bitpos:[2] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt status bit for high speed channel2 counter overflow event.*/ #define LEDC_HSTIMER2_OVF_INT_ST (BIT(2)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER2_OVF_INT_ST_M (BIT(2)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER2_OVF_INT_ST_V 0x1 #define LEDC_HSTIMER2_OVF_INT_ST_S 2 /* LEDC_HSTIMER1_OVF_INT_ST : RO ;bitpos:[1] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt status bit for high speed channel1 counter overflow event.*/ #define LEDC_HSTIMER1_OVF_INT_ST (BIT(1)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER1_OVF_INT_ST_M (BIT(1)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER1_OVF_INT_ST_V 0x1 #define LEDC_HSTIMER1_OVF_INT_ST_S 1 /* LEDC_HSTIMER0_OVF_INT_ST : RO ;bitpos:[0] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt status bit for high speed channel0 counter overflow event.*/ #define LEDC_HSTIMER0_OVF_INT_ST (BIT(0)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER0_OVF_INT_ST_M (BIT(0)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER0_OVF_INT_ST_V 0x1 #define LEDC_HSTIMER0_OVF_INT_ST_S 0 #define LEDC_INT_ENA_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0188) /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH7_INT_ENA : R/W ;bitpos:[23] ;default: 1'h0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt enable bit for low speed channel 7 duty change done interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH7_INT_ENA (BIT(23)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH7_INT_ENA_M (BIT(23)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH7_INT_ENA_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH7_INT_ENA_S 23 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH6_INT_ENA : R/W ;bitpos:[22] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt enable bit for low speed channel 6 duty change done interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH6_INT_ENA (BIT(22)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH6_INT_ENA_M (BIT(22)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH6_INT_ENA_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH6_INT_ENA_S 22 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH5_INT_ENA : R/W ;bitpos:[21] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt enable bit for low speed channel 5 duty change done interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH5_INT_ENA (BIT(21)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH5_INT_ENA_M (BIT(21)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH5_INT_ENA_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH5_INT_ENA_S 21 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH4_INT_ENA : R/W ;bitpos:[20] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt enable bit for low speed channel 4 duty change done interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH4_INT_ENA (BIT(20)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH4_INT_ENA_M (BIT(20)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH4_INT_ENA_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH4_INT_ENA_S 20 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH3_INT_ENA : R/W ;bitpos:[19] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt enable bit for low speed channel 3 duty change done interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH3_INT_ENA (BIT(19)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH3_INT_ENA_M (BIT(19)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH3_INT_ENA_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH3_INT_ENA_S 19 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH2_INT_ENA : R/W ;bitpos:[18] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt enable bit for low speed channel 2 duty change done interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH2_INT_ENA (BIT(18)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH2_INT_ENA_M (BIT(18)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH2_INT_ENA_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH2_INT_ENA_S 18 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH1_INT_ENA : R/W ;bitpos:[17] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt enable bit for low speed channel 1 duty change done interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH1_INT_ENA (BIT(17)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH1_INT_ENA_M (BIT(17)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH1_INT_ENA_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH1_INT_ENA_S 17 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH0_INT_ENA : R/W ;bitpos:[16] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt enable bit for low speed channel 0 duty change done interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH0_INT_ENA (BIT(16)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH0_INT_ENA_M (BIT(16)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH0_INT_ENA_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH0_INT_ENA_S 16 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH7_INT_ENA : R/W ;bitpos:[15] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt enable bit for high speed channel 7 duty change done interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH7_INT_ENA (BIT(15)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH7_INT_ENA_M (BIT(15)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH7_INT_ENA_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH7_INT_ENA_S 15 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH6_INT_ENA : R/W ;bitpos:[14] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt enable bit for high speed channel 6 duty change done interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH6_INT_ENA (BIT(14)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH6_INT_ENA_M (BIT(14)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH6_INT_ENA_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH6_INT_ENA_S 14 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH5_INT_ENA : R/W ;bitpos:[13] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt enable bit for high speed channel 5 duty change done interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH5_INT_ENA (BIT(13)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH5_INT_ENA_M (BIT(13)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH5_INT_ENA_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH5_INT_ENA_S 13 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH4_INT_ENA : R/W ;bitpos:[12] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt enable bit for high speed channel 4 duty change done interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH4_INT_ENA (BIT(12)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH4_INT_ENA_M (BIT(12)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH4_INT_ENA_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH4_INT_ENA_S 12 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH3_INT_ENA : R/W ;bitpos:[11] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt enable bit for high speed channel 3 duty change done interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH3_INT_ENA (BIT(11)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH3_INT_ENA_M (BIT(11)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH3_INT_ENA_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH3_INT_ENA_S 11 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH2_INT_ENA : R/W ;bitpos:[10] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt enable bit for high speed channel 2 duty change done interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH2_INT_ENA (BIT(10)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH2_INT_ENA_M (BIT(10)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH2_INT_ENA_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH2_INT_ENA_S 10 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH1_INT_ENA : R/W ;bitpos:[9] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt enable bit for high speed channel 1 duty change done interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH1_INT_ENA (BIT(9)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH1_INT_ENA_M (BIT(9)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH1_INT_ENA_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH1_INT_ENA_S 9 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH0_INT_ENA : R/W ;bitpos:[8] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt enable bit for high speed channel 0 duty change done interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH0_INT_ENA (BIT(8)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH0_INT_ENA_M (BIT(8)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH0_INT_ENA_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH0_INT_ENA_S 8 /* LEDC_LSTIMER3_OVF_INT_ENA : R/W ;bitpos:[7] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt enable bit for low speed channel3 counter overflow interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_LSTIMER3_OVF_INT_ENA (BIT(7)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER3_OVF_INT_ENA_M (BIT(7)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER3_OVF_INT_ENA_V 0x1 #define LEDC_LSTIMER3_OVF_INT_ENA_S 7 /* LEDC_LSTIMER2_OVF_INT_ENA : R/W ;bitpos:[6] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt enable bit for low speed channel2 counter overflow interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_LSTIMER2_OVF_INT_ENA (BIT(6)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER2_OVF_INT_ENA_M (BIT(6)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER2_OVF_INT_ENA_V 0x1 #define LEDC_LSTIMER2_OVF_INT_ENA_S 6 /* LEDC_LSTIMER1_OVF_INT_ENA : R/W ;bitpos:[5] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt enable bit for low speed channel1 counter overflow interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_LSTIMER1_OVF_INT_ENA (BIT(5)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER1_OVF_INT_ENA_M (BIT(5)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER1_OVF_INT_ENA_V 0x1 #define LEDC_LSTIMER1_OVF_INT_ENA_S 5 /* LEDC_LSTIMER0_OVF_INT_ENA : R/W ;bitpos:[4] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt enable bit for low speed channel0 counter overflow interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_LSTIMER0_OVF_INT_ENA (BIT(4)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER0_OVF_INT_ENA_M (BIT(4)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER0_OVF_INT_ENA_V 0x1 #define LEDC_LSTIMER0_OVF_INT_ENA_S 4 /* LEDC_HSTIMER3_OVF_INT_ENA : R/W ;bitpos:[3] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt enable bit for high speed channel3 counter overflow interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_HSTIMER3_OVF_INT_ENA (BIT(3)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER3_OVF_INT_ENA_M (BIT(3)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER3_OVF_INT_ENA_V 0x1 #define LEDC_HSTIMER3_OVF_INT_ENA_S 3 /* LEDC_HSTIMER2_OVF_INT_ENA : R/W ;bitpos:[2] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt enable bit for high speed channel2 counter overflow interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_HSTIMER2_OVF_INT_ENA (BIT(2)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER2_OVF_INT_ENA_M (BIT(2)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER2_OVF_INT_ENA_V 0x1 #define LEDC_HSTIMER2_OVF_INT_ENA_S 2 /* LEDC_HSTIMER1_OVF_INT_ENA : R/W ;bitpos:[1] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt enable bit for high speed channel1 counter overflow interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_HSTIMER1_OVF_INT_ENA (BIT(1)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER1_OVF_INT_ENA_M (BIT(1)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER1_OVF_INT_ENA_V 0x1 #define LEDC_HSTIMER1_OVF_INT_ENA_S 1 /* LEDC_HSTIMER0_OVF_INT_ENA : R/W ;bitpos:[0] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: The interrupt enable bit for high speed channel0 counter overflow interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_HSTIMER0_OVF_INT_ENA (BIT(0)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER0_OVF_INT_ENA_M (BIT(0)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER0_OVF_INT_ENA_V 0x1 #define LEDC_HSTIMER0_OVF_INT_ENA_S 0 #define LEDC_INT_CLR_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x018C) /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH7_INT_CLR : WO ;bitpos:[23] ;default: 1'h0 ; */ /*description: Set this bit to clear low speed channel 7 duty change done interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH7_INT_CLR (BIT(23)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH7_INT_CLR_M (BIT(23)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH7_INT_CLR_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH7_INT_CLR_S 23 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH6_INT_CLR : WO ;bitpos:[22] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: Set this bit to clear low speed channel 6 duty change done interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH6_INT_CLR (BIT(22)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH6_INT_CLR_M (BIT(22)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH6_INT_CLR_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH6_INT_CLR_S 22 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH5_INT_CLR : WO ;bitpos:[21] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: Set this bit to clear low speed channel 5 duty change done interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH5_INT_CLR (BIT(21)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH5_INT_CLR_M (BIT(21)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH5_INT_CLR_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH5_INT_CLR_S 21 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH4_INT_CLR : WO ;bitpos:[20] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: Set this bit to clear low speed channel 4 duty change done interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH4_INT_CLR (BIT(20)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH4_INT_CLR_M (BIT(20)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH4_INT_CLR_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH4_INT_CLR_S 20 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH3_INT_CLR : WO ;bitpos:[19] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: Set this bit to clear low speed channel 3 duty change done interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH3_INT_CLR (BIT(19)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH3_INT_CLR_M (BIT(19)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH3_INT_CLR_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH3_INT_CLR_S 19 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH2_INT_CLR : WO ;bitpos:[18] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: Set this bit to clear low speed channel 2 duty change done interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH2_INT_CLR (BIT(18)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH2_INT_CLR_M (BIT(18)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH2_INT_CLR_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH2_INT_CLR_S 18 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH1_INT_CLR : WO ;bitpos:[17] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: Set this bit to clear low speed channel 1 duty change done interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH1_INT_CLR (BIT(17)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH1_INT_CLR_M (BIT(17)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH1_INT_CLR_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH1_INT_CLR_S 17 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH0_INT_CLR : WO ;bitpos:[16] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: Set this bit to clear low speed channel 0 duty change done interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH0_INT_CLR (BIT(16)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH0_INT_CLR_M (BIT(16)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH0_INT_CLR_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_LSCH0_INT_CLR_S 16 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH7_INT_CLR : WO ;bitpos:[15] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: Set this bit to clear high speed channel 7 duty change done interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH7_INT_CLR (BIT(15)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH7_INT_CLR_M (BIT(15)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH7_INT_CLR_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH7_INT_CLR_S 15 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH6_INT_CLR : WO ;bitpos:[14] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: Set this bit to clear high speed channel 6 duty change done interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH6_INT_CLR (BIT(14)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH6_INT_CLR_M (BIT(14)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH6_INT_CLR_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH6_INT_CLR_S 14 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH5_INT_CLR : WO ;bitpos:[13] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: Set this bit to clear high speed channel 5 duty change done interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH5_INT_CLR (BIT(13)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH5_INT_CLR_M (BIT(13)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH5_INT_CLR_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH5_INT_CLR_S 13 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH4_INT_CLR : WO ;bitpos:[12] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: Set this bit to clear high speed channel 4 duty change done interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH4_INT_CLR (BIT(12)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH4_INT_CLR_M (BIT(12)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH4_INT_CLR_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH4_INT_CLR_S 