stages: - build - unit_test - test - test_report - deploy before_script: # add gitlab ssh key - mkdir -p ~/.ssh - chmod 700 ~/.ssh - echo -n $GITLAB_KEY > ~/.ssh/id_rsa_base64 - base64 --decode --ignore-garbage ~/.ssh/id_rsa_base64 > ~/.ssh/id_rsa - chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa - echo -e "Host\n\tStrictHostKeyChecking no\n" >> ~/.ssh/config # Set IS_PRIVATE or IS_PUBLIC depending on if our branch is public or not # # (the same regular expressions are used to set these are used in 'only:' sections below - source make/ # fetch all submodules - git submodule update --init --recursive build_template_app: stage: build image: $CI_DOCKER_REGISTRY/esp32-ci-env tags: - build variables: IDF_PATH: "$CI_PROJECT_DIR" GIT_STRATEGY: clone BATCH_BUILD: "1" IDF_CI_BUILD: "1" script: - git clone - cd esp-idf-template # Try to use the same branch name for esp-idf-template that we're # using on esp-idf. If it doesn't exist then just stick to the default # branch - git checkout ${CI_BUILD_REF_NAME} || echo "Using esp-idf-template default branch..." # Test debug build (default) - make all V=1 # Now test release build - make clean - sed -i.bak -e's/CONFIG_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL_DEBUG\=y/CONFIG_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL_RELEASE=y/' sdkconfig - make all V=1 # Check if there are any stray printf/ets_printf references in WiFi libs - cd ../components/esp32/lib - test $(xtensa-esp32-elf-nm *.a | grep -w printf | wc -l) -eq 0 - test $(xtensa-esp32-elf-nm *.a | grep -w ets_printf | wc -l) -eq 0 .build_template: &build_template stage: build image: $CI_DOCKER_REGISTRY/esp32-ci-env tags: - build variables: IDF_PATH: "$CI_PROJECT_DIR" GIT_STRATEGY: clone BATCH_BUILD: "1" V: "0" build_ssc: <<: *build_template artifacts: paths: - ./SSC/ssc_bin expire_in: 6 mos script: - git clone $GITLAB_SSH_SERVER/yinling/SSC.git - cd SSC - git checkout ${CI_BUILD_REF_NAME} || echo "Using SSC default branch..." - make defconfig - ./ build_at: <<: *build_template script: - git clone $GITLAB_SSH_SERVER/application/esp-at.git - cd esp-at - git checkout ${CI_BUILD_REF_NAME} || echo "Using esp-at default branch..." - make defconfig - make build_esp_idf_tests: <<: *build_template artifacts: paths: - ./tools/unit-test-app/build/*.bin - ./tools/unit-test-app/build/*.elf - ./tools/unit-test-app/build/*.map - ./tools/unit-test-app/build/bootloader/*.bin - ./components/idf_test/unit_test/TestCaseAll.yml - ./components/idf_test/unit_test/CIConfigs/*.yml expire_in: 6 mos script: - cd tools/unit-test-app - make TESTS_ALL=1 - python tools/ build_examples: <<: *build_template artifacts: paths: - build_examples/*/*/build/*.bin - build_examples/*/*/build/*.elf - build_examples/*/*/build/*.map - build_examples/*/*/build/bootloader/*.bin expire_in: 6 mos script: # it's not possible to build 100% out-of-tree and have the "artifacts" # mechanism work, but this is the next best thing - mkdir build_examples - cd build_examples - ${IDF_PATH}/make/ build_docs: stage: build image: $CI_DOCKER_REGISTRY/esp32-ci-env tags: - build_docs script: - cd docs - doxygen # If not building master branch, and there are Doxygen warnings, print them and bail out - test -n $IS_PRIVATE && test $(cat doxygen-warning-log.txt | wc -l) -eq 0 || ( echo "Doxygen pass had some warnings:" && cat doxygen-warning-log.txt && false ) - make gh-linkcheck - make html artifacts: paths: - docs/_build/html expire_in: 1 mos test_nvs_on_host: stage: test image: $CI_DOCKER_REGISTRY/esp32-ci-env tags: - nvs_host_test script: - cd components/nvs_flash/test_nvs_host - make test test_wl_on_host: stage: test image: $CI_DOCKER_REGISTRY/esp32-ci-env tags: - wl_host_test artifacts: paths: - components/wear_levelling/test_wl_host/ script: - cd components/wear_levelling/test_wl_host - make test test_build_system: stage: test image: $CI_DOCKER_REGISTRY/esp32-ci-env tags: - build_test variables: IDF_PATH: "$CI_PROJECT_DIR" script: - ./make/ - ./make/ test_report: stage: test_report image: $CI_DOCKER_REGISTRY/esp32-ci-env tags: - report only: - master - triggers - /^release\/v/ - /^v\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?($|-)/ variables: LOG_PATH: "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/$CI_BUILD_REF" TEST_CASE_FILE_PATH: "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/components/idf_test" REPORT_PATH: "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/CI_Test_Report" MODULE_UPDATE_FILE: "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/tools/unit-test-app/ModuleDefinition.yml" artifacts: when: always paths: - $REPORT_PATH - $LOG_PATH expire_in: 12 mos script: # calc log path - VER_NUM=`git rev-list HEAD | wc -l | awk '{print $1}'` - SHA_ID=`echo $CI_BUILD_REF | cut -c 1-7` - REVISION="${VER_NUM}_${SHA_ID}" # replace / to _ in branch name - ESCAPED_BRANCH_NAME=`echo $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME | sed 's/\//___/g'` # result path and artifacts path - RESULT_PATH="$CI_PROJECT_NAME/$ESCAPED_BRANCH_NAME/$REVISION" - ARTIFACTS_PATH="$GITLAB_HTTP_SERVER/idf/esp-idf/builds/$CI_BUILD_ID/artifacts/browse/$CI_BUILD_REF" # clone test bench - git clone $GITLAB_SSH_SERVER/yinling/auto_test_script.git - cd auto_test_script # generate report - TEST_RESULT=Pass - python -l $LOG_PATH -t $TEST_CASE_FILE_PATH -p $REPORT_PATH -r $RESULT_PATH -a $ARTIFACTS_PATH -m $MODULE_UPDATE_FILE || TEST_RESULT=Fail # commit to CI-test-result project - git clone $GITLAB_SSH_SERVER/qa/CI-test-result.git - rm -rf CI-test-result/RawData/$RESULT_PATH - cp -R $CI_PROJECT_NAME CI-test-result/RawData - cd CI-test-result # config git user - git config --global "" - git config --global "ci-test-result" # commit test result - git add . - git commit . -m "update test result for $CI_PROJECT_NAME/$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$CI_BUILD_REF, pipeline ID $CI_PIPELINE_ID" || exit 0 - git push origin master - test "${TEST_RESULT}" = "Pass" || exit 1 push_master_to_github: before_script: - echo "Not setting up GitLab key, not fetching submodules" stage: deploy image: $CI_DOCKER_REGISTRY/esp32-ci-env tags: - deploy only: - master - /^release\/v/ - /^v\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?($|-)/ when: on_success variables: GIT_STRATEGY: clone GITHUB_PUSH_REFS: refs/remotes/origin/release refs/remotes/origin/master script: - mkdir -p ~/.ssh - chmod 700 ~/.ssh - echo -n $GH_PUSH_KEY > ~/.ssh/id_rsa_base64 - base64 --decode --ignore-garbage ~/.ssh/id_rsa_base64 > ~/.ssh/id_rsa - chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa - echo -e "Host\n\tStrictHostKeyChecking no\n" >> ~/.ssh/config - git remote add github # What the next line of script does: goes through the list of refs for all branches we push to github, # generates a snippet of shell which is evaluated. The snippet checks CI_BUILD_REF