// Copyright 2015-2016 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include #include #include #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "freertos/task.h" #include "freertos/queue.h" #include "freertos/semphr.h" #include "freertos/xtensa_api.h" #include "freertos/portmacro.h" #include "esp_types.h" #include "esp_system.h" #include "esp_task.h" #include "esp_intr.h" #include "esp_attr.h" #include "esp_phy_init.h" #include "bt.h" #if CONFIG_BT_ENABLED /* Bluetooth system and controller config */ #define BTDM_CFG_BT_EM_RELEASE (1<<0) #define BTDM_CFG_BT_DATA_RELEASE (1<<1) /* Other reserved for future */ /* not for user call, so don't put to include file */ extern void btdm_osi_funcs_register(void *osi_funcs); extern void btdm_controller_init(uint32_t config_mask); extern void btdm_controller_schedule(void); extern void btdm_controller_deinit(void); extern int btdm_controller_enable(esp_bt_mode_t mode); extern int btdm_controller_disable(esp_bt_mode_t mode); extern void btdm_rf_bb_init(void); /* VHCI function interface */ typedef struct vhci_host_callback { void (*notify_host_send_available)(void); /*!< callback used to notify that the host can send packet to controller */ int (*notify_host_recv)(uint8_t *data, uint16_t len); /*!< callback used to notify that the controller has a packet to send to the host*/ } vhci_host_callback_t; extern bool API_vhci_host_check_send_available(void); extern void API_vhci_host_send_packet(uint8_t *data, uint16_t len); extern void API_vhci_host_register_callback(const vhci_host_callback_t *callback); #define BT_DEBUG(...) #define BT_API_CALL_CHECK(info, api_call, ret) \ do{\ esp_err_t __err = (api_call);\ if ((ret) != __err) {\ BT_DEBUG("%s %d %s ret=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, (info), __err);\ return __err;\ }\ } while(0) struct osi_funcs_t { xt_handler (*_set_isr)(int n, xt_handler f, void *arg); void (*_ints_on)(unsigned int mask); void (*_interrupt_disable)(void); void (*_interrupt_restore)(void); void (*_task_yield)(void); void *(*_semphr_create)(uint32_t max, uint32_t init); int32_t (*_semphr_give_from_isr)(void *semphr, void *hptw); int32_t (*_semphr_take)(void *semphr, uint32_t block_time_ms); void *(*_mutex_create)(void); int32_t (*_mutex_lock)(void *mutex); int32_t (*_mutex_unlock)(void *mutex); esp_err_t (* _read_efuse_mac)(uint8_t mac[6]); }; /* Static variable declare */ static bool btdm_bb_init_flag = false; static esp_bt_controller_status_t btdm_controller_status = ESP_BT_CONTROLLER_STATUS_IDLE; static xTaskHandle btControllerTaskHandle; static portMUX_TYPE global_int_mux = portMUX_INITIALIZER_UNLOCKED; static void IRAM_ATTR interrupt_disable(void) { portENTER_CRITICAL(&global_int_mux); } static void IRAM_ATTR interrupt_restore(void) { portEXIT_CRITICAL(&global_int_mux); } static void *IRAM_ATTR semphr_create_wrapper(uint32_t max, uint32_t init) { return (void *)xSemaphoreCreateCounting(max, init); } static int32_t IRAM_ATTR semphr_give_from_isr_wrapper(void *semphr, void *hptw) { return (int32_t)xSemaphoreGiveFromISR(semphr, hptw); } static int32_t IRAM_ATTR semphr_take_wrapper(void *semphr, uint32_t block_time_ms) { return (int32_t)xSemaphoreTake(semphr, block_time_ms / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); } static void *IRAM_ATTR mutex_create_wrapper(void) { return (void *)xSemaphoreCreateMutex(); } static int32_t IRAM_ATTR mutex_lock_wrapper(void *mutex) { return (int32_t)xSemaphoreTake(mutex, portMAX_DELAY); } static int32_t IRAM_ATTR mutex_unlock_wrapper(void *mutex) { return (int32_t)xSemaphoreGive(mutex); } static struct osi_funcs_t osi_funcs = { ._set_isr = xt_set_interrupt_handler, ._ints_on = xt_ints_on, ._interrupt_disable = interrupt_disable, ._interrupt_restore = interrupt_restore, ._task_yield = vPortYield, ._semphr_create = semphr_create_wrapper, ._semphr_give_from_isr = semphr_give_from_isr_wrapper, ._semphr_take = semphr_take_wrapper, ._mutex_create = mutex_create_wrapper, ._mutex_lock = mutex_lock_wrapper, ._mutex_unlock = mutex_unlock_wrapper, ._read_efuse_mac = esp_efuse_read_mac, }; bool esp_vhci_host_check_send_available(void) { return API_vhci_host_check_send_available(); } void esp_vhci_host_send_packet(uint8_t *data, uint16_t len) { API_vhci_host_send_packet(data, len); } void esp_vhci_host_register_callback(const esp_vhci_host_callback_t *callback) { API_vhci_host_register_callback((const vhci_host_callback_t *)callback); } static uint32_t btdm_config_mask_load(void) { uint32_t mask = 0x0; #ifdef CONFIG_BT_DRAM_RELEASE mask |= (BTDM_CFG_BT_EM_RELEASE | BTDM_CFG_BT_DATA_RELEASE); #endif return mask; } static void bt_controller_task(void *pvParam) { uint32_t btdm_cfg_mask = 0; btdm_osi_funcs_register(&osi_funcs); btdm_cfg_mask = btdm_config_mask_load(); btdm_controller_init(btdm_cfg_mask); btdm_controller_status = ESP_BT_CONTROLLER_STATUS_INITED; /* Loop */ btdm_controller_schedule(); } void esp_bt_controller_init() { if (btdm_controller_status != ESP_BT_CONTROLLER_STATUS_IDLE) { return; } xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(bt_controller_task, "btController", ESP_TASK_BT_CONTROLLER_STACK, NULL, ESP_TASK_BT_CONTROLLER_PRIO, &btControllerTaskHandle, 0); } void esp_bt_controller_deinit(void) { vTaskDelete(btControllerTaskHandle); btdm_controller_status = ESP_BT_CONTROLLER_STATUS_IDLE; } esp_err_t esp_bt_controller_enable(esp_bt_mode_t mode) { int ret; if (btdm_controller_status != ESP_BT_CONTROLLER_STATUS_INITED) { return ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE; } if (mode != ESP_BT_MODE_BTDM) { return ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG; } esp_phy_load_cal_and_init(); if (btdm_bb_init_flag == false) { btdm_bb_init_flag = true; btdm_rf_bb_init(); /* only initialise once */ } ret = btdm_controller_enable(mode); if (ret) { return ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE; } btdm_controller_status = ESP_BT_CONTROLLER_STATUS_ENABLED; return ESP_OK; } esp_err_t esp_bt_controller_disable(esp_bt_mode_t mode) { int ret; if (btdm_controller_status != ESP_BT_CONTROLLER_STATUS_ENABLED) { return ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE; } if (mode != ESP_BT_MODE_BTDM) { return ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG; } ret = btdm_controller_disable(mode); if (ret) { return ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE; } esp_phy_rf_deinit(); btdm_controller_status = ESP_BT_CONTROLLER_STATUS_INITED; return ESP_OK; } esp_bt_controller_status_t esp_bt_controller_get_status(void) { return btdm_controller_status; } #endif