/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017-2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #pragma once #include "esp_hidh.h" #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "freertos/semphr.h" #include "sys/queue.h" #include "esp_timer.h" #if CONFIG_BT_NIMBLE_ENABLED #include "nimble/ble.h" #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** * @brief HIDH device report data */ typedef struct esp_hidh_dev_report_s { struct esp_hidh_dev_report_s *next; uint8_t map_index; //the index of the report map uint8_t report_id; //the id of the report uint8_t report_type; //input, output or feature uint8_t protocol_mode; //boot or report size_t value_len; //maximum len of value by report map esp_hid_usage_t usage; //generic, keyboard or mouse //BLE properties uint16_t handle; //handle to the value uint16_t ccc_handle; //handle to client config uint8_t permissions; //report permissions } esp_hidh_dev_report_t; /** * @brief HIDH device data */ struct esp_hidh_dev_s { esp_hid_address_t addr; esp_hid_device_config_t config; esp_hid_usage_t usage; esp_hid_transport_t transport; //BT, BLE or USB esp_hid_trans_type_t trans_type; //indicate what transaction is going on, new transaction only be allowed after the previous done esp_timer_handle_t trans_timer; //transactiion timer uint8_t report_type; //Get_Report tansaction report_type uint8_t report_id; //Get_Report tansaction report_id #if CONFIG_BT_NIMBLE_ENABLED uint8_t *protocol_mode; // protocol mode is unique for each hid service instance #else uint8_t protocol_mode; //device protocol mode #endif bool connected; //we have all required data to communicate bool opened; //we opened the device manually, else the device connected to us bool added; //If lower layer has added the device bool is_orig; //If host initiate the connection bool in_use; //If false, it will be deleted from the devices list. int status; //status of the last command size_t reports_len; esp_hidh_dev_report_t *reports; void *tmp; size_t tmp_len; SemaphoreHandle_t semaphore; SemaphoreHandle_t mutex; esp_err_t (*close)(esp_hidh_dev_t *dev); esp_err_t (*report_write)(esp_hidh_dev_t *dev, size_t map_index, size_t report_id, int report_type, uint8_t *data, size_t len); esp_err_t (*report_read)(esp_hidh_dev_t *dev, size_t map_index, size_t report_id, int report_type, size_t max_length, uint8_t *value, size_t *value_len); esp_err_t (*set_report)(esp_hidh_dev_t *dev, size_t map_index, size_t report_id, int report_type, uint8_t *data, size_t len); esp_err_t (*get_idle)(esp_hidh_dev_t *dev); esp_err_t (*set_idle)(esp_hidh_dev_t *dev, uint8_t idle_time); esp_err_t (*get_protocol)(esp_hidh_dev_t *dev); esp_err_t (*set_protocol)(esp_hidh_dev_t *dev, uint8_t protocol_mode); void (*dump)(esp_hidh_dev_t *dev, FILE *fp); union { #if CONFIG_BT_HID_HOST_ENABLED struct { uint8_t handle; } bt; #endif /* CONFIG_BT_HID_HOST_ENABLED */ #if CONFIG_GATTC_ENABLE struct { esp_ble_addr_type_t address_type; int conn_id; uint16_t appearance; uint16_t battery_handle; uint16_t battery_ccc_handle; } ble; #endif /* CONFIG_GATTC_ENABLE */ #if CONFIG_BT_NIMBLE_ENABLED struct { uint8_t address_type; int conn_id; uint16_t appearance; uint16_t battery_handle; uint16_t battery_ccc_handle; } ble; #endif }; TAILQ_ENTRY(esp_hidh_dev_s) devices; }; typedef TAILQ_HEAD(esp_hidh_dev_head_s, esp_hidh_dev_s) esp_hidh_dev_head_t; esp_hidh_dev_t *esp_hidh_dev_malloc(void); #if CONFIG_BLUEDROID_ENABLED esp_hidh_dev_t *esp_hidh_dev_get_by_bda(esp_bd_addr_t bda); //BT/BLE esp_hidh_dev_t *esp_hidh_dev_get_by_handle(uint8_t handle); //Classic Bluetooth Only esp_hidh_dev_t *esp_hidh_dev_get_by_conn_id(uint16_t conn_id); //BLE Only #endif /* CONFIG_BLUEDROID_ENABLED */ #if CONFIG_BT_NIMBLE_ENABLED esp_hidh_dev_t *esp_hidh_dev_get_by_bda(uint8_t* bda); // BLE Only esp_hidh_dev_t *esp_hidh_dev_get_by_conn_id(uint16_t conn_id); //BLE Only #endif esp_hidh_dev_report_t *esp_hidh_dev_get_report_by_id_type_proto(esp_hidh_dev_t *dev, size_t map_index, size_t report_id, int report_type, uint8_t protocol_mode); esp_hidh_dev_report_t *esp_hidh_dev_get_report_by_id_and_type(esp_hidh_dev_t *dev, size_t map_index, size_t report_id, int report_type); esp_hidh_dev_report_t *esp_hidh_dev_get_input_report_by_len_and_proto(esp_hidh_dev_t *dev, size_t len, int protocol_mode); esp_hidh_dev_report_t *esp_hidh_dev_get_input_report_by_id_and_proto(esp_hidh_dev_t *dev, size_t report_id, int protocol_mode); esp_hidh_dev_report_t *esp_hidh_dev_get_input_report_by_proto_and_data(esp_hidh_dev_t *dev, int protocol_mode, size_t len, const uint8_t *data, bool *has_report_id); esp_hidh_dev_report_t *esp_hidh_dev_get_report_by_handle(esp_hidh_dev_t *dev, uint16_t handle); //BLE Only void esp_hidh_preprocess_event_handler(void *event_handler_arg, esp_event_base_t event_base, int32_t event_id, void *event_data); void esp_hidh_post_process_event_handler(void *event_handler_arg, esp_event_base_t event_base, int32_t event_id, void *event_data); void esp_hidh_dev_lock(esp_hidh_dev_t *dev); void esp_hidh_dev_unlock(esp_hidh_dev_t *dev); void esp_hidh_dev_wait(esp_hidh_dev_t *dev); void esp_hidh_dev_send(esp_hidh_dev_t *dev); esp_err_t esp_hidh_dev_free_inner(esp_hidh_dev_t *dev); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif