import argparse import errno import json import logging import os from collections import defaultdict from copy import deepcopy from typing import Any from ci.idf_ci_utils import get_pytest_app_paths from find_apps import find_apps, find_builds_for_app from find_build_apps import BUILD_SYSTEM_CMAKE, BUILD_SYSTEMS, config_rules_from_str from idf_py_actions.constants import PREVIEW_TARGETS, SUPPORTED_TARGETS from ttfw_idf.IDFAssignTest import ExampleAssignTest, TestAppsAssignTest TEST_LABELS = { 'example_test': 'BOT_LABEL_EXAMPLE_TEST', 'test_apps': 'BOT_LABEL_CUSTOM_TEST', 'component_ut': ['BOT_LABEL_UNIT_TEST', 'BOT_LABEL_UNIT_TEST_32', 'BOT_LABEL_UNIT_TEST_S2', 'BOT_LABEL_UNIT_TEST_C3'], } BUILD_ALL_LABELS = [ 'BOT_LABEL_BUILD', 'BOT_LABEL_BUILD_ALL_APPS', 'BOT_LABEL_REGULAR_TEST', 'BOT_LABEL_WEEKEND_TEST', 'NIGHTLY_RUN', 'BOT_LABEL_NIGHTLY_RUN', ] BUILD_PER_JOB = 30 # each build takes 1 mins around def _has_build_all_label(): # type: () -> bool for label in BUILD_ALL_LABELS: if os.getenv(label): return True return False def _judge_build_or_not(action, build_all): # type: (str, bool) -> tuple[bool, bool] """ :return: (build_or_not_for_test_related_apps, build_or_not_for_non_related_apps) """ if build_all or _has_build_all_label() or (not os.getenv('BOT_TRIGGER_WITH_LABEL')):'Build all apps') return True, True labels = TEST_LABELS[action] if not isinstance(labels, list): labels = [labels] # type: ignore for label in labels: if os.getenv(label):'Build only test cases apps') return True, False'Skip all') return False, False def output_json(apps_dict_list, target, build_system, output_dir): # type: (list, str, str, str) -> None output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, 'scan_{}_{}.json'.format(target.lower(), build_system)) with open(output_path, 'w') as fw: fw.writelines([json.dumps(app) + '\n' for app in apps_dict_list]) # we might need artifacts to run test cases locally. # So we need to save artifacts which have test case not executed by CI. class _ExampleAssignTest(ExampleAssignTest): DEFAULT_FILTER = {} # type: dict[str, