test cases:
- CI ready: 'Yes'
  Test App: SSC
  auto test: 'Yes'
  category: Stress
  cmd set:
  - TCPStress/TCPAMSDUsendrecv
  - - delay_config = [0, 0.01, 0.1, 0.5, 1]
    - - dummy
  - - send_count = 1000
    - - ''
  - - test_time = 300
    - - ''
  execution time: 12.0
  expected result: 1. do not disconnect
  initial condition: STAM2
  level: Integration
  module: WIFI MAC
  steps: |-
    1. PC and SSC1 connected to 天猫魔盒,do TCP pkts send/recv for a long time.
    2.Loop executing step 1
  sub module: A-MSDU
  summary: test AMSDU send/rev
  test environment: SSC_T1_AMSDU
  test point 1: function + stress
  test point 2: AMSDU send recv
  version: v2 (2016-11-15)