/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include #include #include #include #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "esp_log.h" #include "esp_heap_caps.h" #include "esp_lcd_mipi_dsi.h" #include "esp_lcd_panel_ops.h" #include "esp_lcd_ili9881c.h" #include "esp_ldo_regulator.h" #include "esp_cache.h" #include "driver/i2c_master.h" #include "driver/isp.h" #include "isp_af_scheme_sa.h" #include "esp_cam_ctlr_csi.h" #include "esp_cam_ctlr.h" #include "esp_sccb_intf.h" #include "esp_sccb_i2c.h" #include "esp_cam_sensor.h" #include "ov5647.h" #include "example_dsi_init.h" #include "example_dsi_init_config.h" #include "example_config.h" static const char *TAG = "isp_dsi"; static bool s_camera_get_new_vb(esp_cam_ctlr_handle_t handle, esp_cam_ctlr_trans_t *trans, void *user_data); static bool s_camera_get_finished_trans(esp_cam_ctlr_handle_t handle, esp_cam_ctlr_trans_t *trans, void *user_data); /*--------------------------------------------------------------- AF ---------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef union { struct { uint16_t s : 4; uint16_t d : 10; uint16_t flag : 1; uint16_t pd : 1; }; struct { uint16_t byte2 : 8; uint16_t byte1 : 8; }; uint16_t val; } dw9714_reg_t; static bool IRAM_ATTR s_af_env_change_cb(isp_af_ctlr_t af_ctrlr, const esp_isp_af_env_detector_evt_data_t *edata, void *user_data) { BaseType_t mustYield = pdFALSE; TaskHandle_t task_handle = (TaskHandle_t)user_data; vTaskNotifyGiveFromISR(task_handle, &mustYield); return (mustYield == pdTRUE); } static esp_err_t s_sensor_set_focus_val(int focus_val, void *arg) { esp_sccb_io_handle_t dw9714_io_handle = arg; dw9714_reg_t reg = {0}; reg.d = (uint16_t)((focus_val / 120.0) * 1023.0); uint8_t data[2] = {0}; data[0] = reg.byte1; data[1] = reg.byte2; uint16_t reg_addr = (data[0] << 8) + (data[1]); uint8_t reg_val = 0; esp_err_t ret = esp_sccb_transmit_reg_a16v8(dw9714_io_handle, reg_addr, reg_val); if (ret != ESP_OK) { printf("dw9714 esp_sccb_transmit_reg_a16v8 failed\n"); return ret; } return ESP_OK; } static void af_task(void *arg) { TaskHandle_t task_handle = xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle(); typedef struct af_task_param_t { isp_proc_handle_t isp_proc; esp_sccb_io_handle_t dw9714_io_handle; } af_task_param_t; af_task_param_t af_task_param = *(af_task_param_t *)arg; /** * AF window, windows for ISP hardware to record the * - luminance * - definition * of the current windows */ esp_isp_af_config_t af_config = { .window = { [0] = { .top_left = { .x = (CONFIG_EXAMPLE_MIPI_CSI_DISP_HRES / 2) - 100, .y = (CONFIG_EXAMPLE_MIPI_CSI_DISP_VRES / 2) - 100, }, .btm_right = { .x = (CONFIG_EXAMPLE_MIPI_CSI_DISP_HRES / 2) + 99, .y = (CONFIG_EXAMPLE_MIPI_CSI_DISP_VRES / 2) + 99, }, }, [1] = { .top_left = { .x = (CONFIG_EXAMPLE_MIPI_CSI_DISP_HRES / 2) - 100, .y = (CONFIG_EXAMPLE_MIPI_CSI_DISP_VRES / 2) - 100, }, .btm_right = { .x = (CONFIG_EXAMPLE_MIPI_CSI_DISP_HRES / 2) + 99, .y = (CONFIG_EXAMPLE_MIPI_CSI_DISP_VRES / 2) + 99, }, }, [2] = { .top_left = { .x = (CONFIG_EXAMPLE_MIPI_CSI_DISP_HRES / 2) - 100, .y = (CONFIG_EXAMPLE_MIPI_CSI_DISP_VRES / 2) - 100, }, .btm_right = { .x = (CONFIG_EXAMPLE_MIPI_CSI_DISP_HRES / 2) + 99, .y = (CONFIG_EXAMPLE_MIPI_CSI_DISP_VRES / 2) + 99, }, }, }, .edge_thresh = 128, }; isp_af_ctlr_t af_ctrlr = NULL; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_isp_new_af_controller(af_task_param.isp_proc, &af_config, &af_ctrlr)); esp_isp_af_env_config_t