import http.server import multiprocessing import os import random import socket import ssl import struct import subprocess import pexpect import pytest from pytest_embedded import Dut server_cert = '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' \ 'MIIDWDCCAkACCQCbF4+gVh/MLjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADBuMQswCQYDVQQGEwJJ\n'\ 'TjELMAkGA1UECAwCTUgxDDAKBgNVBAcMA1BVTjEMMAoGA1UECgwDRVNQMQwwCgYD\n'\ 'VQQLDANFU1AxDDAKBgNVBAMMA0VTUDEaMBgGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYLZXNwQGVzcC5j\n'\ 'b20wHhcNMjEwNzEyMTIzNjI3WhcNNDEwNzA3MTIzNjI3WjBuMQswCQYDVQQGEwJJ\n'\ 'TjELMAkGA1UECAwCTUgxDDAKBgNVBAcMA1BVTjEMMAoGA1UECgwDRVNQMQwwCgYD\n'\ 'VQQLDANFU1AxDDAKBgNVBAMMA0VTUDEaMBgGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYLZXNwQGVzcC5j\n'\ 'b20wggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDhxF/y7bygndxPwiWL\n'\ 'SwS9LY3uBMaJgup0ufNKVhx+FhGQOu44SghuJAaH3KkPUnt6SOM8jC97/yQuc32W\n'\ 'ukI7eBZoA12kargSnzdv5m5rZZpd+NznSSpoDArOAONKVlzr25A1+aZbix2mKRbQ\n'\ 'S5w9o1N2BriQuSzd8gL0Y0zEk3VkOWXEL+0yFUT144HnErnD+xnJtHe11yPO2fEz\n'\ 'YaGiilh0ddL26PXTugXMZN/8fRVHP50P2OG0SvFpC7vghlLp4VFM1/r3UJnvL6Oz\n'\ '3ALc6dhxZEKQucqlpj8l1UegszQToopemtIj0qXTHw2+uUnkUyWIPjPC+wdOAoap\n'\ 'rFTRAgMBAAEwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBAItw24y565k3C/zENZlxyzto44ud\n'\ 'IYPQXN8Fa2pBlLe1zlSIyuaA/rWQ+i1daS8nPotkCbWZyf5N8DYaTE4B0OfvoUPk\n'\ 'B5uGDmbuk6akvlB5BGiYLfQjWHRsK9/4xjtIqN1H58yf3QNROuKsPAeywWS3Fn32\n'\ '3//OpbWaClQePx6udRYMqAitKR+QxL7/BKZQsX+UyShuq8hjphvXvk0BW8ONzuw9\n'\ 'RcoORxM0FzySYjeQvm4LhzC/P3ZBhEq0xs55aL2a76SJhq5hJy7T/Xz6NFByvlrN\n'\ 'lFJJey33KFrAf5vnV9qcyWFIo7PYy2VsaaEjFeefr7q3sTFSMlJeadexW2Y=\n'\ '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n' server_key = '-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n'\ 'MIIEvQIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBKcwggSjAgEAAoIBAQDhxF/y7bygndxP\n'\ 'wiWLSwS9LY3uBMaJgup0ufNKVhx+FhGQOu44SghuJAaH3KkPUnt6SOM8jC97/yQu\n'\ 'c32WukI7eBZoA12kargSnzdv5m5rZZpd+NznSSpoDArOAONKVlzr25A1+aZbix2m\n'\ 'KRbQS5w9o1N2BriQuSzd8gL0Y0zEk3VkOWXEL+0yFUT144HnErnD+xnJtHe11yPO\n'\ '2fEzYaGiilh0ddL26PXTugXMZN/8fRVHP50P2OG0SvFpC7vghlLp4VFM1/r3UJnv\n'\ 'L6Oz3ALc6dhxZEKQucqlpj8l1UegszQToopemtIj0qXTHw2+uUnkUyWIPjPC+wdO\n'\ 'AoaprFTRAgMBAAECggEAE0HCxV/N1Q1h+1OeDDGL5+74yjKSFKyb/vTVcaPCrmaH\n'\ 'fPvp0ddOvMZJ4FDMAsiQS6/n4gQ7EKKEnYmwTqj4eUYW8yxGUn3f0YbPHbZT+Mkj\n'\ 'z5woi3nMKi/MxCGDQZX4Ow3xUQlITUqibsfWcFHis8c4mTqdh4qj7xJzehD2PVYF\n'\ 'gNHZsvVj6MltjBDAVwV1IlGoHjuElm6vuzkfX7phxcA1B4ZqdYY17yCXUnvui46z\n'\ 'Xn2kUTOOUCEgfgvGa9E+l4OtdXi5IxjaSraU+dlg2KsE4TpCuN2MEVkeR5Ms3Y7Q\n'\ 'jgJl8vlNFJDQpbFukLcYwG7rO5N5dQ6WWfVia/5XgQKBgQD74at/bXAPrh9NxPmz\n'\ 'i1oqCHMDoM9sz8xIMZLF9YVu3Jf8ux4xVpRSnNy5RU1gl7ZXbpdgeIQ4v04zy5aw\n'\ '8T4tu9K3XnR3UXOy25AK0q+cnnxZg3kFQm+PhtOCKEFjPHrgo2MUfnj+EDddod7N\n'\ 'JQr9q5rEFbqHupFPpWlqCa3QmQKBgQDldWUGokNaEpmgHDMnHxiibXV5LQhzf8Rq\n'\ 'gJIQXb7R9EsTSXEvsDyqTBb7PHp2Ko7rZ5YQfyf8OogGGjGElnPoU/a+Jij1gVFv\n'\ 'kZ064uXAAISBkwHdcuobqc5EbG3ceyH46F+FBFhqM8KcbxJxx08objmh58+83InN\n'\ 'P9Qr25Xw+QKBgEGXMHuMWgQbSZeM1aFFhoMvlBO7yogBTKb4Ecpu9wI5e3Kan3Al\n'\ 'pZYltuyf+VhP6XG3IMBEYdoNJyYhu+nzyEdMg8CwXg+8LC7FMis/Ve+o7aS5scgG\n'\ '1to/N9DK/swCsdTRdzmc/ZDbVC+TuVsebFBGYZTyO5KgqLpezqaIQrTxAoGALFCU\n'\ '10glO9MVyl9H3clap5v+MQ3qcOv/EhaMnw6L2N6WVT481tnxjW4ujgzrFcE4YuxZ\n'\ 'hgwYu9TOCmeqopGwBvGYWLbj+C4mfSahOAs0FfXDoYazuIIGBpuv03UhbpB1Si4O\n'\ 'rJDfRnuCnVWyOTkl54gKJ2OusinhjztBjcrV1XkCgYEA3qNi4uBsPdyz9BZGb/3G\n'\ 