12 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH3_INT_CLR : WO ;bitpos:[11] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: Set this bit to clear high speed channel 3 duty change done interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH3_INT_CLR (BIT(11)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH3_INT_CLR_M (BIT(11)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH3_INT_CLR_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH3_INT_CLR_S 11 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH2_INT_CLR : WO ;bitpos:[10] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: Set this bit to clear high speed channel 2 duty change done interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH2_INT_CLR (BIT(10)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH2_INT_CLR_M (BIT(10)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH2_INT_CLR_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH2_INT_CLR_S 10 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH1_INT_CLR : WO ;bitpos:[9] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: Set this bit to clear high speed channel 1 duty change done interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH1_INT_CLR (BIT(9)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH1_INT_CLR_M (BIT(9)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH1_INT_CLR_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH1_INT_CLR_S 9 /* LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH0_INT_CLR : WO ;bitpos:[8] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: Set this bit to clear high speed channel 0 duty change done interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH0_INT_CLR (BIT(8)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH0_INT_CLR_M (BIT(8)) #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH0_INT_CLR_V 0x1 #define LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_HSCH0_INT_CLR_S 8 /* LEDC_LSTIMER3_OVF_INT_CLR : WO ;bitpos:[7] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: Set this bit to clear low speed channel3 counter overflow interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_LSTIMER3_OVF_INT_CLR (BIT(7)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER3_OVF_INT_CLR_M (BIT(7)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER3_OVF_INT_CLR_V 0x1 #define LEDC_LSTIMER3_OVF_INT_CLR_S 7 /* LEDC_LSTIMER2_OVF_INT_CLR : WO ;bitpos:[6] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: Set this bit to clear low speed channel2 counter overflow interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_LSTIMER2_OVF_INT_CLR (BIT(6)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER2_OVF_INT_CLR_M (BIT(6)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER2_OVF_INT_CLR_V 0x1 #define LEDC_LSTIMER2_OVF_INT_CLR_S 6 /* LEDC_LSTIMER1_OVF_INT_CLR : WO ;bitpos:[5] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: Set this bit to clear low speed channel1 counter overflow interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_LSTIMER1_OVF_INT_CLR (BIT(5)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER1_OVF_INT_CLR_M (BIT(5)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER1_OVF_INT_CLR_V 0x1 #define LEDC_LSTIMER1_OVF_INT_CLR_S 5 /* LEDC_LSTIMER0_OVF_INT_CLR : WO ;bitpos:[4] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: Set this bit to clear low speed channel0 counter overflow interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_LSTIMER0_OVF_INT_CLR (BIT(4)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER0_OVF_INT_CLR_M (BIT(4)) #define LEDC_LSTIMER0_OVF_INT_CLR_V 0x1 #define LEDC_LSTIMER0_OVF_INT_CLR_S 4 /* LEDC_HSTIMER3_OVF_INT_CLR : WO ;bitpos:[3] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: Set this bit to clear high speed channel3 counter overflow interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_HSTIMER3_OVF_INT_CLR (BIT(3)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER3_OVF_INT_CLR_M (BIT(3)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER3_OVF_INT_CLR_V 0x1 #define LEDC_HSTIMER3_OVF_INT_CLR_S 3 /* LEDC_HSTIMER2_OVF_INT_CLR : WO ;bitpos:[2] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: Set this bit to clear high speed channel2 counter overflow interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_HSTIMER2_OVF_INT_CLR (BIT(2)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER2_OVF_INT_CLR_M (BIT(2)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER2_OVF_INT_CLR_V 0x1 #define LEDC_HSTIMER2_OVF_INT_CLR_S 2 /* LEDC_HSTIMER1_OVF_INT_CLR : WO ;bitpos:[1] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: Set this bit to clear high speed channel1 counter overflow interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_HSTIMER1_OVF_INT_CLR (BIT(1)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER1_OVF_INT_CLR_M (BIT(1)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER1_OVF_INT_CLR_V 0x1 #define LEDC_HSTIMER1_OVF_INT_CLR_S 1 /* LEDC_HSTIMER0_OVF_INT_CLR : WO ;bitpos:[0] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: Set this bit to clear high speed channel0 counter overflow interrupt.*/ #define LEDC_HSTIMER0_OVF_INT_CLR (BIT(0)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER0_OVF_INT_CLR_M (BIT(0)) #define LEDC_HSTIMER0_OVF_INT_CLR_V 0x1 #define LEDC_HSTIMER0_OVF_INT_CLR_S 0 #define LEDC_CONF_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x0190) /* LEDC_APB_CLK_SEL : R/W ;bitpos:[0] ;default: 1'b0 ; */ /*description: This bit is used to set the frequency of slow_clk. 1'b1:80mhz 1'b0:8mhz*/ #define LEDC_APB_CLK_SEL (BIT(0)) #define LEDC_APB_CLK_SEL_M (BIT(0)) #define LEDC_APB_CLK_SEL_V 0x1 #define LEDC_APB_CLK_SEL_S 0 #define LEDC_DATE_REG (DR_REG_LEDC_BASE + 0x01FC) /* LEDC_DATE : R/W ;bitpos:[31:0] ;default: 32'h16031700 ; */ /*description: This register represents the version .*/ #define LEDC_DATE 0xFFFFFFFF #define LEDC_DATE_M ((LEDC_DATE_V)<<(LEDC_DATE_S)) #define LEDC_DATE_V 0xFFFFFFFF #define LEDC_DATE_S 0 #endif /*_SOC_LEDC_REG_H_ */