env_config = { .interval = 10, }; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_isp_af_controller_set_env_detector(af_ctrlr, &env_config)); esp_isp_af_env_detector_evt_cbs_t cbs = { .on_env_change = s_af_env_change_cb, }; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_isp_af_env_detector_register_event_callbacks(af_ctrlr, &cbs, task_handle)); isp_af_sa_scheme_config_t af_scheme_config = { .first_step_val = 12, .first_approx_cycles = 10, .second_step_val = 2, .second_approx_cycles = 10, }; isp_af_scheme_handle_t af_scheme = NULL; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(isp_af_create_sa_scheme(af_ctrlr, &af_scheme_config, &af_scheme)); isp_af_sa_scheme_sensor_drv_t sensor_driver = { .af_sensor_set_focus = s_sensor_set_focus_val, }; isp_af_sa_scheme_sensor_info_t sensor_info = { .focus_val_max = 120, }; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(isp_af_sa_scheme_register_sensor_driver(af_scheme, &sensor_driver, &sensor_info, af_task_param.dw9714_io_handle)); int definition_thresh = 0; int luminance_thresh = 0; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_isp_af_controller_enable(af_ctrlr)); while (1) { ulTaskNotifyTake(pdTRUE, portMAX_DELAY); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(isp_af_process(af_scheme, &definition_thresh, &luminance_thresh)); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_isp_af_controller_set_env_detector_threshold(af_ctrlr, definition_thresh, luminance_thresh)); } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------- Gamma Correction ---------------------------------------------------------------*/ static uint32_t s_gamma_correction_curve(uint32_t x) { return pow((double)x / 256, 0.7) * 256; } void app_main(void) { esp_err_t ret = ESP_FAIL; esp_lcd_dsi_bus_handle_t mipi_dsi_bus = NULL; esp_lcd_panel_io_handle_t mipi_dbi_io = NULL; esp_lcd_panel_handle_t ili9881c_ctrl_panel = NULL; esp_lcd_panel_handle_t mipi_dpi_panel = NULL; void *frame_buffer = NULL; size_t frame_buffer_size = 0; //mipi ldo esp_ldo_channel_handle_t ldo_mipi_phy = NULL; esp_ldo_channel_config_t ldo_mipi_phy_config = { .chan_id = CONFIG_EXAMPLE_USED_LDO_CHAN_ID, .voltage_mv = CONFIG_EXAMPLE_USED_LDO_VOLTAGE_MV, }; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_ldo_acquire_channel(&ldo_mipi_phy_config, &ldo_mipi_phy)); /** * @background * Sensor use RAW8 * ISP convert to RGB565 */ //---------------DSI Init------------------// example_dsi_resource_alloc(&ili9881c_ctrl_panel, &mipi_dsi_bus, &mipi_dbi_io, &mipi_dpi_panel, &frame_buffer); //---------------Necessary variable config------------------// frame_buffer_size = CONFIG_EXAMPLE_MIPI_CSI_DISP_HRES * CONFIG_EXAMPLE_MIPI_DSI_DISP_VRES * EXAMPLE_RGB565_BITS_PER_PIXEL / 8; ESP_LOGD(TAG, "CONFIG_EXAMPLE_MIPI_CSI_DISP_HRES: %d, CONFIG_EXAMPLE_MIPI_DSI_DISP_VRES: %d, bits per pixel: %d", CONFIG_EXAMPLE_MIPI_CSI_DISP_HRES, CONFIG_EXAMPLE_MIPI_DSI_DISP_VRES, 8); ESP_LOGD(TAG, "frame_buffer_size: %zu", frame_buffer_size); ESP_LOGD(TAG, "frame_buffer: %p", frame_buffer); esp_cam_ctlr_trans_t new_trans = { .buffer = frame_buffer, .buflen = frame_buffer_size, }; //---------------I2C Init------------------// i2c_master_bus_config_t i2c_bus_conf = { .clk_source = I2C_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT, .sda_io_num = EXAMPLE_MIPI_SCCB_SDA_IO, .scl_io_num = EXAMPLE_MIPI_SCCB_SCL_IO, .i2c_port = I2C_NUM_0, .flags.enable_internal_pullup = true, }; i2c_master_bus_handle_t bus_handle = NULL; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(i2c_new_master_bus(&i2c_bus_conf, &bus_handle)); //---------------SCCB Init------------------// esp_sccb_io_handle_t ov5647_io_handle = NULL; sccb_i2c_config_t i2c_config = { .scl_speed_hz = EXAMPLE_MIPI_SCCB_FREQ, .device_address = EXAMPLE_OV5647_DEV_ADDR, .dev_addr_length = I2C_ADDR_BIT_LEN_7, }; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(sccb_new_i2c_io(bus_handle, &i2c_config, &ov5647_io_handle)); esp_sccb_io_handle_t dw9714_io_handle = NULL; i2c_config.device_address = EXAMPLE_DW9714_DEV_ADDR; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(sccb_new_i2c_io(bus_handle, &i2c_config, &dw9714_io_handle)); //---------------CSI Init------------------// esp_cam_ctlr_csi_config_t csi_config = { .ctlr_id = 0, .h_res = CONFIG_EXAMPLE_MIPI_CSI_DISP_HRES, .v_res = CONFIG_EXAMPLE_MIPI_CSI_DISP_VRES, .lane_bit_rate_mbps = EXAMPLE_MIPI_CSI_LANE_BITRATE_MBPS, .input_data_color_type = CAM_CTLR_COLOR_RAW8, .output_data_color_type = CAM_CTLR_COLOR_RGB565, .data_lane_num = 2, .byte_swap_en = false, .queue_items = 1, }; esp_cam_ctlr_handle_t handle = NULL; ret = esp_cam_new_csi_ctlr(&csi_config, &handle); if (ret != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "csi init fail[%d]", ret); return; } esp_cam_ctlr_evt_cbs_t cbs = { .on_get_new_trans = s_camera_get_new_vb, .on_trans_finished = s_camera_get_finished_trans, }; if (esp_cam_ctlr_register_event_callbacks(handle, &cbs, &new_trans) != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "ops register fail"); return; } ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_cam_ctlr_enable(handle)); //---------------ISP Init------------------// isp_proc_handle_t isp_proc = NULL; esp_isp_processor_cfg_t isp_config = { .clk_hz = 80 * 1000 * 1000, .input_data_source = ISP_INPUT_DATA_SOURCE_CSI, .input_data_color_type = ISP_COLOR_RAW8, .output_data_color_type = ISP_COLOR_RGB565, .has_line_start_packet = false, .has_line_end_packet = false, .h_res = CONFIG_EXAMPLE_MIPI_CSI_DISP_HRES, .v_res = CONFIG_EXAMPLE_MIPI_CSI_DISP_VRES, }; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_isp_new_processor(&isp_config, &isp_proc)); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_isp_enable(isp_proc)); esp_isp_bf_config_t bf_config = { .denoising_level = 5, .padding_mode = ISP_BF_EDGE_PADDING_MODE_SRND_DATA, .bf_template = { {1, 2, 1}, {2, 4, 2}, {1, 2, 1}, }, .padding_line_tail_valid_start_pixel = 0, .padding_line_tail_valid_end_pixel = 0, }; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_isp_bf_configure(isp_proc, &bf_config)); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_isp_bf_enable(isp_proc)); esp_isp_demosaic_config_t demosaic_config = { .grad_ratio = { .integer = 2, .decimal = 5, }, }; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_isp_demosaic_configure(isp_proc, &demosaic_config)); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_isp_demosaic_enable(isp_proc)); isp_gamma_curve_points_t pts = {}; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_isp_gamma_fill_curve_points(s_gamma_correction_curve, &pts)); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_isp_gamma_configure(isp_proc, COLOR_COMPONENT_R, &pts)); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_isp_gamma_configure(isp_proc, COLOR_COMPONENT_G, &pts)); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_isp_gamma_configure(isp_proc, COLOR_COMPONENT_B, &pts)); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_isp_gamma_enable(isp_proc)); esp_isp_sharpen_config_t