// Copyright 2015-2016 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "catch.hpp" #include "nvs.hpp" #include "nvs_test_api.h" #include "sdkconfig.h" #include "spi_flash_emulation.h" #include "nvs_partition_manager.hpp" #include "nvs_partition.hpp" #include "mbedtls/aes.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "test_fixtures.hpp" #define TEST_ESP_ERR(rc, res) CHECK((rc) == (res)) #define TEST_ESP_OK(rc) CHECK((rc) == ESP_OK) using namespace std; using namespace nvs; stringstream s_perf; void dumpBytes(const uint8_t* data, size_t count) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (i % 32 == 0) { printf("%08x ", i); } printf("%02x ", data[i]); if ((i + 1) % 32 == 0) { printf("\n"); } } } TEST_CASE("crc32 behaves as expected", "[nvs]") { Item item1; item1.datatype = ItemType::I32; item1.nsIndex = 1; item1.crc32 = 0; item1.chunkIndex = 0xff; fill_n(item1.key, sizeof(item1.key), 0xbb); fill_n(item1.data, sizeof(item1.data), 0xaa); auto crc32_1 = item1.calculateCrc32(); Item item2 = item1; item2.crc32 = crc32_1; CHECK(crc32_1 == item2.calculateCrc32()); item2 = item1; item2.nsIndex = 2; CHECK(crc32_1 != item2.calculateCrc32()); item2 = item1; item2.datatype = ItemType::U32; CHECK(crc32_1 != item2.calculateCrc32()); item2 = item1; strncpy(item2.key, "foo", Item::MAX_KEY_LENGTH); CHECK(crc32_1 != item2.calculateCrc32()); } TEST_CASE("Page starting with empty flash is in uninitialized state", "[nvs]") { PartitionEmulationFixture f; Page page; CHECK(page.state() == Page::PageState::INVALID); CHECK(page.load(&f.part, 0) == ESP_OK); CHECK(page.state() == Page::PageState::UNINITIALIZED); } TEST_CASE("Page can distinguish namespaces", "[nvs]") { PartitionEmulationFixture f; Page page; CHECK(page.load(&f.part, 0) == ESP_OK); int32_t val1 = 0x12345678; CHECK(page.writeItem(1, ItemType::I32, "intval1", &val1, sizeof(val1)) == ESP_OK); int32_t val2 = 0x23456789; CHECK(page.writeItem(2, ItemType::I32, "intval1", &val2, sizeof(val2)) == ESP_OK); int32_t readVal; CHECK(page.readItem(2, ItemType::I32, "intval1", &readVal, sizeof(readVal)) == ESP_OK); CHECK(readVal == val2); } TEST_CASE("Page reading with different type causes type mismatch error", "[nvs]") { PartitionEmulationFixture f; Page page; CHECK(page.load(&f.part, 0) == ESP_OK); int32_t val = 0x12345678; CHECK(page.writeItem(1, ItemType::I32, "intval1", &val, sizeof(val)) == ESP_OK); CHECK(page.readItem(1, ItemType::U32, "intval1", &val, sizeof(val)) == ESP_ERR_NVS_TYPE_MISMATCH); } TEST_CASE("Page when erased, it's state becomes UNITIALIZED", "[nvs]") { PartitionEmulationFixture f; Page page; CHECK(page.load(&f.part, 0) == ESP_OK); int32_t val = 0x12345678; CHECK(page.writeItem(1, ItemType::I32, "intval1", &val, sizeof(val)) == ESP_OK); CHECK(page.erase() == ESP_OK); CHECK(page.state() == Page::PageState::UNINITIALIZED); } TEST_CASE("Page when writing and erasing, used/erased counts are updated correctly", "[nvs]") { PartitionEmulationFixture f; Page page; CHECK(page.load(&f.part, 0) == ESP_OK); CHECK(page.getUsedEntryCount() == 0); CHECK(page.getErasedEntryCount() == 0); uint32_t foo1 = 0; CHECK(page.writeItem(1, "foo1", foo1) == ESP_OK); CHECK(page.getUsedEntryCount() == 1); CHECK(page.writeItem(2, "foo1", foo1) == ESP_OK); CHECK(page.getUsedEntryCount() == 2); CHECK(page.eraseItem(2, "foo1") == ESP_OK); CHECK(page.getUsedEntryCount() == 1); CHECK(page.getErasedEntryCount() == 1); for (size_t i = 0; i < Page::ENTRY_COUNT - 2; ++i) { char name[16]; snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "i%ld", (long int)i); CHECK(page.writeItem(1, name, i) == ESP_OK); } CHECK(page.getUsedEntryCount() == Page::ENTRY_COUNT - 1); CHECK(page.getErasedEntryCount() == 1); for (size_t i = 0; i < Page::ENTRY_COUNT - 2; ++i) { char name[16]; snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "i%ld", (long int)i); CHECK(page.eraseItem(1, itemTypeOf(), name) == ESP_OK); } CHECK(page.getUsedEntryCount() == 1); CHECK(page.getErasedEntryCount() == Page::ENTRY_COUNT - 1); } TEST_CASE("Page when page is full, adding an element fails", "[nvs]") { PartitionEmulationFixture f; Page page; CHECK(page.load(&f.part, 0) == ESP_OK); for (size_t i = 0; i < Page::ENTRY_COUNT; ++i) { char name[16]; snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "i%ld", (long int)i); CHECK(page.writeItem(1, name, i) == ESP_OK); } CHECK(page.writeItem(1, "foo", 64UL) == ESP_ERR_NVS_PAGE_FULL); } TEST_CASE("Page maintains its seq number") { PartitionEmulationFixture f; { Page page; CHECK(page.load(&f.part, 0) == ESP_OK); CHECK(page.setSeqNumber(123) == ESP_OK); int32_t val = 42; CHECK(page.writeItem(1, ItemType::I32, "dummy", &val, sizeof(val)) == ESP_OK); } { Page page; CHECK(page.load(&f.part, 0) == ESP_OK); uint32_t seqno; CHECK(page.getSeqNumber(seqno) == ESP_OK); CHECK(seqno == 123); } } TEST_CASE("Page can write and read variable length data", "[nvs]") { PartitionEmulationFixture f; Page page; CHECK(page.load(&f.part, 0) == ESP_OK); const char str[] = "foobar1234foobar1234foobar1234foobar1234foobar1234foobar1234foobar1234foobar1234"; size_t len = strlen(str); CHECK(page.writeItem(1, "stuff1", 42) == ESP_OK); CHECK(page.writeItem(1, "stuff2", 1) == ESP_OK); CHECK(page.writeItem(1, ItemType::SZ, "foobaar", str, len + 1) == ESP_OK); CHECK(page.writeItem(1, "stuff3", 2) == ESP_OK); CHECK(page.writeItem(1, ItemType::BLOB, "baz", str, len) == ESP_OK); CHECK(page.writeItem(1, "stuff4", 0x7abbccdd) == ESP_OK); char buf[sizeof(str) + 16]; int32_t value; CHECK(page.readItem(1, "stuff1", value) == ESP_OK); CHECK(value == 42); CHECK(page.readItem(1, "stuff2", value) == ESP_OK); CHECK(value == 1); CHECK(page.readItem(1, "stuff3", value) == ESP_OK); CHECK(value == 2); CHECK(page.readItem(1, "stuff4", value) == ESP_OK); CHECK(value == 0x7abbccdd); fill_n(buf, sizeof(buf), 0xff); CHECK(page.readItem(1, ItemType::SZ, "foobaar", buf, sizeof(buf)) == ESP_OK); CHECK(memcmp(buf, str, strlen(str) + 1) == 0); fill_n(buf, sizeof(buf), 0xff); CHECK(page.readItem(1, ItemType::BLOB, "baz", buf, sizeof(buf)) == ESP_OK); CHECK(memcmp(buf, str, strlen(str)) == 0); } TEST_CASE("Page different key names are distinguished even if the pointer is the same", "[nvs]") { PartitionEmulationFixture f; Page page; TEST_ESP_OK(page.load(&f.part, 0)); TEST_ESP_OK(page.writeItem(1, "i1", 1)); TEST_ESP_OK(page.writeItem(1, "i2", 2)); int32_t value; char keyname[10] = {0}; for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { strncpy(keyname, "i1", sizeof(keyname) - 1); TEST_ESP_OK(page.readItem(1, keyname, value)); CHECK(value == 1); strncpy(keyname, "i2", sizeof(keyname) - 1); TEST_ESP_OK(page.readItem(1, keyname, value)); CHECK(value == 2); } } TEST_CASE("Page validates key size", "[nvs]") { PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 4); Page page; TEST_ESP_OK(page.load(&f.part, 0)); // 16-character key fails TEST_ESP_ERR(page.writeItem(1, "0123456789123456", 1), ESP_ERR_NVS_KEY_TOO_LONG); // 15-character key is okay TEST_ESP_OK(page.writeItem(1, "012345678912345", 1)); } TEST_CASE("Page validates blob size", "[nvs]") { PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 4); Page page; TEST_ESP_OK(page.load(&f.part, 0)); char buf[4096] = { 0 }; // There are two potential errors here: // - not enough space in the page (because one value has been written already) // - value is too long // Check that the second one is actually returned. TEST_ESP_ERR(page.writeItem(1, ItemType::BLOB, "2", buf, Page::ENTRY_COUNT * Page::ENTRY_SIZE), ESP_ERR_NVS_VALUE_TOO_LONG); // Should fail as well TEST_ESP_ERR(page.writeItem(1, ItemType::BLOB, "2", buf, Page::CHUNK_MAX_SIZE + 1), ESP_ERR_NVS_VALUE_TOO_LONG); TEST_ESP_OK(page.writeItem(1, ItemType::BLOB, "2", buf, Page::CHUNK_MAX_SIZE)); } TEST_CASE("Page handles invalid CRC of variable length items", "[nvs][cur]") { PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 4); { Page page; TEST_ESP_OK(page.load(&f.part, 0)); char buf[128] = {0}; TEST_ESP_OK(page.writeItem(1, ItemType::BLOB, "1", buf, sizeof(buf))); } // corrupt header of the item (64 is the offset of the first item in page) uint32_t overwrite_buf = 0; f.emu.write(64, &overwrite_buf, 4); // load page again { Page page; TEST_ESP_OK(page.load(&f.part, 0)); } } class HashListTestHelper : public HashList { public: size_t getBlockCount() { return mBlockList.size(); } }; TEST_CASE("HashList is cleaned up as soon as items are erased", "[nvs]") { HashListTestHelper hashlist; // Add items const size_t count = 128; for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { char key[16]; snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "i%ld", (long int)i); Item item(1, ItemType::U32, 1, key); hashlist.insert(item, i); } INFO("Added " << count << " items, " << hashlist.getBlockCount() << " blocks"); // Remove them in reverse order for (size_t i = count; i > 0; --i) { hashlist.erase(i - 1, true); } CHECK(hashlist.getBlockCount() == 0); // Add again for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { char key[16]; snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "i%ld", (long int)i); Item item(1, ItemType::U32, 1, key); hashlist.insert(item, i); } INFO("Added " << count << " items, " << hashlist.getBlockCount() << " blocks"); // Remove them in the same order for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { hashlist.erase(i, true); } CHECK(hashlist.getBlockCount() == 0); } TEST_CASE("can init PageManager in empty flash", "[nvs]") { PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 4); PageManager pm; CHECK(pm.load(&f.part, 0, 4) == ESP_OK); } TEST_CASE("PageManager adds page in the correct order", "[nvs]") { const size_t pageCount = 8; PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, pageCount); uint32_t pageNo[pageCount] = { -1U, 50, 11, -1U, 23, 22, 24, 49}; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pageCount; ++i) { Page p; p.load(&f.part, i); if (pageNo[i] != -1U) { p.setSeqNumber(pageNo[i]); p.writeItem(1, "foo", 10U); } } PageManager pageManager; CHECK(pageManager.load(&f.part, 0, pageCount) == ESP_OK); uint32_t lastSeqNo = 0; for (auto it = std::begin(pageManager); it != std::end(pageManager); ++it) { uint32_t seqNo; CHECK(it->getSeqNumber(seqNo) == ESP_OK); CHECK(seqNo > lastSeqNo); } } TEST_CASE("can init storage in empty flash", "[nvs]") { PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 8); Storage storage(&f.part); f.emu.setBounds(4, 8); cout << "before check" << endl; CHECK(storage.init(4, 4) == ESP_OK); s_perf << "Time to init empty storage (4 sectors): " << f.emu.getTotalTime() << " us" << std::endl; } TEST_CASE("storage doesn't add duplicates within one page", "[nvs]") { PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 8); Storage storage(&f.part); f.emu.setBounds(4, 8); CHECK(storage.init(4, 4) == ESP_OK); int bar = 0; CHECK(storage.writeItem(1, "bar", ++bar) == ESP_OK); CHECK(storage.writeItem(1, "bar", ++bar) == ESP_OK); Page page; page.load(&f.part, 4); CHECK(page.getUsedEntryCount() == 1); CHECK(page.getErasedEntryCount() == 1); } TEST_CASE("can write one item a thousand times", "[nvs]") { PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 8); Storage storage(&f.part); f.emu.setBounds(4, 8); CHECK(storage.init(4, 4) == ESP_OK); for (size_t i = 0; i < Page::ENTRY_COUNT * 4 * 2; ++i) { REQUIRE(storage.writeItem(1, "i", static_cast(i)) == ESP_OK); } s_perf << "Time to write one item a thousand times: " << f.emu.getTotalTime() << " us (" << f.emu.getEraseOps() << " " << f.emu.getWriteOps() << " " << f.emu.getReadOps() << " " << f.emu.getWriteBytes() << " " << f.emu.getReadBytes() << ")" << std::endl; } TEST_CASE("storage doesn't add duplicates within multiple pages", "[nvs]") { PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 8); Storage storage(&f.part); f.emu.setBounds(4, 8); CHECK(storage.init(4, 4) == ESP_OK); int bar = 0; CHECK(storage.writeItem(1, "bar", ++bar) == ESP_OK); for (size_t i = 0; i < Page::ENTRY_COUNT; ++i) { CHECK(storage.writeItem(1, "foo", static_cast(++bar)) == ESP_OK); } CHECK(storage.writeItem(1, "bar", ++bar) == ESP_OK); Page page; page.load(&f.part, 4); CHECK(page.findItem(1, itemTypeOf(), "bar") == ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); page.load(&f.part, 5); CHECK(page.findItem(1, itemTypeOf(), "bar") == ESP_OK); } TEST_CASE("storage can find items on second page if first is not fully written and has cached search data", "[nvs]") { PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 3); Storage storage(&f.part); CHECK(storage.init(0, 3) == ESP_OK); int bar = 0; uint8_t bigdata[(Page::CHUNK_MAX_SIZE - Page::ENTRY_SIZE)/2] = {0}; // write one big chunk of data ESP_ERROR_CHECK(storage.writeItem(0, ItemType::BLOB, "1", bigdata, sizeof(bigdata))); // write another big chunk of data ESP_ERROR_CHECK(storage.writeItem(0, ItemType::BLOB, "2", bigdata, sizeof(bigdata))); // write third one; it will not fit into the first page ESP_ERROR_CHECK(storage.writeItem(0, ItemType::BLOB, "3", bigdata, sizeof(bigdata))); size_t size; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(storage.getItemDataSize(0, ItemType::BLOB, "1", size)); CHECK(size == sizeof(bigdata)); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(storage.getItemDataSize(0, ItemType::BLOB, "3", size)); CHECK(size == sizeof(bigdata)); } TEST_CASE("can write and read variable length data lots of times", "[nvs]") { PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 8); Storage storage(&f.part); f.emu.setBounds(4, 8); CHECK(storage.init(4, 4) == ESP_OK); const char str[] = "foobar1234foobar1234foobar1234foobar1234foobar1234foobar1234foobar1234foobar1234"; char buf[sizeof(str) + 16]; size_t len = strlen(str); for (size_t i = 0; i < Page::ENTRY_COUNT * 4 * 2; ++i) { CAPTURE(i); CHECK(storage.writeItem(1, ItemType::SZ, "foobaar", str, len + 1) == ESP_OK); CHECK(storage.writeItem(1, "foo", static_cast(i)) == ESP_OK); uint32_t value; CHECK(storage.readItem(1, "foo", value) == ESP_OK); CHECK(value == i); fill_n(buf, sizeof(buf), 0xff); CHECK(storage.readItem(1, ItemType::SZ, "foobaar", buf, sizeof(buf)) == ESP_OK); CHECK(memcmp(buf, str, strlen(str) + 1) == 0); } s_perf << "Time to write one string and one integer a thousand times: " << f.emu.getTotalTime() << " us (" << f.emu.getEraseOps() << " " << f.emu.getWriteOps() << " " << f.emu.getReadOps() << " " << f.emu.getWriteBytes() << " " << f.emu.getReadBytes() << ")" << std::endl; } TEST_CASE("can get length of variable length data", "[nvs]") { PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 8); f.emu.randomize(200); Storage storage(&f.part); f.emu.setBounds(4, 8); CHECK(storage.init(4, 4) == ESP_OK); const char str[] = "foobar1234foobar1234foobar1234foobar1234foobar1234foobar1234foobar1234foobar1234"; size_t len = strlen(str); CHECK(storage.writeItem(1, ItemType::SZ, "foobaar", str, len + 1) == ESP_OK); size_t dataSize; CHECK(storage.getItemDataSize(1, ItemType::SZ, "foobaar", dataSize) == ESP_OK); CHECK(dataSize == len + 