// Copyright 2015-2016 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include #include "btc_spp.h" #include "btc/btc_manage.h" #include "btc/btc_task.h" #include "bta/bta_jv_api.h" #include "common/bt_trace.h" #include "osi/allocator.h" #include "esp_spp_api.h" #include "osi/list.h" #include "freertos/ringbuf.h" #include "osi/mutex.h" #include "osi/alarm.h" #include #include #include #include "esp_vfs.h" #include "esp_vfs_dev.h" #include "stack/port_api.h" #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "freertos/event_groups.h" #include "btc/btc_task.h" #include "stack/btu.h" #if (defined BTC_SPP_INCLUDED && BTC_SPP_INCLUDED == TRUE) #define SLOT_WRITE_BIT(i) (1UL << (i - 1)) #define SLOT_CLOSE_BIT(i) (1UL << (i + MAX_RFC_PORTS - 1)) #define VFS_WRITE_TIMEOUT (40 * 1000) #define SLOT_TX_QUEUE_SIZE 10 #define SLOT_TX_QUEUE_LOW_WM 4 #define SLOT_TX_DATA_HIGH_WM (SLOT_TX_QUEUE_SIZE * BTA_JV_DEF_RFC_MTU) #define VFS_CLOSE_TIMEOUT (20 * 1000) typedef struct { bool peer_fc; /* true if flow control is set based on peer's request */ bool user_fc; /* true if flow control is set based on user's request */ fixed_queue_t *queue; /* Queue of buffers waiting to be sent */ uint32_t data_size; /* Number of data bytes in the queue */ } slot_data_t; typedef struct { uint8_t serial; bool connected; uint8_t scn; uint8_t max_session; uint32_t id; uint32_t mtu;//unused uint32_t sdp_handle; uint32_t rfc_handle; uint32_t rfc_port_handle; int fd; uint8_t *write_data; osi_alarm_t *close_alarm; esp_spp_role_t role; esp_spp_sec_t security; esp_bd_addr_t addr; slot_data_t rx; slot_data_t tx; uint8_t service_uuid[16]; char service_name[ESP_SPP_SERVER_NAME_MAX + 1]; } spp_slot_t; typedef struct { spp_slot_t *spp_slots[MAX_RFC_PORTS + 1]; uint32_t spp_slot_id; esp_spp_mode_t spp_mode; osi_mutex_t spp_slot_mutex; EventGroupHandle_t tx_event_group; esp_vfs_id_t spp_vfs_id; } spp_local_param_t; #if SPP_DYNAMIC_MEMORY == FALSE static spp_local_param_t spp_local_param; #define is_spp_init() (spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex != NULL) #else static spp_local_param_t *spp_local_param_ptr; #define spp_local_param (*spp_local_param_ptr) #define is_spp_init() (&spp_local_param != NULL && spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex != NULL) #endif static void spp_osi_free(void *p) { osi_free(p); } static int init_slot_data(slot_data_t *slot_data, size_t queue_size) { memset(slot_data, 0, sizeof(slot_data_t)); if ((slot_data->queue = fixed_queue_new(queue_size)) == NULL) { return -1; } slot_data->data_size = 0; return 0; } void free_slot_data(slot_data_t *slot_data) { fixed_queue_free(slot_data->queue, spp_osi_free); slot_data->queue = NULL; } static spp_slot_t *spp_malloc_slot(void) { uint8_t err_no = 0; spp_slot_t **slot = NULL; if (++spp_local_param.spp_slot_id == 0) { spp_local_param.spp_slot_id = 1; } for (size_t i = 1; i <= MAX_RFC_PORTS; i++) { slot = &spp_local_param.spp_slots[i]; if ((*slot) == NULL) { if (((*slot) = (spp_slot_t *)osi_malloc(sizeof(spp_slot_t))) == NULL) { return NULL; } (*slot)->id = spp_local_param.spp_slot_id; (*slot)->serial = i; (*slot)->sdp_handle = 0; (*slot)->rfc_handle = 0; (*slot)->rfc_port_handle = 0; (*slot)->connected = FALSE; (*slot)->write_data = NULL; (*slot)->close_alarm = NULL; if (init_slot_data(&(*slot)->rx, QUEUE_SIZE_MAX)) { BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s unable to malloc rx queue!", __func__); err_no = 1; break; } if (init_slot_data(&(*slot)->tx, SLOT_TX_QUEUE_SIZE)) { BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s unable to malloc tx queue!", __func__); err_no = 2; break; } if (spp_local_param.spp_mode == ESP_SPP_MODE_VFS) { if (esp_vfs_register_fd(spp_local_param.spp_vfs_id, &(*slot)->fd) != ESP_OK) { BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s unable to register fd!", __func__); err_no = 3; break; } } return (*slot); } } switch (err_no) { case 3: free_slot_data(&(*slot)->tx); case 2: free_slot_data(&(*slot)->rx); case 1: osi_free((*slot)); (*slot) = NULL; break; default: break; } return (*slot); } static spp_slot_t *spp_find_slot_by_id(uint32_t id) { for (size_t i = 1; i <= MAX_RFC_PORTS; i++) { if (spp_local_param.spp_slots[i] != NULL && spp_local_param.spp_slots[i]->id == id) { return spp_local_param.spp_slots[i]; } } return NULL; } static spp_slot_t *spp_find_slot_by_handle(uint32_t handle) { for (size_t i = 1; i <= MAX_RFC_PORTS; i++) { if (spp_local_param.spp_slots[i] != NULL && spp_local_param.spp_slots[i]->rfc_handle == handle) { return spp_local_param.spp_slots[i]; } } return NULL; } static spp_slot_t *spp_find_slot_by_fd(int fd) { for (size_t i = 1; i <= MAX_RFC_PORTS; i++) { if (spp_local_param.spp_slots[i] != NULL && spp_local_param.spp_slots[i]->fd == fd) { return spp_local_param.spp_slots[i]; } } return NULL; } static spp_slot_t *spp_find_slot_by_scn(uint32_t scn) { for (size_t i = 1; i <= MAX_RFC_PORTS; i++) { if (spp_local_param.spp_slots[i] != NULL && spp_local_param.spp_slots[i]->scn == (uint8_t)scn) { return spp_local_param.spp_slots[i]; } } return NULL; } static void close_timeout_handler(void *arg) { btc_msg_t msg; bt_status_t status; msg.sig = BTC_SIG_API_CB; msg.pid = BTC_PID_SPP; msg.act = BTA_JV_RFCOMM_CLOSE_EVT; status = btc_transfer_context(&msg, arg, sizeof(tBTA_JV), NULL); if (arg) { free(arg); } if (status != BT_STATUS_SUCCESS) { BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s