/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ // mbc_tcp_master.c // TCP master implementation of the Modbus controller #include // for calculation of time stamp in milliseconds #include "esp_log.h" // for log_write #include // for memcpy #include // for list #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" // for task creation and queue access #include "freertos/task.h" // for task api access #include "freertos/event_groups.h" // for event groups #include "freertos/queue.h" // for queue api access #include "mb_m.h" // for modbus stack master types definition #include "port.h" // for port callback functions and defines #include "mbutils.h" // for mbutils functions definition for stack callback #include "sdkconfig.h" // for KConfig values #include "esp_modbus_common.h" // for common types #include "esp_modbus_master.h" // for public master types #include "mbc_master.h" // for private master types #include "mbc_tcp_master.h" // for tcp master create function and types #include "port_tcp_master.h" // for tcp master port defines and types #if MB_MASTER_TCP_ENABLED /*-----------------------Master mode use these variables----------------------*/ // The response time is average processing time + data transmission #define MB_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT pdMS_TO_TICKS(CONFIG_FMB_MASTER_TIMEOUT_MS_RESPOND) #define MB_TCP_CONNECTION_TOUT pdMS_TO_TICKS(CONFIG_FMB_TCP_CONNECTION_TOUT_SEC * 1000) static mb_master_interface_t* mbm_interface_ptr = NULL; static const char *TAG = "MB_CONTROLLER_MASTER"; // Searches the slave address in the address info list and returns address info if found, else NULL static mb_slave_addr_entry_t* mbc_tcp_master_find_slave_addr(uint8_t slave_addr) { mb_slave_addr_entry_t* it; mb_master_options_t* mbm_opts = &mbm_interface_ptr->opts; if (LIST_EMPTY(&mbm_opts->mbm_slave_list)) { return NULL; } LIST_FOREACH(it, &mbm_opts->mbm_slave_list, entries) { if (slave_addr == it->slave_addr) { return it; } } return NULL; } static esp_err_t mbc_tcp_master_add_slave(uint16_t index, uint8_t slave_addr, const char* ip_addr) { MB_MASTER_ASSERT(mbm_interface_ptr != NULL); // Initialize interface properties mb_master_options_t* mbm_opts = &mbm_interface_ptr->opts; mb_slave_addr_entry_t* new_slave_entry = (mb_slave_addr_entry_t*) heap_caps_malloc(sizeof(mb_slave_addr_entry_t), MALLOC_CAP_INTERNAL | MALLOC_CAP_8BIT); MB_MASTER_CHECK((new_slave_entry != NULL), ESP_ERR_NO_MEM, "mb can not allocate memory for slave entry."); new_slave_entry->index = index; new_slave_entry->ip_address = ip_addr; new_slave_entry->slave_addr = slave_addr; new_slave_entry->p_data = NULL; LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&mbm_opts->mbm_slave_list, new_slave_entry, entries); MB_MASTER_CHECK((mbm_opts->mbm_slave_list_count < (MB_TCP_PORT_MAX_CONN - 1)), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, "mb max number of slaves < %d.", MB_TCP_PORT_MAX_CONN); mbm_opts->mbm_slave_list_count++; return ESP_OK; } static void mbc_tcp_master_free_slave_list(void) { mb_slave_addr_entry_t* it; MB_MASTER_ASSERT(mbm_interface_ptr != NULL); // Initialize interface properties mb_master_options_t* mbm_opts = &mbm_interface_ptr->opts; LIST_FOREACH(it, &mbm_opts->mbm_slave_list, entries) { LIST_REMOVE(it, entries); mbm_opts->mbm_slave_list_count--; free(it); } } // Modbus event processing task static void modbus_tcp_master_task(void *pvParameters) { MB_MASTER_ASSERT(mbm_interface_ptr != NULL); mb_master_options_t* mbm_opts = &mbm_interface_ptr->opts; MB_MASTER_ASSERT(mbm_opts != NULL); // Main Modbus stack processing cycle for (;;) { // Wait for poll events BaseType_t status = xEventGroupWaitBits(mbm_opts->mbm_event_group, (BaseType_t)(MB_EVENT_STACK_STARTED), pdFALSE, // do not clear bits pdFALSE, portMAX_DELAY); // Check if stack started then poll for data if (status & MB_EVENT_STACK_STARTED) { (void)eMBMasterPoll(); // Allow stack to process data } } } // Setup Modbus controller parameters