1); CHECK(storage.writeItem(2, ItemType::BLOB, "foobaar", str, len) == ESP_OK); CHECK(storage.getItemDataSize(2, ItemType::BLOB, "foobaar", dataSize) == ESP_OK); CHECK(dataSize == len); } TEST_CASE("can create namespaces", "[nvs]") { PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 8); Storage storage(&f.part); f.emu.setBounds(4, 8); CHECK(storage.init(4, 4) == ESP_OK); uint8_t nsi; CHECK(storage.createOrOpenNamespace("wifi", false, nsi) == ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); CHECK(storage.createOrOpenNamespace("wifi", true, nsi) == ESP_OK); Page page; page.load(&f.part, 4); CHECK(page.findItem(Page::NS_INDEX, ItemType::U8, "wifi") == ESP_OK); } TEST_CASE("storage may become full", "[nvs]") { PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 8); Storage storage(&f.part); f.emu.setBounds(4, 8); CHECK(storage.init(4, 4) == ESP_OK); for (size_t i = 0; i < Page::ENTRY_COUNT * 3; ++i) { char name[Item::MAX_KEY_LENGTH + 1]; snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "key%05d", static_cast(i)); REQUIRE(storage.writeItem(1, name, static_cast(i)) == ESP_OK); } REQUIRE(storage.writeItem(1, "foo", 10) == ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE); } TEST_CASE("can modify an item on a page which will be erased", "[nvs]") { PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 8); Storage storage(&f.part); CHECK(storage.init(0, 2) == ESP_OK); for (size_t i = 0; i < Page::ENTRY_COUNT * 3 + 1; ++i) { REQUIRE(storage.writeItem(1, "foo", 42U) == ESP_OK); } } TEST_CASE("erase operations are distributed among sectors", "[nvs]") { const size_t sectors = 6; PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, sectors); Storage storage(&f.part); CHECK(storage.init(0, sectors) == ESP_OK); /* Fill some part of storage with static values */ const size_t static_sectors = 2; for (size_t i = 0; i < static_sectors * Page::ENTRY_COUNT; ++i) { char name[Item::MAX_KEY_LENGTH]; snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "static%d", (int) i); REQUIRE(storage.writeItem(1, name, i) == ESP_OK); } /* Now perform many write operations */ const size_t write_ops = 2000; for (size_t i = 0; i < write_ops; ++i) { REQUIRE(storage.writeItem(1, "value", i) == ESP_OK); } /* Check that erase counts are distributed between the remaining sectors */ const size_t max_erase_cnt = write_ops / Page::ENTRY_COUNT / (sectors - static_sectors) + 1; for (size_t i = 0; i < sectors; ++i) { auto erase_cnt = f.emu.getSectorEraseCount(i); INFO("Sector " << i << " erased " << erase_cnt); CHECK(erase_cnt <= max_erase_cnt); } } TEST_CASE("can erase items", "[nvs]") { PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 8); Storage storage(&f.part); CHECK(storage.init(0, 3) == ESP_OK); for (size_t i = 0; i < Page::ENTRY_COUNT * 2 - 3; ++i) { char name[Item::MAX_KEY_LENGTH + 1]; snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "key%05d", static_cast(i)); REQUIRE(storage.writeItem(3, name, static_cast(i)) == ESP_OK); } CHECK(storage.writeItem(1, "foo", 32) == ESP_OK); CHECK(storage.writeItem(2, "foo", 64) == ESP_OK); CHECK(storage.eraseItem(2, "foo") == ESP_OK); int val; CHECK(storage.readItem(1, "foo", val) == ESP_OK); CHECK(val == 32); CHECK(storage.eraseNamespace(3) == ESP_OK); CHECK(storage.readItem(2, "foo", val) == ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); CHECK(storage.readItem(3, "key00222", val) == ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); } TEST_CASE("namespace name is deep copy", "[nvs]") { char ns_name[16]; strcpy(ns_name, "const_name"); nvs_handle_t handle_1; nvs_handle_t handle_2; const uint32_t NVS_FLASH_SECTOR = 6; const uint32_t NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN = 3; PartitionEmulationFixture f(NVS_FLASH_SECTOR, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN); f.emu.setBounds(NVS_FLASH_SECTOR, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR + NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN); TEST_ESP_OK(NVSPartitionManager::get_instance()->init_custom(&f.part, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_open("const_name", NVS_READWRITE, &handle_1)); strcpy(ns_name, "just_kidding"); CHECK(nvs_open("just_kidding", NVS_READONLY, &handle_2) == ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); nvs_close(handle_1); nvs_close(handle_2); nvs_flash_deinit_partition(NVS_DEFAULT_PART_NAME); } TEST_CASE("readonly handle fails on writing", "[nvs]") { PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 10); const char* str = "value 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef"; const uint8_t blob[8] = {0x0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7}; nvs_handle_t handle_1; const uint32_t NVS_FLASH_SECTOR = 6; const uint32_t NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN = 3; f.emu.setBounds(NVS_FLASH_SECTOR, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR + NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN); TEST_ESP_OK(NVSPartitionManager::get_instance()->init_custom(&f.part, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN)); // first, creating namespace... TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_open("ro_ns", NVS_READWRITE, &handle_1)); nvs_close(handle_1); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_open("ro_ns", NVS_READONLY, &handle_1)); TEST_ESP_ERR(nvs_set_i32(handle_1, "key", 47), ESP_ERR_NVS_READ_ONLY); TEST_ESP_ERR(nvs_set_str(handle_1, "key", str), ESP_ERR_NVS_READ_ONLY); TEST_ESP_ERR(nvs_set_blob(handle_1, "key", blob, 8), ESP_ERR_NVS_READ_ONLY); nvs_close(handle_1); // without deinit it affects "nvs api tests" TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_flash_deinit_partition(NVS_DEFAULT_PART_NAME)); } TEST_CASE("nvs api tests", "[nvs]") { PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 10); f.emu.randomize(100); nvs_handle_t handle_1; const uint32_t NVS_FLASH_SECTOR = 6; const uint32_t NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN = 3; f.emu.setBounds(NVS_FLASH_SECTOR, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR + NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN); TEST_ESP_ERR(nvs_open("namespace1", NVS_READWRITE, &handle_1), ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_INITIALIZED); for (uint16_t i = NVS_FLASH_SECTOR; i init_custom(&f.part, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN)); TEST_ESP_ERR(nvs_open("namespace1", NVS_READONLY, &handle_1), ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); // TEST_ESP_ERR(nvs_set_i32(handle_1, "foo", 0x12345678), ESP_ERR_NVS_READ_ONLY); // nvs_close(handle_1); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_open("namespace1", NVS_READWRITE, &handle_1)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_i32(handle_1, "foo", 0x12345678)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_i32(handle_1, "foo", 0x23456789)); nvs_handle_t handle_2; TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_open("namespace2", NVS_READWRITE, &handle_2)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_i32(handle_2, "foo", 0x3456789a)); const char* str = "value 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef"; TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_str(handle_2, "key", str)); int32_t v1; TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_get_i32(handle_1, "foo", &v1)); CHECK(0x23456789 == v1); int32_t v2; TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_get_i32(handle_2, "foo", &v2)); CHECK(0x3456789a == v2); char buf[strlen(str) + 1]; size_t buf_len = sizeof(buf); size_t buf_len_needed; TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_get_str(handle_2, "key", NULL, &buf_len_needed)); CHECK(buf_len_needed == buf_len); size_t buf_len_short = buf_len - 1; TEST_ESP_ERR(ESP_ERR_NVS_INVALID_LENGTH, nvs_get_str(handle_2, "key", buf, &buf_len_short)); CHECK(buf_len_short == buf_len); size_t buf_len_long = buf_len + 1; TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_get_str(handle_2, "key", buf, &buf_len_long)); CHECK(buf_len_long == buf_len); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_get_str(handle_2, "key", buf, &buf_len)); CHECK(0 == strcmp(buf, str)); nvs_close(handle_1); nvs_close(handle_2); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_flash_deinit_partition(NVS_DEFAULT_PART_NAME)); } TEST_CASE("deinit partition doesn't affect other partition's open handles", "[nvs]") { const char *OTHER_PARTITION_NAME = "other_part"; PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 10); PartitionEmulationFixture f_other(0, 10, OTHER_PARTITION_NAME); const char* str = "value 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef"; const uint8_t blob[8] = {0x0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7}; nvs_handle_t handle_1; const uint32_t NVS_FLASH_SECTOR = 6; const uint32_t NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN = 3; f.emu.setBounds(NVS_FLASH_SECTOR, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR + NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN); f_other.emu.setBounds(NVS_FLASH_SECTOR, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR + NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN); TEST_ESP_OK(NVSPartitionManager::get_instance()->init_custom(&f.part, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN)); TEST_ESP_OK(NVSPartitionManager::get_instance()->init_custom(&f_other.part, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_open_from_partition(OTHER_PARTITION_NAME, "ns", NVS_READWRITE, &handle_1)); // Deinitializing must not interfere with the open handle from the other partition. TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_flash_deinit_partition(NVS_DEFAULT_PART_NAME)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_i32(handle_1, "foo", 0x3456789a)); nvs_close(handle_1); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_flash_deinit_partition(OTHER_PARTITION_NAME)); } TEST_CASE("nvs iterators tests", "[nvs]") { PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 5); const uint32_t NVS_FLASH_SECTOR = 0; const uint32_t NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN = 5; f.emu.setBounds(NVS_FLASH_SECTOR, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR + NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN); for (uint16_t i = NVS_FLASH_SECTOR; i < NVS_FLASH_SECTOR + NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN; ++i) { f.emu.erase(i); } TEST_ESP_OK(NVSPartitionManager::get_instance()->init_custom(&f.part, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN)); nvs_iterator_t it; nvs_entry_info_t info; nvs_handle handle_1; nvs_handle handle_2; const uint32_t blob = 0x11223344; const char *name_1 = "namespace1"; const char *name_2 = "namespace2"; TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_open(name_1, NVS_READWRITE, &handle_1)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_open(name_2, NVS_READWRITE, &handle_2)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_i8(handle_1, "value1", -11)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_u8(handle_1, "value2", 11)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_i16(handle_1, "value3", 1234)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_u16(handle_1, "value4", -1234)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_i32(handle_1, "value5", -222)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_i32(handle_1, "value6", -222)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_i32(handle_1, "value7", -222)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_u32(handle_1, "value8", 222)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_u32(handle_1, "value9", 222)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_str(handle_1, "value10", "foo")); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_blob(handle_1, "value11", &blob, sizeof(blob))); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_i32(handle_2, "value1", -111)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_i32(handle_2, "value2", -111)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_i64(handle_2, "value3", -555)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_u64(handle_2, "value4", 555)); auto entry_count = [](const char *part, const char *name, nvs_type_t type)-> int { int count; nvs_iterator_t it = nvs_entry_find(part, name, type); for (count = 0; it != nullptr; count++) { it = nvs_entry_next(it); } return count; }; SECTION("Number of entries found for specified namespace and type is correct") { CHECK(nvs_entry_find("", NULL, NVS_TYPE_ANY) == NULL); CHECK(entry_count(NVS_DEFAULT_PART_NAME, NULL, NVS_TYPE_ANY) == 15); CHECK(entry_count(NVS_DEFAULT_PART_NAME, name_1, NVS_TYPE_ANY) == 11); CHECK(entry_count(NVS_DEFAULT_PART_NAME, name_1, NVS_TYPE_I32) == 3); CHECK(entry_count(NVS_DEFAULT_PART_NAME, NULL, NVS_TYPE_I32) == 5); CHECK(entry_count(NVS_DEFAULT_PART_NAME, NULL, NVS_TYPE_U64) == 1); } SECTION("New entry is not created when existing key-value pair is set") { CHECK(entry_count(NVS_DEFAULT_PART_NAME, name_2, NVS_TYPE_ANY) == 4); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_i32(handle_2, "value1", -222)); CHECK(entry_count(NVS_DEFAULT_PART_NAME, name_2, NVS_TYPE_ANY) == 4); } SECTION("Number of entries found decrease when entry is erased") { CHECK(entry_count(NVS_DEFAULT_PART_NAME, NULL, NVS_TYPE_U64) == 1); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_erase_key(handle_2, "value4")); CHECK(entry_count(NVS_DEFAULT_PART_NAME, "", NVS_TYPE_U64) == 0); } SECTION("All fields of nvs_entry_info_t structure are correct") { it = nvs_entry_find(NVS_DEFAULT_PART_NAME, name_1, NVS_TYPE_I32); CHECK(it != nullptr); string key = "value5"; do { nvs_entry_info(it, &info); CHECK(string(name_1) == info.namespace_name); CHECK(key == info.key); CHECK(info.type == NVS_TYPE_I32); it = nvs_entry_next(it); key[5]++; } while (it != NULL); nvs_release_iterator(it); } SECTION("Entry info is not affected by subsequent erase") { nvs_entry_info_t info_after_erase; it = nvs_entry_find(NVS_DEFAULT_PART_NAME, name_1, NVS_TYPE_ANY); nvs_entry_info(it, &info); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_erase_key(handle_1, "value1")); nvs_entry_info(it, &info_after_erase); CHECK(memcmp(&info, &info_after_erase, sizeof(info)) == 0); nvs_release_iterator(it); } SECTION("Entry info is not affected by subsequent set") { nvs_entry_info_t info_after_set; it = nvs_entry_find(NVS_DEFAULT_PART_NAME, name_1, NVS_TYPE_ANY); nvs_entry_info(it, &info); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_u8(handle_1, info.key, 44)); nvs_entry_info(it, &info_after_set); CHECK(memcmp(&info, &info_after_set, sizeof(info)) == 0); nvs_release_iterator(it); } SECTION("Iterating over multiple pages works correctly") { nvs_handle handle_3; const char *name_3 = "namespace3"; const int entries_created = 250; TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_open(name_3, NVS_READWRITE, &handle_3)); for (size_t i = 0; i < entries_created; i++) { TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_u8(handle_3, to_string(i).c_str(), 