btc_transfer_context failed", __func__); } } static void spp_free_slot(spp_slot_t *slot) { if (!slot) { return; } spp_local_param.spp_slots[slot->serial] = NULL; if (spp_local_param.spp_mode == ESP_SPP_MODE_VFS) { (void) esp_vfs_unregister_fd(spp_local_param.spp_vfs_id, slot->fd); xEventGroupSetBits(spp_local_param.tx_event_group, SLOT_CLOSE_BIT(slot->serial)); } free_slot_data(&slot->tx); free_slot_data(&slot->rx); if (slot->close_alarm) { osi_alarm_free(slot->close_alarm); } osi_free(slot); } static inline void btc_spp_cb_to_app(esp_spp_cb_event_t event, esp_spp_cb_param_t *param) { esp_spp_cb_t *btc_spp_cb = (esp_spp_cb_t *)btc_profile_cb_get(BTC_PID_SPP); if (btc_spp_cb) { btc_spp_cb(event, param); } } static void btc_create_server_fail_cb(void) { esp_spp_cb_param_t param; param.start.status = ESP_SPP_FAILURE; btc_spp_cb_to_app(ESP_SPP_START_EVT, ¶m); } static void *btc_spp_rfcomm_inter_cb(tBTA_JV_EVT event, tBTA_JV *p_data, void *user_data) { bt_status_t status; btc_msg_t msg; void *new_user_data = NULL; uint32_t id = (uintptr_t)user_data; spp_slot_t *slot = NULL, *slot_new = NULL; if (!is_spp_init()) { BTC_TRACE_WARNING("%s SPP have been deinit, incoming events ignore!\n", __func__); return new_user_data; } osi_mutex_lock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex, OSI_MUTEX_MAX_TIMEOUT); switch (event) { case BTA_JV_RFCOMM_START_EVT: slot = spp_find_slot_by_id(id); if (!slot) { BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s unable to find RFCOMM slot!", __func__); p_data->rfc_start.status = ESP_SPP_NO_CONNECTION; break; } slot->rfc_handle = p_data->rfc_start.handle; slot->rfc_port_handle = BTA_JvRfcommGetPortHdl(p_data->rfc_start.handle); break; case BTA_JV_RFCOMM_SRV_OPEN_EVT: slot = p_data->rfc_srv_open.handle ? spp_find_slot_by_id(id) : spp_find_slot_by_scn((uint32_t)user_data); if (!slot) { BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s unable to find RFCOMM slot!", __func__); p_data->rfc_srv_open.status = ESP_SPP_NO_CONNECTION; break; } if (p_data->rfc_srv_open.handle) { new_user_data = (void *)(uintptr_t)slot->id; memcpy(slot->addr, p_data->rfc_srv_open.rem_bda, ESP_BD_ADDR_LEN); slot->connected = TRUE; slot->rfc_handle = p_data->rfc_srv_open.handle; slot->rfc_port_handle = BTA_JvRfcommGetPortHdl(p_data->rfc_srv_open.handle); BTA_JvSetPmProfile(p_data->rfc_srv_open.handle, BTA_JV_PM_ALL, BTA_JV_CONN_OPEN); } if (p_data->rfc_srv_open.handle != p_data->rfc_srv_open.new_listen_handle) { slot_new = spp_malloc_slot(); if (!slot_new) { BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s unable to malloc RFCOMM slot!", __func__); p_data->rfc_srv_open.status = ESP_SPP_NO_RESOURCE; break; } new_user_data = (void *)(uintptr_t)slot_new->id; slot_new->security = slot->security; slot_new->role = slot->role; slot_new->scn = slot->scn; slot_new->max_session = slot->max_session; strcpy(slot_new->service_name, slot->service_name); slot_new->sdp_handle = slot->sdp_handle; slot_new->rfc_handle = p_data->rfc_srv_open.new_listen_handle; slot_new->rfc_port_handle = BTA_JvRfcommGetPortHdl(p_data->rfc_srv_open.new_listen_handle); } break; case BTA_JV_RFCOMM_OPEN_EVT: slot = spp_find_slot_by_id(id); if (!slot) { BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s unable to find RFCOMM slot!", __func__); p_data->rfc_open.status = ESP_SPP_NO_CONNECTION; break; } slot->connected = TRUE; slot->rfc_handle = p_data->rfc_open.handle; slot->rfc_port_handle = BTA_JvRfcommGetPortHdl(p_data->rfc_open.handle); BTA_JvSetPmProfile(p_data->rfc_open.handle, BTA_JV_PM_ID_1, BTA_JV_CONN_OPEN); break; case BTA_JV_RFCOMM_CLOSE_EVT: slot = spp_find_slot_by_id(id); if (!slot) { BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s unable to find RFCOMM slot!", __func__); p_data->rfc_close.status = ESP_SPP_NO_CONNECTION; break; } if (slot->connected && p_data->rfc_close.port_status != PORT_LOCAL_CLOSED) { BTA_JvRfcommClose(slot->rfc_handle, NULL, (void *)slot->id); } p_data->rfc_close.status = BTA_JV_SUCCESS; break; case BTA_JV_RFCOMM_DATA_IND_EVT: break; case BTA_JV_FREE_SCN_EVT: if (user_data) { id = ((tBTA_JV_FREE_SCN_USER_DATA *)user_data)->slot_id; slot = spp_find_slot_by_id(id); if (slot) { spp_free_slot(slot); } else { BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s unable to find RFCOMM slot!", __func__); p_data->free_scn.status = ESP_SPP_NO_CONNECTION; } osi_free(user_data); } break; default: break; } osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); msg.sig = BTC_SIG_API_CB; msg.pid = BTC_PID_SPP; msg.act = event; status = btc_transfer_context(&msg, p_data, sizeof(tBTA_JV), NULL); if (status != BT_STATUS_SUCCESS) { BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s btc_transfer_context failed", __func__); } return new_user_data; } static void btc_spp_dm_inter_cb(tBTA_JV_EVT event, tBTA_JV *p_data, void *user_data) { bt_status_t status; btc_msg_t msg; uint32_t id = (uintptr_t)user_data; spp_slot_t *slot = NULL; switch (event) { case BTA_JV_GET_SCN_EVT: osi_mutex_lock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex, OSI_MUTEX_MAX_TIMEOUT); slot = spp_find_slot_by_id(id); if (!slot) { osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s unable to find RFCOMM slot!", __func__); break; } if (p_data->scn == 0) { btc_create_server_fail_cb(); spp_free_slot(slot); osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s unable to get scn, start server fail!", __func__); break; } slot->scn = p_data->scn; BTA_JvCreateRecordByUser(slot->service_name, slot->scn, (void *)slot->id); osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); break; case BTA_JV_CREATE_RECORD_EVT: osi_mutex_lock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex, OSI_MUTEX_MAX_TIMEOUT); slot = spp_find_slot_by_id(id); if (!slot) { osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s unable to find RFCOMM slot!", __func__); break; } if (p_data->create_rec.status == BTA_JV_SUCCESS) { slot->sdp_handle = p_data->create_rec.handle; BTA_JvRfcommStartServer(slot->security, slot->role, slot->scn, slot->max_session, (tBTA_JV_RFCOMM_CBACK *)btc_spp_rfcomm_inter_cb, (void *)slot->id); } else { BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s unable to create record, start server fail!", __func__); btc_create_server_fail_cb(); tBTA_JV_FREE_SCN_USER_DATA *user_data = osi_malloc(sizeof(tBTA_JV_FREE_SCN_USER_DATA)); if (user_data) { user_data->server_status = BTA_JV_SERVER_START_FAILED; user_data->slot_id = slot->id; } else { BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s unable to malloc user data!", __func__); } BTA_JvFreeChannel(slot->scn, BTA_JV_CONN_TYPE_RFCOMM, (tBTA_JV_RFCOMM_CBACK *)btc_spp_rfcomm_inter_cb, (void *)user_data); } osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); break; default: msg.sig = BTC_SIG_API_CB; msg.pid = BTC_PID_SPP; msg.act = event; status = btc_transfer_context(&msg, p_data, sizeof(tBTA_JV), NULL); if (status != BT_STATUS_SUCCESS) { BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s btc_transfer_context failed\n", __func__); } break; } } static void btc_spp_init(btc_spp_args_t *arg) { esp_spp_status_t ret = ESP_SPP_SUCCESS; do { if (is_spp_init()) { BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s SPP has been initiated, shall uninit first!", __func__); ret = ESP_SPP_NEED_DEINIT; break; } #if SPP_DYNAMIC_MEMORY == TRUE if ((spp_local_param_ptr = (spp_local_param_t *)osi_malloc(sizeof(spp_local_param_t))) == NULL) { BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s malloc failed\n", __func__); ret = ESP_SPP_NO_RESOURCE; break; } memset((void *)spp_local_param_ptr, 0, sizeof(spp_local_param_t)); #endif if (osi_mutex_new(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex) != 0) { BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s osi_mutex_new failed\n", __func__); ret = ESP_SPP_NO_RESOURCE; break; } if ((spp_local_param.tx_event_group = xEventGroupCreate()) == NULL) { BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s create tx_event_group failed\n", __func__); ret = ESP_SPP_NO_RESOURCE; break; } spp_local_param.spp_mode = arg->init.mode; spp_local_param.spp_slot_id = 0; BTA_JvEnable((tBTA_JV_DM_CBACK *)btc_spp_dm_inter_cb); } while (0); if (ret != ESP_SPP_SUCCESS) { esp_spp_cb_param_t param; param.init.status = ret; btc_spp_cb_to_app(ESP_SPP_INIT_EVT, ¶m); } } static void btc_spp_uninit(void) { esp_spp_status_t ret = ESP_SPP_SUCCESS; do { if (!is_spp_init()) { BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s SPP has not been initiated, shall init first!", __func__); ret = ESP_SPP_NEED_INIT; break; } osi_mutex_lock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex, OSI_MUTEX_MAX_TIMEOUT); // first, remove all connection for (size_t i = 1; i <= MAX_RFC_PORTS; i++) { if (spp_local_param.spp_slots[i] != NULL && spp_local_param.spp_slots[i]->connected) { BTA_JvRfcommClose(spp_local_param.spp_slots[i]->rfc_handle, (tBTA_JV_RFCOMM_CBACK *)btc_spp_rfcomm_inter_cb, (void *)spp_local_param.spp_slots[i]->id); } } // second, remove all server for (size_t i = 1; i <= MAX_RFC_PORTS; i++) { if (spp_local_param.spp_slots[i] != NULL && !spp_local_param.spp_slots[i]->connected) { if (spp_local_param.spp_slots[i]->sdp_handle > 0) { BTA_JvDeleteRecord(spp_local_param.spp_slots[i]->sdp_handle); } if (spp_local_param.spp_slots[i]->rfc_handle > 0) { BTA_JvRfcommStopServer(spp_local_param.spp_slots[i]->rfc_handle, (void *)spp_local_param.spp_slots[i]->id); } tBTA_JV_FREE_SCN_USER_DATA *user_data = osi_malloc(sizeof(tBTA_JV_FREE_SCN_USER_DATA)); if (user_data) { user_data->server_status = BTA_JV_SERVER_RUNNING; user_data->slot_id = spp_local_param.spp_slots[i]->id; } else { esp_spp_cb_param_t param; BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s unable to malloc user data!", __func__); param.srv_stop.status = ESP_SPP_NO_RESOURCE; btc_spp_cb_to_app(ESP_SPP_SRV_STOP_EVT, ¶m); } BTA_JvFreeChannel(spp_local_param.spp_slots[i]->scn, BTA_JV_CONN_TYPE_RFCOMM, (tBTA_JV_RFCOMM_CBACK *)btc_spp_rfcomm_inter_cb, (void *)user_data); } } BTA_JvDisable((tBTA_JV_RFCOMM_CBACK *)btc_spp_rfcomm_inter_cb); osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); } while(0); if (ret != ESP_SPP_SUCCESS) { esp_spp_cb_param_t param; param.uninit.status = ret; btc_spp_cb_to_app(ESP_SPP_UNINIT_EVT, ¶m); } } static void btc_spp_start_discovery(btc_spp_args_t *arg) { esp_spp_status_t ret = ESP_SPP_SUCCESS; do { if (!is_spp_init()) { BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s SPP have not been init\n", __func__); ret = ESP_SPP_NEED_INIT; break; } BTA_JvStartDiscovery(arg->start_discovery.bd_addr, arg->start_discovery.num_uuid, arg->start_discovery.p_uuid_list, NULL); } while (0); if (ret != ESP_SPP_SUCCESS) { esp_spp_cb_param_t param; param.disc_comp.status = ret; param.disc_comp.scn_num = 0xff; memset(param.disc_comp.scn, 