static esp_err_t mbc_tcp_master_setup(void* comm_info) { MB_MASTER_ASSERT(mbm_interface_ptr != NULL); mb_master_options_t* mbm_opts = &mbm_interface_ptr->opts; MB_MASTER_CHECK((mbm_opts != NULL), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "mb incorrect options pointer."); const mb_communication_info_t* comm_info_ptr = (mb_communication_info_t*)comm_info; // Check communication options MB_MASTER_CHECK((comm_info_ptr->ip_mode == MB_MODE_TCP), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "mb incorrect mode = (0x%x).", (uint32_t)comm_info_ptr->ip_mode); MB_MASTER_CHECK((comm_info_ptr->ip_addr != NULL), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "mb wrong slave ip address table."); MB_MASTER_CHECK(((comm_info_ptr->ip_addr_type == MB_IPV4) || (comm_info_ptr->ip_addr_type == MB_IPV6)), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "mb incorrect addr type = (0x%x).", (uint8_t)comm_info_ptr->ip_addr_type); MB_MASTER_CHECK((comm_info_ptr->ip_netif_ptr != NULL), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "mb incorrect iface address."); // Save the communication options mbm_opts->mbm_comm = *(mb_communication_info_t*)comm_info_ptr; return ESP_OK; } // Modbus controller stack start function static esp_err_t mbc_tcp_master_start(void) { MB_MASTER_ASSERT(mbm_interface_ptr != NULL); eMBErrorCode status = MB_EIO; mb_master_options_t* mbm_opts = &mbm_interface_ptr->opts; MB_MASTER_CHECK((mbm_opts != NULL), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "mb incorrect options pointer."); const mb_communication_info_t* comm_info = (mb_communication_info_t*)&mbm_opts->mbm_comm; // Initialize Modbus stack using mbcontroller parameters status = eMBMasterTCPInit((USHORT)comm_info->ip_port); MB_MASTER_CHECK((status == MB_ENOERR), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, "mb stack initialization failure, eMBMasterInit() returns (0x%x).", status); MB_MASTER_CHECK((mbm_opts->mbm_param_descriptor_size >= 1), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "mb table size is incorrect."); bool result = false; const char** comm_ip_table = (const char**)comm_info->ip_addr; MB_MASTER_CHECK((comm_ip_table != NULL), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "mb ip table address is incorrect."); eMBPortProto proto = (comm_info->ip_mode == MB_MODE_TCP) ? MB_PROTO_TCP : MB_PROTO_UDP; eMBPortIpVer ip_ver = (comm_info->ip_addr_type == MB_IPV4) ? MB_PORT_IPV4 : MB_PORT_IPV6; vMBTCPPortMasterSetNetOpt(comm_info->ip_netif_ptr, ip_ver, proto); vMBTCPPortMasterTaskStart(); // Add slave IP address for each slave to initialize connection mb_slave_addr_entry_t *p_slave_info; LIST_FOREACH(p_slave_info, &mbm_opts->mbm_slave_list, entries) { result = (BOOL)xMBTCPPortMasterAddSlaveIp(p_slave_info->index, p_slave_info->ip_address, p_slave_info->slave_addr); MB_MASTER_CHECK(result, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, "mb stack add slave IP failed: %s.", *comm_ip_table); } // Add end of list condition (void)xMBTCPPortMasterAddSlaveIp(0xFF, NULL, 0xFF); status = eMBMasterEnable(); MB_MASTER_CHECK((status == MB_ENOERR), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, "mb stack set slave ID failure, eMBMasterEnable() returned (0x%x).", (uint32_t)status); // Wait for connection done event bool start = (bool)xMBTCPPortMasterWaitEvent(mbm_opts->mbm_event_group, (EventBits_t)MB_EVENT_STACK_STARTED, MB_TCP_CONNECTION_TOUT); MB_MASTER_CHECK((start), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, "mb stack could not connect to slaves for %d seconds.", CONFIG_FMB_TCP_CONNECTION_TOUT_SEC); return ESP_OK; } // Modbus controller destroy function static esp_err_t mbc_tcp_master_destroy(void) { MB_MASTER_ASSERT(mbm_interface_ptr != NULL); mb_master_options_t* mbm_opts = &mbm_interface_ptr->opts; MB_MASTER_CHECK((mbm_opts != NULL), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "mb incorrect options pointer."); eMBErrorCode mb_error = MB_ENOERR; // Disable and then destroy the