123)); } int entries_found = 0; it = nvs_entry_find(NVS_DEFAULT_PART_NAME, name_3, NVS_TYPE_ANY); while(it != nullptr) { entries_found++; it = nvs_entry_next(it); } CHECK(entries_created == entries_found); nvs_release_iterator(it); nvs_close(handle_3); } SECTION("Iterating over multi-page blob works correctly") { nvs_handle handle_3; const char *name_3 = "namespace3"; const uint8_t multipage_blob[4096 * 2] = { 0 }; const int NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE = 125; size_t occupied_entries; TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_open(name_3, NVS_READWRITE, &handle_3)); nvs_set_blob(handle_3, "blob", multipage_blob, sizeof(multipage_blob)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_get_used_entry_count(handle_3, &occupied_entries)); CHECK(occupied_entries > NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE * 2); CHECK(entry_count(NVS_DEFAULT_PART_NAME, name_3, NVS_TYPE_BLOB) == 1); nvs_close(handle_3); } nvs_close(handle_1); nvs_close(handle_2); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_flash_deinit_partition(NVS_DEFAULT_PART_NAME)); } TEST_CASE("Iterator with not matching type iterates correctly", "[nvs]") { PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 5); nvs_iterator_t it; nvs_handle_t my_handle; const char* NAMESPACE = "test_ns_4"; const uint32_t NVS_FLASH_SECTOR = 0; const uint32_t NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN = 5; f.emu.setBounds(NVS_FLASH_SECTOR, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR + NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN); for (uint16_t i = NVS_FLASH_SECTOR; i < NVS_FLASH_SECTOR + NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN; ++i) { f.emu.erase(i); } TEST_ESP_OK(NVSPartitionManager::get_instance()->init_custom(&f.part, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN)); // writing string to namespace (a type which spans multiple entries) TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_open(NAMESPACE, NVS_READWRITE, &my_handle)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_str(my_handle, "test-string", "InitString0")); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_commit(my_handle)); nvs_close(my_handle); it = nvs_entry_find(NVS_DEFAULT_PART_NAME, NAMESPACE, NVS_TYPE_I32); CHECK(it == NULL); // re-init to trigger cleaning up of broken items -> a corrupted string will be erased nvs_flash_deinit(); TEST_ESP_OK(NVSPartitionManager::get_instance()->init_custom(&f.part, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN)); it = nvs_entry_find(NVS_DEFAULT_PART_NAME, NAMESPACE, NVS_TYPE_STR); CHECK(it != NULL); nvs_release_iterator(it); // without deinit it affects "nvs api tests" TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_flash_deinit_partition(NVS_DEFAULT_PART_NAME)); } TEST_CASE("wifi test", "[nvs]") { PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 10); f.emu.randomize(10); const uint32_t NVS_FLASH_SECTOR = 5; const uint32_t NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN = 3; f.emu.setBounds(NVS_FLASH_SECTOR, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR + NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN); TEST_ESP_OK(NVSPartitionManager::get_instance()->init_custom(&f.part, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN)); nvs_handle_t misc_handle; TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_open("nvs.net80211", NVS_READWRITE, &misc_handle)); char log[33]; size_t log_size = sizeof(log); TEST_ESP_ERR(nvs_get_str(misc_handle, "log", log, &log_size), ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); strcpy(log, "foobarbazfizzz"); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_str(misc_handle, "log", log)); nvs_handle_t net80211_handle; TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_open("nvs.net80211", NVS_READWRITE, &net80211_handle)); uint8_t opmode = 2; TEST_ESP_ERR(nvs_get_u8(net80211_handle, "wifi.opmode", &opmode), ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_u8(net80211_handle, "wifi.opmode", opmode)); uint8_t country = 0; TEST_ESP_ERR(nvs_get_u8(net80211_handle, "wifi.country", &opmode), ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_u8(net80211_handle, "wifi.country", opmode)); char ssid[36]; size_t size = sizeof(ssid); TEST_ESP_ERR(nvs_get_blob(net80211_handle, "sta.ssid", ssid, &size), ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); strcpy(ssid, "my android AP"); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_blob(net80211_handle, "sta.ssid", ssid, size)); char mac[6]; size = sizeof(mac); TEST_ESP_ERR(nvs_get_blob(net80211_handle, "sta.mac", mac, &size), ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); memset(mac, 0xab, 6); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_blob(net80211_handle, "sta.mac", mac, size)); uint8_t authmode = 1; TEST_ESP_ERR(nvs_get_u8(net80211_handle, "sta.authmode", &authmode), ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_u8(net80211_handle, "sta.authmode", authmode)); char pswd[65]; size = sizeof(pswd); TEST_ESP_ERR(nvs_get_blob(net80211_handle, "sta.pswd", pswd, &size), ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); strcpy(pswd, "`123456788990-="); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_blob(net80211_handle, "sta.pswd", pswd, size)); char pmk[32]; size = sizeof(pmk); TEST_ESP_ERR(nvs_get_blob(net80211_handle, "sta.pmk", pmk, &size), ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); memset(pmk, 1, size); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_blob(net80211_handle, "sta.pmk", pmk, size)); uint8_t chan = 1; TEST_ESP_ERR(nvs_get_u8(net80211_handle, "sta.chan", &chan), ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_u8(net80211_handle, "sta.chan", chan)); uint8_t autoconn = 1; TEST_ESP_ERR(nvs_get_u8(net80211_handle, "auto.conn", &autoconn), ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_u8(net80211_handle, "auto.conn", autoconn)); uint8_t bssid_set = 1; TEST_ESP_ERR(nvs_get_u8(net80211_handle, "bssid.set", &bssid_set), ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_u8(net80211_handle, "bssid.set", bssid_set)); char bssid[6]; size = sizeof(bssid); TEST_ESP_ERR(nvs_get_blob(net80211_handle, "sta.bssid", bssid, &size), ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); memset(mac, 0xcd, 6); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_blob(net80211_handle, "sta.bssid", bssid, size)); uint8_t phym = 3; TEST_ESP_ERR(nvs_get_u8(net80211_handle, "sta.phym", &phym), ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_u8(net80211_handle, "sta.phym", phym)); uint8_t phybw = 2; TEST_ESP_ERR(nvs_get_u8(net80211_handle, "sta.phybw", &phybw), ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_u8(net80211_handle, "sta.phybw", phybw)); char apsw[2]; size = sizeof(apsw); TEST_ESP_ERR(nvs_get_blob(net80211_handle, "sta.apsw", apsw, &size), ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); memset(apsw, 0x2, size); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_blob(net80211_handle, "sta.apsw", apsw, size)); char apinfo[700]; size = sizeof(apinfo); TEST_ESP_ERR(nvs_get_blob(net80211_handle, "sta.apinfo", apinfo, &size), ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); memset(apinfo, 0, size); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_blob(net80211_handle, "sta.apinfo", apinfo, size)); size = sizeof(ssid); TEST_ESP_ERR(nvs_get_blob(net80211_handle, "ap.ssid", ssid, &size), ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); strcpy(ssid, "ESP_A2F340"); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_blob(net80211_handle, "ap.ssid", ssid, size)); size = sizeof(mac); TEST_ESP_ERR(nvs_get_blob(net80211_handle, "ap.mac", mac, &size), ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); memset(mac, 0xac, 6); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_blob(net80211_handle, "ap.mac", mac, size)); size = sizeof(pswd); TEST_ESP_ERR(nvs_get_blob(net80211_handle, "ap.passwd", pswd, &size), ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); strcpy(pswd, ""); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_blob(net80211_handle, "ap.passwd", pswd, size)); size = sizeof(pmk); TEST_ESP_ERR(nvs_get_blob(net80211_handle, "ap.pmk", pmk, &size), ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); memset(pmk, 1, size); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_blob(net80211_handle, "ap.pmk", pmk, size)); chan = 6; TEST_ESP_ERR(nvs_get_u8(net80211_handle, "ap.chan", &chan), ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_u8(net80211_handle, "ap.chan", chan)); authmode = 0; TEST_ESP_ERR(nvs_get_u8(net80211_handle, "ap.authmode", &authmode), ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_u8(net80211_handle, "ap.authmode", authmode)); uint8_t hidden = 0; TEST_ESP_ERR(nvs_get_u8(net80211_handle, "ap.hidden", &hidden), ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_u8(net80211_handle, "ap.hidden", hidden)); uint8_t max_conn = 4; TEST_ESP_ERR(nvs_get_u8(net80211_handle, "ap.max.conn", &max_conn), ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_u8(net80211_handle, "ap.max.conn", max_conn)); uint8_t bcn_interval = 2; TEST_ESP_ERR(nvs_get_u8(net80211_handle, "bcn_interval", &bcn_interval), ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_u8(net80211_handle, "bcn_interval", bcn_interval)); s_perf << "Time to simulate nvs init with wifi libs: " << f.emu.getTotalTime() << " us (" << f.emu.getEraseOps() << "E " << f.emu.getWriteOps() << "W " << f.emu.getReadOps() << "R " << f.emu.getWriteBytes() << "Wb " << f.emu.getReadBytes() << "Rb)" << std::endl; TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_flash_deinit_partition(NVS_DEFAULT_PART_NAME)); } TEST_CASE("writing the identical content does not write or erase", "[nvs]") { PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 20); const uint32_t NVS_FLASH_SECTOR = 5; const uint32_t NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN = 10; f.emu.setBounds(NVS_FLASH_SECTOR, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR + NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN); TEST_ESP_OK(NVSPartitionManager::get_instance()->init_custom(&f.part, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN)); nvs_handle misc_handle; TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_open("test", NVS_READWRITE, &misc_handle)); // Test writing a u8 twice, then changing it nvs_set_u8(misc_handle, "test_u8", 8); f.emu.clearStats(); nvs_set_u8(misc_handle, "test_u8", 8); CHECK(f.emu.getWriteOps() == 0); CHECK(f.emu.getEraseOps() == 0); CHECK(f.emu.getReadOps() != 0); f.emu.clearStats(); nvs_set_u8(misc_handle, "test_u8", 9); CHECK(f.emu.getWriteOps() != 0); CHECK(f.emu.getReadOps() != 0); // Test writing a string twice, then changing it static const char *test[2] = {"Hello world.", "Hello world!"}; nvs_set_str(misc_handle, "test_str", test[0]); f.emu.clearStats(); nvs_set_str(misc_handle, "test_str", test[0]); CHECK(f.emu.getWriteOps() == 0); CHECK(f.emu.getEraseOps() == 0); CHECK(f.emu.getReadOps() != 0); f.emu.clearStats(); nvs_set_str(misc_handle, "test_str", test[1]); CHECK(f.emu.getWriteOps() != 0); CHECK(f.emu.getReadOps() != 0); // Test writing a multi-page blob, then changing it uint8_t blob[Page::CHUNK_MAX_SIZE * 3] = {0}; memset(blob, 1, sizeof(blob)); nvs_set_blob(misc_handle, "test_blob", blob, sizeof(blob)); f.emu.clearStats(); nvs_set_blob(misc_handle, "test_blob", blob, sizeof(blob)); CHECK(f.emu.getWriteOps() == 0); CHECK(f.emu.getEraseOps() == 0); CHECK(f.emu.getReadOps() != 0); blob[sizeof(blob) - 1]++; f.emu.clearStats(); nvs_set_blob(misc_handle, "test_blob", blob, sizeof(blob)); CHECK(f.emu.getWriteOps() != 0); CHECK(f.emu.getReadOps() != 0); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_flash_deinit_partition(NVS_DEFAULT_PART_NAME)); } TEST_CASE("can init storage from flash with random contents", "[nvs]") { PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 10); f.emu.randomize(42); nvs_handle_t handle; const uint32_t NVS_FLASH_SECTOR = 5; const uint32_t NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN = 3; f.emu.setBounds(NVS_FLASH_SECTOR, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR + NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN); TEST_ESP_OK(NVSPartitionManager::get_instance()->init_custom(&f.part, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_open("nvs.net80211", NVS_READWRITE, &handle)); uint8_t opmode = 2; if (nvs_get_u8(handle, "wifi.opmode", &opmode) != ESP_OK) { TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_u8(handle, "wifi.opmode", opmode)); } TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_flash_deinit_partition(NVS_DEFAULT_PART_NAME)); } TEST_CASE("nvs api tests, starting with random data in flash", "[nvs][long]") { const size_t testIters = 3000; int lastPercent = -1; for (size_t count = 0; count < testIters; ++count) { int percentDone = (int) (count * 100 / testIters); if (percentDone != lastPercent) { lastPercent = percentDone; printf("%d%%\n", percentDone); } PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 10); f.emu.randomize(static_cast(count)); const uint32_t NVS_FLASH_SECTOR = 6; const uint32_t NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN = 3; f.emu.setBounds(NVS_FLASH_SECTOR, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR + NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN); TEST_ESP_OK(NVSPartitionManager::get_instance()->init_custom(&f.part, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN)); nvs_handle_t handle_1; TEST_ESP_ERR(nvs_open("namespace1", NVS_READONLY, &handle_1), ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_open("namespace1", NVS_READWRITE, &handle_1)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_i32(handle_1, "foo", 0x12345678)); for (size_t i = 0; i < 500; ++i) { nvs_handle_t handle_2; TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_open("namespace2", NVS_READWRITE, &handle_2)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_i32(handle_1, "foo", 0x23456789 % (i + 1))); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_i32(handle_2, "foo", static_cast(i))); const char* str = "value 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef %09d"; char str_buf[128]; snprintf(str_buf, sizeof(str_buf), str, i + count * 1024); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_str(handle_2, "key", str_buf)); int32_t v1; TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_get_i32(handle_1, "foo", &v1)); CHECK(0x23456789 % (i + 1) == v1); int32_t v2; TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_get_i32(handle_2, "foo", &v2)); CHECK(static_cast(i) == v2); char buf[128]; size_t buf_len = sizeof(buf); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_get_str(handle_2, "key", buf, &buf_len)); CHECK(0 == strcmp(buf, str_buf)); nvs_close(handle_2); } nvs_close(handle_1); } TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_flash_deinit_partition(NVS_DEFAULT_PART_NAME)); } extern "C" void nvs_dump(const char *partName); class RandomTest { static const size_t nKeys = 11; int32_t v1 = 0, v2 = 0; uint64_t v3 = 0, v4 = 0; static const size_t strBufLen = 1024; static const size_t smallBlobLen = Page::CHUNK_MAX_SIZE / 3; static const size_t largeBlobLen = Page::CHUNK_MAX_SIZE * 3; char v5[strBufLen], v6[strBufLen], v7[strBufLen], v8[strBufLen], v9[strBufLen]; uint8_t v10[smallBlobLen], v11[largeBlobLen]; bool written[nKeys]; public: RandomTest() { std::fill_n(written, nKeys, false); } template esp_err_t doRandomThings(nvs_handle_t handle, TGen gen, size_t& count) { const char* keys[] = {"foo", "bar", "longkey_0123456", "another key", "param1", "param2", "param3", "param4", "param5", "singlepage", "multipage"}; const ItemType types[] = {ItemType::I32, ItemType::I32, ItemType::U64, ItemType::U64, ItemType::SZ, ItemType::SZ, ItemType::SZ, ItemType::SZ, ItemType::SZ, ItemType::BLOB, ItemType::BLOB}; void* values[] = {&v1, &v2, &v3, &v4, &v5, &v6, &v7, &v8, &v9, &v10, &v11}; const size_t nKeys = sizeof(keys) / sizeof(keys[0]); static_assert(nKeys == sizeof(types) / sizeof(types[0]), ""); static_assert(nKeys == sizeof(values) / sizeof(values[0]), ""); auto randomRead = [&](size_t index) -> esp_err_t { switch (types[index]) { case ItemType::I32: { int32_t val; auto err = nvs_get_i32(handle, keys[index], &val); if (err == ESP_ERR_FLASH_OP_FAIL) { return err; } if (!written[index]) { REQUIRE(err == ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); } else { REQUIRE(err == ESP_OK); REQUIRE(val == *reinterpret_cast(values[index])); } break; } case ItemType::U64: { uint64_t val; auto err = nvs_get_u64(handle, keys[index], &val); if (err == ESP_ERR_FLASH_OP_FAIL) { return err; } if (!written[index]) { REQUIRE(err == ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); } else { REQUIRE(err == ESP_OK); REQUIRE(val == *reinterpret_cast(values[index])); } break; } case ItemType::SZ: { char buf[strBufLen]; size_t len = strBufLen; auto err = nvs_get_str(handle, keys[index], buf, &len); if (err == ESP_ERR_FLASH_OP_FAIL) { return err; } if (!written[index]) { REQUIRE(err == ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); } else { REQUIRE(err == ESP_OK); REQUIRE(strncmp(buf, reinterpret_cast(values[index]), strBufLen) == 0); } break; } case ItemType::BLOB: { uint32_t blobBufLen = 0; if(strncmp(keys[index],"singlepage", sizeof("singlepage")) == 0) { blobBufLen = smallBlobLen ; } else { blobBufLen = largeBlobLen ; } uint8_t buf[blobBufLen]; memset(buf, 0, blobBufLen); size_t len = blobBufLen; auto err = nvs_get_blob(handle, keys[index], buf, &len); if (err == ESP_ERR_FLASH_OP_FAIL) { return err; } if (!written[index]) { REQUIRE(err == ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); } else { REQUIRE(err == ESP_OK); REQUIRE(memcmp(buf, reinterpret_cast(values[index]), blobBufLen) == 0); } break; } default: assert(0); } return ESP_OK; }; auto randomWrite = [&](size_t index) -> esp_err_t { switch (types[index]) { case ItemType::I32: { int32_t val = static_cast(gen()); auto err = nvs_set_i32(handle, keys[index], val); if (err == ESP_ERR_FLASH_OP_FAIL) { return err; } if (err == ESP_ERR_NVS_REMOVE_FAILED) { written[index] = true; *reinterpret_cast(values[index]) = val; return ESP_ERR_FLASH_OP_FAIL; } REQUIRE(err == ESP_OK); written[index] = true; *reinterpret_cast(values[index]) = val; break; } case ItemType::U64: { uint64_t val = static_cast(gen()); auto err = nvs_set_u64(handle, keys[index], val); if (err == ESP_ERR_FLASH_OP_FAIL) { return err; } if (err == ESP_ERR_NVS_REMOVE_FAILED) { written[index] = true; *reinterpret_cast(values[index]) = val; return ESP_ERR_FLASH_OP_FAIL; } REQUIRE(err == ESP_OK); written[index] = true; *reinterpret_cast(values[index]) = val; break; } case ItemType::SZ: { char buf[strBufLen]; size_t len = strBufLen; size_t strLen = gen() % (strBufLen - 1); std::generate_n(buf, strLen, [&]() -> char { const char c = static_cast(gen() % 127); return (c < 32) ? 32 : c; }); buf[strLen] = 0; auto err = nvs_set_str(handle, keys[index], buf); if (err == ESP_ERR_FLASH_OP_FAIL) { return err; } if (err == ESP_ERR_NVS_REMOVE_FAILED) { written[index] = true; strncpy(reinterpret_cast(values[index]), buf, strBufLen); return ESP_ERR_FLASH_OP_FAIL; } REQUIRE(err == ESP_OK); written[index] = true; strncpy(reinterpret_cast(values[index]), buf, strBufLen); break; } case ItemType::BLOB: { uint32_t blobBufLen = 0; if(strncmp(keys[index],"singlepage", sizeof("singlepage")) == 0) { blobBufLen = smallBlobLen ; } else { blobBufLen = largeBlobLen ; } uint8_t buf[blobBufLen]; memset(buf, 0, blobBufLen); size_t blobLen = gen() % blobBufLen; std::generate_n(buf, blobLen, [&]() -> uint8_t { return static_cast(gen() % 256); }); auto err = nvs_set_blob(handle, keys[index], buf, blobLen); if (err == ESP_ERR_FLASH_OP_FAIL) { return err; } if (err == ESP_ERR_NVS_REMOVE_FAILED) { written[index] = true; memcpy(reinterpret_cast(values[index]), buf, blobBufLen); return ESP_ERR_FLASH_OP_FAIL; } REQUIRE(err == ESP_OK); written[index] = true; memcpy(reinterpret_cast(values[index]), buf, blobBufLen); break; } default: assert(0); } return ESP_OK; }; for (; count != 0; --count) { size_t index = gen() % (nKeys); switch (gen() % 3) { case 0: // read, 1/3 if (randomRead(index) == ESP_ERR_FLASH_OP_FAIL) { return ESP_ERR_FLASH_OP_FAIL; } break; default: // write, 2/3 if (randomWrite(index) == ESP_ERR_FLASH_OP_FAIL) { return ESP_ERR_FLASH_OP_FAIL; } break; } } return ESP_OK; } esp_err_t handleExternalWriteAtIndex(uint8_t index, const void* value, const size_t len ) { if(index == 9) { /* This is only done for small-page blobs for now*/ if(len > smallBlobLen) { return ESP_FAIL; } memcpy(v10, value, len); written[index] = true; return ESP_OK; } else { return ESP_FAIL; } } }; TEST_CASE("monkey test", "[nvs][monkey]") { std::random_device rd; std::mt19937 gen(rd()); uint32_t seed = 3; gen.seed(seed); PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 10); f.emu.randomize(seed); f.emu.clearStats(); const uint32_t NVS_FLASH_SECTOR = 2; const uint32_t NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN = 8; f.emu.setBounds(NVS_FLASH_SECTOR, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR + NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN); TEST_ESP_OK(NVSPartitionManager::get_instance()->init_custom(&f.part, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN)); nvs_handle_t handle; TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_open("namespace1", NVS_READWRITE, &handle)); RandomTest test; size_t count = 1000; CHECK(test.doRandomThings(handle, gen, count) == ESP_OK); s_perf << "Monkey test: nErase=" << f.emu.getEraseOps() << " nWrite=" << f.emu.getWriteOps() << std::endl; TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_flash_deinit_partition(NVS_DEFAULT_PART_NAME)); } TEST_CASE("test recovery from sudden poweroff", "[long][nvs][recovery][monkey]") { std::random_device rd; std::mt19937 gen(rd()); uint32_t seed = 3; gen.seed(seed); const size_t iter_count = 2000; PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 10); const uint32_t NVS_FLASH_SECTOR = 2; const uint32_t NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN = 8; f.emu.setBounds(NVS_FLASH_SECTOR, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR + NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN); size_t totalOps = 0; int lastPercent = -1; for (uint32_t errDelay = 0; ; ++errDelay) { INFO(errDelay); f.emu.randomize(seed); f.emu.clearStats(); f.emu.failAfter(errDelay); RandomTest test; if (totalOps != 0) { int percent = errDelay * 100 / totalOps; if (percent > lastPercent) { printf("%d/%d (%d%%)\r\n", errDelay, static_cast(totalOps), percent); lastPercent = percent; } } nvs_handle_t handle; size_t count = iter_count; if (NVSPartitionManager::get_instance()->init_custom(&f.part, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN) == ESP_OK) { if (nvs_open("namespace1", NVS_READWRITE, &handle) == ESP_OK) { if(test.doRandomThings(handle, gen, count) != ESP_ERR_FLASH_OP_FAIL) { nvs_close(handle); break; } nvs_close(handle); } TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_flash_deinit_partition(NVS_DEFAULT_PART_NAME)); } TEST_ESP_OK(NVSPartitionManager::get_instance()->init_custom(&f.part, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_open("namespace1", NVS_READWRITE, &handle)); auto res = test.doRandomThings(handle, gen, count); if (res != ESP_OK) { nvs_dump(NVS_DEFAULT_PART_NAME); CHECK(0); } nvs_close(handle); totalOps = f.emu.getEraseOps() + f.emu.getWriteBytes() / 4; TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_flash_deinit_partition(NVS_DEFAULT_PART_NAME)); } } TEST_CASE("test for memory leaks in open/set", "[leaks]") { PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 10); const uint32_t NVS_FLASH_SECTOR = 6; const uint32_t NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN = 3; f.emu.setBounds(NVS_FLASH_SECTOR, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR + NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN); TEST_ESP_OK(NVSPartitionManager::get_instance()->init_custom(&f.part, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN)); for (int i = 0; i < 100000; ++i) { nvs_handle_t light_handle = 0; char lightbulb[1024] = {12, 13, 14, 15, 16}; TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_open("light", NVS_READWRITE, &light_handle)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_blob(light_handle, "key", lightbulb, sizeof(lightbulb))); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_commit(light_handle)); nvs_close(light_handle); } TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_flash_deinit_partition(NVS_DEFAULT_PART_NAME)); } TEST_CASE("duplicate items are removed", "[nvs][dupes]") { PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 3); { // create one item nvs::Page p; p.load(&f.part, 0); p.writeItem(1, "opmode", 3); } { // add another two without deleting the first one nvs::Item item(1, ItemType::U8, 1, "opmode"); item.data[0] = 2; item.crc32 = item.calculateCrc32(); f.emu.write(3 * 32, reinterpret_cast(&item), sizeof(item)); f.emu.write(4 * 32, reinterpret_cast(&item), sizeof(item)); uint32_t mask = 0xFFFFFFEA; f.emu.write(32, &mask, 4); } { // load page and check that second item persists nvs::Storage s(&f.part); s.init(0, 3); uint8_t val; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(s.readItem(1, "opmode", val)); CHECK(val == 2); } { Page p; p.load(&f.part, 0); CHECK(p.getErasedEntryCount() == 2); CHECK(p.getUsedEntryCount() == 1); } } TEST_CASE("recovery after failure to write data", "[nvs]") { PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 3); const char str[] = "value 0123456789abcdef012345678value 0123456789abcdef012345678"; // make flash write fail exactly in Page::writeEntryData f.emu.failAfter(17); { Storage storage(&f.part); TEST_ESP_OK(storage.init(0, 3)); TEST_ESP_ERR(storage.writeItem(1, ItemType::SZ, "key", str, strlen(str)), ESP_ERR_FLASH_OP_FAIL); // check that repeated operations cause an error TEST_ESP_ERR(storage.writeItem(1, ItemType::SZ, "key", str, strlen(str)), ESP_ERR_NVS_INVALID_STATE); uint8_t val; TEST_ESP_ERR(storage.readItem(1, ItemType::U8, "key", &val, sizeof(val)), ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); } { // load page and check that data was erased Page p; p.load(&f.part, 0); CHECK(p.getErasedEntryCount() == 3); CHECK(p.getUsedEntryCount() == 0); // try to write again TEST_ESP_OK(p.writeItem(1, ItemType::SZ, "key", str, strlen(str))); } } TEST_CASE("crc errors in item header are handled", "[nvs]") { PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 3); Storage storage(&f.part); // prepare some data TEST_ESP_OK(storage.init(0, 3)); TEST_ESP_OK(storage.writeItem(0, "ns1", static_cast(1))); TEST_ESP_OK(storage.writeItem(1, "value1", static_cast(1))); TEST_ESP_OK(storage.writeItem(1, "value2", static_cast(2))); // corrupt item header uint32_t val = 0; f.emu.write(32 * 3, &val, 4); // check that storage can recover TEST_ESP_OK(storage.init(0, 3)); TEST_ESP_OK(storage.readItem(1, "value2", val)); CHECK(val == 2); // check that the corrupted item is no longer present TEST_ESP_ERR(ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND, storage.readItem(1, "value1", val)); // add more items to make the page full for (size_t i = 0; i < Page::ENTRY_COUNT; ++i) { char item_name[Item::MAX_KEY_LENGTH + 1]; snprintf(item_name, sizeof(item_name), "item_%ld", (long int)i); TEST_ESP_OK(storage.writeItem(1, item_name, static_cast(i))); } // corrupt another item on the full page val = 0; f.emu.write(32 * 4, &val, 4); // check that storage can recover TEST_ESP_OK(storage.init(0, 3)); // check that the corrupted item is no longer present TEST_ESP_ERR(ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND, storage.readItem(1, "value2", val)); } TEST_CASE("crc error in variable length item is handled", "[nvs]") { PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 3); const uint64_t before_val = 0xbef04e; const uint64_t after_val = 0xaf7e4; // write some data { Page p; p.load(&f.part, 0); TEST_ESP_OK(p.writeItem(0, "before", before_val)); const char* str = "foobar"; TEST_ESP_OK(p.writeItem(0, ItemType::SZ, "key", str, strlen(str))); TEST_ESP_OK(p.writeItem(0, "after", after_val)); } // corrupt some data uint32_t w; CHECK(f.emu.read(&w, 32 * 3 + 8, sizeof(w))); w &= 0xf000000f; CHECK(f.emu.write(32 * 3 + 8, &w, sizeof(w))); // load and check { Page p; p.load(&f.part, 0); CHECK(p.getUsedEntryCount() == 2); CHECK(p.getErasedEntryCount() == 2); uint64_t val; TEST_ESP_OK(p.readItem(0, "before", val)); CHECK(val == before_val); TEST_ESP_ERR(p.findItem(0, ItemType::SZ, "key"), ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); TEST_ESP_OK(p.readItem(0, "after", val)); CHECK(val == after_val); } } TEST_CASE("read/write failure (TW8406)", "[nvs]") { PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 3); NVSPartitionManager::get_instance()->init_custom(&f.part, 0, 3); for (int attempts = 0; attempts < 3; ++attempts) { int i = 0; nvs_handle_t light_handle = 0; char key[15] = {0}; char data[76] = {12, 13, 14, 15, 16}; uint8_t number = 20; size_t data_len = sizeof(data); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(nvs_open("LIGHT", NVS_READWRITE, &light_handle)); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(nvs_set_u8(light_handle, "RecordNum", number)); for (i = 0; i < number; ++i) { sprintf(key, "light%d", i); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(nvs_set_blob(light_handle, key, data, sizeof(data))); } nvs_commit(light_handle); uint8_t get_number = 0; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(nvs_get_u8(light_handle, "RecordNum", &get_number)); REQUIRE(number == get_number); for (i = 0; i < number; ++i) { char data[76] = {0}; sprintf(key, "light%d", i); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(nvs_get_blob(light_handle, key, data, &data_len)); } nvs_close(light_handle); } TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_flash_deinit_partition(NVS_DEFAULT_PART_NAME)); } TEST_CASE("nvs_flash_init