/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include #include #include #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "freertos/event_groups.h" #include "test_utils.h" #include "unity.h" #include "unity_fixture.h" #include "soc/soc_caps.h" #include "lwip/inet.h" #include "lwip/netdb.h" #include "lwip/sockets.h" #include "lwip/tcpip.h" #include "lwip/prot/iana.h" #include "ping/ping_sock.h" #include "dhcpserver/dhcpserver.h" #include "dhcpserver/dhcpserver_options.h" #include "esp_sntp.h" #define ETH_PING_END_BIT BIT(1) #define ETH_PING_DURATION_MS (5000) #define ETH_PING_END_TIMEOUT_MS (ETH_PING_DURATION_MS * 2) #define TEST_ICMP_DESTINATION_DOMAIN_NAME "" TEST_GROUP(lwip); TEST_SETUP(lwip) { } TEST_TEAR_DOWN(lwip) { } static void test_on_ping_success(esp_ping_handle_t hdl, void *args) { uint8_t ttl; uint16_t seqno; uint32_t elapsed_time, recv_len; ip_addr_t target_addr; esp_ping_get_profile(hdl, ESP_PING_PROF_SEQNO, &seqno, sizeof(seqno)); esp_ping_get_profile(hdl, ESP_PING_PROF_TTL, &ttl, sizeof(ttl)); esp_ping_get_profile(hdl, ESP_PING_PROF_IPADDR, &target_addr, sizeof(target_addr)); esp_ping_get_profile(hdl, ESP_PING_PROF_SIZE, &recv_len, sizeof(recv_len)); esp_ping_get_profile(hdl, ESP_PING_PROF_TIMEGAP, &elapsed_time, sizeof(elapsed_time)); printf("%" PRId32 "bytes from %s icmp_seq=%d ttl=%d time=%" PRId32 " ms\n", recv_len, inet_ntoa(target_addr.u_addr.ip4), seqno, ttl, elapsed_time); } static void test_on_ping_timeout(esp_ping_handle_t hdl, void *args) { uint16_t seqno; ip_addr_t target_addr; esp_ping_get_profile(hdl, ESP_PING_PROF_SEQNO, &seqno, sizeof(seqno)); esp_ping_get_profile(hdl, ESP_PING_PROF_IPADDR, &target_addr, sizeof(target_addr)); printf("From %s icmp_seq=%d timeout\n", inet_ntoa(target_addr.u_addr.ip4), seqno); } static void test_on_ping_end(esp_ping_handle_t hdl, void *args) { EventGroupHandle_t eth_event_group = (EventGroupHandle_t)args; uint32_t transmitted; uint32_t received; uint32_t total_time_ms; esp_ping_get_profile(hdl, ESP_PING_PROF_REQUEST, &transmitted, sizeof(transmitted)); esp_ping_get_profile(hdl, ESP_PING_PROF_REPLY, &received, sizeof(received)); esp_ping_get_profile(hdl, ESP_PING_PROF_DURATION, &total_time_ms, sizeof(total_time_ms)); printf("%" PRId32 " packets transmitted, %" PRId32 " received, time %" PRId32 "ms\n", transmitted, received, total_time_ms); if (transmitted == received) { xEventGroupSetBits(eth_event_group, ETH_PING_END_BIT); } } TEST(lwip, localhost_ping_test) { EventBits_t bits; EventGroupHandle_t eth_event_group = xEventGroupCreate(); TEST_ASSERT(eth_event_group != NULL); test_case_uses_tcpip(); // Parse IP address: Destination is a localhost address, so we don't need any interface (esp-netif/driver) ip_addr_t target_addr; struct addrinfo hint; struct addrinfo *res = NULL; memset(&hint, 0, sizeof(hint)); memset(&target_addr, 0, sizeof(target_addr)); /* convert URL to IP */ TEST_ASSERT(getaddrinfo(TEST_ICMP_DESTINATION_DOMAIN_NAME, NULL, &hint, &res) == 0); struct in_addr addr4 = ((struct sockaddr_in *)(res->ai_addr))->sin_addr; inet_addr_to_ip4addr(ip_2_ip4(&target_addr), &addr4); freeaddrinfo(res); esp_ping_config_t ping_config = ESP_PING_DEFAULT_CONFIG(); ping_config.timeout_ms = 2000; ping_config.target_addr = target_addr; ping_config.count = 0; // ping in infinite mode /* set callback functions */ esp_ping_callbacks_t cbs; cbs.on_ping_success = test_on_ping_success; cbs.on_ping_timeout = test_on_ping_timeout; cbs.on_ping_end = test_on_ping_end; cbs.cb_args = eth_event_group; esp_ping_handle_t ping; TEST_ESP_OK(esp_ping_new_session(&ping_config, &cbs, &ping)); /* start