Modbus stack mb_error = eMBMasterDisable(); MB_MASTER_CHECK((mb_error == MB_ENOERR), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, "mb stack disable failure."); mb_error = eMBMasterClose(); MB_MASTER_CHECK((mb_error == MB_ENOERR), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, "mb stack close failure returned (0x%x).", (uint32_t)mb_error); // Stop polling by clearing correspondent bit in the event group xEventGroupClearBits(mbm_opts->mbm_event_group, (EventBits_t)MB_EVENT_STACK_STARTED); (void)vTaskDelete(mbm_opts->mbm_task_handle); mbm_opts->mbm_task_handle = NULL; (void)vEventGroupDelete(mbm_opts->mbm_event_group); mbm_opts->mbm_event_group = NULL; mbc_tcp_master_free_slave_list(); free(mbm_interface_ptr); // free the memory allocated for options vMBPortSetMode((UCHAR)MB_PORT_INACTIVE); mbm_interface_ptr = NULL; return ESP_OK; } // Set Modbus parameter description table static esp_err_t mbc_tcp_master_set_descriptor(const mb_parameter_descriptor_t* descriptor, const uint16_t num_elements) { MB_MASTER_ASSERT(mbm_interface_ptr != NULL); MB_MASTER_CHECK((descriptor != NULL), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "mb incorrect descriptor."); MB_MASTER_CHECK((num_elements >= 1), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "mb table size is incorrect."); mb_master_options_t* mbm_opts = &mbm_interface_ptr->opts; MB_MASTER_CHECK((mbm_opts != NULL), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "mb options."); const char** comm_ip_table = (const char**)mbm_opts->mbm_comm.ip_addr; MB_MASTER_CHECK((comm_ip_table != NULL), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "mb ip table address is incorrect."); const mb_parameter_descriptor_t *reg_ptr = descriptor; uint16_t slave_cnt = 0; mb_slave_addr_entry_t* p_slave = NULL; // Go through all items in the table to check all Modbus registers for (int idx = 0; idx < (num_elements); idx++, reg_ptr++) { // Below is the code to check consistency of the table format and required fields. MB_MASTER_CHECK((reg_ptr->cid == idx), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "mb descriptor cid field is incorrect."); MB_MASTER_CHECK((reg_ptr->param_key != NULL), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "mb descriptor param key is incorrect."); MB_MASTER_CHECK((reg_ptr->mb_size > 0), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "mb descriptor param size is incorrect."); // Is the slave already in the list? p_slave = mbc_tcp_master_find_slave_addr(reg_ptr->mb_slave_addr); // Add it to slave list if not there. if (!p_slave) { // Is the IP address correctly defined for the slave? MB_MASTER_CHECK((comm_ip_table[slave_cnt]), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, "mb missing IP address for cid #%d.", reg_ptr->cid); // Add slave to the list MB_MASTER_ASSERT(mbc_tcp_master_add_slave(idx, reg_ptr->mb_slave_addr, comm_ip_table[slave_cnt++]) == ESP_OK); } } mbm_opts->mbm_param_descriptor_table = descriptor; mbm_opts->mbm_param_descriptor_size = num_elements; return ESP_OK; } // Send custom Modbus request defined as mb_param_request_t structure static esp_err_t mbc_tcp_master_send_request(mb_param_request_t* request, void* data_ptr) { MB_MASTER_ASSERT(mbm_interface_ptr != NULL); mb_master_options_t* mbm_opts = &mbm_interface_ptr->opts; MB_MASTER_CHECK((request != NULL), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "mb request structure."); MB_MASTER_CHECK((data_ptr != NULL), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "mb incorrect data pointer."); eMBMasterReqErrCode mb_error = MB_MRE_NO_REG; esp_err_t error = ESP_FAIL; uint8_t mb_slave_addr = request->slave_addr; uint8_t mb_command = request->command; uint16_t mb_offset = request->reg_start; uint16_t mb_size = request->reg_size; // Set the buffer for callback function processing of received data mbm_opts->mbm_reg_buffer_ptr = (uint8_t*)data_ptr; mbm_opts->mbm_reg_buffer_size = mb_size; // Calls appropriate request function to send request and waits response switch(mb_command) { case MB_FUNC_READ_COILS: mb_error = eMBMasterReqReadCoils((UCHAR)mb_slave_addr, (USHORT)mb_offset, (USHORT)mb_size , (LONG)MB_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT ); break; case MB_FUNC_WRITE_SINGLE_COIL: mb_error = eMBMasterReqWriteCoil((UCHAR)mb_slave_addr, (USHORT)mb_offset, *(USHORT*)data_ptr, (LONG)MB_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT ); break; case MB_FUNC_WRITE_MULTIPLE_COILS: mb_error = eMBMasterReqWriteMultipleCoils((UCHAR)mb_slave_addr, (USHORT)mb_offset, (USHORT)mb_size, (UCHAR*)data_ptr, (LONG)MB_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT); break; case MB_FUNC_READ_DISCRETE_INPUTS: mb_error = eMBMasterReqReadDiscreteInputs((UCHAR)mb_slave_addr, (USHORT)mb_offset, (USHORT)mb_size, (LONG)MB_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT ); break; case MB_FUNC_READ_HOLDING_REGISTER: mb_error = eMBMasterReqReadHoldingRegister((UCHAR)mb_slave_addr, (USHORT)mb_offset, (USHORT)mb_size, (LONG)MB_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT ); break; case MB_FUNC_WRITE_REGISTER: mb_error = eMBMasterReqWriteHoldingRegister( (UCHAR)mb_slave_addr, (USHORT)mb_offset, *(USHORT*)data_ptr, (LONG)MB_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT ); break; case MB_FUNC_WRITE_MULTIPLE_REGISTERS: mb_error = eMBMasterReqWriteMultipleHoldingRegister( (UCHAR)mb_slave_addr, (USHORT)mb_offset, (USHORT)mb_size, (USHORT*)data_ptr, (LONG)MB_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT ); break; case MB_FUNC_READWRITE_MULTIPLE_REGISTERS: mb_error = eMBMasterReqReadWriteMultipleHoldingRegister( (UCHAR)mb_slave_addr, (USHORT)mb_offset, (USHORT)mb_size, (USHORT*)data_ptr, (USHORT)mb_offset, (USHORT)mb_size, (LONG)MB_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT ); break; case MB_FUNC_READ_INPUT_REGISTER: mb_error = eMBMasterReqReadInputRegister( (UCHAR)mb_slave_addr, (USHORT)mb_offset, (USHORT)mb_size, (LONG) MB_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT ); break; default: ESP_LOGE(TAG, "%s: Incorrect function in request (%u) ", __FUNCTION__, mb_command); mb_error = MB_MRE_NO_REG; break; } // Propagate the Modbus errors to higher level switch(mb_error) { case MB_MRE_NO_ERR: error = ESP_OK; break; case MB_MRE_NO_REG: error = ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; // Invalid register request break; case MB_MRE_TIMEDOUT: error = ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT; // Slave did not send response break; case MB_MRE_EXE_FUN: case MB_MRE_REV_DATA: error = ESP_ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE; // Invalid response from slave break; case MB_MRE_MASTER_BUSY: error = ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE; // Master is busy (previous request is pending) break; default: ESP_LOGE(TAG, "%s: Incorrect return code (%x) ", __FUNCTION__, mb_error); error = ESP_FAIL; break; } return error; } static esp_err_t mbc_tcp_master_get_cid_info(uint16_t cid, const mb_parameter_descriptor_t** param_buffer) { MB_MASTER_ASSERT(mbm_interface_ptr != NULL); mb_master_options_t* mbm_opts = &mbm_interface_ptr->opts; MB_MASTER_CHECK((param_buffer != NULL), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "mb incorrect data buffer pointer."); MB_MASTER_CHECK((mbm_opts->mbm_param_descriptor_table != NULL), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "mb incorrect descriptor table or not set."); MB_MASTER_CHECK((cid < mbm_opts->mbm_param_descriptor_size), ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND, "mb incorrect cid of characteristic."); // It is assumed that characteristics cid increased in the table const mb_parameter_descriptor_t* reg_info = &mbm_opts->mbm_param_descriptor_table[cid]; MB_MASTER_CHECK((reg_info->param_key != NULL), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "mb incorrect characteristic key."); *param_buffer = reg_info; return ESP_OK; } // Helper function to get modbus command for each type of Modbus register area