[DEFAULT] GITRECURSIVE=yes GITRESET=yes GITREPO=https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf.git ; In case of password protected keychain you can use ssh-agent ; Make sure that the 'Open SSH Agent' service is not Disabled in services list. ; Add kyes: ssh-add ; Tell git which ssh command to use, otherwise it might still prompt you for password ; [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("GIT_SSH", "$((Get-Command ssh).Source)", [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User) ; Start new process/terminal to load env variable ; Note: OpenSSH is part of Windows 1803 - https://poshsecurity.com/blog/using-the-openssh-client-included-in-windows-10-1809-as-your-gits-ssh-client IDFDIR= IDFVERSION= IDFVERSIONSURL=https://dl.espressif.com/dl/esp-idf/idf_versions.txt OFFLINE=yes PYTHONWHEELSURL=https://dl.espressif.com/pypi SKIPSYSTEMCHECK=no USEEMBEDDEDPYTHON=yes