ping */ TEST_ESP_OK(esp_ping_start(ping)); /* ping for a while */ vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(ETH_PING_DURATION_MS)); /* stop ping */ TEST_ESP_OK(esp_ping_stop(ping)); /* wait for end of ping */ bits = xEventGroupWaitBits(eth_event_group, ETH_PING_END_BIT, true, true, pdMS_TO_TICKS(ETH_PING_END_TIMEOUT_MS)); TEST_ASSERT((bits & ETH_PING_END_BIT) == ETH_PING_END_BIT); /* restart ping */ TEST_ESP_OK(esp_ping_start(ping)); vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(ETH_PING_DURATION_MS)); TEST_ESP_OK(esp_ping_stop(ping)); bits = xEventGroupWaitBits(eth_event_group, ETH_PING_END_BIT, true, true, pdMS_TO_TICKS(ETH_PING_END_TIMEOUT_MS)); TEST_ASSERT((bits & ETH_PING_END_BIT) == ETH_PING_END_BIT); /* de-initialize ping process */ TEST_ESP_OK(esp_ping_delete_session(ping)); vEventGroupDelete(eth_event_group); } TEST(lwip, dhcp_server_init_deinit) { dhcps_t *dhcps = dhcps_new(); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(dhcps); ip4_addr_t ip = { .addr = IPADDR_ANY }; TEST_ASSERT(dhcps_start(dhcps, NULL, ip) == ERR_ARG); TEST_ASSERT(dhcps_stop(dhcps, NULL) == ERR_ARG); dhcps_delete(dhcps); } struct dhcps_api { EventGroupHandle_t event; ip4_addr_t netmask; ip4_addr_t ip; err_t ret_start; err_t ret_stop; }; static void dhcps_test_net_classes_api(void* ctx) { struct netif *netif; struct dhcps_api *api = ctx; NETIF_FOREACH(netif) { if (netif->name[0] == 'l' && netif->name[1] == 'o') { break; } } TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(netif); dhcps_t *dhcps = dhcps_new(); dhcps_set_option_info(dhcps, SUBNET_MASK, (void*)&api->netmask, sizeof(api->netmask)); api->ret_start = dhcps_start(dhcps, netif, api->ip); api->ret_stop = dhcps_stop(dhcps, netif); dhcps_delete(dhcps); xEventGroupSetBits(api->event, 1); } static void dhcps_test_net_classes(uint32_t ip, uint32_t mask, bool pass) { struct dhcps_api api = { .ret_start = ERR_IF, .ret_stop = ERR_IF, .ip = {.addr = PP_HTONL(ip)}, .netmask = {.addr = PP_HTONL(mask)}, .event = xEventGroupCreate() }; tcpip_callback(dhcps_test_net_classes_api, &api); xEventGroupWaitBits(api.event, 1, true, true, pdMS_TO_TICKS(5000)); vEventGroupDelete(api.event); err_t ret_start_expected = pass ? ERR_OK : ERR_ARG; TEST_ASSERT(api.ret_start == ret_start_expected); TEST_ASSERT(api.ret_stop == ERR_OK); } TEST(lwip, dhcp_server_start_stop_localhost) { test_case_uses_tcpip(); // Class A: IP:, Mask: dhcps_test_net_classes(0x7f000001, 0xFF000000, true); // Class B: IP:, Mask: dhcps_test_net_classes(0x80010101, 0xFFFF0000, true); // Class C: IP:, Mask: dhcps_test_net_classes(0xC0A80101, 0xFFFFFF00, true); // Class C: IP:, Mask: dhcps_test_net_classes(0xC0A80401, 0xFFFF0000, true); // Class C: IP:, Mask: dhcps_test_net_classes(0xC0A80401, 0xFF000000, true); // Class A: IP:, with inaccurate Mask: // expect dhcps_start() to fail dhcps_test_net_classes(0x7f000001, 0xFFF8FF00, false); // Class C: IP:, with inaccurate Mask: // expect dhcps_start() to fail dhcps_test_net_classes(0xC0A8C808, 0xFFFFFFF8, false); } int test_sntp_server_create(void) { struct sockaddr_in dest_addr_ip4; int sock = -1; dest_addr_ip4.