'rOMSw0CaT4pEMTLZqURmDP/0hxvTk1polP7O/FYwxVuJnBb6mzDa0xpLFPTpIAnJ\n'\ 'YXB8xpXU69QVh+EBbemdJWOd+zp5UCfXvb2shAeG3Tn/Dz4cBBMEUutbzP+or0nG\n'\ 'vSXnRLaxQhooWm+IuX9SuBQ=\n'\ '-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n' def get_my_ip(): s1 = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s1.connect(('', 80)) my_ip = s1.getsockname()[0] s1.close() return my_ip def get_server_status(host_ip, port): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) server_status = sock.connect_ex((host_ip, port)) sock.close() if server_status == 0: return True return False def create_file(server_file, file_data): with open(server_file, 'w+') as file: file.write(file_data) def get_ca_cert(ota_image_dir): os.chdir(ota_image_dir) server_file = os.path.join(ota_image_dir, 'server_cert.pem') create_file(server_file, server_cert) key_file = os.path.join(ota_image_dir, 'server_key.pem') create_file(key_file, server_key) return server_file, key_file def https_request_handler(): """ Returns a request handler class that handles broken pipe exception """ class RequestHandler(http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler): def finish(self): try: if not self.wfile.closed: self.wfile.flush() self.wfile.close() except socket.error: pass self.rfile.close() def handle(self): try: http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler.handle(self) except socket.error: pass return RequestHandler def start_https_server(ota_image_dir, server_ip, server_port): server_file, key_file = get_ca_cert(ota_image_dir) requestHandler = https_request_handler() httpd = http.server.HTTPServer((server_ip, server_port), requestHandler) httpd.socket = ssl.wrap_socket(httpd.socket, keyfile=key_file, certfile=server_file, server_side=True) httpd.serve_forever() def start_chunked_server(ota_image_dir, server_port): server_file, key_file = get_ca_cert(ota_image_dir) chunked_server = subprocess.Popen(['openssl', 's_server', '-WWW', '-key', key_file, '-cert', server_file, '-port', str(server_port)]) return chunked_server @pytest.mark.supported_targets @pytest.mark.ethernet_ota def test_examples_protocol_native_ota_example(dut: Dut) -> None: """ This is a positive test case, which downloads complete binary file multiple number of times. Number of iterations can be specified in variable iterations. steps: | 1. join AP 2. Fetch OTA image over HTTPS 3. Reboot with the new OTA image """ server_port = 8002 # No. of times working of application to be validated iterations = 3 # File to be downloaded. This file is generated after compilation bin_name = 'native_ota.bin' # start test host_ip = get_my_ip() if (get_server_status(host_ip, server_port) is False): thread1 = multiprocessing.Process(target=start_https_server, args=(, host_ip, server_port)) thread1.daemon = True thread1.start() for i in range(iterations): dut.expect('Loaded app from partition at offset', timeout=60) try: ip_address = dut.expect(r' (sta|eth) ip: ([^,]+),', timeout=30) print('Connected to AP with IP: {}'.format(ip_address)) except pexpect.exceptions.TIMEOUT: raise ValueError('ENV_TEST_FAILURE: Cannot connect to AP') thread1.terminate() dut.expect('Starting OTA example', timeout=30) print('writing to device: {}'.format('https://' + host_ip + ':' + str(server_port) + '/' + bin_name)) dut.write('https://' + host_ip + ':' + str(server_port) + '/' + bin_name) thread1.terminate() @pytest.mark.supported_targets @pytest.mark.ethernet_ota def