/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ /* Tests for FreeRTOS scheduler suspend & resume all tasks */ #include "sdkconfig.h" #include #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "freertos/task.h" #include "freertos/semphr.h" #include "freertos/queue.h" #include "unity.h" #include "test_utils.h" #include "esp_intr_alloc.h" #include "driver/gptimer.h" #include "esp_private/gptimer.h" #include "sdkconfig.h" #include "esp_rom_sys.h" static SemaphoreHandle_t isr_semaphore; static volatile unsigned isr_count; /* Timer ISR increments an ISR counter, and signals a mutex semaphore to wake up another counter task */ static bool on_timer_alarm_cb(gptimer_handle_t timer, const gptimer_alarm_event_data_t *edata, void *user_ctx) { portBASE_TYPE higher_awoken = pdFALSE; isr_count++; xSemaphoreGiveFromISR(isr_semaphore, &higher_awoken); return higher_awoken == pdTRUE; } typedef struct { SemaphoreHandle_t trigger_sem; volatile unsigned counter; } counter_config_t; static void counter_task_fn(void *vp_config) { counter_config_t *config = (counter_config_t *)vp_config; printf("counter_task running...\n"); while (1) { xSemaphoreTake(config->trigger_sem, portMAX_DELAY); config->counter++; } } /* This test verifies that an interrupt can wake up a task while the scheduler is disabled. In the FreeRTOS implementation, this exercises the xPendingReadyList for that core. */ TEST_CASE("Scheduler disabled can handle a pending context switch on resume", "[freertos]") { isr_count = 0; TaskHandle_t counter_task; gptimer_handle_t gptimer = NULL; intr_handle_t intr_handle = NULL; isr_semaphore = xSemaphoreCreateBinary(); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(isr_semaphore); counter_config_t count_config = { .trigger_sem = isr_semaphore, .counter = 0, }; xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(counter_task_fn, "counter", 2048, &count_config, UNITY_FREERTOS_PRIORITY + 1, &counter_task, UNITY_FREERTOS_CPU); gptimer_config_t timer_config = { .clk_src = GPTIMER_CLK_SRC_APB, .direction = GPTIMER_COUNT_UP, .resolution_hz = 1000000, // 1MHz, 1 tick=1us }; TEST_ESP_OK(gptimer_new_timer(&timer_config, &gptimer)); gptimer_alarm_config_t alarm_config = { .reload_count = 0, .alarm_count = 1000, // alarm period 1ms .flags.auto_reload_on_alarm = true, }; gptimer_event_callbacks_t cbs = { .on_alarm = on_timer_alarm_cb, }; TEST_ESP_OK(gptimer_register_event_callbacks(gptimer, &cbs, NULL)); TEST_ESP_OK(gptimer_set_alarm_action(gptimer, &alarm_config)); TEST_ESP_OK(gptimer_start(gptimer)); TEST_ESP_OK(gptimer_get_intr_handle(gptimer, &intr_handle)); vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(20)); // Check some counts have been triggered via the ISR TEST_ASSERT(count_config.counter > 10); TEST_ASSERT(isr_count > 10); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { #ifdef CONFIG_FREERTOS_SMP //Note: Scheduler suspension behavior changed in FreeRTOS SMP vTaskPreemptionDisable(NULL); #else vTaskSuspendAll(); #endif // CONFIG_FREERTOS_SMP esp_intr_noniram_disable(); unsigned no_sched_task = count_config.counter; // scheduler off on this CPU... esp_rom_delay_us(20 * 1000); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(count_config.counter, no_sched_task); // disable timer interrupts esp_intr_disable(intr_handle); // When we resume scheduler, we expect the counter task // will preempt and count at least one more item esp_intr_noniram_enable(); esp_intr_enable(intr_handle); #ifdef CONFIG_FREERTOS_SMP //Note: Scheduler suspension behavior changed in FreeRTOS SMP vTaskPreemptionEnable(NULL); #else xTaskResumeAll(); #endif // CONFIG_FREERTOS_SMP TEST_ASSERT_NOT_EQUAL(count_config.counter, no_sched_task); } TEST_ESP_OK(gptimer_stop(gptimer)); TEST_ESP_OK(gptimer_del_timer(gptimer)); vTaskDelete(counter_task); vSemaphoreDelete(isr_semaphore); } /* Multiple tasks on different cores can be added to the pending ready list while scheduler is suspended, and should be started once the scheduler resumes. */ TEST_CASE("Scheduler disabled can wake multiple tasks on resume", "[freertos]") { #define TASKS_PER_PROC 4 TaskHandle_t tasks[portNUM_PROCESSORS][TASKS_PER_PROC] = { 0 }; counter_config_t counters[portNUM_PROCESSORS][TASKS_PER_PROC] = { 0 }; /* Start all the tasks, they will block on isr_semaphore */ for (int p = 0; p < portNUM_PROCESSORS; p++) { for (int t = 0; t < TASKS_PER_PROC; t++) { counters[p][t].trigger_sem = xSemaphoreCreateMutex(); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL( counters[p][t].trigger_sem ); TEST_ASSERT( xSemaphoreTake(counters[p][t].trigger_sem, 0) ); xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(counter_task_fn, "counter", 2048, &counters[p][t], UNITY_FREERTOS_PRIORITY + 1, &tasks[p][t], p); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL( tasks[p][t] ); } } /* takes a while to initialize tasks on both cores, sometimes... */ vTaskDelay(TASKS_PER_PROC * portNUM_PROCESSORS * 3); /* Check nothing is counting, each counter should be blocked on its trigger_sem */ for (int p = 0; p < portNUM_PROCESSORS; p++) { for (int t = 0; t < TASKS_PER_PROC; t++) { TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, counters[p][t].counter); } } /* Suspend scheduler on this CPU */ #ifdef CONFIG_FREERTOS_SMP //Note: Scheduler suspension behavior changed in FreeRTOS SMP vTaskPreemptionDisable(NULL); #else vTaskSuspendAll(); #endif // CONFIG_FREERTOS_SMP /* Give all the semaphores once. This will wake tasks immediately on the other CPU, but they are deferred here until the scheduler resumes. */ for (int p = 0; p < portNUM_PROCESSORS; p++) { for (int t = 0; t < TASKS_PER_PROC; t++) { xSemaphoreGive(counters[p][t].trigger_sem); } } esp_rom_delay_us(200); /* Let the other CPU do some things */ for (int p = 0; p < portNUM_PROCESSORS; p++) { for (int t = 0; t < TASKS_PER_PROC; t++) { int expected = (p == UNITY_FREERTOS_CPU) ? 0 : 1; // Has run if it was on the other CPU esp_rom_printf("Checking CPU %d task %d (expected %d actual %d)\n", p, t, expected, counters[p][t].counter); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(expected, counters[p][t].counter); } } /* Resume scheduler */ #ifdef CONFIG_FREERTOS_SMP //Note: Scheduler suspension behavior changed in FreeRTOS SMP vTaskPreemptionEnable(NULL); #else xTaskResumeAll(); #endif // CONFIG_FREERTOS_SMP /* Now the tasks on both CPUs should have been woken once and counted once. */ for (int p = 0; p < portNUM_PROCESSORS; p++) { for (int t = 0; t < TASKS_PER_PROC; t++) { esp_rom_printf("Checking CPU %d task %d (expected 1 actual %d)\n", p, t, counters[p][t].counter); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, counters[p][t].counter); } } /* Clean up */ for (int p = 0; p < portNUM_PROCESSORS; p++) { for (int t = 0; t < TASKS_PER_PROC; t++) { vTaskDelete(tasks[p][t]); vSemaphoreDelete(counters[p][t].trigger_sem); } } } #ifndef CONFIG_FREERTOS_UNICORE static volatile bool sched_suspended; static void suspend_scheduler_5ms_task_fn(void *ignore) { #ifdef CONFIG_FREERTOS_SMP //Note: Scheduler suspension behavior changed in FreeRTOS SMP vTaskPreemptionDisable(NULL); #else vTaskSuspendAll(); #endif // CONFIG_FREERTOS_SMP sched_suspended = true; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { esp_rom_delay_us(1000); } #ifdef CONFIG_FREERTOS_SMP //Note: Scheduler suspension behavior changed in FreeRTOS SMP vTaskPreemptionEnable(NULL); #else xTaskResumeAll(); #endif // CONFIG_FREERTOS_SMP sched_suspended = false; vTaskDelete(NULL); } /* If the scheduler is disabled on one CPU (A) with a task blocked on something, and a task on B (where scheduler is running) wakes it, then the task on A should be woken on resume. */ TEST_CASE("Scheduler disabled on CPU B, tasks on A can wake", "[freertos]") { TaskHandle_t counter_task; SemaphoreHandle_t wake_sem = xSemaphoreCreateMutex(); xSemaphoreTake(wake_sem, 0); counter_config_t count_config = { .trigger_sem = wake_sem, .counter = 0, }; xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(counter_task_fn, "counter", 2048, &count_config, UNITY_FREERTOS_PRIORITY + 1, &counter_task, !UNITY_FREERTOS_CPU); xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(suspend_scheduler_5ms_task_fn, "suspender", 2048, NULL, UNITY_FREERTOS_PRIORITY - 1, NULL, !UNITY_FREERTOS_CPU); /* counter task is now blocked on other CPU, waiting for wake_sem, and we expect that this CPU's scheduler will be suspended for 5ms shortly... */ while (!sched_suspended) { } xSemaphoreGive(wake_sem); esp_rom_delay_us(1000); // Bit of a race here if the other CPU resumes its scheduler, but 5ms is a long time... */ TEST_ASSERT(sched_suspended); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, count_config.counter); // the other task hasn't woken yet, because scheduler is off TEST_ASSERT(sched_suspended); /* wait for the rest of the 5ms... */ while (sched_suspended) { } esp_rom_delay_us(100); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, count_config.counter); // when scheduler resumes, counter task should immediately count vTaskDelete(counter_task); } #endif