
Application Example

Ethernet example: :example:`ethernet/ethernet`.

PHY Interfaces

The configured PHY model(s) are set in software by configuring the eth_config_t structure for the given PHY.

Headers include a default configuration structure. These default configurations will need some members overriden or re-set before they can be used for a particular PHY hardware configuration. Consult the Ethernet example to see how this is done.

  * :component_file:`ethernet/include/eth_phy/phy.h` (common)
  * :component_file:`ethernet/include/eth_phy/phy_tlk110.h`
  * :component_file:`ethernet/include/eth_phy/phy_lan8720.h`

PHY Configuration Constants

.. doxygenvariable:: phy_tlk110_default_ethernet_config
.. doxygenvariable:: phy_lan8720_default_ethernet_config

API Reference - Ethernet

.. include:: /_build/inc/

API Reference - PHY Common

.. include:: /_build/inc/

API Reference - PHY TLK110

.. include:: /_build/inc/

API Reference - PHY LAN8720

.. include:: /_build/inc/