checks for an empty page", "[nvs]") { const size_t blob_size = Page::CHUNK_MAX_SIZE; uint8_t blob[blob_size] = {0}; PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 8); TEST_ESP_OK( NVSPartitionManager::get_instance()->init_custom(&f.part, 0, 5) ); nvs_handle_t handle; TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_open("test", NVS_READWRITE, &handle) ); // Fill first page TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_set_blob(handle, "1a", blob, blob_size) ); // Fill second page TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_set_blob(handle, "2a", blob, blob_size) ); // Fill third page TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_set_blob(handle, "3a", blob, blob_size) ); TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_commit(handle) ); nvs_close(handle); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_flash_deinit_partition(NVS_DEFAULT_PART_NAME)); // first two pages are now full, third one is writable, last two are empty // init should fail TEST_ESP_ERR( NVSPartitionManager::get_instance()->init_custom(&f.part, 0, 3), ESP_ERR_NVS_NO_FREE_PAGES ); // in case this test fails, to not affect other tests nvs_flash_deinit_partition(NVS_DEFAULT_PART_NAME); } TEST_CASE("multiple partitions access check", "[nvs]") { SpiFlashEmulator emu(10); PartitionEmulation p0(&emu, 0 * SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE, 5 * SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE, "nvs1"); PartitionEmulation p1(&emu, 5 * SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE, 5 * SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE, "nvs2"); TEST_ESP_OK( NVSPartitionManager::get_instance()->init_custom(&p0, 0, 5) ); TEST_ESP_OK( NVSPartitionManager::get_instance()->init_custom(&p1, 5, 5) ); nvs_handle_t handle1, handle2; TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_open_from_partition("nvs1", "test", NVS_READWRITE, &handle1) ); TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_open_from_partition("nvs2", "test", NVS_READWRITE, &handle2) ); TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_set_i32(handle1, "foo", 0xdeadbeef)); TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_set_i32(handle2, "foo", 0xcafebabe)); int32_t v1, v2; TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_get_i32(handle1, "foo", &v1)); TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_get_i32(handle2, "foo", &v2)); CHECK(v1 == 0xdeadbeef); CHECK(v2 == 0xcafebabe); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_flash_deinit_partition(p0.get_partition_name())); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_flash_deinit_partition(p1.get_partition_name())); } TEST_CASE("nvs page selection takes into account free entries also not just erased entries", "[nvs]") { const size_t blob_size = Page::CHUNK_MAX_SIZE/2; uint8_t blob[blob_size] = {0}; PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 3); TEST_ESP_OK( NVSPartitionManager::get_instance()->init_custom(&f.part, 0, 3) ); nvs_handle_t handle; TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_open("test", NVS_READWRITE, &handle) ); // Fill first page TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_set_blob(handle, "1a", blob, blob_size/3) ); TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_set_blob(handle, "1b", blob, blob_size) ); // Fill second page TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_set_blob(handle, "2a", blob, blob_size) ); TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_set_blob(handle, "2b", blob, blob_size) ); // The item below should be able to fit the first page. TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_set_blob(handle, "3a", blob, 4) ); TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_commit(handle) ); nvs_close(handle); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_flash_deinit_partition(f.part.get_partition_name())); } TEST_CASE("calculate used and free space", "[nvs]") { PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 6); nvs_flash_deinit(); TEST_ESP_ERR(nvs_get_stats(NULL, NULL), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG); nvs_stats_t stat1; nvs_stats_t stat2; TEST_ESP_ERR(nvs_get_stats(NULL, &stat1), ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_INITIALIZED); CHECK(stat1.free_entries == 0); CHECK(stat1.namespace_count == 0); CHECK(stat1.total_entries == 0); CHECK(stat1.used_entries == 0); nvs_handle_t handle = 0; size_t h_count_entries; TEST_ESP_ERR(nvs_get_used_entry_count(handle, &h_count_entries), ESP_ERR_NVS_INVALID_HANDLE); CHECK(h_count_entries == 0); // init nvs TEST_ESP_OK(NVSPartitionManager::get_instance()->init_custom(&f.part, 0, 6)); TEST_ESP_ERR(nvs_get_used_entry_count(handle, &h_count_entries), ESP_ERR_NVS_INVALID_HANDLE); CHECK(h_count_entries == 0); Page p; // after erase. empty partition TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_get_stats(NULL, &stat1)); CHECK(stat1.free_entries != 0); CHECK(stat1.namespace_count == 0); CHECK(stat1.total_entries == 6 * p.ENTRY_COUNT); CHECK(stat1.used_entries == 0); // create namespace test_k1 nvs_handle_t handle_1; TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_open("test_k1", NVS_READWRITE, &handle_1)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_get_stats(NULL, &stat2)); CHECK(stat2.free_entries + 1 == stat1.free_entries); CHECK(stat2.namespace_count == 1); CHECK(stat2.total_entries == stat1.total_entries); CHECK(stat2.used_entries == 1); // create pair key-value com TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_i32(handle_1, "com", 0x12345678)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_get_stats(NULL, &stat1)); CHECK(stat1.free_entries + 1 == stat2.free_entries); CHECK(stat1.namespace_count == 1); CHECK(stat1.total_entries == stat2.total_entries); CHECK(stat1.used_entries == 2); // change value in com TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_i32(handle_1, "com", 0x01234567)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_get_stats(NULL, &stat2)); CHECK(stat2.free_entries == stat1.free_entries); CHECK(stat2.namespace_count == 1); CHECK(stat2.total_entries != 0); CHECK(stat2.used_entries == 2); // create pair key-value ru TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_i32(handle_1, "ru", 0x00FF00FF)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_get_stats(NULL, &stat1)); CHECK(stat1.free_entries + 1 == stat2.free_entries); CHECK(stat1.namespace_count == 1); CHECK(stat1.total_entries != 0); CHECK(stat1.used_entries == 3); // amount valid pair in namespace 1 size_t h1_count_entries; TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_get_used_entry_count(handle_1, &h1_count_entries)); CHECK(h1_count_entries == 2); nvs_handle_t handle_2; // create namespace test_k2 TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_open("test_k2", NVS_READWRITE, &handle_2)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_get_stats(NULL, &stat2)); CHECK(stat2.free_entries + 1 == stat1.free_entries); CHECK(stat2.namespace_count == 2); CHECK(stat2.total_entries == stat1.total_entries); CHECK(stat2.used_entries == 4); // create pair key-value TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_i32(handle_2, "su1", 0x00000001)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_i32(handle_2, "su2", 0x00000002)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_i32(handle_2, "sus", 0x00000003)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_get_stats(NULL, &stat1)); CHECK(stat1.free_entries + 3 == stat2.free_entries); CHECK(stat1.namespace_count == 2); CHECK(stat1.total_entries == stat2.total_entries); CHECK(stat1.used_entries == 7); CHECK(stat1.total_entries == (stat1.used_entries + stat1.free_entries)); // amount valid pair in namespace 2 size_t h2_count_entries; TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_get_used_entry_count(handle_2, &h2_count_entries)); CHECK(h2_count_entries == 3); CHECK(stat1.used_entries == (h1_count_entries + h2_count_entries + stat1.namespace_count)); nvs_close(handle_1); nvs_close(handle_2); size_t temp = h2_count_entries; TEST_ESP_ERR(nvs_get_used_entry_count(handle_1, &h2_count_entries), ESP_ERR_NVS_INVALID_HANDLE); CHECK(h2_count_entries == 0); h2_count_entries = temp; TEST_ESP_ERR(nvs_get_used_entry_count(handle_1, NULL), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG); nvs_handle_t handle_3; // create namespace test_k3 TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_open("test_k3", NVS_READWRITE, &handle_3)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_get_stats(NULL, &stat2)); CHECK(stat2.free_entries + 1 == stat1.free_entries); CHECK(stat2.namespace_count == 3); CHECK(stat2.total_entries == stat1.total_entries); CHECK(stat2.used_entries == 8); // create pair blobs uint32_t blob[12]; TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_blob(handle_3, "bl1", &blob, sizeof(blob))); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_get_stats(NULL, &stat1)); CHECK(stat1.free_entries + 4 == stat2.free_entries); CHECK(stat1.namespace_count == 3); CHECK(stat1.total_entries == stat2.total_entries); CHECK(stat1.used_entries == 12); // amount valid pair in namespace 2 size_t h3_count_entries; TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_get_used_entry_count(handle_3, &h3_count_entries)); CHECK(h3_count_entries == 4); CHECK(stat1.used_entries == (h1_count_entries + h2_count_entries + h3_count_entries + stat1.namespace_count)); nvs_close(handle_3); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_flash_deinit_partition(f.part.get_partition_name())); } // TODO: leaks memory TEST_CASE("Recovery from power-off when the entry being erased is not on active page", "[nvs]") { const size_t blob_size = Page::CHUNK_MAX_SIZE/2 ; size_t read_size = blob_size; uint8_t blob[blob_size] = {0x11}; PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 3); TEST_ESP_OK( NVSPartitionManager::get_instance()->init_custom(&f.part, 0, 3) ); nvs_handle_t handle; TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_open("test", NVS_READWRITE, &handle) ); f.emu.clearStats(); f.emu.failAfter(Page::CHUNK_MAX_SIZE/4 + 75); TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_set_blob(handle, "1a", blob, blob_size) ); TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_set_blob(handle, "1b", blob, blob_size) ); TEST_ESP_ERR( nvs_erase_key(handle, "1a"), ESP_ERR_FLASH_OP_FAIL ); TEST_ESP_OK( NVSPartitionManager::get_instance()->init_custom(&f.part, 0, 3) ); /* Check 1a is erased fully*/ TEST_ESP_ERR( nvs_get_blob(handle, "1a", blob, &read_size), ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); /* Check 2b is still accessible*/ TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_get_blob(handle, "1b", blob, &read_size)); nvs_close(handle); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_flash_deinit_partition(f.part.get_partition_name())); } // TODO: leaks memory TEST_CASE("Recovery from power-off when page is being freed.", "[nvs]") { const size_t blob_size = (Page::ENTRY_COUNT-3) * Page::ENTRY_SIZE; size_t read_size = blob_size/2; uint8_t blob[blob_size] = {0}; PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 3); TEST_ESP_OK(NVSPartitionManager::get_instance()->init_custom(&f.part, 0, 3)); nvs_handle_t handle; TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_open("test", NVS_READWRITE, &handle)); // Fill first page TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_blob(handle, "1a", blob, blob_size/3)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_blob(handle, "1b", blob, blob_size/3)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_blob(handle, "1c", blob, blob_size/4)); // Fill second page TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_blob(handle, "2a", blob, blob_size/2)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_blob(handle, "2b", blob, blob_size/2)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_erase_key(handle, "1c")); f.emu.clearStats(); f.emu.failAfter(6 * Page::ENTRY_COUNT); TEST_ESP_ERR(nvs_set_blob(handle, "1d", blob, blob_size/4), ESP_ERR_FLASH_OP_FAIL); TEST_ESP_OK(NVSPartitionManager::get_instance()->init_custom(&f.part, 0, 3)); read_size = blob_size/3; TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_get_blob(handle, "1a", blob, &read_size)); TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_get_blob(handle, "1b", blob, &read_size)); read_size = blob_size /4; TEST_ESP_ERR( nvs_get_blob(handle, "1c", blob, &read_size), ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); TEST_ESP_ERR( nvs_get_blob(handle, "1d", blob, &read_size), ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); read_size = blob_size /2; TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_get_blob(handle, "2a", blob, &read_size)); TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_get_blob(handle, "2b", blob, &read_size)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_commit(handle)); nvs_close(handle); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_flash_deinit_partition(f.part.get_partition_name())); } TEST_CASE("Multi-page blobs are supported", "[nvs]") { const size_t blob_size = Page::CHUNK_MAX_SIZE *2; uint8_t blob[blob_size] = {0}; PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 5); TEST_ESP_OK(NVSPartitionManager::get_instance()->init_custom(&f.part, 0, 5)); nvs_handle_t handle; TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_open("test", NVS_READWRITE, &handle)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_blob(handle, "abc", blob, blob_size)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_commit(handle)); nvs_close(handle); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_flash_deinit_partition(f.part.get_partition_name())); } TEST_CASE("Failures are handled while storing multi-page blobs", "[nvs]") { const size_t blob_size = Page::CHUNK_MAX_SIZE *7; uint8_t blob[blob_size] = {0}; PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 5); TEST_ESP_OK(NVSPartitionManager::get_instance()->init_custom(&f.part, 0, 5)); nvs_handle_t handle; TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_open("test", NVS_READWRITE, &handle)); TEST_ESP_ERR(nvs_set_blob(handle, "abc", blob, blob_size), ESP_ERR_NVS_VALUE_TOO_LONG); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_blob(handle, "abc", blob, Page::CHUNK_MAX_SIZE*2)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_commit(handle)); nvs_close(handle); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_flash_deinit_partition(f.part.get_partition_name())); } TEST_CASE("Reading multi-page blobs", "[nvs]") { const size_t blob_size = Page::CHUNK_MAX_SIZE *3; uint8_t blob[blob_size]; uint8_t blob_read[blob_size]; size_t read_size = blob_size; PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 5); TEST_ESP_OK(NVSPartitionManager::get_instance()->init_custom(&f.part, 0, 5)); nvs_handle_t handle; memset(blob, 