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK); dest_addr_ip4.sin_family = AF_INET; dest_addr_ip4.sin_port = htons(LWIP_IANA_PORT_SNTP); sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_IP); TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_OR_EQUAL(0, sock); int reuse_en = 1; TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_OR_EQUAL(0, setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &reuse_en, sizeof(reuse_en))); TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_OR_EQUAL(0, bind(sock, (struct sockaddr*) &dest_addr_ip4, sizeof(dest_addr_ip4))); return sock; } bool test_sntp_server_reply_with_time(int sock, int year, bool msb_flag) { struct sntp_timestamp { uint32_t seconds; uint32_t fraction; }; const int SNTP_MSG_LEN = 48; const int SNTP_MODE_CLIENT = 0x03; const int SNTP_MODE_SERVER = 0x04; const int SNTP_MODE_MASK = 0x07; const int SNTP_OFFSET_STRATUM = 1; char rx_buffer[SNTP_MSG_LEN]; struct sockaddr_storage source_addr; socklen_t socklen = sizeof(source_addr); int len = recvfrom(sock, rx_buffer, SNTP_MSG_LEN, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&source_addr, &socklen); if (len == SNTP_MSG_LEN && source_addr.ss_family == PF_INET && (SNTP_MODE_MASK & rx_buffer[0]) == SNTP_MODE_CLIENT) { // modify the client's request to act as a server's response with the injected *xmit* timestamp rx_buffer[0] &= ~SNTP_MODE_CLIENT; rx_buffer[0] |= SNTP_MODE_SERVER; rx_buffer[SNTP_OFFSET_STRATUM] = 0x1; // set the desired timestamp struct sntp_timestamp *timestamp = (struct sntp_timestamp *)(rx_buffer + SNTP_MSG_LEN - sizeof(struct sntp_timestamp)); // xmit is the last timestamp in the datagram int64_t seconds_since_1900 = (365*24*60*60 /* seconds per year */ + 24*60*60/4 /* ~ seconds per leap year */ )*(year-1900); // apply the MSB convention (set: 1968-2036, cleared: 2036-2104) timestamp->seconds = htonl( (msb_flag ? 0x80000000 : 0) | (0xFFFFFFFF & seconds_since_1900) ); len = sendto(sock, rx_buffer, SNTP_MSG_LEN, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&source_addr, sizeof(source_addr)); if (len == SNTP_MSG_LEN) { return true; } } return false; } void test_sntp_timestamps(int year, bool msb_flag) { int sock = test_sntp_server_create(); // init and start the SNTP esp_sntp_setoperatingmode(SNTP_OPMODE_POLL); esp_sntp_setservername(0, ""); esp_sntp_init(); // wait until time sync int retry = 0; while (sntp_get_sync_status() == SNTP_SYNC_STATUS_RESET) { TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(test_sntp_server_reply_with_time(sock, year, msb_flag)); // post the SNTP server's reply retry++; TEST_ASSERT_LESS_THAN(3, retry); } // check time and assert the year time_t now; struct tm timeinfo; time(&now); localtime_r(&now, &timeinfo); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(year, 1900 + timeinfo.tm_year); // Check that the server 0 was reachable TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, esp_sntp_getreachability(0)); // close the SNTP and the fake server esp_sntp_stop(); // Test some other SNTP APIs TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, esp_sntp_getreachability(0)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ESP_SNTP_OPMODE_POLL, esp_sntp_getoperatingmode()); const ip_addr_t *server_ip = esp_sntp_getserver(0); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(PP_HTONL(IPADDR_LOOPBACK), server_ip->u_addr.ip4.addr); close(sock); } TEST(lwip, sntp_client_time_2015) { test_case_uses_tcpip(); test_sntp_timestamps(2015, true); // NTP timestamp MSB is set for time before 2036 } TEST(lwip, sntp_client_time_2048) { test_case_uses_tcpip(); test_sntp_timestamps(2048, false); // NTP timestamp MSB is cleared for time after 2036 } TEST_GROUP_RUNNER(lwip) { RUN_TEST_CASE(lwip, localhost_ping_test) RUN_TEST_CASE(lwip, dhcp_server_init_deinit) RUN_TEST_CASE(lwip, dhcp_server_start_stop_localhost) RUN_TEST_CASE(lwip, sntp_client_time_2015) RUN_TEST_CASE(lwip, sntp_client_time_2048) } void app_main(void) { UNITY_MAIN(lwip); }