0xff, ESP_SPP_MAX_SCN); btc_spp_cb_to_app(ESP_SPP_DISCOVERY_COMP_EVT, ¶m); } } static void btc_spp_connect(btc_spp_args_t *arg) { esp_spp_status_t ret = ESP_SPP_SUCCESS; do { if (!is_spp_init()) { BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s SPP have not been init\n", __func__); ret = ESP_SPP_NEED_INIT; break; } osi_mutex_lock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex, OSI_MUTEX_MAX_TIMEOUT); spp_slot_t *slot = spp_malloc_slot(); if (!slot) { BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s unable to malloc RFCOMM slot!", __func__); osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); ret = ESP_SPP_NO_RESOURCE; break; } slot->security = arg->connect.sec_mask; slot->role = arg->connect.role; slot->scn = arg->connect.remote_scn; memcpy(slot->addr, arg->connect.peer_bd_addr, ESP_BD_ADDR_LEN); BTA_JvRfcommConnect(arg->connect.sec_mask, arg->connect.role, arg->connect.remote_scn, arg->connect.peer_bd_addr, (tBTA_JV_RFCOMM_CBACK *)btc_spp_rfcomm_inter_cb, (void *)slot->id); osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); } while (0); if (ret != ESP_SPP_SUCCESS) { esp_spp_cb_param_t param; param.open.status = ret; param.open.handle = 0; param.open.fd = -1; memset(param.open.rem_bda, 0, ESP_BD_ADDR_LEN); btc_spp_cb_to_app(ESP_SPP_OPEN_EVT, ¶m); } } static void btc_spp_disconnect(btc_spp_args_t *arg) { esp_spp_status_t ret = ESP_SPP_SUCCESS; do { if (!is_spp_init()) { BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s SPP have not been init\n", __func__); ret = ESP_SPP_NEED_INIT; break; } spp_slot_t *slot = NULL; osi_mutex_lock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex, OSI_MUTEX_MAX_TIMEOUT); slot = spp_find_slot_by_handle(arg->disconnect.handle); if (!slot || (slot && !slot->connected)) { osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); if (!slot) { BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s unable to find RFCOMM slot! disconnect fail!", __func__); } else { BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s RFCOMM has been disconnected already!", __func__); } ret = ESP_SPP_NO_CONNECTION; break; } BTA_JvRfcommClose(arg->disconnect.handle, (tBTA_JV_RFCOMM_CBACK *)btc_spp_rfcomm_inter_cb, (void *)slot->id); osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); } while(0); if (ret != ESP_SPP_SUCCESS) { esp_spp_cb_param_t param; param.close.status = ret; param.close.port_status = PORT_ERR_MAX; param.close.handle = 0; param.close.async = FALSE; btc_spp_cb_to_app(ESP_SPP_CLOSE_EVT, ¶m); } } static void btc_spp_start_srv(btc_spp_args_t *arg) { esp_spp_status_t ret = ESP_SPP_SUCCESS; do { if (!is_spp_init()) { BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s SPP have not been init\n", __func__); ret = ESP_SPP_NEED_INIT; break; } osi_mutex_lock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex, OSI_MUTEX_MAX_TIMEOUT); spp_slot_t *slot = spp_malloc_slot(); if (!slot) { BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s unable to malloc RFCOMM slot!", __func__); osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); ret = ESP_SPP_NO_RESOURCE; break; } slot->security = arg->start_srv.sec_mask; slot->role = arg->start_srv.role; slot->scn = arg->start_srv.local_scn; slot->max_session = arg->start_srv.max_session; strcpy(slot->service_name, arg->start_srv.name); BTA_JvGetChannelId(BTA_JV_CONN_TYPE_RFCOMM, (void *)slot->id, arg->start_srv.local_scn); osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); } while(0); if (ret != ESP_SPP_SUCCESS) { esp_spp_cb_param_t param; param.start.status = ret; btc_spp_cb_to_app(ESP_SPP_START_EVT, ¶m); } } static void btc_spp_stop_srv(void) { esp_spp_status_t ret = ESP_SPP_SUCCESS; do { if (!is_spp_init()) { BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s SPP have not been init\n", __func__); ret = ESP_SPP_NEED_INIT; break; } osi_mutex_lock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex, OSI_MUTEX_MAX_TIMEOUT); // first, remove all connection for (size_t i = 1; i <= MAX_RFC_PORTS; i++) { if (spp_local_param.spp_slots[i] != NULL && spp_local_param.spp_slots[i]->connected) { BTA_JvRfcommClose(spp_local_param.spp_slots[i]->rfc_handle, (tBTA_JV_RFCOMM_CBACK *)btc_spp_rfcomm_inter_cb, (void *)spp_local_param.spp_slots[i]->id); } } // second, remove all server for (size_t i = 1; i <= MAX_RFC_PORTS; i++) { if (spp_local_param.spp_slots[i] != NULL && !spp_local_param.spp_slots[i]->connected) { if (spp_local_param.spp_slots[i]->sdp_handle > 0) { BTA_JvDeleteRecord(spp_local_param.spp_slots[i]->sdp_handle); } if (spp_local_param.spp_slots[i]->rfc_handle > 0) { BTA_JvRfcommStopServer(spp_local_param.spp_slots[i]->rfc_handle, (void *)spp_local_param.spp_slots[i]->id); } tBTA_JV_FREE_SCN_USER_DATA *user_data = osi_malloc(sizeof(tBTA_JV_FREE_SCN_USER_DATA)); if (user_data) { user_data->server_status = BTA_JV_SERVER_RUNNING; user_data->slot_id = spp_local_param.spp_slots[i]->id; } else { esp_spp_cb_param_t param; BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s unable to malloc user data!", __func__); param.srv_stop.status = ESP_SPP_NO_RESOURCE; btc_spp_cb_to_app(ESP_SPP_SRV_STOP_EVT, ¶m); } BTA_JvFreeChannel(spp_local_param.spp_slots[i]->scn, BTA_JV_CONN_TYPE_RFCOMM, (tBTA_JV_RFCOMM_CBACK *)btc_spp_rfcomm_inter_cb, (void *)user_data); } } osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); } while(0); if (ret != ESP_SPP_SUCCESS) { esp_spp_cb_param_t param; param.srv_stop.status = ret; btc_spp_cb_to_app(ESP_SPP_SRV_STOP_EVT, ¶m); } } static void btc_spp_write(btc_spp_args_t *arg) { esp_spp_status_t ret = ESP_SPP_SUCCESS; do { if (!is_spp_init()) { BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s SPP have not been init\n", __func__); ret = ESP_SPP_NEED_INIT; break; } spp_slot_t *slot = NULL; osi_mutex_lock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex, OSI_MUTEX_MAX_TIMEOUT); slot = spp_find_slot_by_handle(arg->write.handle); if (!slot || (slot && !slot->connected)) { osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); if (!slot) { BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s unable to find RFCOMM slot!", __func__); } else { BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s RFCOMM has been disconnected already!", __func__); } ret = ESP_SPP_NO_CONNECTION; break; } if (spp_local_param.spp_mode == ESP_SPP_MODE_VFS) { BT_HDR *p_buf; if ((p_buf = fixed_queue_try_peek_first(slot->tx.queue)) != NULL && p_buf->layer_specific == 0) { p_buf->event++; p_buf->layer_specific = 1; BTA_JvRfcommWrite(arg->write.handle, slot->id, p_buf->len, p_buf->data + p_buf->offset); } } else { if (fixed_queue_try_enqueue(slot->tx.queue, arg->write.p_data)) { BTA_JvRfcommWrite(arg->write.handle, slot->id, arg->write.len, arg->write.p_data); } else { ret = ESP_SPP_NO_RESOURCE; break; } } osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); } while (0); if (ret != ESP_SPP_SUCCESS && spp_local_param.spp_mode == ESP_SPP_MODE_CB) { esp_spp_cb_param_t param; param.write.status = ret; param.write.handle = 0; param.write.len = -1; param.write.cong = false; btc_spp_cb_to_app(ESP_SPP_WRITE_EVT, ¶m); } } void btc_spp_arg_deep_copy(btc_msg_t *msg, void *p_dest, void *p_src) { btc_spp_args_t *dst = (btc_spp_args_t *) p_dest; btc_spp_args_t *src = (btc_spp_args_t *) p_src; switch (msg->act) { case BTC_SPP_ACT_START_DISCOVERY: dst->start_discovery.p_uuid_list = (tSDP_UUID *)osi_malloc(src->start_discovery.num_uuid * sizeof(tSDP_UUID)); if (dst->start_discovery.p_uuid_list) { memcpy(dst->start_discovery.p_uuid_list, src->start_discovery.p_uuid_list, src->start_discovery.num_uuid * sizeof(tSDP_UUID)); } else if (src->start_discovery.num_uuid == 0) { BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s %d no mem\n", __func__, msg->act); } else { BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s %d osi_malloc failed\n", __func__, msg->act); } break; case BTC_SPP_ACT_WRITE: dst->write.p_data = (uint8_t *)osi_malloc(src->write.len); if (dst->write.p_data) { memcpy(dst->write.p_data, src->write.p_data, src->write.len); } else if (src->write.len == 0) { BTC_TRACE_DEBUG("%s %d no mem\n", __func__, msg->act); } else { BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s %d osi_malloc failed\n", __func__, msg->act); } break; default: break; } } void btc_spp_arg_deep_free(btc_msg_t *msg) { btc_spp_args_t *arg = (btc_spp_args_t *)msg->arg; switch (msg->act) { case BTC_SPP_ACT_START_DISCOVERY: if (arg->start_discovery.p_uuid_list) { osi_free(arg->start_discovery.p_uuid_list); } break; default: break; } } void btc_spp_call_handler(btc_msg_t *msg) { btc_spp_args_t *arg = (btc_spp_args_t *)(msg->arg); switch (msg->act) { case BTC_SPP_ACT_INIT: btc_spp_init(arg); break; case BTC_SPP_ACT_UNINIT: btc_spp_uninit(); break; case BTC_SPP_ACT_START_DISCOVERY: btc_spp_start_discovery(arg); break; case BTC_SPP_ACT_CONNECT: btc_spp_connect(arg); break; case BTC_SPP_ACT_DISCONNECT: btc_spp_disconnect(arg); break; case BTC_SPP_ACT_START_SRV: btc_spp_start_srv(arg); break; case BTC_SPP_ACT_STOP_SRV: btc_spp_stop_srv(); break; case BTC_SPP_ACT_WRITE: btc_spp_write(arg); break; default: BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s: Unhandled event (%d)!\n", __FUNCTION__, msg->act); break; } btc_spp_arg_deep_free(msg); } void btc_spp_cb_handler(btc_msg_t *msg) { esp_spp_cb_param_t param; tBTA_JV *p_data = (tBTA_JV *)msg->arg; spp_slot_t *slot = NULL; uint8_t serial = 0; switch (msg->act) { case BTA_JV_ENABLE_EVT: param.init.status = p_data->status; btc_spp_cb_to_app(ESP_SPP_INIT_EVT, ¶m); break; case BTA_JV_DISCOVERY_COMP_EVT: param.disc_comp.status = p_data->disc_comp.status; param.disc_comp.scn_num = p_data->disc_comp.scn_num; memcpy(param.disc_comp.scn, p_data->disc_comp.scn, p_data->disc_comp.scn_num); btc_spp_cb_to_app(ESP_SPP_DISCOVERY_COMP_EVT, ¶m); break; case BTA_JV_RFCOMM_CL_INIT_EVT: param.cl_init.status = p_data->rfc_cl_init.status; param.cl_init.handle = p_data->rfc_cl_init.handle; param.cl_init.sec_id = p_data->rfc_cl_init.sec_id; param.cl_init.use_co = p_data->rfc_cl_init.use_co; btc_spp_cb_to_app(ESP_SPP_CL_INIT_EVT, ¶m); break; case BTA_JV_RFCOMM_OPEN_EVT: do { if (spp_local_param.spp_mode == ESP_SPP_MODE_VFS) { osi_mutex_lock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex, OSI_MUTEX_MAX_TIMEOUT); slot = spp_find_slot_by_handle(p_data->rfc_open.handle); if (!slot) { osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s unable to find RFCOMM slot!", __func__); param.open.status = ESP_SPP_NO_CONNECTION; break; } param.open.fd = slot->fd; osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); } param.open.status = p_data->rfc_open.status; } while (0); param.open.handle = p_data->rfc_open.handle; memcpy(param.open.rem_bda, p_data->rfc_open.rem_bda, ESP_BD_ADDR_LEN); btc_spp_cb_to_app(ESP_SPP_OPEN_EVT, ¶m); break; case BTA_JV_RFCOMM_START_EVT: param.start.status = p_data->rfc_start.status; param.start.handle = p_data->rfc_start.handle; param.start.sec_id = p_data->rfc_start.sec_id; param.start.use_co = p_data->rfc_start.use_co; btc_spp_cb_to_app(ESP_SPP_START_EVT, ¶m); break; case BTA_JV_RFCOMM_SRV_OPEN_EVT: if (p_data->rfc_srv_open.handle) { do { if (spp_local_param.spp_mode == ESP_SPP_MODE_VFS) { osi_mutex_lock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex, OSI_MUTEX_MAX_TIMEOUT); slot = spp_find_slot_by_handle(p_data->rfc_srv_open.handle); if (!slot) { osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s unable to find RFCOMM slot!", __func__); param.srv_open.status = ESP_SPP_NO_CONNECTION; break; } param.srv_open.fd = slot->fd; osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); } param.srv_open.status = p_data->rfc_srv_open.status; } while (0); param.srv_open.handle = p_data->rfc_srv_open.handle; param.srv_open.new_listen_handle = p_data->rfc_srv_open.new_listen_handle; memcpy(param.srv_open.rem_bda, p_data->rfc_srv_open.rem_bda, ESP_BD_ADDR_LEN); btc_spp_cb_to_app(ESP_SPP_SRV_OPEN_EVT, ¶m); } break; case BTA_JV_RFCOMM_WRITE_EVT: osi_mutex_lock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex, OSI_MUTEX_MAX_TIMEOUT); slot = spp_find_slot_by_handle(p_data->rfc_write.handle); if (!slot) { BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s unable to find RFCOMM slot!, handle:%d", __func__, p_data->rfc_write.handle); } if (spp_local_param.spp_mode == ESP_SPP_MODE_CB){ param.write.status = slot ? p_data->rfc_write.status : ESP_SPP_NO_CONNECTION; param.write.handle = p_data->rfc_write.handle; param.write.len = p_data->rfc_write.len; param.write.cong = p_data->rfc_write.cong; btc_spp_cb_to_app(ESP_SPP_WRITE_EVT, ¶m); if (slot) { osi_free(fixed_queue_dequeue(slot->tx.queue)); } } else { if (slot) { BT_HDR *p_buf; serial = slot->serial; if ((p_buf = fixed_queue_try_peek_first(slot->tx.queue)) == NULL) { break; } if (p_data->rfc_write.status == BTA_JV_SUCCESS) { p_buf->len -= p_data->rfc_write.len; p_buf->offset += p_data->rfc_write.len; p_buf->layer_specific = 0; if (p_buf->len == 0) { osi_free(fixed_queue_dequeue(slot->tx.queue)); if (fixed_queue_length(slot->tx.queue) <= SLOT_TX_QUEUE_LOW_WM) { xEventGroupSetBits(spp_local_param.tx_event_group, SLOT_WRITE_BIT(serial)); } } if ((p_buf = fixed_queue_try_peek_first(slot->tx.queue)) != NULL && p_buf->layer_specific == 0 && !p_data->rfc_write.cong) { p_buf->layer_specific = 1; p_buf->event++; BTA_JvRfcommWrite(p_data->rfc_write.handle, slot->id, p_buf->len, p_buf->data + p_buf->offset); } } else { if (!p_data->rfc_write.old_cong) { // PORT_WriteDataCO failed BTC_TRACE_ERROR("PORT_WriteDataCO failed p_buf:%p, handle:%d\n", p_buf, p_data->rfc_write.handle); } else { // need rewrite p_buf->layer_specific = 0; } } } } osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); break; case BTA_JV_RFCOMM_CLOSE_EVT: param.close.status = p_data->rfc_close.status; param.close.port_status = p_data->rfc_close.port_status; param.close.handle = p_data->rfc_close.handle; param.close.async = p_data->rfc_close.async; if (spp_local_param.spp_mode == ESP_SPP_MODE_CB) { btc_spp_cb_to_app(ESP_SPP_CLOSE_EVT, ¶m); osi_mutex_lock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex, OSI_MUTEX_MAX_TIMEOUT); slot = spp_find_slot_by_handle(p_data->rfc_close.handle); if (!slot) { osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s unable to find RFCOMM slot!", __func__); break; } spp_free_slot(slot); osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); } else { bool need_call = true; do { osi_mutex_lock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex, OSI_MUTEX_MAX_TIMEOUT); slot = spp_find_slot_by_handle(p_data->rfc_close.handle); if (!slot) { param.close.status = ESP_SPP_NO_CONNECTION; osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s unable to find RFCOMM slot!", __func__); break; } // if rx still has data, delay free slot if (slot->close_alarm == NULL && slot->rx.queue && fixed_queue_length(slot->rx.queue) > 0) { tBTA_JV *p_arg = NULL; if ((p_arg = malloc(sizeof(tBTA_JV))) == NULL) { param.close.status = ESP_SPP_NO_RESOURCE; osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s unable to malloc slot close_alarm arg!", __func__); break; } memcpy(p_arg, p_data, sizeof(tBTA_JV)); if ((slot->close_alarm = osi_alarm_new("slot", close_timeout_handler, (void *)p_arg, VFS_CLOSE_TIMEOUT)) == NULL) { free(p_arg); param.close.status = ESP_SPP_NO_RESOURCE; osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s unable to malloc slot close_alarm!", __func__); break; } if (osi_alarm_set(slot->close_alarm, VFS_CLOSE_TIMEOUT) != OSI_ALARM_ERR_PASS) { free(p_arg); osi_alarm_free(slot->close_alarm); param.close.status = ESP_SPP_BUSY; osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s set slot close_alarm failed!", __func__); break; } BTC_TRACE_WARNING("%s slot rx data will be discard in %d seconds!", __func__, VFS_CLOSE_TIMEOUT / 1000); slot->connected = false; need_call = false; } osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); } while (0); if (need_call) { btc_spp_cb_to_app(ESP_SPP_CLOSE_EVT, ¶m); osi_mutex_lock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex, OSI_MUTEX_MAX_TIMEOUT); spp_free_slot(slot); osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); } } break; case BTA_JV_RFCOMM_CONG_EVT: if (spp_local_param.spp_mode == ESP_SPP_MODE_CB) { param.cong.status = p_data->rfc_cong.status; param.cong.handle = p_data->rfc_cong.handle; param.cong.cong = p_data->rfc_cong.cong; btc_spp_cb_to_app(ESP_SPP_CONG_EVT, ¶m); } else { osi_mutex_lock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex, OSI_MUTEX_MAX_TIMEOUT); slot = spp_find_slot_by_handle(p_data->rfc_cong.handle); if (!slot) { osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s unable to find RFCOMM slot!", __func__); break; } if (!p_data->rfc_cong.cong) { BT_HDR *p_buf; if ((p_buf = fixed_queue_try_peek_first(slot->tx.queue)) != NULL && p_buf->layer_specific == 0) { p_buf->event++; p_buf->layer_specific = 1; BTA_JvRfcommWrite(p_data->rfc_cong.handle, slot->id, p_buf->len, p_buf->data + p_buf->offset); } } osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); } break; case BTA_JV_RFCOMM_DATA_IND_EVT: do { BT_HDR *p_buf; UINT16 count = 0; osi_mutex_lock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex, OSI_MUTEX_MAX_TIMEOUT); slot = spp_find_slot_by_handle(p_data->data_ind.handle); if (!slot) { osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s unable to find RFCOMM slot!", __func__); break; } serial = slot->serial; osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); while (1) { // get incoming_data from slot incoming list osi_mutex_lock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex, OSI_MUTEX_MAX_TIMEOUT); if ((slot = spp_local_param.spp_slots[serial]) != NULL && slot->rfc_handle == p_data->data_ind.handle && fixed_queue_length(slot->rx.queue) > 0) { p_buf = (BT_HDR *)fixed_queue_dequeue(slot->rx.queue); } else { osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); break; } osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); // invoke callback if (p_buf) { count += 1; param.data_ind.status = ESP_SPP_SUCCESS; param.data_ind.handle = p_data->data_ind.handle; param.data_ind.len = p_buf->len; param.data_ind.data = p_buf->data + p_buf->offset; btc_spp_cb_to_app(ESP_SPP_DATA_IND_EVT, ¶m); BTC_TRACE_DEBUG("data cb to app: len %d\n", p_buf->len); osi_free(p_buf); } } if (count != 0) { BTA_JvRfcommFlowControl(p_data->data_ind.handle, count); BTC_TRACE_DEBUG("%s give credits:%d\n", __func__, count); } } while (0); break; case BTA_JV_FREE_SCN_EVT: if (p_data->free_scn.server_status == BTA_JV_SERVER_RUNNING) { param.srv_stop.status = p_data->free_scn.status; btc_spp_cb_to_app(ESP_SPP_SRV_STOP_EVT, ¶m); } break; case BTA_JV_DISABLE_EVT: param.uninit.status = ESP_SPP_SUCCESS; BTA_JvFree(); osi_mutex_free(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); #if SPP_DYNAMIC_MEMORY == TRUE osi_free(spp_local_param_ptr); spp_local_param_ptr = NULL; #endif btc_spp_cb_to_app(ESP_SPP_UNINIT_EVT, ¶m); break; default: BTC_TRACE_DEBUG("%s: Unhandled event (%d)!", __FUNCTION__, msg->act); break; } } int bta_co_rfc_data_incoming(void *user_data, BT_HDR *p_buf) { int ret = 1; bt_status_t status; tBTA_JV p_data; btc_msg_t msg; msg.sig = BTC_SIG_API_CB; msg.pid = BTC_PID_SPP; msg.act = BTA_JV_RFCOMM_DATA_IND_EVT; uint32_t id = (uintptr_t)user_data; if (!is_spp_init()) { BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s SPP have not been init\n", __func__); return -1; } osi_mutex_lock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex, OSI_MUTEX_MAX_TIMEOUT); spp_slot_t *slot = spp_find_slot_by_id(id); if (!slot) { osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s unable to find RFCOMM slot!", __func__); return -1; } p_data.data_ind.handle = slot->rfc_handle; p_data.data_ind.p_buf = NULL; if (spp_local_param.spp_mode == ESP_SPP_MODE_CB) { size_t rx_len = fixed_queue_length(slot->rx.queue); fixed_queue_enqueue(slot->rx.queue, p_buf); if (rx_len == 0) { BTC_TRACE_DEBUG("%s data post! %d, %d", __func__, slot->rfc_handle, rx_len); status = btc_transfer_context(&msg, &p_data, sizeof(tBTA_JV), NULL); assert(status == BT_STATUS_SUCCESS); } else if (fixed_queue_length(slot->rx.queue) > 2) { BTC_TRACE_DEBUG("%s data post stop! %d %d", __func__, slot->rfc_handle, fixed_queue_length(slot->rx.queue)); ret = 0; // reserved for other flow control } } else { fixed_queue_enqueue(slot->rx.queue, p_buf); if (fixed_queue_length(slot->rx.queue) > 2) { BTC_TRACE_DEBUG("%s data post stop! %d %d", __func__, slot->rfc_handle, fixed_queue_length(slot->rx.queue)); ret = 0; // reserved for other flow control } } osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); return ret; } int bta_co_rfc_data_outgoing_size(void *user_data, int *size) { return 1; } int bta_co_rfc_data_outgoing(void *user_data, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t size) { return 1; } static ssize_t spp_vfs_write(int fd, const void * data, size_t size) { assert(data != NULL); errno = 0; if (size == 0) { return 0; } if (!is_spp_init()) { BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s SPP have not been init\n", __func__); errno = ESRCH; return -1; } spp_slot_t *slot = NULL; uint8_t serial = 0; osi_mutex_lock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex, OSI_MUTEX_MAX_TIMEOUT); slot = spp_find_slot_by_fd(fd); if (!slot) { osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s unable to find RFCOMM slot!", __func__); errno = ENOENT; return -1; } serial = slot->serial; osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); ssize_t sent = 0, write_size = 0; size_t tx_len; BT_HDR *p_buf = NULL; bool enqueue_status= false; EventBits_t tx_event_group_val = 0; while (1) { tx_event_group_val = 0; if (size) { if (p_buf == NULL) { write_size = size < BTA_JV_DEF_RFC_MTU ? size : BTA_JV_DEF_RFC_MTU; if ((p_buf = osi_malloc(sizeof(BT_HDR) + write_size)) == NULL) { BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s malloc failed!", __func__); errno = ENOMEM; sent = -1; break; } p_buf->offset = 0; p_buf->len = write_size; p_buf->event = 0; // indicate the p_buf be sent count p_buf->layer_specific = 0; // indicate the p_buf whether to be sent, 0 - ready to send; 1 - have sent memcpy((UINT8 *)(p_buf + 1), data + sent, write_size); } } else { break; } osi_mutex_lock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex, OSI_MUTEX_MAX_TIMEOUT); if ((slot = spp_local_param.spp_slots[serial]) != NULL) { tx_len = fixed_queue_length(slot->tx.queue); enqueue_status = fixed_queue_try_enqueue(slot->tx.queue, p_buf); if (!enqueue_status) { BTC_TRACE_DEBUG("%s tx_len:%d, fd:%d\n", __func__, fixed_queue_length(slot->tx.queue), fd); osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); //block untill under water level, be closed or time out tx_event_group_val = xEventGroupWaitBits(spp_local_param.tx_event_group, SLOT_WRITE_BIT(serial) | SLOT_CLOSE_BIT(serial), pdTRUE, pdFALSE, VFS_WRITE_TIMEOUT / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); if (tx_event_group_val & SLOT_CLOSE_BIT(serial)) { BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s exit for RFCOMM close, fd:%d!", __func__, fd); errno = EPIPE; sent = -1; break; } else if (tx_event_group_val & SLOT_WRITE_BIT(serial)) { continue; } else if (tx_event_group_val == 0) { BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s exit for time out, fd:%d!", __func__, fd); errno = EBUSY; sent = -1; break; } } if (tx_len == 0) { esp_spp_write(slot->rfc_handle, 0, NULL); } sent += write_size; size -= write_size; p_buf = NULL; } else { osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); errno = EPIPE; sent = -1; break; } osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); } // errors occur, need to cleanup if (p_buf) { osi_free(p_buf); p_buf = NULL; } return sent; } static int spp_vfs_close(int fd) { errno = 0; if (!is_spp_init()) { BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s SPP have not been init\n", __func__); errno = ESRCH; return -1; } spp_slot_t *slot = NULL; osi_mutex_lock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex, OSI_MUTEX_MAX_TIMEOUT); slot = spp_find_slot_by_fd(fd); if (!slot) { osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s unable to find RFCOMM slot!", __func__); errno = ENOENT; return -1; } esp_spp_disconnect(slot->rfc_handle); osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); return 0; } static ssize_t spp_vfs_read(int fd, void * dst, size_t size) { assert(dst != NULL); errno = 0; if (!is_spp_init()) { BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s SPP have not been init\n", __func__); errno = ESRCH; return -1; } spp_slot_t *slot = NULL; uint8_t serial = 0; osi_mutex_lock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex, OSI_MUTEX_MAX_TIMEOUT); slot = spp_find_slot_by_fd(fd); if (!slot) { osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s unable to find RFCOMM slot!\n", __func__); errno = ENOENT; return -1; } serial = slot->serial; osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); ssize_t item_size = 0; uint16_t count = 0; BT_HDR *p_buf; while (1) { osi_mutex_lock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex, OSI_MUTEX_MAX_TIMEOUT); if ((slot = spp_local_param.spp_slots[serial]) != NULL) { if (fixed_queue_length(slot->rx.queue) > 0) { // free unused p_buf if ((p_buf = (BT_HDR *)fixed_queue_try_peek_first(slot->rx.queue)) != NULL && p_buf->len == 0) { osi_free(fixed_queue_dequeue(slot->rx.queue)); p_buf = NULL; count++; } if (size == 0 || (p_buf = (BT_HDR *)fixed_queue_try_peek_first(slot->rx.queue)) == NULL) { osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); break; } } else { osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); break; } } else { osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s peer close, data will be discarded!\n", __func__); errno = EPIPE; item_size = -1; break; } osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); if (p_buf->len <= size) { memcpy(dst, p_buf->data + p_buf->offset, p_buf->len); size -= p_buf->len; item_size += p_buf->len; dst += p_buf->len; p_buf->offset += p_buf->len; p_buf->len = 0; // indicate the p_buf is unused } else { memcpy(dst, p_buf->data + p_buf->offset, size); item_size += size; p_buf->offset += size; p_buf->len -= size; size = 0; } } if (count > 0) { osi_mutex_lock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex, OSI_MUTEX_MAX_TIMEOUT); if ((slot = spp_local_param.spp_slots[serial]) != NULL) { BTA_JvRfcommFlowControl(slot->rfc_handle, count); BTC_TRACE_DEBUG("%s give credits:%d\n", __func__, count); } osi_mutex_unlock(&spp_local_param.spp_slot_mutex); } return item_size; } esp_err_t btc_spp_vfs_register(void) { if (!is_spp_init()) { BTC_TRACE_ERROR("%s SPP have not been init\n", __func__); return ESP_FAIL; } esp_vfs_t vfs = { .flags = ESP_VFS_FLAG_DEFAULT, .write = spp_vfs_write, .open = NULL, .fstat = NULL, .close = spp_vfs_close, .read = spp_vfs_read, .fcntl = NULL }; // No FD range is registered here: spp_vfs_id is used to register/unregister // file descriptors if (esp_vfs_register_with_id(&vfs, NULL, &spp_local_param.spp_vfs_id) != ESP_OK) { return ESP_FAIL; } return ESP_OK; } #endif ///defined BTC_SPP_INCLUDED && BTC_SPP_INCLUDED == TRUE