0x11, blob_size); memset(blob_read, 0xee, blob_size); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_open("readTest", NVS_READWRITE, &handle)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_blob(handle, "abc", blob, blob_size)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_get_blob(handle, "abc", blob_read, &read_size)); CHECK(memcmp(blob, blob_read, blob_size) == 0); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_commit(handle)); nvs_close(handle); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_flash_deinit_partition(f.part.get_partition_name())); } TEST_CASE("Modification of values for Multi-page blobs are supported", "[nvs]") { const size_t blob_size = Page::CHUNK_MAX_SIZE *2; uint8_t blob[blob_size] = {0}; uint8_t blob_read[blob_size] = {0xfe};; uint8_t blob2[blob_size] = {0x11}; uint8_t blob3[blob_size] = {0x22}; uint8_t blob4[blob_size] ={ 0x33}; size_t read_size = blob_size; PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 6); TEST_ESP_OK( NVSPartitionManager::get_instance()->init_custom(&f.part, 0, 6) ); nvs_handle_t handle; memset(blob, 0x11, blob_size); memset(blob2, 0x22, blob_size); memset(blob3, 0x33, blob_size); memset(blob4, 0x44, blob_size); memset(blob_read, 0xff, blob_size); TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_open("test", NVS_READWRITE, &handle) ); TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_set_blob(handle, "abc", blob, blob_size) ); TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_set_blob(handle, "abc", blob2, blob_size) ); TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_set_blob(handle, "abc", blob3, blob_size) ); TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_set_blob(handle, "abc", blob4, blob_size) ); TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_get_blob(handle, "abc", blob_read, &read_size)); CHECK(memcmp(blob4, blob_read, blob_size) == 0); TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_commit(handle) ); nvs_close(handle); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_flash_deinit_partition(f.part.get_partition_name())); } TEST_CASE("Modification from single page blob to multi-page", "[nvs]") { const size_t blob_size = Page::CHUNK_MAX_SIZE *3; uint8_t blob[blob_size] = {0}; uint8_t blob_read[blob_size] = {0xff}; size_t read_size = blob_size; PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 5); TEST_ESP_OK( NVSPartitionManager::get_instance()->init_custom(&f.part, 0, 5) ); nvs_handle_t handle; TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_open("Test", NVS_READWRITE, &handle) ); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_blob(handle, "abc", blob, Page::CHUNK_MAX_SIZE/2)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_blob(handle, "abc", blob, blob_size)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_get_blob(handle, "abc", blob_read, &read_size)); CHECK(memcmp(blob, blob_read, blob_size) == 0); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_commit(handle) ); nvs_close(handle); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_flash_deinit_partition(f.part.get_partition_name())); } TEST_CASE("Modification from multi-page to single page", "[nvs]") { const size_t blob_size = Page::CHUNK_MAX_SIZE *3; uint8_t blob[blob_size] = {0}; uint8_t blob_read[blob_size] = {0xff}; size_t read_size = blob_size; PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 5); TEST_ESP_OK(NVSPartitionManager::get_instance()->init_custom(&f.part, 0, 5) ); nvs_handle_t handle; TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_open("Test", NVS_READWRITE, &handle) ); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_blob(handle, "abc", blob, blob_size)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_blob(handle, "abc", blob, Page::CHUNK_MAX_SIZE/2)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_blob(handle, "abc2", blob, blob_size)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_get_blob(handle, "abc", blob_read, &read_size)); CHECK(memcmp(blob, blob_read, Page::CHUNK_MAX_SIZE) == 0); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_commit(handle) ); nvs_close(handle); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_flash_deinit_partition(f.part.get_partition_name())); } TEST_CASE("Multi-page blob erased using nvs_erase_key should not be found when probed for just length", "[nvs]") { const size_t blob_size = Page::CHUNK_MAX_SIZE *3; uint8_t blob[blob_size] = {0}; size_t read_size = blob_size; PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 5); TEST_ESP_OK(NVSPartitionManager::get_instance()->init_custom(&f.part, 0, 5)); nvs_handle handle; TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_open("Test", NVS_READWRITE, &handle)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_blob(handle, "abc", blob, blob_size)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_erase_key(handle, "abc")); TEST_ESP_ERR(nvs_get_blob(handle, "abc", NULL, &read_size), ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_commit(handle)); nvs_close(handle); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_flash_deinit_partition(f.part.get_partition_name())); } TEST_CASE("Check that orphaned blobs are erased during init", "[nvs]") { const size_t blob_size = Page::CHUNK_MAX_SIZE *3 ; uint8_t blob[blob_size] = {0x11}; uint8_t blob2[blob_size] = {0x22}; uint8_t blob3[blob_size] = {0x33}; PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 5); Storage storage(&f.part); TEST_ESP_OK(storage.init(0, 5)); TEST_ESP_OK(storage.writeItem(1, ItemType::BLOB, "key", blob, sizeof(blob))); TEST_ESP_OK(storage.init(0, 5)); /* Check that multi-page item is still available.**/ TEST_ESP_OK(storage.readItem(1, ItemType::BLOB, "key", blob, sizeof(blob))); TEST_ESP_ERR(storage.writeItem(1, ItemType::BLOB, "key2", blob, sizeof(blob)), ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE); Page p; p.load(&f.part, 3); // This is where index will be placed. p.erase(); TEST_ESP_OK(storage.init(0, 5)); TEST_ESP_ERR(storage.readItem(1, ItemType::BLOB, "key", blob, sizeof(blob)), ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); TEST_ESP_OK(storage.writeItem(1, ItemType::BLOB, "key3", blob, sizeof(blob))); } TEST_CASE("nvs blob fragmentation test", "[nvs]") { PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 4); TEST_ESP_OK(NVSPartitionManager::get_instance()->init_custom(&f.part, 0, 4) ); const size_t BLOB_SIZE = 3500; uint8_t *blob = (uint8_t*) malloc(BLOB_SIZE); CHECK(blob != NULL); memset(blob, 0xEE, BLOB_SIZE); const uint32_t magic = 0xff33eaeb; nvs_handle_t h; TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_open("blob_tests", NVS_READWRITE, &h) ); for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) { INFO("Iteration " << i << "...\n"); TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_set_u32(h, "magic", magic) ); TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_set_blob(h, "blob", blob, BLOB_SIZE) ); char seq_buf[16]; sprintf(seq_buf, "seq%d", i); TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_set_u32(h, seq_buf, i) ); } free(blob); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_flash_deinit_partition(f.part.get_partition_name())); } TEST_CASE("nvs code handles errors properly when partition is near to full", "[nvs]") { const size_t blob_size = Page::CHUNK_MAX_SIZE * 0.3 ; uint8_t blob[blob_size] = {0x11}; PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 5); Storage storage(&f.part); char nvs_key[16] = ""; TEST_ESP_OK(storage.init(0, 5)); /* Four pages should fit roughly 12 blobs*/ for(uint8_t count = 1; count <= 12; count++) { sprintf(nvs_key, "key:%u", count); TEST_ESP_OK(storage.writeItem(1, ItemType::BLOB, nvs_key, blob, sizeof(blob))); } for(uint8_t count = 13; count <= 20; count++) { sprintf(nvs_key, "key:%u", count); TEST_ESP_ERR(storage.writeItem(1, ItemType::BLOB, nvs_key, blob, sizeof(blob)), ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE); } } TEST_CASE("Check for nvs version incompatibility", "[nvs]") { PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 3); int32_t val1 = 0x12345678; Page p; p.load(&f.part, 0); TEST_ESP_OK(p.setVersion(Page::NVS_VERSION - 1)); TEST_ESP_OK(p.writeItem(1, ItemType::I32, "foo", &val1, sizeof(val1))); TEST_ESP_ERR(NVSPartitionManager::get_instance()->init_custom(&f.part, 0, 3), ESP_ERR_NVS_NEW_VERSION_FOUND); // if something went wrong, clean up nvs_flash_deinit_partition(f.part.get_partition_name()); } TEST_CASE("Check that NVS supports old blob format without blob index", "[nvs]") { SpiFlashEmulator emu("../nvs_partition_generator/part_old_blob_format.bin"); PartitionEmulation part(&emu, 0, 2 * SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE, "test"); nvs_handle_t handle; TEST_ESP_OK( NVSPartitionManager::get_instance()->init_custom(&part, 0, 2) ); TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_open_from_partition("test", "dummyNamespace", NVS_READWRITE, &handle)); char buf[64] = {0}; size_t buflen = 64; uint8_t hexdata[] = {0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef}; TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_get_blob(handle, "dummyHex2BinKey", buf, &buflen)); CHECK(memcmp(buf, hexdata, buflen) == 0); buflen = 64; uint8_t base64data[] = {'1', '2', '3', 'a', 'b', 'c'}; TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_get_blob(handle, "dummyBase64Key", buf, &buflen)); CHECK(memcmp(buf, base64data, buflen) == 0); Page p; p.load(&part, 0); /* Check that item is stored in old format without blob index*/ TEST_ESP_OK(p.findItem(1, ItemType::BLOB, "dummyHex2BinKey")); /* Modify the blob so that it is stored in the new format*/ hexdata[0] = hexdata[1] = hexdata[2] = 0x99; TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_blob(handle, "dummyHex2BinKey", hexdata, sizeof(hexdata))); Page p2; p2.load(&part, 0); /* Check the type of the blob. Expect type mismatch since the blob is stored in new format*/ TEST_ESP_ERR(p2.findItem(1, ItemType::BLOB, "dummyHex2BinKey"), ESP_ERR_NVS_TYPE_MISMATCH); /* Check that index is present for the modified blob according to new format*/ TEST_ESP_OK(p2.findItem(1, ItemType::BLOB_IDX, "dummyHex2BinKey")); /* Read the blob in new format and check the contents*/ buflen = 64; TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_get_blob(handle, "dummyBase64Key", buf, &buflen)); CHECK(memcmp(buf, base64data, buflen) == 0); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_flash_deinit_partition(part.get_partition_name())); } // TODO: leaks memory TEST_CASE("monkey test with old-format blob present", "[nvs][monkey]") { std::random_device rd; std::mt19937 gen(rd()); uint32_t seed = 3; gen.seed(seed); PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 10); f.emu.randomize(seed); f.emu.clearStats(); const uint32_t NVS_FLASH_SECTOR = 2; const uint32_t NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN = 8; static const size_t smallBlobLen = Page::CHUNK_MAX_SIZE / 3; f.emu.setBounds(NVS_FLASH_SECTOR, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR + NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN); TEST_ESP_OK(NVSPartitionManager::get_instance()->init_custom(&f.part, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN)); nvs_handle_t handle; TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_open("namespace1", NVS_READWRITE, &handle)); RandomTest test; for ( uint8_t it = 0; it < 10; it++) { size_t count = 200; /* Erase index and chunks for the blob with "singlepage" key */ for (uint8_t num = NVS_FLASH_SECTOR; num < NVS_FLASH_SECTOR + NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN; num++) { Page p; p.load(&f.part, num); p.eraseItem(1, ItemType::BLOB, "singlepage", Item::CHUNK_ANY, VerOffset::VER_ANY); p.eraseItem(1, ItemType::BLOB_IDX, "singlepage", Item::CHUNK_ANY, VerOffset::VER_ANY); p.eraseItem(1, ItemType::BLOB_DATA, "singlepage", Item::CHUNK_ANY, VerOffset::VER_ANY); } /* Now write "singlepage" blob in old format*/ for (uint8_t num = NVS_FLASH_SECTOR; num < NVS_FLASH_SECTOR + NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN; num++) { Page p; p.load(&f.part, num); if (p.state() == Page::PageState::ACTIVE) { uint8_t buf[smallBlobLen]; size_t blobLen = gen() % smallBlobLen; if(blobLen > p.getVarDataTailroom()) { blobLen = p.getVarDataTailroom(); } std::generate_n(buf, blobLen, [&]() -> uint8_t { return static_cast(gen() % 256); }); TEST_ESP_OK(p.writeItem(1, ItemType::BLOB, "singlepage", buf, blobLen, Item::CHUNK_ANY)); TEST_ESP_OK(p.findItem(1, ItemType::BLOB, "singlepage")); test.handleExternalWriteAtIndex(9, buf, blobLen); // This assumes "singlepage" is always at index 9 break; } } TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_flash_deinit_partition(f.part.get_partition_name())); /* Initialize again */ TEST_ESP_OK(NVSPartitionManager::get_instance()->init_custom(&f.part, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_open("namespace1", NVS_READWRITE, &handle)); /* Perform random things */ auto res = test.doRandomThings(handle, gen, count); if (res != ESP_OK) { nvs_dump(NVS_DEFAULT_PART_NAME); CHECK(0); } /* Check that only one version is present for "singlepage". Its possible that last iteration did not write * anything for "singlepage". So either old version or new version should be present.*/ bool oldVerPresent = false, newVerPresent = false; for (uint8_t num = NVS_FLASH_SECTOR; num < NVS_FLASH_SECTOR + NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN; num++) { Page p; p.load(&f.part, num); if(!oldVerPresent && p.findItem(1, ItemType::BLOB, "singlepage", Item::CHUNK_ANY, VerOffset::VER_ANY) == ESP_OK) { oldVerPresent = true; } if(!newVerPresent && p.findItem(1, ItemType::BLOB_IDX, "singlepage", Item::CHUNK_ANY, VerOffset::VER_ANY) == ESP_OK) { newVerPresent = true; } } CHECK(oldVerPresent != newVerPresent); } TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_flash_deinit_partition(f.part.get_partition_name())); s_perf << "Monkey test: nErase=" << f.emu.getEraseOps() << " nWrite=" << f.emu.getWriteOps() << std::endl; } TEST_CASE("Recovery from power-off during modification of blob present in old-format (same page)", "[nvs]") { std::random_device rd; std::mt19937 gen(rd()); uint32_t seed = 3; gen.seed(seed); PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 3); f.emu.clearStats(); TEST_ESP_OK(NVSPartitionManager::get_instance()->init_custom(&f.part, 0, 3)); nvs_handle_t handle; TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_open("namespace1", NVS_READWRITE, &handle)); uint8_t hexdata[] = {0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef}; uint8_t hexdata_old[] = {0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0xbb, 0xcc, 0xee}; size_t buflen = sizeof(hexdata); uint8_t buf[Page::CHUNK_MAX_SIZE]; /* Power-off when blob was being written on the same page where its old version in old format * was present*/ Page p; p.load(&f.part, 0); /* Write blob in old-format*/ TEST_ESP_OK(p.writeItem(1, ItemType::BLOB, "singlepage", hexdata_old, sizeof(hexdata_old))); /* Write blob in new format*/ TEST_ESP_OK(p.writeItem(1, ItemType::BLOB_DATA, "singlepage", hexdata, sizeof(hexdata), 0)); /* All pages are stored. Now store the index.