static uint8_t mbc_tcp_master_get_command(mb_param_type_t param_type, mb_param_mode_t mode) { uint8_t command = 0; switch(param_type) { // case MB_PARAM_HOLDING: command = (mode == MB_PARAM_WRITE) ? MB_FUNC_WRITE_MULTIPLE_REGISTERS : MB_FUNC_READ_HOLDING_REGISTER; break; case MB_PARAM_INPUT: command = MB_FUNC_READ_INPUT_REGISTER; break; case MB_PARAM_COIL: command = (mode == MB_PARAM_WRITE) ? MB_FUNC_WRITE_MULTIPLE_COILS : MB_FUNC_READ_COILS; break; case MB_PARAM_DISCRETE: if (mode != MB_PARAM_WRITE) { command = MB_FUNC_READ_DISCRETE_INPUTS; } else { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "%s: Incorrect mode (%u)", __FUNCTION__, (uint8_t)mode); } break; default: ESP_LOGE(TAG, "%s: Incorrect param type (%u)", __FUNCTION__, param_type); break; } return command; } // Helper function to set parameter buffer according to its type static esp_err_t mbc_tcp_master_set_param_data(void* dest, void* src, mb_descr_type_t param_type, size_t param_size) { esp_err_t err = ESP_OK; MB_MASTER_CHECK((dest != NULL), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "incorrect parameter pointer."); MB_MASTER_CHECK((src != NULL), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "incorrect parameter pointer."); // Transfer parameter data into value of characteristic switch(param_type) { case PARAM_TYPE_U8: *((uint8_t*)dest) = *((uint8_t*)src); break; case PARAM_TYPE_U16: *((uint16_t*)dest) = *((uint16_t*)src); break; case PARAM_TYPE_U32: *((uint32_t*)dest) = *((uint32_t*)src); break; case PARAM_TYPE_FLOAT: *((float*)dest) = *(float*)src; break; case PARAM_TYPE_ASCII: memcpy((void*)dest, (void*)src, (size_t)param_size); break; default: ESP_LOGE(TAG, "%s: Incorrect param type (%u).", __FUNCTION__, (uint16_t)param_type); err = ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; } return err; } // Helper to search parameter by name in the parameter description table and fills Modbus request fields accordingly static esp_err_t mbc_tcp_master_set_request(char* name, mb_param_mode_t mode, mb_param_request_t* request, mb_parameter_descriptor_t* reg_data) { MB_MASTER_ASSERT(mbm_interface_ptr != NULL); mb_master_options_t* mbm_opts = &mbm_interface_ptr->opts; esp_err_t error = ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND; MB_MASTER_CHECK((name != NULL), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "mb incorrect parameter name."); MB_MASTER_CHECK((request != NULL), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "mb incorrect request parameter."); MB_MASTER_CHECK((mode <= MB_PARAM_WRITE), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "mb incorrect mode."); MB_MASTER_ASSERT(mbm_opts->mbm_param_descriptor_table != NULL); const mb_parameter_descriptor_t* reg_ptr = mbm_opts->mbm_param_descriptor_table; for (uint16_t counter = 0; counter < (mbm_opts->mbm_param_descriptor_size); counter++, reg_ptr++) { // Check the cid of the parameter is equal to record number in the table // Check the length of name and parameter key strings from table size_t param_key_len = strlen((const char*)reg_ptr->param_key); if (param_key_len != strlen((const char*)name)) { continue; // The length of strings is different then check next record in the table } // Compare the name of parameter with parameter key from table int comp_result = memcmp((const void*)name, (const void*)reg_ptr->param_key, (size_t)param_key_len); if (comp_result == 0) { // The correct line is found in the table and reg_ptr points to the found parameter description request->slave_addr = reg_ptr->mb_slave_addr; request->reg_start = reg_ptr->mb_reg_start; request->reg_size = reg_ptr->mb_size; request->command = mbc_tcp_master_get_command(reg_ptr->mb_param_type, mode); MB_MASTER_CHECK((request->command > 0), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "mb incorrect command or parameter type."); if (reg_data != NULL) { *reg_data = *reg_ptr; // Set the cid registered parameter data } error = ESP_OK; break; } } return error; } // Get parameter data for