/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018-2021 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include #include "esp_spi_flash.h" #include "esp32/rom/spi_flash.h" #include "esp32/rom/cache.h" #include "esp_rom_spiflash.h" static inline void IRAM_ATTR spi_flash_guard_start(void) { const spi_flash_guard_funcs_t *ops = spi_flash_guard_get(); if (ops && ops->start) { ops->start(); } } static inline void IRAM_ATTR spi_flash_guard_end(void) { const spi_flash_guard_funcs_t *ops = spi_flash_guard_get(); if (ops && ops->end) { ops->end(); } } extern void IRAM_ATTR flash_rom_init(void); esp_rom_spiflash_result_t IRAM_ATTR spi_flash_write_encrypted_chip(size_t dest_addr, const void *src, size_t size) { const uint8_t *ssrc = (const uint8_t *)src; esp_rom_spiflash_result_t rc = ESP_ROM_SPIFLASH_RESULT_OK; assert((dest_addr % 16) == 0); assert((size % 16) == 0); /* esp_rom_spiflash_write_encrypted encrypts data in RAM as it writes, so copy to a temporary buffer - 32 bytes at a time. Each call to esp_rom_spiflash_write_encrypted takes a 32 byte "row" of data to encrypt, and each row is two 16 byte AES blocks that share a key (as derived from flash address). */ uint8_t encrypt_buf[32] __attribute__((aligned(4))); uint32_t row_size; for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i += row_size) { uint32_t row_addr = dest_addr + i; if (i == 0 && (row_addr % 32) != 0) { /* writing to second block of a 32 byte row */ row_size = 16; row_addr -= 16; /* copy to second block in buffer */ memcpy(encrypt_buf + 16, ssrc + i, 16); /* decrypt the first block from flash, will reencrypt to same bytes */ spi_flash_read_encrypted(row_addr, encrypt_buf, 16); } else if (size - i == 16) { /* 16 bytes left, is first block of a 32 byte row */ row_size = 16; /* copy to first block in buffer */ memcpy(encrypt_buf, ssrc + i, 16); /* decrypt the second block from flash, will reencrypt to same bytes */ spi_flash_read_encrypted(row_addr + 16, encrypt_buf + 16, 16); } else { /* Writing a full 32 byte row (2 blocks) */ row_size = 32; memcpy(encrypt_buf, ssrc + i, 32); } spi_flash_guard_start(); flash_rom_init(); rc = esp_rom_spiflash_write_encrypted(row_addr, (uint32_t *)encrypt_buf, 32); spi_flash_guard_end(); if (rc != ESP_ROM_SPIFLASH_RESULT_OK) { break; } } bzero(encrypt_buf, sizeof(encrypt_buf)); return rc; }