# # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # import collections import fnmatch import os from enum import Enum from functools import total_ordering from pyparsing import (Group, Literal, OneOrMore, ParseException, SkipTo, Suppress, White, Word, ZeroOrMore, alphas, nums, rest_of_line) @total_ordering class Entity: """ An entity refers to a library, object, symbol whose input sections can be placed or excluded from placement. An important property of an entity is its specificity - the granularity of the the entity to be placed. Specificity increases in the following order: library, object, symbol. An entity with no specificity refers to all entities. """ ALL = '*' class Specificity(Enum): NONE = 0 ARCHIVE = 1 OBJ = 2 SYMBOL = 3 def __init__(self, archive=None, obj=None, symbol=None): archive_spec = archive and archive != Entity.ALL obj_spec = obj and obj != Entity.ALL symbol_spec = symbol and symbol != Entity.ALL if not archive_spec and not obj_spec and not symbol_spec: self.specificity = Entity.Specificity.NONE elif archive_spec and not obj_spec and not symbol_spec: self.specificity = Entity.Specificity.ARCHIVE elif archive_spec and obj_spec and not symbol_spec: self.specificity = Entity.Specificity.OBJ elif archive_spec and obj_spec and symbol_spec: self.specificity = Entity.Specificity.SYMBOL else: raise ValueError("Invalid arguments '(%s, %s, %s)'" % (archive, obj, symbol)) self.archive = archive self.obj = obj self.symbol = symbol def __eq__(self, other): return (self.specificity.value == other.specificity.value and self.archive == other.archive and self.obj == other.obj and self.symbol == other.symbol) def __lt__(self, other): res = False if self.specificity.value < other.specificity.value: res = True elif self.specificity == other.specificity: for s in Entity.Specificity: a = self[s] if self[s] else '' b = other[s] if other[s] else '' if a != b: res = a < b break else: res = False return res def __hash__(self): return hash(self.__repr__()) def __str__(self): return '%s:%s %s' % self.__repr__() def __repr__(self): return self.archive, self.obj, self.symbol def __getitem__(self, spec): res = None if spec == Entity.Specificity.ARCHIVE: res = self.archive elif spec == Entity.Specificity.OBJ: res = self.obj elif spec == Entity.Specificity.SYMBOL: res = self.symbol else: res = None return res class EntityDB: """ Collection of entities extracted from libraries known in the build. Allows retrieving a list of archives, a list of object files in an archive or a list of symbols in an archive; as well as allows for checking if an entity exists in the collection. """ __info = collections.namedtuple('__info', 'filename content') def __init__(self): self.sections = dict() def add_sections_info(self, sections_info_dump): first_line = sections_info_dump.readline() archive_path = (Literal('In archive').suppress() + White().suppress() + # trim the colon and line ending characters from archive_path rest_of_line.set_results_name('archive_path').set_parse_action( lambda s, loc, toks: s.rstrip(':\n\r '))) parser = archive_path try: results = parser.parseString(first_line, parseAll=True) except ParseException as p: raise ParseException('Parsing sections info for library ' + sections_info_dump.name + ' failed. ' + p.msg) archive = os.path.basename(results.archive_path) self.sections[archive] = EntityDB.__info(sections_info_dump.name, sections_info_dump.read()) def _get_infos_from_file(self, info): # {object}: file format elf32-xtensa-le object_line = SkipTo(':').set_results_name('object') + Suppress(rest_of_line) # Sections: # Idx Name ... section_start = Suppress(Literal('Sections:')) section_header = Suppress(OneOrMore(Word(alphas))) # 00 {section} 0000000 ... # CONTENTS, ALLOC, .... section_entry = (Suppress(Word(nums)) + SkipTo(' ') + Suppress(rest_of_line) + Suppress(ZeroOrMore(Word(alphas) + Literal(',')) + Word(alphas))) content = Group(object_line + section_start + section_header + Group(OneOrMore(section_entry)).set_results_name('sections')) parser = Group(ZeroOrMore(content)).set_results_name('contents') try: results = parser.parseString(info.content, parseAll=True) except ParseException as p: raise ParseException('Unable to parse section info file ' + info.filename + '. ' + p.msg) return results def _process_archive(self, archive): stored = self.sections[archive] # Parse the contents of the sections file on-demand, # save the result for later if not isinstance(stored, dict): parsed = self._get_infos_from_file(stored) stored = dict() for content in parsed.contents: sections = list(map(lambda s: s, content.sections)) stored[content.object] = sections self.sections[archive] = stored def get_archives(self): return self.sections.keys() def get_objects(self, archive): try: self._process_archive(archive) except KeyError: return [] return self.sections[archive].keys() def _match_obj(self, archive, obj): objs = self.get_objects(archive) match_objs = (fnmatch.filter(objs, obj + '.o') + fnmatch.filter(objs, obj + '.*.obj') + fnmatch.filter(objs, obj + '.obj')) if len(match_objs) > 1: raise ValueError("Multiple matches for object: '%s: %s': %s" % (archive, obj, str(match_objs))) try: return match_objs[0] except IndexError: return None def get_sections(self, archive, obj): obj = self._match_obj(archive, obj) res = [] if obj: res = self.sections[archive][obj] return res def _match_symbol(self, archive, obj, symbol): sections = self.get_sections(archive, obj) return [s for s in sections if s.endswith(symbol)] def check_exists(self, entity): res = True if entity.specificity != Entity.Specificity.NONE: if entity.specificity == Entity.Specificity.ARCHIVE: res = entity.archive in self.get_archives() elif entity.specificity == Entity.Specificity.OBJ: res = self._match_obj(entity.archive, entity.obj) is not None elif entity.specificity == Entity.Specificity.SYMBOL: res = len(self._match_symbol(entity.archive, entity.obj, entity.symbol)) > 0 else: res = False return res