USB Device Stack ================= :link_to_translation:`zh_CN:[中文]` {IDF_TARGET_USB_DP_GPIO_NUM:default="20"} {IDF_TARGET_USB_DM_GPIO_NUM:default="19"} {IDF_TARGET_USB_EP_NUM:default="6"} {IDF_TARGET_USB_EP_NUM_INOUT:default="5"} {IDF_TARGET_USB_EP_NUM_IN:default="1"} Overview -------- The ESP-IDF USB Device Stack (hereinafter referred to as the Device Stack) enables USB Device support on {IDF_TARGET_NAME}. By using the Device Stack, {IDF_TARGET_NAME} can be programmed with any well defined USB device functions (e.g., keyboard, mouse, camera), a custom function (aka vendor-specific class), or a combination of those functions (aka a composite device). The Device Stack is built around the TinyUSB stack, but extends TinyUSB with some minor features and modifications for better integration with ESP-IDF. The Device stack is distributed as a managed component via the `ESP-IDF Component Registry `__. Features -------- - Multiple supported device classes (CDC, HID, MIDI, MSC) - Composite devices - Vendor specific classes - Maximum of {IDF_TARGET_USB_EP_NUM} endpoints - {IDF_TARGET_USB_EP_NUM_INOUT} IN/OUT endpoints - {IDF_TARGET_USB_EP_NUM_IN} IN endpoints - VBUS monitoring for self-powered devices .. Todo: Refactor USB hardware connect into a separate guide Hardware Connection ------------------- The {IDF_TARGET_NAME} routes the USB D+ and D- signals to GPIOs {IDF_TARGET_USB_DP_GPIO_NUM} and {IDF_TARGET_USB_DM_GPIO_NUM} respectively. For USB device functionality, these GPIOs should be connected to the bus in some way (e.g., via a Micro-B port, USB-C port, or directly to standard-A plug). .. figure:: ../../../_static/usb-board-connection.png :align: center :alt: Connection of an USB GPIOs directly to a USB standard-A plug :figclass: align-center .. note:: If you are using an {IDF_TARGET_NAME} development board with two USB ports, the port labeled "USB" will already be connected to the D+ and D- GPIOs. .. note:: Self-powered devices must also connect VBUS through a voltage divider or comparator. For more details, please refer to :ref:`self-powered-device`. Device Stack Structure ---------------------- The basis of the Device Stack is TinyUSB, where the Device Stack implements the following features on top of TinyUSB: - Customization of USB descriptors - Serial device support - Redirecting of standard streams through the Serial device - Storage Media (SPI-Flash and SD-Card) for USB Device MSC Class. - A task within the encapsulated device stack that handles TinyUSB servicing Component Dependency ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Device Stack is distributed via the `ESP-IDF Component Registry `__. Thus, to use it, please add the Device Stack component as dependency using the following command: .. code:: bash add-dependency esp_tinyusb Configuration Options ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Multiple aspects of the Device Stack can be configured using menuconfig. These include: - The verbosity of the TinyUSB's log - Device Stack task related options - Default device/string descriptor options - Class specific options .. _descriptors-configuration: Descriptor Configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The :cpp:type:`tinyusb_config_t` structure provides the following USB descriptor related fields that should be initialized: - :cpp:member:`device_descriptor` - :cpp:member:`configuration_descriptor` - :cpp:member:`string_descriptor` The Device Stack will instantiate a USB device based on the descriptors provided in the fields described above when :cpp:func:`tinyusb_driver_install` is called. The Device Stack also provides default descriptors that can be installed by setting the corresponding field in :cpp:func:`tinyusb_driver_install` to ``NULL``. Default descriptors include: - Default device descriptor: Enabled by setting :cpp:member:`device_descriptor` to ``NULL``. Default device descriptor will use the values set by the corresponding menuconfig options (e.g., PID, VID, bcdDevice etc). - Default string descriptor: Enabled by setting :cpp:member:`string_descriptor` to ``NULL``. Default string descriptors will use the value set by corresponding menuconfig options (e.g., manufacturer, product, and serial string descriptor options). - Default configuration descriptor. Some classes that rarely require custom configuration (such as CDC and MSC) will provide default configuration descriptors. These can be enabled by setting :cpp:member:`configuration_descriptor` to ``NULL``. Installation ------------ To install the Device Stack, please call :cpp:func:`tinyusb_driver_install`. The Device Stack's configuration is specified in a :cpp:type:`tinyusb_config_t` structure that is passed as an argument to :cpp:func:`tinyusb_driver_install`. .. note:: The :cpp:type:`tinyusb_config_t` structure can be zero-initialized (e.g., ``const tinyusb_config_t tusb_cfg = { 0 };``) or partially (as shown below). For any member that is initialized to ``0`` or ``NULL``, the stack uses its default configuration values for that member, see example below. .. code-block:: c const tinyusb_config_t partial_init = { .device_descriptor = NULL, // Use the default device descriptor specified in Menuconfig .string_descriptor = NULL, // Use the default string descriptors specified in Menuconfig .external_phy = false, // Use internal USB PHY .configuration_descriptor = NULL, // Use the default configuration descriptor according to settings in Menuconfig }; .. _self-powered-device: Self-Powered Device ------------------- USB specification mandates self-powered devices to monitor voltage levels on USB's VBUS signal. As opposed to bus-powered devices, a self-powered device can be fully functional even without a USB connection. The self-powered device detects connection and disconnection events by monitoring the VBUS voltage level. VBUS is considered valid if it rises above 4.75 V and invalid if it falls below 4.35 V. On the {IDF_TARGET_NAME}, this will require using a GPIO to act as a voltage sensing pin to detect when VBUS goes above/below the prescribed thresholds. However, {IDF_TARGET_NAME} pins are 3.3 V tolerant. Thus, even if VBUS rises/falls above/below the thresholds mentioned above, it would still appear as a logic HIGH to the {IDF_TARGET_NAME}. Thus, in order to detect the VBUS valid condition, users can do one of the following: - Connect VBUS to a voltage comparator chip/circuit that detects the thresholds described above (i.e., 4.35 V and 4.75 V), and outputs a 3.3 V logic level to the {IDF_TARGET_NAME} indicating whether VBUS is valid or not. - Use a resistor voltage divider that outputs (0.75 x Vdd) if VBUS is 4.4 V (see figure below). .. note:: In either case, the voltage on the sensing pin must be logic low within 3 ms after the device is unplugged from the USB host. .. figure:: ../../../_static/diagrams/usb/usb_vbus_voltage_monitor.png :align: center :alt: Simple voltage divider for VBUS monitoring :figclass: align-center Simple voltage divider for VBUS monitoring To use this feature, in :cpp:type:`tinyusb_config_t`, you must set :cpp:member:`self_powered` to ``true`` and :cpp:member:`vbus_monitor_io` to GPIO number that is used for VBUS monitoring. USB Serial Device (CDC-ACM) --------------------------- If the CDC option is enabled in Menuconfig, the USB Serial Device can be initialized with :cpp:func:`tusb_cdc_acm_init` according to the settings from :cpp:type:`tinyusb_config_cdcacm_t`, see example below. .. code-block:: c const tinyusb_config_cdcacm_t acm_cfg = { .usb_dev = TINYUSB_USBDEV_0, .cdc_port = TINYUSB_CDC_ACM_0, .rx_unread_buf_sz = 64, .callback_rx = NULL, .callback_rx_wanted_char = NULL, .callback_line_state_changed = NULL, .callback_line_coding_changed = NULL }; tusb_cdc_acm_init(&acm_cfg); To specify callbacks, you can either set the pointer to your :cpp:type:`tusb_cdcacm_callback_t` function in the configuration structure or call :cpp:func:`tinyusb_cdcacm_register_callback` after initialization. USB Serial Console ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The USB Serial Device allows the redirection of all standard input/output streams (stdin, stdout, stderr) to USB. Thus, calling standard library input/output functions such as ``printf()`` will result into the data being sent/received over USB instead of UART. Users should call :cpp:func:`esp_tusb_init_console` to switch the standard input/output streams to USB, and :cpp:func:`esp_tusb_deinit_console` to switch them back to UART. USB Mass Storage Device (MSC) ----------------------------- If the MSC ``CONFIG_TINYUSB_MSC_ENABLED`` option is enabled in Menuconfig, the ESP Chip can be used as USB MSC Device. The storage media (SPI-Flash or SD-Card) can be initialized as shown below. - SPI-Flash .. code-block:: c static esp_err_t storage_init_spiflash(wl_handle_t *wl_handle) { *** esp_partition_t *data_partition = esp_partition_find_first(ESP_PARTITION_TYPE_DATA, ESP_PARTITION_SUBTYPE_DATA_FAT, NULL); *** wl_mount(data_partition, wl_handle); *** } storage_init_spiflash(&wl_handle); const tinyusb_msc_spiflash_config_t config_spi = { .wl_handle = wl_handle }; tinyusb_msc_storage_init_spiflash(&config_spi); - SD-Card .. code-block:: c static esp_err_t storage_init_sdmmc(sdmmc_card_t **card) { *** sdmmc_host_t host = SDMMC_HOST_DEFAULT(); sdmmc_slot_config_t slot_config = SDMMC_SLOT_CONFIG_DEFAULT(); // For SD Card, set bus width to use slot_config.width = 4; slot_config.clk = CONFIG_EXAMPLE_PIN_CLK; slot_config.cmd = CONFIG_EXAMPLE_PIN_CMD; slot_config.d0 = CONFIG_EXAMPLE_PIN_D0; slot_config.d1 = CONFIG_EXAMPLE_PIN_D1; slot_config.d2 = CONFIG_EXAMPLE_PIN_D2; slot_config.d3 = CONFIG_EXAMPLE_PIN_D3; slot_config.flags |= SDMMC_SLOT_FLAG_INTERNAL_PULLUP; sd_card = (sdmmc_card_t *)malloc(sizeof(sdmmc_card_t)); (*host.init)(); sdmmc_host_init_slot(host.slot, (const sdmmc_slot_config_t *) &slot_config); sdmmc_card_init(&host, sd_card); *** } storage_init_sdmmc(&card); const tinyusb_msc_sdmmc_config_t config_sdmmc = { .card = card }; tinyusb_msc_storage_init_sdmmc(&config_sdmmc); Application Examples -------------------- The table below describes the code examples available in the directory :example:`peripherals/usb/device`: .. list-table:: :widths: 35 65 :header-rows: 1 * - Code Example - Description * - :example:`peripherals/usb/device/tusb_console` - How to set up {IDF_TARGET_NAME} chip to get log output via Serial Device connection * - :example:`peripherals/usb/device/tusb_serial_device` - How to set up {IDF_TARGET_NAME} chip to work as a USB Serial Device * - :example:`peripherals/usb/device/tusb_midi` - How to set up {IDF_TARGET_NAME} chip to work as a USB MIDI Device * - :example:`peripherals/usb/device/tusb_hid` - How to set up {IDF_TARGET_NAME} chip to work as a USB Human Interface Device * - :example:`peripherals/usb/device/tusb_msc` - How to set up {IDF_TARGET_NAME} chip to work as a USB Mass Storage Device * - :example:`peripherals/usb/device/tusb_composite_msc_serialdevice` - How to set up {IDF_TARGET_NAME} chip to work as a Composite USB Device (MSC + CDC)