corresponding characteristic static esp_err_t mbc_tcp_master_get_parameter(uint16_t cid, char* name, uint8_t* value, uint8_t *type) { MB_MASTER_CHECK((name != NULL), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "mb incorrect descriptor."); MB_MASTER_CHECK((type != NULL), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "type pointer is incorrect."); MB_MASTER_CHECK((value != NULL), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "value pointer is incorrect."); esp_err_t error = ESP_ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE; mb_param_request_t request ; mb_parameter_descriptor_t reg_info = { 0 }; uint8_t* pdata = NULL; error = mbc_tcp_master_set_request(name, MB_PARAM_READ, &request, ®_info); if ((error == ESP_OK) && (cid == reg_info.cid)) { // alloc buffer to store parameter data pdata = calloc(1, (reg_info.mb_size << 1)); if (!pdata) { return ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE; } error = mbc_tcp_master_send_request(&request, pdata); if (error == ESP_OK) { // If data pointer is NULL then we don't need to set value (it is still in the cache of cid) if (value != NULL) { error = mbc_tcp_master_set_param_data((void*)value, (void*)pdata, reg_info.param_type, reg_info.param_size); if (error != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "fail to set parameter data."); error = ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE; } else { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "%s: Good response for get cid(%u) = %s", __FUNCTION__, (unsigned)reg_info.cid, (char*)esp_err_to_name(error)); } } } else { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "%s: Bad response to get cid(%u) = %s", __FUNCTION__, reg_info.cid, (char*)esp_err_to_name(error)); error = ESP_ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE; } free(pdata); // Set the type of parameter found in the table *type = reg_info.param_type; } else { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "%s: The cid(%u) not found in the data dictionary.", __FUNCTION__, reg_info.cid); error = ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG; } return error; } // Set parameter value for characteristic selected by name and cid static esp_err_t mbc_tcp_master_set_parameter(uint16_t cid, char* name, uint8_t* value, uint8_t *type) { MB_MASTER_CHECK((name != NULL), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "mb incorrect descriptor."); MB_MASTER_CHECK((value != NULL), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "value pointer is incorrect."); MB_MASTER_CHECK((type != NULL), ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, "type pointer is incorrect."); esp_err_t error = ESP_ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE; mb_param_request_t request ; mb_parameter_descriptor_t reg_info = { 0 }; uint8_t* pdata = NULL; error = mbc_tcp_master_set_request(name, MB_PARAM_WRITE, &request, ®_info); if ((error == ESP_OK) && (cid == reg_info.cid)) { pdata = calloc(1, (reg_info.mb_size << 1)); // alloc parameter buffer if (!pdata) { return ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE; } // Transfer value of characteristic into parameter buffer error = mbc_tcp_master_set_param_data((void*)pdata, (void*)value, reg_info.param_type, reg_info.param_size); if (error != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "fail to set parameter data."); free(pdata); return ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE; } // Send request to write characteristic data error = mbc_tcp_master_send_request(&request, pdata); if (error == ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "%s: Good response for set cid(%u) = %s", __FUNCTION__, (unsigned)reg_info.cid, (char*)esp_err_to_name(error)); } else { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "%s: Bad response to set cid(%u) = %s", __FUNCTION__, reg_info.cid, (char*)esp_err_to_name(error)); } free(pdata); // Set the type of parameter found in the table *type = reg_info.param_type; } else { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "%s: The requested cid(%u) not found in the data dictionary.", __FUNCTION__, reg_info.cid); error = ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG; } return error; } /* ----------------------- Callback functions for Modbus stack ---------------------------------*/ // These are executed by modbus stack to read appropriate type of registers. /** * Modbus master input register callback function. * * @param pucRegBuffer input register buffer * @param usAddress input register address * @param usNRegs input register number * * @return result */ // Callback function for reading of MB Input Registers eMBErrorCode eMBRegInputCBTcpMaster(UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs) { MB_MASTER_ASSERT(mbm_interface_ptr != NULL); mb_master_options_t* mbm_opts = &mbm_interface_ptr->opts; MB_MASTER_ASSERT(pucRegBuffer != NULL); USHORT usRegInputNregs = (USHORT)mbm_opts->mbm_reg_buffer_size; // Number of input registers to be transferred UCHAR* pucInputBuffer = (UCHAR*)mbm_opts->mbm_reg_buffer_ptr; // Get instance address USHORT usRegs = usNRegs; eMBErrorCode eStatus = MB_ENOERR; // If input or configuration parameters are incorrect then return an error to stack layer if ((pucInputBuffer != NULL) && (usNRegs >= 1) && (usRegInputNregs == usRegs)) { while (usRegs > 0) { _XFER_2_RD(pucInputBuffer, pucRegBuffer); usRegs -= 1; } } else { eStatus = MB_ENOREG; } return eStatus; } /** * Modbus master holding register callback function. * * @param pucRegBuffer holding register buffer * @param usAddress holding register address * @param usNRegs holding register number * @param eMode read or write * * @return result */ // Callback function for reading of MB Holding Registers // Executed by stack when request to read/write holding registers is received eMBErrorCode eMBRegHoldingCBTcpMaster(UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs, eMBRegisterMode eMode) { MB_MASTER_ASSERT(mbm_interface_ptr != NULL); mb_master_options_t* mbm_opts = &mbm_interface_ptr->opts; MB_MASTER_ASSERT(pucRegBuffer != NULL); USHORT usRegHoldingNregs = (USHORT)mbm_opts->mbm_reg_buffer_size; UCHAR* pucHoldingBuffer = (UCHAR*)mbm_opts->mbm_reg_buffer_ptr; eMBErrorCode eStatus = MB_ENOERR; USHORT usRegs = usNRegs; // Check input and configuration parameters for correctness if ((pucHoldingBuffer != NULL) && (usRegHoldingNregs == usNRegs) && (usNRegs >= 1)) { switch (eMode) { case MB_REG_WRITE: while (usRegs > 0) { _XFER_2_RD(pucRegBuffer, pucHoldingBuffer); usRegs -= 1; }; break; case MB_REG_READ: while (usRegs > 0) { _XFER_2_WR(pucHoldingBuffer, pucRegBuffer); pucHoldingBuffer += 2; usRegs -= 1; }; break; } } else { eStatus = MB_ENOREG; } return eStatus; } /** * Modbus master coils callback function. * * @param pucRegBuffer coils buffer * @param usAddress coils address * @param usNCoils coils number * @param eMode read or write * * @return result */ // Callback function for reading of MB Coils Registers eMBErrorCode eMBRegCoilsCBTcpMaster(UCHAR* pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNCoils, eMBRegisterMode eMode) { MB_MASTER_ASSERT(mbm_interface_ptr != NULL); mb_master_options_t* mbm_opts = &mbm_interface_ptr->opts; MB_MASTER_ASSERT(NULL != pucRegBuffer); USHORT usRegCoilNregs = (USHORT)mbm_opts->mbm_reg_buffer_size; UCHAR* pucRegCoilsBuf = (UCHAR*)mbm_opts->mbm_reg_buffer_ptr; eMBErrorCode eStatus = MB_ENOERR; USHORT iRegIndex; USHORT usCoils = usNCoils; usAddress--; // The address is already + 1 if ((usRegCoilNregs >= 1) && (pucRegCoilsBuf != NULL) && (usNCoils == usRegCoilNregs)) { iRegIndex = (usAddress % 8); switch (eMode) { case MB_REG_WRITE: while (usCoils > 0) { UCHAR ucResult = xMBUtilGetBits((UCHAR*)pucRegCoilsBuf, iRegIndex, 1); xMBUtilSetBits(pucRegBuffer, iRegIndex - (usAddress % 8) , 1, ucResult); iRegIndex++; usCoils--; } break; case MB_REG_READ: while (usCoils > 0) { UCHAR ucResult = xMBUtilGetBits(pucRegBuffer, iRegIndex - (usAddress % 8), 