sharpen_config = { .h_freq_coeff = { .integer = 2, .decimal = 0, }, .m_freq_coeff = { .integer = 2, .decimal = 0, }, .h_thresh = 255, .l_thresh = 0, .padding_mode = ISP_SHARPEN_EDGE_PADDING_MODE_SRND_DATA, .sharpen_template = { {1, 2, 1}, {2, 4, 2}, {1, 2, 1}, }, .padding_line_tail_valid_start_pixel = 0, .padding_line_tail_valid_end_pixel = 0, }; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_isp_sharpen_configure(isp_proc, &sharpen_config)); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_isp_sharpen_enable(isp_proc)); typedef struct af_task_param_t { isp_proc_handle_t isp_proc; esp_sccb_io_handle_t dw9714_io_handle; } af_task_param_t; af_task_param_t af_task_param = { .isp_proc = isp_proc, .dw9714_io_handle = dw9714_io_handle, }; xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(af_task, "af_task", 8192, &af_task_param, 5, NULL, 0); //---------------DSI Panel Init------------------// example_dsi_ili9881c_panel_init(ili9881c_ctrl_panel); //init to all white memset(frame_buffer, 0xFF, frame_buffer_size); esp_cache_msync((void *)frame_buffer, frame_buffer_size, ESP_CACHE_MSYNC_FLAG_DIR_C2M); if (esp_cam_ctlr_start(handle) != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Driver start fail"); return; } esp_cam_sensor_config_t cam_config = { .sccb_handle = ov5647_io_handle, .reset_pin = -1, .pwdn_pin = -1, .xclk_pin = -1, .sensor_port = ESP_CAM_SENSOR_MIPI_CSI, }; esp_cam_sensor_device_t *cam = ov5647_detect(&cam_config); if (!cam) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "failed to detect 5647"); return; } esp_cam_sensor_format_array_t cam_fmt_array = {0}; esp_cam_sensor_query_format(cam, &cam_fmt_array); const esp_cam_sensor_format_t *parray = cam_fmt_array.format_array; for (int i = 0; i < cam_fmt_array.count; i++) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "fmt[%d].name:%s", i, parray[i].name); } esp_cam_sensor_format_t *cam_cur_fmt = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < cam_fmt_array.count; i++) { #if CONFIG_EXAMPLE_MIPI_CSI_VRES_640 if (!strcmp(parray[i].name, "MIPI_2lane_24Minput_RAW8_800x640_50fps")) { cam_cur_fmt = (esp_cam_sensor_format_t *) & (parray[i].name); break; } #else if (!strcmp(parray[i].name, "MIPI_2lane_24Minput_RAW8_800x1280_50fps")) { cam_cur_fmt = (esp_cam_sensor_format_t *) & (parray[i].name); break; } #endif } ret = esp_cam_sensor_set_format(cam, (const esp_cam_sensor_format_t *) cam_cur_fmt); if (ret != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Format set fail"); } else { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Format in use:%s", cam_cur_fmt->name); } int enable_flag = 1; // Set sensor output stream ret = esp_cam_sensor_ioctl(cam, ESP_CAM_SENSOR_IOC_S_STREAM, &enable_flag); if (ret != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Start stream fail"); } example_dpi_panel_init(mipi_dpi_panel); while (1) { ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_cam_ctlr_receive(handle, &new_trans, ESP_CAM_CTLR_MAX_DELAY)); } } static bool s_camera_get_new_vb(esp_cam_ctlr_handle_t handle, esp_cam_ctlr_trans_t *trans, void *user_data) { esp_cam_ctlr_trans_t new_trans = *(esp_cam_ctlr_trans_t *)user_data; trans->buffer = new_trans.buffer; trans->buflen = new_trans.buflen; return false; } bool s_camera_get_finished_trans(esp_cam_ctlr_handle_t handle, esp_cam_ctlr_trans_t *trans, void *user_data) { return false; }