against the SHA # (aka objectname) at tip of each branch, and if any SHAs match then it checks out the local branch # and then pushes that ref to a corresponding github branch # # NB: In gitlab 9.x, CI_BUILD_REF was deprecated. New name is CI_COMMIT_REF. If below command suddenly # generates bash syntax errors, this is probably why. - eval $(git for-each-ref --shell bash --format 'if [ $CI_BUILD_REF == %(objectname) ]; then git checkout -B %(refname:strip=3); git push --follow-tags github %(refname:strip=3); fi;' $GITHUB_PUSH_REFS) deploy_docs: before_script: - echo "Not setting up GitLab key, not fetching submodules" stage: deploy image: $CI_DOCKER_REGISTRY/esp32-ci-env tags: - deploy only: - master - /^release\/v/ - /^v\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?($|-)/ - triggers script: - mkdir -p ~/.ssh - chmod 700 ~/.ssh - echo -n $DOCS_DEPLOY_KEY > ~/.ssh/id_rsa_base64 - base64 --decode --ignore-garbage ~/.ssh/id_rsa_base64 > ~/.ssh/id_rsa - chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa - echo -e "Host $DOCS_SERVER\n\tStrictHostKeyChecking no\n\tUser $DOCS_SERVER_USER\n" >> ~/.ssh/config - export GIT_VER=$(git describe --always) - cd docs/_build/ - mv html $GIT_VER - tar czvf $GIT_VER.tar.gz $GIT_VER - scp $GIT_VER.tar.gz $DOCS_SERVER:$DOCS_PATH - ssh $DOCS_SERVER -x "cd $DOCS_PATH && tar xzvf $GIT_VER.tar.gz && rm -f latest && ln -s $GIT_VER latest" check_doc_links: stage: test image: $CI_DOCKER_REGISTRY/esp32-ci-env tags: - check_doc_links only: # can only be triggered - triggers script: # must be triggered with CHECK_LINKS=Yes, otherwise exit without test - test "$CHECK_LINKS" = "Yes" || exit 0 # can only run on master branch (otherwise the commit is not on Github yet) - test "${CI_BUILD_REF_NAME}" = "master" || exit 0 - cd docs - make linkcheck artifacts: paths: - docs/_build/linkcheck expire_in: 1 mos check_commit_msg: stage: deploy image: $CI_DOCKER_REGISTRY/esp32-ci-env tags: - build except: - master - /^release\/v/ - /^v\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?($|-)/ before_script: - echo "skip update submodule" script: - git checkout ${CI_BUILD_REF_NAME} # commit start with "WIP: " need to be squashed before merge - 'git log --pretty=%s master..${CI_BUILD_REF_NAME} | grep "^WIP: " || exit 0 && exit 1' # AUTO GENERATED PART START, DO NOT MODIFY CONTENT BELOW # template for test jobs .test_template: &test_template stage: test when: on_success only: - master - /^release\/v/ - /^v\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?($|-)/ - triggers allow_failure: true variables: LOCAL_ENV_CONFIG_PATH: $CI_PROJECT_DIR/ci-test-runner-configs/$CI_RUNNER_DESCRIPTION/ESP32_IDF BIN_PATH: "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/SSC/ssc_bin/SSC" APP_NAME: "ssc" LOG_PATH: "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/$CI_BUILD_REF" # append test level folder to TEST_CASE_FILE_PATH in before_script of test job TEST_CASE_FILE_PATH: "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/components/idf_test/integration_test" # jobs MUST set CONFIG_FILE in before_script, and overwrite the variables above if necessary MODULE_UPDATE_FILE: "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/components/idf_test/unit_test/ModuleDefinition.yml" artifacts: when: always paths: - $LOG_PATH expire_in: 6 mos script: # remove artifacts from last stage (UT logs) - rm -rf $LOG_PATH # add gitlab ssh key - mkdir -p ~/.ssh - chmod 700 ~/.ssh - echo -n $GITLAB_KEY > ~/.ssh/id_rsa_base64 - base64 --decode --ignore-garbage ~/.ssh/id_rsa_base64 > ~/.ssh/id_rsa - chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa - echo -e "Host\n\tStrictHostKeyChecking no\n" >> ~/.ssh/config # clone local test env configs - git clone $GITLAB_SSH_SERVER/qa/ci-test-runner-configs.git # clone test bench - git clone $GITLAB_SSH_SERVER/yinling/auto_test_script.git - cd auto_test_script # run test - python -l $LOG_PATH -c $CONFIG_FILE -e $LOCAL_ENV_CONFIG_PATH -t $TEST_CASE_FILE_PATH -m $MODULE_UPDATE_FILE bin_path $APP_NAME $BIN_PATH # template for overnight test jobs .test_template_night: &test_template_night <<: *test_template only: # can only be triggered - triggers script: # remove artifacts from last stage (UT logs) - rm -rf $LOG_PATH # must be night build triggers, otherwise exit without test - test $NIGHT_BUILD = "Yes" || exit 0 # add gitlab ssh key - mkdir -p ~/.ssh - chmod 700 ~/.ssh - echo -n $GITLAB_KEY > ~/.ssh/id_rsa_base64 - base64 --decode --ignore-garbage ~/.ssh/id_rsa_base64 > ~/.ssh/id_rsa - chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa - echo -e "Host\n\tStrictHostKeyChecking no\n" >> ~/.ssh/config # clone local test env configs - git clone $GITLAB_SSH_SERVER/qa/ci-test-runner-configs.git # clone test bench - git clone $GITLAB_SSH_SERVER/yinling/auto_test_script.git - cd auto_test_script # run test - python -l $LOG_PATH -c $CONFIG_FILE -e $LOCAL_ENV_CONFIG_PATH -t $TEST_CASE_FILE_PATH -m $MODULE_UPDATE_FILE bin_path $APP_NAME $BIN_PATH # template for unit test jobs .unit_test_template: &unit_test_template <<: *test_template allow_failure: false stage: unit_test variables: LOCAL_ENV_CONFIG_PATH: $CI_PROJECT_DIR/ci-test-runner-configs/$CI_RUNNER_DESCRIPTION/ESP32_IDF BIN_PATH: "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/tools/unit-test-app/build/" LOG_PATH: "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/$CI_BUILD_REF" APP_NAME: "ut" TEST_CASE_FILE_PATH: "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/components/idf_test/unit_test" MODULE_UPDATE_FILE: "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/tools/unit-test-app/tools/ModuleDefinition.yml" dependencies: - build_esp_idf_tests UT_Function_SYS_01: <<: *unit_test_template tags: - ESP32_IDF - UT_T1_1 before_script: - CONFIG_FILE=$TEST_CASE_FILE_PATH/CIConfigs/UT_Function_SYS_01.yml UT_Function_SYS_02: <<: *unit_test_template tags: - ESP32_IDF - UT_T1_1 before_script: - CONFIG_FILE=$TEST_CASE_FILE_PATH/CIConfigs/UT_Function_SYS_02.yml IT_Function_SYS_01: <<: *test_template tags: - ESP32_IDF - SSC_T1_1 before_script: - CONFIG_FILE=$TEST_CASE_FILE_PATH/CIConfigs/IT_Function_SYS_01.yml IT_Function_WIFI_01: <<: *test_template tags: - ESP32_IDF - SSC_T1_1 - SSC_T2_1 before_script: - CONFIG_FILE=$TEST_CASE_FILE_PATH/CIConfigs/IT_Function_WIFI_01.yml IT_Function_WIFI_02: <<: *test_template tags: - ESP32_IDF - SSC_T1_1 - SSC_T2_1 before_script: - CONFIG_FILE=$TEST_CASE_FILE_PATH/CIConfigs/IT_Function_WIFI_02.yml IT_Function_TCPIP_01: <<: *test_template tags: - ESP32_IDF - SSC_T1_1 - SSC_T2_1 before_script: - CONFIG_FILE=$TEST_CASE_FILE_PATH/CIConfigs/IT_Function_TCPIP_01.yml IT_Function_TCPIP_02: <<: *test_template tags: - ESP32_IDF - SSC_T1_1 before_script: - CONFIG_FILE=$TEST_CASE_FILE_PATH/CIConfigs/IT_Function_TCPIP_02.yml IT_Function_TCPIP_03: <<: *test_template tags: - ESP32_IDF - SSC_T1_1 - SSC_T2_1 