1); xMBUtilSetBits((uint8_t*)pucRegCoilsBuf, iRegIndex, 1, ucResult); iRegIndex++; usCoils--; } break; } // switch ( eMode ) } else { // If the configuration or input parameters are incorrect then return error to stack eStatus = MB_ENOREG; } return eStatus; } /** * Modbus master discrete callback function. * * @param pucRegBuffer discrete buffer * @param usAddress discrete address * @param usNDiscrete discrete number * * @return result */ // Callback function for reading of MB Discrete Input Registers eMBErrorCode eMBRegDiscreteCBTcpMaster(UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNDiscrete) { MB_MASTER_ASSERT(mbm_interface_ptr != NULL); mb_master_options_t* mbm_opts = &mbm_interface_ptr->opts; MB_MASTER_ASSERT(pucRegBuffer != NULL); USHORT usRegDiscreteNregs = (USHORT)mbm_opts->mbm_reg_buffer_size; UCHAR* pucRegDiscreteBuf = (UCHAR*)mbm_opts->mbm_reg_buffer_ptr; eMBErrorCode eStatus = MB_ENOERR; USHORT iRegBitIndex, iNReg; UCHAR* pucDiscreteInputBuf; iNReg = usNDiscrete / 8 + 1; pucDiscreteInputBuf = (UCHAR*) pucRegDiscreteBuf; // It is already plus one in Modbus function method. usAddress--; if ((usRegDiscreteNregs >= 1) && (pucRegDiscreteBuf != NULL) && (usNDiscrete >= 1)) { iRegBitIndex = (USHORT)(usAddress) % 8; // Get bit index while (iNReg > 1) { xMBUtilSetBits(pucDiscreteInputBuf++, iRegBitIndex, 8, *pucRegBuffer++); iNReg--; } // last discrete usNDiscrete = usNDiscrete % 8; // xMBUtilSetBits has bug when ucNBits is zero if (usNDiscrete != 0) { xMBUtilSetBits(pucDiscreteInputBuf, iRegBitIndex, usNDiscrete, *pucRegBuffer++); } } else { eStatus = MB_ENOREG; } return eStatus; } // Initialization of resources for Modbus TCP master controller esp_err_t mbc_tcp_master_create(void** handler) { // Allocate space for master interface structure if (mbm_interface_ptr == NULL) { mbm_interface_ptr = malloc(sizeof(mb_master_interface_t)); } MB_MASTER_ASSERT(mbm_interface_ptr != NULL); // Initialize interface properties mb_master_options_t* mbm_opts = &mbm_interface_ptr->opts; mbm_opts->port_type = MB_PORT_TCP_MASTER; vMBPortSetMode((UCHAR)MB_PORT_TCP_MASTER); mbm_opts->mbm_comm.ip_mode = MB_MODE_TCP; mbm_opts->mbm_comm.ip_port = MB_TCP_DEFAULT_PORT; // Initialization of active context of the modbus controller BaseType_t status = 0; // Parameter change notification queue mbm_opts->mbm_event_group = xEventGroupCreate(); MB_MASTER_CHECK((mbm_opts->mbm_event_group != NULL), ESP_ERR_NO_MEM, "mb event group error."); // Create modbus controller task status = xTaskCreate((void*)&modbus_tcp_master_task, "modbus_tcp_master_task", MB_CONTROLLER_STACK_SIZE, NULL, // No parameters MB_CONTROLLER_PRIORITY, &mbm_opts->mbm_task_handle); if (status != pdPASS) { vTaskDelete(mbm_opts->mbm_task_handle); MB_MASTER_CHECK((status == pdPASS), ESP_ERR_NO_MEM, "mb controller task creation error, xTaskCreate() returns (0x%x).", (uint32_t)status); } MB_MASTER_ASSERT(mbm_opts->mbm_task_handle != NULL); // The task is created but handle is incorrect LIST_INIT(&mbm_opts->mbm_slave_list); // Init slave address list mbm_opts->mbm_slave_list_count = 0; // Initialize public interface methods of the interface mbm_interface_ptr->init = mbc_tcp_master_create; mbm_interface_ptr->destroy = mbc_tcp_master_destroy; mbm_interface_ptr->setup = mbc_tcp_master_setup; mbm_interface_ptr->start = mbc_tcp_master_start; mbm_interface_ptr->get_cid_info = mbc_tcp_master_get_cid_info; mbm_interface_ptr->get_parameter = mbc_tcp_master_get_parameter; mbm_interface_ptr->send_request = mbc_tcp_master_send_request; mbm_interface_ptr->set_descriptor = mbc_tcp_master_set_descriptor; mbm_interface_ptr->set_parameter = mbc_tcp_master_set_parameter; mbm_interface_ptr->master_reg_cb_discrete = eMBRegDiscreteCBTcpMaster; mbm_interface_ptr->master_reg_cb_input = eMBRegInputCBTcpMaster; mbm_interface_ptr->master_reg_cb_holding = eMBRegHoldingCBTcpMaster; mbm_interface_ptr->master_reg_cb_coils = eMBRegCoilsCBTcpMaster; *handler = mbm_interface_ptr; return ESP_OK; } #endif //#if MB_MASTER_TCP_ENABLED