test_examples_protocol_native_ota_example_truncated_bin(dut: Dut) -> None: """ Working of OTA if binary file is truncated is validated in this test case. Application should return with error message in this case. steps: | 1. join AP 2. Generate truncated binary file 3. Fetch OTA image over HTTPS 4. Check working of code if bin is truncated """ server_port = 8002 # Original binary file generated after compilation bin_name = 'native_ota.bin' # Truncated binary file to be generated from original binary file truncated_bin_name = 'truncated.bin' # Size of truncated file to be grnerated. This value can range from 288 bytes (Image header size) to size of original binary file # truncated_bin_size is set to 64000 to reduce consumed by the test case truncated_bin_size = 64000 # check and log bin size binary_file = os.path.join(, bin_name) f = open(binary_file, 'rb+') fo = open(os.path.join(, truncated_bin_name), 'wb+') fo.write( fo.close() f.close() binary_file = os.path.join(, truncated_bin_name) # start test host_ip = get_my_ip() if (get_server_status(host_ip, server_port) is False): thread1 = multiprocessing.Process(target=start_https_server, args=(, host_ip, server_port)) thread1.daemon = True thread1.start() dut.expect('Loaded app from partition at offset', timeout=30) try: ip_address = dut.expect(r' (sta|eth) ip: ([^,]+),', timeout=30) print('Connected to AP with IP: {}'.format(ip_address)) except pexpect.exceptions.TIMEOUT: raise ValueError('ENV_TEST_FAILURE: Cannot connect to AP') thread1.terminate() dut.expect('Starting OTA example', timeout=30) print('writing to device: {}'.format('https://' + host_ip + ':' + str(server_port) + '/' + truncated_bin_name)) dut.write('https://' + host_ip + ':' + str(server_port) + '/' + truncated_bin_name) dut.expect('native_ota_example: Image validation failed, image is corrupted', timeout=20) os.remove(binary_file) thread1.terminate() @pytest.mark.supported_targets @pytest.mark.ethernet_ota def test_examples_protocol_native_ota_example_truncated_header(dut: Dut) -> None: """ Working of OTA if headers of binary file are truncated is vaildated in this test case. Application should return with error message in this case. steps: | 1. join AP 2. Generate binary file with truncated headers 3. Fetch OTA image over HTTPS 4. Check working of code if headers are not sent completely """ server_port = 8002 # Original binary file generated after compilation bin_name = 'native_ota.bin' # Truncated binary file to be generated from original binary file truncated_bin_name = 'truncated_header.bin' # Size of truncated file to be grnerated. This value should be less than 288 bytes (Image header size) truncated_bin_size = 180 # check and log bin size binary_file = os.path.join(, bin_name) f = open(binary_file, 'rb+') fo = open(os.path.join(, truncated_bin_name), 'wb+') fo.write( fo.close() f.close() binary_file = os.path.join(, truncated_bin_name) # start test host_ip = get_my_ip() if (get_server_status(host_ip, server_port) is False): thread1 = multiprocessing.Process(target=start_https_server, args=(, host_ip, server_port)) thread1.daemon = True thread1.start() dut.expect('Loaded app from partition at offset', timeout=30) try: ip_address = dut.expect(r' (sta|eth) ip: ([^,]+),', timeout=30) print('Connected to AP with IP: {}'.format(ip_address)) except pexpect.exceptions.TIMEOUT: raise ValueError('ENV_TEST_FAILURE: Cannot connect to AP') thread1.terminate() dut.expect('Starting OTA