# This example supports running on the SPI1 bus, which is shared with SPI flash accessed by the # cache. When doing transaction on SPI1 bus, data cannot be fetched from the flash, so all the data # used during this time should be put into the internal RAM. [mapping:eeprom] archive: libeeprom.a entries: if EXAMPLE_USE_SPI1_PINS = y: * (noflash) # Following code are not used during SPI1 bus or bus option spi_eeprom: eeprom_wait_done_by_intr (default) spi_eeprom: spi_eeprom_deinit (default) spi_eeprom: spi_eeprom_init (default) [mapping:ext_newlib] archive: libnewlib.a entries: if EXAMPLE_USE_SPI1_PINS = y: time:usleep (noflash)