/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "unity.h" #include "unity_fixture.h" // unity_fixture_malloc_overrides.h defines 'free' as 'unity_free', // which can only handle pointers allocated with 'unity_malloc'. // This test allocates memory via 'posix_memalign' so calling 'free' // for these pointers causes the heap guards check to fail. #undef free TEST_GROUP(misc); TEST_SETUP(misc) { } TEST_TEAR_DOWN(misc) { } TEST(misc, posix_memalign) { void* outptr; int ret; ret = posix_memalign(&outptr, 4, 0); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(NULL, outptr); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(ret, 0); void* magic = (void*) 0xEFEFEFEF; outptr = magic; ret = posix_memalign(&outptr, 0x10000000, 64); // too big alignment - should fail on all targets TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(ret, ENOMEM); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(magic, outptr); // was not modified outptr = magic; ret = posix_memalign(&outptr, 16, 0x10000000); // too big size - should fail on all targets TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(ret, ENOMEM); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(magic, outptr); // was not modified outptr = magic; ret = posix_memalign(&outptr, 16, 64); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(outptr != magic); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(outptr); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(ret, 0); free(outptr); } TEST(misc, sysconf) { TEST_ASSERT_NOT_EQUAL(-1, sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN)); } TEST(misc, realpath) { char out[PATH_MAX]; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING("/", realpath("/", out)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING("/", realpath("//", out)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING("/", realpath(".", out)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING("/", realpath("./", out)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING("/", realpath("/.", out)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING("/", realpath("./.", out)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING("/", realpath("..", out)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING("/", realpath("../..", out)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING("/a", realpath("/a/", out)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING("/", realpath("/a/..", out)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING("/", realpath("/a/../..", out)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING("/c", realpath("/a/../b/../c", out)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING("/abc/def", realpath("/abc/./def/ghi/..", out)); char* out_new = realpath("/abc/./def/ghi/..", NULL); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(out_new); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING("/abc/def", out_new); free(out_new); } TEST_GROUP_RUNNER(misc) { RUN_TEST_CASE(misc, posix_memalign) RUN_TEST_CASE(misc, sysconf) RUN_TEST_CASE(misc, realpath) }