*/ Item item; item.blobIndex.dataSize = sizeof(hexdata); item.blobIndex.chunkCount = 1; item.blobIndex.chunkStart = VerOffset::VER_0_OFFSET; TEST_ESP_OK(p.writeItem(1, ItemType::BLOB_IDX, "singlepage", item.data, sizeof(item.data))); TEST_ESP_OK(p.findItem(1, ItemType::BLOB, "singlepage")); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_flash_deinit_partition(f.part.get_partition_name())); /* Initialize again */ TEST_ESP_OK(NVSPartitionManager::get_instance()->init_custom(&f.part, 0, 3)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_open("namespace1", NVS_READWRITE, &handle)); TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_get_blob(handle, "singlepage", buf, &buflen)); CHECK(memcmp(buf, hexdata, buflen) == 0); Page p2; p2.load(&f.part, 0); TEST_ESP_ERR(p2.findItem(1, ItemType::BLOB, "singlepage"), ESP_ERR_NVS_TYPE_MISMATCH); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_flash_deinit_partition(f.part.get_partition_name())); } TEST_CASE("Recovery from power-off during modification of blob present in old-format (different page)", "[nvs]") { std::random_device rd; std::mt19937 gen(rd()); uint32_t seed = 3; gen.seed(seed); PartitionEmulationFixture f(0, 3); f.emu.clearStats(); TEST_ESP_OK(NVSPartitionManager::get_instance()->init_custom(&f.part, 0, 3)); nvs_handle_t handle; TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_open("namespace1", NVS_READWRITE, &handle)); uint8_t hexdata[] = {0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef}; uint8_t hexdata_old[] = {0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0xbb, 0xcc, 0xee}; size_t buflen = sizeof(hexdata); uint8_t buf[Page::CHUNK_MAX_SIZE]; /* Power-off when blob was being written on the different page where its old version in old format * was present*/ Page p; p.load(&f.part, 0); /* Write blob in old-format*/ TEST_ESP_OK(p.writeItem(1, ItemType::BLOB, "singlepage", hexdata_old, sizeof(hexdata_old))); /* Write blob in new format*/ TEST_ESP_OK(p.writeItem(1, ItemType::BLOB_DATA, "singlepage", hexdata, sizeof(hexdata), 0)); /* All pages are stored. Now store the index.*/ Item item; item.blobIndex.dataSize = sizeof(hexdata); item.blobIndex.chunkCount = 1; item.blobIndex.chunkStart = VerOffset::VER_0_OFFSET; p.markFull(); Page p2; p2.load(&f.part, 1); p2.setSeqNumber(1); TEST_ESP_OK(p2.writeItem(1, ItemType::BLOB_IDX, "singlepage", item.data, sizeof(item.data))); TEST_ESP_OK(p.findItem(1, ItemType::BLOB, "singlepage")); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_flash_deinit_partition(f.part.get_partition_name())); /* Initialize again */ TEST_ESP_OK(NVSPartitionManager::get_instance()->init_custom(&f.part, 0, 3)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_open("namespace1", NVS_READWRITE, &handle)); TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_get_blob(handle, "singlepage", buf, &buflen)); CHECK(memcmp(buf, hexdata, buflen) == 0); Page p3; p3.load(&f.part, 0); TEST_ESP_ERR(p3.findItem(1, ItemType::BLOB, "singlepage"), ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_flash_deinit_partition(f.part.get_partition_name())); } static void check_nvs_part_gen_args(SpiFlashEmulator *spi_flash_emulator, char const *part_name, int size, char const *filename, bool is_encr, nvs_sec_cfg_t* xts_cfg) { nvs_handle_t handle; esp_partition_t esp_part; esp_part.encrypted = false; // we're not testing generic flash encryption here, only the legacy NVS encryption esp_part.address = 0; esp_part.size = size * SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE; strncpy(esp_part.label, part_name, PART_NAME_MAX_SIZE); shared_ptr part; if (is_encr) { NVSEncryptedPartition *enc_part = new NVSEncryptedPartition(&esp_part); TEST_ESP_OK(enc_part->init(xts_cfg)); part.reset(enc_part); } else { part.reset(new PartitionEmulation(spi_flash_emulator, 0, size, part_name)); } TEST_ESP_OK( NVSPartitionManager::get_instance()->init_custom(part.get(), 0, size) ); TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_open_from_partition(part_name, "dummyNamespace", NVS_READONLY, &handle)); uint8_t u8v; TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_get_u8(handle, "dummyU8Key", &u8v)); CHECK(u8v == 127); int8_t i8v; TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_get_i8(handle, "dummyI8Key", &i8v)); CHECK(i8v == -128); uint16_t u16v; TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_get_u16(handle, "dummyU16Key", &u16v)); CHECK(u16v == 32768); uint32_t u32v; TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_get_u32(handle, "dummyU32Key", &u32v)); CHECK(u32v == 4294967295); int32_t i32v; TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_get_i32(handle, "dummyI32Key", &i32v)); CHECK(i32v == -2147483648); char buf[64] = {0}; size_t buflen = 64; TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_get_str(handle, "dummyStringKey", buf, &buflen)); CHECK(strncmp(buf, "0A:0B:0C:0D:0E:0F", buflen) == 0); uint8_t hexdata[] = {0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef}; buflen = 64; int j; TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_get_blob(handle, "dummyHex2BinKey", buf, &buflen)); CHECK(memcmp(buf, hexdata, buflen) == 0); uint8_t base64data[] = {'1', '2', '3', 'a', 'b', 'c'}; TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_get_blob(handle, "dummyBase64Key", buf, &buflen)); CHECK(memcmp(buf, base64data, buflen) == 0); buflen = 64; uint8_t hexfiledata[] = {0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef}; TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_get_blob(handle, "hexFileKey", buf, &buflen)); CHECK(memcmp(buf, hexfiledata, buflen) == 0); buflen = 64; uint8_t strfiledata[64] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\0"; TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_get_str(handle, "stringFileKey", buf, &buflen)); CHECK(memcmp(buf, strfiledata, buflen) == 0); char bin_data[5200]; size_t bin_len = sizeof(bin_data); char binfiledata[5200]; ifstream file; file.open(filename); file.read(binfiledata,5200); TEST_ESP_OK( nvs_get_blob(handle, "binFileKey", bin_data, &bin_len)); CHECK(memcmp(bin_data, binfiledata, bin_len) == 0); file.close(); nvs_close(handle); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_flash_deinit_partition(part_name)); } TEST_CASE("check and read data from partition generated via partition generation utility with multipage blob support disabled", "[nvs_part_gen]") { int status; int childpid = fork(); if (childpid == 0) { exit(execlp("cp", " cp", "-rf", "../nvs_partition_generator/testdata", ".",NULL)); } else { CHECK(childpid > 0); waitpid(childpid, &status, 0); CHECK(WEXITSTATUS(status) != -1); childpid = fork(); if (childpid == 0) { exit(execlp("python", "python", "../nvs_partition_generator/nvs_partition_gen.py", "generate", "../nvs_partition_generator/sample_singlepage_blob.csv", "partition_single_page.bin", "0x3000", "--version", "1", "--outdir", "../nvs_partition_generator",NULL)); } else { CHECK(childpid > 0); int status; waitpid(childpid, &status, 0); CHECK(WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0); } } SpiFlashEmulator emu("../nvs_partition_generator/partition_single_page.bin"); check_nvs_part_gen_args(&emu, "test", 3, "../nvs_partition_generator/testdata/sample_singlepage_blob.bin", false, NULL); childpid = fork(); if (childpid == 0) { exit(execlp("rm", " rm", "-rf", "testdata",NULL)); } else { CHECK(childpid > 0); waitpid(childpid, &status, 0); CHECK(WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0); } } TEST_CASE("check and read data from partition generated via partition generation utility with multipage blob support enabled", "[nvs_part_gen]") { int status; int childpid = fork(); if (childpid == 0) { exit(execlp("cp", " cp", "-rf", "../nvs_partition_generator/testdata", ".",NULL)); } else { CHECK(childpid > 0); waitpid(childpid, &status, 0); CHECK(WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0); childpid = fork(); if (childpid == 0) { exit(execlp("python", "python", "../nvs_partition_generator/nvs_partition_gen.py", "generate", "../nvs_partition_generator/sample_multipage_blob.csv", "partition_multipage_blob.bin", "0x4000", "--version", "2", "--outdir", "../nvs_partition_generator",NULL)); } else { CHECK(childpid > 0); waitpid(childpid, &status, 0); CHECK(WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0); } } SpiFlashEmulator emu("../nvs_partition_generator/partition_multipage_blob.bin"); check_nvs_part_gen_args(&emu, "test", 4, "../nvs_partition_generator/testdata/sample_multipage_blob.bin",false,NULL); childpid = fork(); if (childpid == 0) { exit(execlp("rm", " rm", "-rf", "testdata",NULL)); } else { CHECK(childpid > 0); waitpid(childpid, &status, 0); CHECK(WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0); } } TEST_CASE("check and read data from partition generated via manufacturing utility with multipage blob support disabled", "[mfg_gen]") { int childpid = fork(); int status; if (childpid == 0) { exit(execlp("bash", "bash", "-c", "rm -rf ../../../tools/mass_mfg/host_test && \ cp -rf ../../../tools/mass_mfg/testdata mfg_testdata && \ cp -rf ../nvs_partition_generator/testdata . && \ mkdir -p ../../../tools/mass_mfg/host_test", NULL)); } else { CHECK(childpid > 0); waitpid(childpid, &status, 0); CHECK(WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0); childpid = fork(); if (childpid == 0) { exit(execlp("python", "python", "../../../tools/mass_mfg/mfg_gen.py", "generate", "../../../tools/mass_mfg/samples/sample_config.csv", "../../../tools/mass_mfg/samples/sample_values_singlepage_blob.csv", "Test", "0x3000", "--outdir", "../../../tools/mass_mfg/host_test", "--version", "1",NULL)); } else { CHECK(childpid > 0); waitpid(childpid, &status, 0); CHECK(WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0); childpid = fork(); if (childpid == 0) { exit(execlp("python", "python", "../nvs_partition_generator/nvs_partition_gen.py", "generate", "../../../tools/mass_mfg/host_test/csv/Test-1.csv", "../nvs_partition_generator/Test-1-partition.bin", "0x3000", "--version", "1",NULL)); } else { CHECK(childpid > 0); waitpid(childpid, &status, 0); CHECK(WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0); } } } SpiFlashEmulator emu1("../../../tools/mass_mfg/host_test/bin/Test-1.bin"); check_nvs_part_gen_args(&emu1, "test", 3, "mfg_testdata/sample_singlepage_blob.bin", false, NULL); SpiFlashEmulator emu2("../nvs_partition_generator/Test-1-partition.bin"); check_nvs_part_gen_args(&emu2, "test", 3, "testdata/sample_singlepage_blob.bin", false, NULL); childpid = fork(); if (childpid == 0) { exit(execlp("bash", " bash", "-c", "rm -rf ../../../tools/mass_mfg/host_test | \ rm -rf mfg_testdata | \ rm -rf testdata",NULL)); } else { CHECK(childpid > 0); waitpid(childpid, &status, 0); CHECK(WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0); } } TEST_CASE("check and read data from partition generated via manufacturing utility with multipage blob support enabled", "[mfg_gen]") { int childpid = fork(); int status; if (childpid == 0) { exit(execlp("bash", " bash", "-c", "rm -rf ../../../tools/mass_mfg/host_test | \ cp -rf ../../../tools/mass_mfg/testdata mfg_testdata | \ cp -rf ../nvs_partition_generator/testdata . | \ mkdir -p ../../../tools/mass_mfg/host_test",NULL)); } else { CHECK(childpid > 0); waitpid(childpid, &status, 0); CHECK(WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0); childpid = fork(); if (childpid == 0) { exit(execlp("python", "python", "../../../tools/mass_mfg/mfg_gen.py", "generate", "../../../tools/mass_mfg/samples/sample_config.csv", "../../../tools/mass_mfg/samples/sample_values_multipage_blob.csv", "Test", "0x4000", "--outdir", "../../../tools/mass_mfg/host_test", "--version", "2",NULL)); } else { CHECK(childpid > 0); waitpid(childpid, &status, 0); CHECK(WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0); childpid = fork(); if (childpid == 0) { exit(execlp("python", "python", "../nvs_partition_generator/nvs_partition_gen.py", "generate", "../../../tools/mass_mfg/host_test/csv/Test-1.csv", "../nvs_partition_generator/Test-1-partition.bin", "0x4000", "--version", "2",NULL)); } else { CHECK(childpid > 0); waitpid(childpid, &status, 0); CHECK(WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0); } } } SpiFlashEmulator emu1("../../../tools/mass_mfg/host_test/bin/Test-1.bin"); check_nvs_part_gen_args(&emu1, "test", 4, "mfg_testdata/sample_multipage_blob.bin", false, NULL); SpiFlashEmulator emu2("../nvs_partition_generator/Test-1-partition.bin"); check_nvs_part_gen_args(&emu2, "test", 4, "testdata/sample_multipage_blob.bin", false, NULL); childpid = fork(); if (childpid == 0) { exit(execlp("bash", " bash", "-c", "rm -rf ../../../tools/mass_mfg/host_test | \ rm -rf mfg_testdata | \ rm -rf testdata",NULL)); } else { CHECK(childpid > 0); waitpid(childpid, &status, 0); CHECK(WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0); } } #if CONFIG_NVS_ENCRYPTION TEST_CASE("check underlying xts code for 32-byte size sector encryption", "[nvs]") { auto toHex = [](char ch) { if(ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') return ch - '0'; else if(ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') return ch - 'a' + 10; else if(ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') return ch - 'A' + 10; else return 0; }; auto toHexByte = [toHex](char* c) { return 16 * toHex(c[0]) + toHex(c[1]); }; auto toHexStream = [toHexByte](char* src, uint8_t* dest) { uint32_t cnt =0; char* p = src; while(*p != '\0' && *(p + 1) != '\0') { dest[cnt++] = toHexByte(p); p += 2; } }; uint8_t eky_hex[2 * NVS_KEY_SIZE]; uint8_t ptxt_hex[Page::ENTRY_SIZE], ctxt_hex[Page::ENTRY_SIZE], ba_hex[16]; mbedtls_aes_xts_context ectx[1]; mbedtls_aes_xts_context dctx[1]; char eky[][2 * NVS_KEY_SIZE + 1] = { "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111" }; char tky[][2 * NVS_KEY_SIZE + 1] = { "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222" }; char blk_addr[][2*16 + 1] = { "00000000000000000000000000000000", "33333333330000000000000000000000" }; char ptxt[][2 * Page::ENTRY_SIZE + 1] = { "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444" }; char ctxt[][2 * Page::ENTRY_SIZE + 1] = { "d456b4fc2e620bba6ffbed27b956c9543454dd49ebd8d8ee6f94b65cbe158f73", "e622334f184bbce129a25b2ac76b3d92abf98e22df5bdd15af471f3db8946a85" }; mbedtls_aes_xts_init(ectx); mbedtls_aes_xts_init(dctx); for(uint8_t cnt = 0; cnt < sizeof(eky)/sizeof(eky[0]); cnt++) { toHexStream(eky[cnt], eky_hex); toHexStream(tky[cnt], &eky_hex[NVS_KEY_SIZE]); toHexStream(ptxt[cnt], ptxt_hex); toHexStream(ctxt[cnt], ctxt_hex); toHexStream(blk_addr[cnt], ba_hex); CHECK(!mbedtls_aes_xts_setkey_enc(ectx, eky_hex, 2 * NVS_KEY_SIZE * 8)); CHECK(!mbedtls_aes_xts_setkey_enc(dctx, eky_hex, 2 * NVS_KEY_SIZE * 8)); CHECK(!mbedtls_aes_crypt_xts(ectx, MBEDTLS_AES_ENCRYPT, Page::ENTRY_SIZE, ba_hex, ptxt_hex, ptxt_hex)); CHECK(!memcmp(ptxt_hex, ctxt_hex, Page::ENTRY_SIZE)); } } TEST_CASE("test