example', timeout=30) print('writing to device: {}'.format('https://' + host_ip + ':' + str(server_port) + '/' + truncated_bin_name)) dut.write('https://' + host_ip + ':' + str(server_port) + '/' + truncated_bin_name) dut.expect('native_ota_example: received package is not fit len', timeout=20) os.remove(binary_file) thread1.terminate() @pytest.mark.supported_targets @pytest.mark.ethernet_ota def test_examples_protocol_native_ota_example_random(dut: Dut) -> None: """ Working of OTA if random data is added in binary file are validated in this test case. Magic byte verification should fail in this case. steps: | 1. join AP 2. Generate random binary image 3. Fetch OTA image over HTTPS 4. Check working of code for random binary file """ server_port = 8002 # Random binary file to be generated random_bin_name = 'random.bin' # Size of random binary file. 32000 is choosen, to reduce the time required to run the test-case random_bin_size = 32000 # check and log bin size binary_file = os.path.join(, random_bin_name) fo = open(binary_file, 'wb+') # First byte of binary file is always set to zero. If first byte is generated randomly, # in some cases it may generate 0xE9 which will result in failure of testcase. fo.write(struct.pack('B', 0)) for i in range(random_bin_size - 1): fo.write(struct.pack('B', random.randrange(0,255,1))) fo.close() # start test host_ip = get_my_ip() if (get_server_status(host_ip, server_port) is False): thread1 = multiprocessing.Process(target=start_https_server, args=(, host_ip, server_port)) thread1.daemon = True thread1.start() dut.expect('Loaded app from partition at offset', timeout=30) try: ip_address = dut.expect(r' (sta|eth) ip: ([^,]+),', timeout=30) print('Connected to AP with IP: {}'.format(ip_address)) except pexpect.exceptions.TIMEOUT: raise ValueError('ENV_TEST_FAILURE: Cannot connect to AP') thread1.terminate() dut.expect('Starting OTA example', timeout=30) print('writing to device: {}'.format('https://' + host_ip + ':' + str(server_port) + '/' + random_bin_name)) dut.write('https://' + host_ip + ':' + str(server_port) + '/' + random_bin_name) dut.expect('esp_ota_ops: OTA image has invalid magic byte', timeout=20) os.remove(binary_file) thread1.terminate() @pytest.mark.supported_targets @pytest.mark.ethernet_ota def test_examples_protocol_native_ota_example_chunked(dut: Dut) -> None: """ This is a positive test case, which downloads complete binary file multiple number of times. Number of iterations can be specified in variable iterations. steps: | 1. join AP 2. Fetch OTA image over HTTPS 3. Reboot with the new OTA image """ # File to be downloaded. This file is generated after compilation bin_name = 'native_ota.bin' # start test host_ip = get_my_ip() chunked_server = start_chunked_server(, 8070) dut.expect('Loaded app from partition at offset', timeout=30) try: ip_address = dut.expect(r' (sta|eth) ip: ([^,]+),', timeout=30) print('Connected to AP with IP: {}'.format(ip_address)) except pexpect.exceptions.TIMEOUT: raise ValueError('ENV_TEST_FAILURE: Cannot connect to AP') dut.expect('Starting OTA example', timeout=30) print('writing to device: {}'.format('https://' + host_ip + ':8070/' + bin_name)) dut.write('https://' + host_ip + ':8070/' + bin_name) dut.expect('Loaded app from partition at offset', timeout=60) dut.expect('Starting OTA example', timeout=30) chunked_server.kill() os.remove(os.path.join(, 'server_cert.pem')) os.remove(os.path.join(, 'server_key.pem'))