before_script: - CONFIG_FILE=$TEST_CASE_FILE_PATH/CIConfigs/IT_Function_TCPIP_03.yml IT_Function_TCPIP_04: <<: *test_template tags: - ESP32_IDF - SSC_T1_1 - SSC_T2_1 before_script: - CONFIG_FILE=$TEST_CASE_FILE_PATH/CIConfigs/IT_Function_TCPIP_04.yml IT_Function_TCPIP_05: <<: *test_template tags: - ESP32_IDF - SSC_T1_1 before_script: - CONFIG_FILE=$TEST_CASE_FILE_PATH/CIConfigs/IT_Function_TCPIP_05.yml IT_Stress_WIFI_01: <<: *test_template_night tags: - ESP32_IDF - SSC_T5_1 before_script: - CONFIG_FILE=$TEST_CASE_FILE_PATH/CIConfigs/IT_Stress_WIFI_01.yml IT_Stress_TCPIP_01: <<: *test_template_night tags: - ESP32_IDF - SSC_T1_1 before_script: - CONFIG_FILE=$TEST_CASE_FILE_PATH/CIConfigs/IT_Stress_TCPIP_01.yml IT_Stress_TCPIP_02: <<: *test_template_night tags: - ESP32_IDF - SSC_T2_1 before_script: - CONFIG_FILE=$TEST_CASE_FILE_PATH/CIConfigs/IT_Stress_TCPIP_02.yml IT_Stress_TCPIP_03: <<: *test_template_night tags: - ESP32_IDF - SSC_T1_1 before_script: - CONFIG_FILE=$TEST_CASE_FILE_PATH/CIConfigs/IT_Stress_TCPIP_03.yml IT_Stress_TCPIP_04: <<: *test_template_night tags: - ESP32_IDF - SSC_T2_1 before_script: - CONFIG_FILE=$TEST_CASE_FILE_PATH/CIConfigs/IT_Stress_TCPIP_04.yml IT_Stable_TCPIP_01: <<: *test_template_night tags: - ESP32_IDF - SSC_T5_1 before_script: - CONFIG_FILE=$TEST_CASE_FILE_PATH/CIConfigs/IT_Stable_TCPIP_01.yml IT_Stable_TCPIP_02: <<: *test_template_night tags: - ESP32_IDF - SSC_T1_1 before_script: - CONFIG_FILE=$TEST_CASE_FILE_PATH/CIConfigs/IT_Stable_TCPIP_02.yml IT_Stable_TCPIP_03: <<: *test_template_night tags: - ESP32_IDF - SSC_T5_1 before_script: - CONFIG_FILE=$TEST_CASE_FILE_PATH/CIConfigs/IT_Stable_TCPIP_03.yml IT_Function_TCPIP_06: <<: *test_template_night tags: - ESP32_IDF - SSC_T1_1 before_script: - CONFIG_FILE=$TEST_CASE_FILE_PATH/CIConfigs/IT_Function_TCPIP_06.yml IT_Function_WIFI_03: <<: *test_template tags: - ESP32_IDF - SSC_T1_APC before_script: - CONFIG_FILE=$TEST_CASE_FILE_PATH/CIConfigs/IT_Function_WIFI_03.yml IT_Function_WIFI_04: <<: *test_template tags: - ESP32_IDF - SSC_T3_PhyMode before_script: - CONFIG_FILE=$TEST_CASE_FILE_PATH/CIConfigs/IT_Function_WIFI_04.yml IT_Function_WIFI_05: <<: *test_template tags: - ESP32_IDF - SSC_T1_WEP before_script: - CONFIG_FILE=$TEST_CASE_FILE_PATH/CIConfigs/IT_Function_WIFI_05.yml IT_Function_WIFI_06: <<: *test_template tags: - ESP32_IDF - SSC_T2_PhyMode before_script: - CONFIG_FILE=$TEST_CASE_FILE_PATH/CIConfigs/IT_Function_WIFI_06.yml IT_Function_TCPIP_07: <<: *test_template tags: - ESP32_IDF - SSC_T1_1 - SSC_T1_2 before_script: - CONFIG_FILE=$TEST_CASE_FILE_PATH/CIConfigs/IT_Function_TCPIP_07.yml IT_Function_TCPIP_08: <<: *test_template tags: - ESP32_IDF - SSC_T1_1 - SSC_T2_1 before_script: - CONFIG_FILE=$TEST_CASE_FILE_PATH/CIConfigs/IT_Function_TCPIP_08.yml IT_Function_TCPIP_09: <<: *test_template tags: - ESP32_IDF - SSC_T1_1 - SSC_T1_2 before_script: - CONFIG_FILE=$TEST_CASE_FILE_PATH/CIConfigs/IT_Function_TCPIP_09.yml IT_Function_TCPIP_10: <<: *test_template tags: - ESP32_IDF - SSC_T1_1 - SSC_T1_2 before_script: - CONFIG_FILE=$TEST_CASE_FILE_PATH/CIConfigs/IT_Function_TCPIP_10.yml IT_Function_TCPIP_11: <<: *test_template tags: - ESP32_IDF - SSC_T1_1 before_script: - CONFIG_FILE=$TEST_CASE_FILE_PATH/CIConfigs/IT_Function_TCPIP_11.yml IT_Function_TCPIP_12: <<: *test_template tags: - ESP32_IDF - SSC_T1_1 before_script: - CONFIG_FILE=$TEST_CASE_FILE_PATH/CIConfigs/IT_Function_TCPIP_12.yml