// Copyright 2016-2019 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "string.h" #include "esp_log.h" #include "modbus_params.h" // for modbus parameters structures #include "mbcontroller.h" #include "sdkconfig.h" #define MB_PORT_NUM (CONFIG_MB_UART_PORT_NUM) // Number of UART port used for Modbus connection #define MB_DEV_SPEED (CONFIG_MB_UART_BAUD_RATE) // The communication speed of the UART // Note: Some pins on target chip cannot be assigned for UART communication. // See UART documentation for selected board and target to configure pins using Kconfig. // The number of parameters that intended to be used in the particular control process #define MASTER_MAX_CIDS num_device_parameters // Number of reading of parameters from slave #define MASTER_MAX_RETRY 30 // Timeout to update cid over Modbus #define UPDATE_CIDS_TIMEOUT_MS (500) #define UPDATE_CIDS_TIMEOUT_TICS (UPDATE_CIDS_TIMEOUT_MS / portTICK_RATE_MS) // Timeout between polls #define POLL_TIMEOUT_MS (1) #define POLL_TIMEOUT_TICS (POLL_TIMEOUT_MS / portTICK_RATE_MS) #define MASTER_TAG "MASTER_TEST" #define MASTER_CHECK(a, ret_val, str, ...) \ if (!(a)) { \ ESP_LOGE(MASTER_TAG, "%s(%u): " str, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ return (ret_val); \ } // The macro to get offset for parameter in the appropriate structure #define HOLD_OFFSET(field) ((uint16_t)(offsetof(holding_reg_params_t, field) + 1)) #define INPUT_OFFSET(field) ((uint16_t)(offsetof(input_reg_params_t, field) + 1)) #define COIL_OFFSET(field) ((uint16_t)(offsetof(coil_reg_params_t, field) + 1)) // Discrete offset macro #define DISCR_OFFSET(field) ((uint16_t)(offsetof(discrete_reg_params_t, field) + 1)) #define STR(fieldname) ((const char*)( fieldname )) // Options can be used as bit masks or parameter limits #define OPTS(min_val, max_val, step_val) { .opt1 = min_val, .opt2 = max_val, .opt3 = step_val } // Enumeration of modbus device addresses accessed by master device enum { MB_DEVICE_ADDR1 = 1 // Only one slave device used for the test (add other slave addresses here) }; // Enumeration of all supported CIDs for device (used in parameter definition table) enum { CID_INP_DATA_0 = 0, CID_HOLD_DATA_0, CID_INP_DATA_1, CID_HOLD_DATA_1, CID_INP_DATA_2, CID_HOLD_DATA_2, CID_HOLD_TEST_REG, CID_RELAY_P1, CID_RELAY_P2, CID_COUNT }; // Example Data (Object) Dictionary for Modbus parameters: // The CID field in the table must be unique. // Modbus Slave Addr field defines slave address of the device with correspond parameter. // Modbus Reg Type - Type of Modbus register area (Holding register, Input Register and such). // Reg Start field defines the start Modbus register number and Reg Size defines the number of registers for the characteristic accordingly. // The Instance Offset defines offset in the appropriate parameter structure that will be used as instance to save parameter value. // Data Type, Data Size specify type of the characteristic and its data size. // Parameter Options field specifies the options that can be used to process parameter value (limits or masks). // Access Mode - can be used to implement custom options for processing of characteristic (Read/Write restrictions, factory mode values and etc). const mb_parameter_descriptor_t device_parameters[] = { // { CID, Param Name, Units, Modbus Slave Addr, Modbus Reg Type, Reg Start, Reg Size, Instance Offset, Data Type, Data Size, Parameter Options, Access Mode} { CID_INP_DATA_0, STR("Data_channel_0"), STR("Volts"), MB_DEVICE_ADDR1, MB_PARAM_INPUT, 0, 2, INPUT_OFFSET(input_data0), PARAM_TYPE_FLOAT, 4, OPTS( -10, 10, 1 ), PAR_PERMS_READ_WRITE_TRIGGER }, { CID_HOLD_DATA_0, STR("Humidity_1"), STR("%rH"), MB_DEVICE_ADDR1, MB_PARAM_HOLDING, 0, 2, HOLD_OFFSET(holding_data0), PARAM_TYPE_FLOAT, 4, OPTS( 0, 100, 1 ), PAR_PERMS_READ_WRITE_TRIGGER }, { CID_INP_DATA_1, STR("Temperature_1"), STR("C"), MB_DEVICE_ADDR1, MB_PARAM_INPUT, 2, 2, INPUT_OFFSET(input_data1), PARAM_TYPE_FLOAT, 4, OPTS( -40, 100, 1 ), PAR_PERMS_READ_WRITE_TRIGGER }, { CID_HOLD_DATA_1, STR("Humidity_2"), STR("%rH"), MB_DEVICE_ADDR1, MB_PARAM_HOLDING, 2, 2, HOLD_OFFSET(holding_data1), PARAM_TYPE_FLOAT, 4, OPTS( 0, 100, 1 ), PAR_PERMS_READ_WRITE_TRIGGER }, { CID_INP_DATA_2, STR("Temperature_2"), STR("C"), MB_DEVICE_ADDR1, MB_PARAM_INPUT, 4, 2, INPUT_OFFSET(input_data2), PARAM_TYPE_FLOAT, 4, OPTS( -40, 100, 1 ), PAR_PERMS_READ_WRITE_TRIGGER }, { CID_HOLD_DATA_2, STR("Humidity_3"), STR("%rH"), MB_DEVICE_ADDR1, MB_PARAM_HOLDING, 4, 2, HOLD_OFFSET(holding_data2), PARAM_TYPE_FLOAT, 4, OPTS( 0, 100, 1 ), PAR_PERMS_READ_WRITE_TRIGGER }, { CID_HOLD_TEST_REG, STR("Test_regs"), STR("__"), MB_DEVICE_ADDR1, MB_PARAM_HOLDING, 10, 58, HOLD_OFFSET(test_regs), PARAM_TYPE_ASCII, 116, OPTS( 0, 100, 1 ), PAR_PERMS_READ_WRITE_TRIGGER }, { CID_RELAY_P1, STR("RelayP1"), STR("on/off"), MB_DEVICE_ADDR1, MB_PARAM_COIL, 0, 8, COIL_OFFSET(coils_port0), PARAM_TYPE_U16, 2, OPTS( BIT1, 0, 0 ), PAR_PERMS_READ_WRITE_TRIGGER }, { CID_RELAY_P2, STR("RelayP2"), STR("on/off"), MB_DEVICE_ADDR1, MB_PARAM_COIL, 8, 8, COIL_OFFSET(coils_port1), PARAM_TYPE_U16, 2, OPTS( BIT0, 0, 0 ), PAR_PERMS_READ_WRITE_TRIGGER } }; // Calculate number of parameters in the table const uint16_t num_device_parameters = (sizeof(device_parameters)/sizeof(device_parameters[0])); // The function to get pointer to parameter storage (instance) according to parameter description table static void* master_get_param_data(const mb_parameter_descriptor_t* param_descriptor) { assert(param_descriptor != NULL); void* instance_ptr = NULL; if (param_descriptor->param_offset != 0) { switch(param_descriptor->mb_param_type) { case MB_PARAM_HOLDING: instance_ptr = ((void*)&holding_reg_params + param_descriptor->param_offset - 1); break; case MB_PARAM_INPUT: instance_ptr = ((void*)&input_reg_params + param_descriptor->param_offset - 1); break; case MB_PARAM_COIL: instance_ptr = ((void*)&coil_reg_params + param_descriptor->param_offset - 1); break; case MB_PARAM_DISCRETE: instance_ptr = ((void*)&discrete_reg_params + param_descriptor->param_offset - 1); break; default: instance_ptr = NULL; break; } } else { ESP_LOGE(MASTER_TAG, "Wrong parameter offset for CID #%d", param_descriptor->cid); assert(instance_ptr != NULL); } return instance_ptr; } // User operation function to read slave values and check alarm static void master_operation_func(void *arg) { esp_err_t err = ESP_OK; float value = 0; bool alarm_state = false; const mb_parameter_descriptor_t* param_descriptor = NULL; ESP_LOGI(MASTER_TAG, "Start modbus test..."); for(uint16_t retry = 0; retry <= MASTER_MAX_RETRY && (!alarm_state); retry++) { // Read all found characteristics from slave(s) for (uint16_t cid = 0; (err != ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND) && cid < MASTER_MAX_CIDS; cid++) { // Get data from parameters description table // and use this information to fill the characteristics description table // and having all required fields in just one table err = mbc_master_get_cid_info(cid, ¶m_descriptor); if ((err != ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND) && (param_descriptor != NULL)) { void* temp_data_ptr = master_get_param_data(param_descriptor); assert(temp_data_ptr); uint8_t type = 0; if ((param_descriptor->param_type == PARAM_TYPE_ASCII) && (param_descriptor->cid == CID_HOLD_TEST_REG)) { // Check for long array of registers of type PARAM_TYPE_ASCII err = mbc_master_get_parameter(cid, (char*)param_descriptor->param_key, (uint8_t*)temp_data_ptr, &type); if (err == ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGI(MASTER_TAG, "Characteristic #%d %s (%s) value = (0x%08x) read successful.", param_descriptor->cid, (char*)param_descriptor->param_key, (char*)param_descriptor->param_units, *(uint32_t*)temp_data_ptr); // Initialize data of test array and write to slave if (*(uint32_t*)temp_data_ptr != 0xAAAAAAAA) { memset((void*)temp_data_ptr, 0xAA, param_descriptor->param_size); *(uint32_t*)temp_data_ptr = 0xAAAAAAAA; err = mbc_master_set_parameter(cid, (char*)param_descriptor->param_key, (uint8_t*)temp_data_ptr, &type); if (err == ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGI(MASTER_TAG, "Characteristic #%d %s (%s) value = (0x%08x), write successful.", param_descriptor->cid, (char*)param_descriptor->param_key, (char*)param_descriptor->param_units, *(uint32_t*)temp_data_ptr); } else { ESP_LOGE(MASTER_TAG, "Characteristic #%d (%s) write fail, err = 0x%x (%s).", param_descriptor->cid, (char*)param_descriptor->param_key, (int)err, (char*)esp_err_to_name(err)); } } } else { ESP_LOGE(MASTER_TAG, "Characteristic #%d (%s) read fail, err = 0x%x (%s).", param_descriptor->cid, (char*)param_descriptor->param_key, (int)err, (char*)esp_err_to_name(err)); } } else { err = mbc_master_get_parameter(cid, (char*)param_descriptor->param_key, (uint8_t*)&value, &type); if (err == ESP_OK) { *(float*)temp_data_ptr = value; if ((param_descriptor->mb_param_type == MB_PARAM_HOLDING) || (param_descriptor->mb_param_type == MB_PARAM_INPUT)) { ESP_LOGI(MASTER_TAG, "Characteristic #%d %s (%s) value = %f (0x%x) read successful.", param_descriptor->cid, (char*)param_descriptor->param_key, (char*)param_descriptor->param_units, value, *(uint32_t*)temp_data_ptr); if (((value > param_descriptor->param_opts.max) || (value < param_descriptor->param_opts.min))) { alarm_state = true; break; } } else { uint16_t state = *(uint16_t*)temp_data_ptr; const char* rw_str = (state & param_descriptor->param_opts.opt1) ? "ON" : "OFF"; ESP_LOGI(MASTER_TAG, "Characteristic #%d %s (%s) value = %s (0x%x) read successful.", param_descriptor->cid, (char*)param_descriptor->param_key, (char*)param_descriptor->param_units, (const char*)rw_str, *(uint16_t*)temp_data_ptr); if (state & param_descriptor->param_opts.opt1) { alarm_state = true; break; } } } else { ESP_LOGE(MASTER_TAG, "Characteristic #%d (%s) read fail, err = 0x%x (%s).", param_descriptor->cid, (char*)param_descriptor->param_key, (int)err, (char*)esp_err_to_name(err)); } } vTaskDelay(POLL_TIMEOUT_TICS); // timeout between polls } } vTaskDelay(UPDATE_CIDS_TIMEOUT_TICS); // } if (alarm_state) { ESP_LOGI(MASTER_TAG, "Alarm triggered by cid #%d.", param_descriptor->cid); } else { ESP_LOGE(MASTER_TAG, "Alarm is not triggered after %d retries.", MASTER_MAX_RETRY); } ESP_LOGI(MASTER_TAG, "Destroy master..."); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(mbc_master_destroy()); } // Modbus master initialization static esp_err_t master_init(void) { // Initialize and start Modbus controller mb_communication_info_t comm = { .port = MB_PORT_NUM, #if CONFIG_MB_COMM_MODE_ASCII .mode = MB_MODE_ASCII, #elif CONFIG_MB_COMM_MODE_RTU .mode = MB_MODE_RTU, #endif .baudrate = MB_DEV_SPEED, .parity = MB_PARITY_NONE }; void* master_handler = NULL; esp_err_t err = mbc_master_init(MB_PORT_SERIAL_MASTER, &master_handler); MASTER_CHECK((master_handler != NULL), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, "mb controller initialization fail."); MASTER_CHECK((err == ESP_OK), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, "mb controller initialization fail, returns(0x%x).", (uint32_t)err); err = mbc_master_setup((void*)&comm); MASTER_CHECK((err == ESP_OK), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, "mb controller setup fail, returns(0x%x).", (uint32_t)err); // Set UART pin numbers err = uart_set_pin(MB_PORT_NUM, CONFIG_MB_UART_TXD, CONFIG_MB_UART_RXD, CONFIG_MB_UART_RTS, UART_PIN_NO_CHANGE); MASTER_CHECK((err == ESP_OK), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, "mb serial set pin failure, uart_set_pin() returned (0x%x).", (uint32_t)err); err = mbc_master_start(); MASTER_CHECK((err == ESP_OK), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, "mb controller start fail, returns(0x%x).", (uint32_t)err); // Set driver mode to Half Duplex err = uart_set_mode(MB_PORT_NUM, UART_MODE_RS485_HALF_DUPLEX); MASTER_CHECK((err == ESP_OK), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, "mb serial set mode failure, uart_set_mode() returned (0x%x).", (uint32_t)err); vTaskDelay(5); err = mbc_master_set_descriptor(&device_parameters[0], num_device_parameters); MASTER_CHECK((err == ESP_OK), ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE, "mb controller set descriptor fail, returns(0x%x).", (uint32_t)err); ESP_LOGI(MASTER_TAG, "Modbus master stack initialized..."); return err; } void app_main(void) { // Initialization of device peripheral and objects ESP_ERROR_CHECK(master_init()); vTaskDelay(10); master_operation_func(NULL); }