nvs apis with encryption enabled", "[nvs]") { nvs_handle_t handle_1; const uint32_t NVS_FLASH_SECTOR = 6; const uint32_t NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN = 3; nvs_sec_cfg_t xts_cfg; for(int count = 0; count < NVS_KEY_SIZE; count++) { xts_cfg.eky[count] = 0x11; xts_cfg.tky[count] = 0x22; } EncryptedPartitionFixture fixture(&xts_cfg, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN); fixture.emu.randomize(100); fixture.emu.setBounds(NVS_FLASH_SECTOR, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR + NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN); for (uint16_t i = NVS_FLASH_SECTOR; i init_custom(&fixture.part, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR, NVS_FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT_MIN)); TEST_ESP_ERR(nvs_open("namespace1", NVS_READONLY, &handle_1), ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_open("namespace1", NVS_READWRITE, &handle_1)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_i32(handle_1, "foo", 0x12345678)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_i32(handle_1, "foo", 0x23456789)); nvs_handle_t handle_2; TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_open("namespace2", NVS_READWRITE, &handle_2)); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_i32(handle_2, "foo", 0x3456789a)); const char* str = "value 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef"; TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_set_str(handle_2, "key", str)); int32_t v1; TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_get_i32(handle_1, "foo", &v1)); CHECK(0x23456789 == v1); int32_t v2; TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_get_i32(handle_2, "foo", &v2)); CHECK(0x3456789a == v2); char buf[strlen(str) + 1]; size_t buf_len = sizeof(buf); size_t buf_len_needed; TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_get_str(handle_2, "key", NULL, &buf_len_needed)); CHECK(buf_len_needed == buf_len); size_t buf_len_short = buf_len - 1; TEST_ESP_ERR(ESP_ERR_NVS_INVALID_LENGTH, nvs_get_str(handle_2, "key", buf, &buf_len_short)); CHECK(buf_len_short == buf_len); size_t buf_len_long = buf_len + 1; TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_get_str(handle_2, "key", buf, &buf_len_long)); CHECK(buf_len_long == buf_len); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_get_str(handle_2, "key", buf, &buf_len)); CHECK(0 == strcmp(buf, str)); nvs_close(handle_1); nvs_close(handle_2); TEST_ESP_OK(nvs_flash_deinit()); } TEST_CASE("test nvs apis for nvs partition generator utility with encryption enabled", "[nvs_part_gen]") { int status; int childpid = fork(); if (childpid == 0) { exit(execlp("cp", " cp", "-rf", "../nvs_partition_generator/testdata", ".",NULL)); } else { CHECK(childpid > 0); waitpid(childpid, &status, 0); CHECK(WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0); childpid = fork(); if (childpid == 0) { exit(execlp("python", "python", "../nvs_partition_generator/nvs_partition_gen.py", "encrypt", "../nvs_partition_generator/sample_multipage_blob.csv", "partition_encrypted.bin", "0x4000", "--inputkey", "../nvs_partition_generator/testdata/sample_encryption_keys.bin", "--outdir", "../nvs_partition_generator",NULL)); } else { CHECK(childpid > 0); waitpid(childpid, &status, 0); CHECK(WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0); } } SpiFlashEmulator emu("../nvs_partition_generator/partition_encrypted.bin"); nvs_sec_cfg_t cfg; for(int count = 0; count < NVS_KEY_SIZE; count++) { cfg.eky[count] = 0x11; cfg.tky[count] = 0x22; } check_nvs_part_gen_args(&emu, NVS_DEFAULT_PART_NAME, 4, "../nvs_partition_generator/testdata/sample_multipage_blob.bin", true, &cfg); childpid = fork(); if (childpid == 0) { exit(execlp("rm", " rm", "-rf", "testdata",NULL)); } else { CHECK(childpid > 0); waitpid(childpid, &status, 0); CHECK(WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0); } } TEST_CASE("test decrypt functionality for encrypted data", "[nvs_part_gen]") { //retrieving the temporary test data int status = system("cp -rf ../nvs_partition_generator/testdata ."); CHECK(status == 0); //encoding data from sample_multipage_blob.csv status = system("python ../nvs_partition_generator/nvs_partition_gen.py generate ../nvs_partition_generator/sample_multipage_blob.csv partition_encoded.bin 0x5000 --outdir ../nvs_partition_generator"); CHECK(status == 0); //encrypting data from sample_multipage_blob.csv status = system("python ../nvs_partition_generator/nvs_partition_gen.py encrypt ../nvs_partition_generator/sample_multipage_blob.csv partition_encrypted.bin 0x5000 --inputkey ../nvs_partition_generator/testdata/sample_encryption_keys.bin --outdir ../nvs_partition_generator"); CHECK(status == 0); //decrypting data from partition_encrypted.bin status = system("python ../nvs_partition_generator/nvs_partition_gen.py decrypt ../nvs_partition_generator/partition_encrypted.bin ../nvs_partition_generator/testdata/sample_encryption_keys.bin ../nvs_partition_generator/partition_decrypted.bin"); CHECK(status == 0); status = system("diff ../nvs_partition_generator/partition_decrypted.bin ../nvs_partition_generator/partition_encoded.bin"); CHECK(status == 0); CHECK(WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0); //cleaning up the temporary test data status = system("rm -rf testdata"); CHECK(status == 0); } TEST_CASE("test nvs apis for nvs partition generator utility with encryption enabled using keygen", "[nvs_part_gen]") { int childpid = fork(); int status; if (childpid == 0) { exit(execlp("cp", " cp", "-rf", "../nvs_partition_generator/testdata", ".",NULL)); } else { CHECK(childpid > 0); waitpid(childpid, &status, 0); CHECK(WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0); childpid = fork(); if (childpid == 0) { exit(execlp("rm", " rm", "-rf", "../nvs_partition_generator/keys",NULL)); } else { CHECK(childpid > 0); waitpid(childpid, &status, 0); CHECK(WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0); childpid = fork(); if (childpid == 0) { exit(execlp("python", "python", "../nvs_partition_generator/nvs_partition_gen.py", "encrypt", "../nvs_partition_generator/sample_multipage_blob.csv", "partition_encrypted_using_keygen.bin", "0x4000", "--keygen", "--outdir", "../nvs_partition_generator",NULL)); } else { CHECK(childpid > 0); waitpid(childpid, &status, 0); CHECK(WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0); } } } DIR *dir; struct dirent *file; char *filename; char *files; char *file_ext; dir = opendir("../nvs_partition_generator/keys"); while ((file = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { filename = file->d_name; files = strrchr(filename, '.'); if (files != NULL) { file_ext = files+1; if (strncmp(file_ext,"bin",3) == 0) { break; } } } std::string encr_file = std::string("../nvs_partition_generator/keys/") + std::string(filename); SpiFlashEmulator emu("../nvs_partition_generator/partition_encrypted_using_keygen.bin"); char buffer[64]; FILE *fp; fp = fopen(encr_file.c_str(),"rb"); fread(buffer,sizeof(buffer),1,fp); fclose(fp); nvs_sec_cfg_t cfg; for(int count = 0; count < NVS_KEY_SIZE; count++) { cfg.eky[count] = buffer[count] & 255; cfg.tky[count] = buffer[count+32] & 255; } check_nvs_part_gen_args(&emu, NVS_DEFAULT_PART_NAME, 4, "../nvs_partition_generator/testdata/sample_multipage_blob.bin", true, &cfg); } TEST_CASE("test nvs apis for nvs partition generator utility with encryption enabled using inputkey", "[nvs_part_gen]") { int childpid = fork(); int status; DIR *dir; struct dirent *file; char *filename; char *files; char *file_ext; dir = opendir("../nvs_partition_generator/keys"); while ((file = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { filename = file->d_name; files = strrchr(filename, '.'); if (files != NULL) { file_ext = files+1; if (strncmp(file_ext,"bin",3) == 0) { break; } } } std::string encr_file = std::string("../nvs_partition_generator/keys/") + std::string(filename); if (childpid == 0) { exit(execlp("python", "python", "../nvs_partition_generator/nvs_partition_gen.py", "encrypt", "../nvs_partition_generator/sample_multipage_blob.csv", "partition_encrypted_using_keyfile.bin", "0x4000", "--inputkey", encr_file.c_str(), "--outdir", "../nvs_partition_generator",NULL)); } else { CHECK(childpid > 0); waitpid(childpid, &status, 0); CHECK(WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0); } SpiFlashEmulator emu("../nvs_partition_generator/partition_encrypted_using_keyfile.bin"); char buffer[64]; FILE *fp; fp = fopen(encr_file.c_str(),"rb"); fread(buffer,sizeof(buffer),1,fp); fclose(fp); nvs_sec_cfg_t cfg; for(int count = 0; count < NVS_KEY_SIZE; count++) { cfg.eky[count] = buffer[count] & 255; cfg.tky[count] = buffer[count+32] & 255; } check_nvs_part_gen_args(&emu, NVS_DEFAULT_PART_NAME, 4, "../nvs_partition_generator/testdata/sample_multipage_blob.bin", true, &cfg); childpid = fork(); if (childpid == 0) { exit(execlp("rm", " rm", "-rf", "../nvs_partition_generator/keys",NULL)); } else { CHECK(childpid > 0); waitpid(childpid, &status, 0); CHECK(WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0); childpid = fork(); if (childpid == 0) { exit(execlp("rm", " rm", "-rf", "testdata",NULL)); } else { CHECK(childpid > 0); waitpid(childpid, &status, 0); CHECK(WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0); } } } TEST_CASE("check and read data from partition generated via manufacturing utility with encryption enabled using sample inputkey", "[mfg_gen]") { int childpid = fork(); int status; if (childpid == 0) { exit(execlp("bash", " bash", "-c", "rm -rf ../../../tools/mass_mfg/host_test | \ cp -rf ../../../tools/mass_mfg/testdata mfg_testdata | \ cp -rf ../nvs_partition_generator/testdata . | \ mkdir -p ../../../tools/mass_mfg/host_test",NULL)); } else { CHECK(childpid > 0); waitpid(childpid, &status, 0); CHECK(WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0); childpid = fork(); if (childpid == 0) { exit(execlp("python", "python", "../../../tools/mass_mfg/mfg_gen.py", "generate", "../../../tools/mass_mfg/samples/sample_config.csv", "../../../tools/mass_mfg/samples/sample_values_multipage_blob.csv", "Test", "0x4000", "--outdir", "../../../tools/mass_mfg/host_test", "--version", "2", "--inputkey", "mfg_testdata/sample_encryption_keys.bin",NULL)); } else { CHECK(childpid > 0); waitpid(childpid, &status, 0); CHECK(WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0); childpid = fork(); if (childpid == 0) { exit(execlp("python", "python", "../nvs_partition_generator/nvs_partition_gen.py", "encrypt", "../../../tools/mass_mfg/host_test/csv/Test-1.csv", "../nvs_partition_generator/Test-1-partition-encrypted.bin", "0x4000", "--version", "2", "--inputkey", "testdata/sample_encryption_keys.bin",NULL)); } else { CHECK(childpid > 0); waitpid(childpid, &status, 0); CHECK(WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0); } } } SpiFlashEmulator emu1("../../../tools/mass_mfg/host_test/bin/Test-1.bin"); nvs_sec_cfg_t cfg; for(int count = 0; count < NVS_KEY_SIZE; count++) { cfg.eky[count] = 0x11; cfg.tky[count] = 0x22; } check_nvs_part_gen_args(&emu1, NVS_DEFAULT_PART_NAME, 4, "mfg_testdata/sample_multipage_blob.bin", true, &cfg); SpiFlashEmulator emu2("../nvs_partition_generator/Test-1-partition-encrypted.bin"); check_nvs_part_gen_args(&emu2, NVS_DEFAULT_PART_NAME, 4, "testdata/sample_multipage_blob.bin", true, &cfg); childpid = fork(); if (childpid == 0) { exit(execlp("bash", " bash", "-c", "rm -rf ../../../tools/mass_mfg/host_test | \ rm -rf mfg_testdata | \ rm -rf testdata",NULL)); } else { CHECK(childpid > 0); waitpid(childpid, &status, 0); CHECK(WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0); } } TEST_CASE("check and read data from partition generated via manufacturing utility with encryption enabled using new generated key", "[mfg_gen]") { int childpid = fork(); int status; if (childpid == 0) { exit(execlp("bash", " bash", "-c", "rm -rf ../../../tools/mass_mfg/host_test | \ cp -rf ../../../tools/mass_mfg/testdata mfg_testdata | \ cp -rf ../nvs_partition_generator/testdata . | \ mkdir -p ../../../tools/mass_mfg/host_test",NULL)); } else { CHECK(childpid > 0); waitpid(childpid, &status, 0); CHECK(WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0); childpid = fork(); if (childpid == 0) { exit(execlp("python", "python", "../../../tools/mass_mfg/mfg_gen.py", "generate-key", "--outdir", "../../../tools/mass_mfg/host_test", "--keyfile", "encr_keys_host_test.bin",NULL)); } else { CHECK(childpid > 0); waitpid(childpid, &status, 0); CHECK(WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0); childpid = fork(); if (childpid == 0) { exit(execlp("python", "python", "../../../tools/mass_mfg/mfg_gen.py", "generate", "../../../tools/mass_mfg/samples/sample_config.csv", "../../../tools/mass_mfg/samples/sample_values_multipage_blob.csv", "Test", "0x4000", "--outdir", "../../../tools/mass_mfg/host_test", "--version", "2", "--inputkey", "../../../tools/mass_mfg/host_test/keys/encr_keys_host_test.bin",NULL)); } else { CHECK(childpid > 0); waitpid(childpid, &status, 0); CHECK(WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0); childpid = fork(); if (childpid == 0) { exit(execlp("python", "python", "../nvs_partition_generator/nvs_partition_gen.py", "encrypt", "../../../tools/mass_mfg/host_test/csv/Test-1.csv", "../nvs_partition_generator/Test-1-partition-encrypted.bin", "0x4000", "--version", "2", "--inputkey", "../../../tools/mass_mfg/host_test/keys/encr_keys_host_test.bin",NULL)); } else { CHECK(childpid > 0); waitpid(childpid, &status, 0); CHECK(WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0); } } } } SpiFlashEmulator emu1("../../../tools/mass_mfg/host_test/bin/Test-1.bin"); char buffer[64]; FILE *fp; fp = fopen("../../../tools/mass_mfg/host_test/keys/encr_keys_host_test.bin","rb"); fread(buffer,sizeof(buffer),1,fp); fclose(fp); nvs_sec_cfg_t cfg; for(int count = 0; count < NVS_KEY_SIZE; count++) { cfg.eky[count] = buffer[count] & 255; cfg.tky[count] = buffer[count+32] & 255; } check_nvs_part_gen_args(&emu1, NVS_DEFAULT_PART_NAME, 4, "mfg_testdata/sample_multipage_blob.bin", true, &cfg); SpiFlashEmulator emu2("../nvs_partition_generator/Test-1-partition-encrypted.bin"); check_nvs_part_gen_args(&emu2, NVS_DEFAULT_PART_NAME, 4, "testdata/sample_multipage_blob.bin", true, &cfg); childpid = fork(); if (childpid == 0) { exit(execlp("bash", " bash", "-c", "rm -rf keys | \ rm -rf mfg_testdata | \ rm -rf testdata | \ rm -rf ../../../tools/mass_mfg/host_test",NULL)); } else { CHECK(childpid > 0); waitpid(childpid, &status, 0); CHECK(WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0); } } #endif /* Add new tests above */ /* This test has to be the final one */ TEST_CASE("dump all performance data", "[nvs]") { std::cout << "====================" << std::endl << "Dumping benchmarks" << std::endl; std::cout << s_perf.str() << std::endl; std::cout << "====================" << std::endl; }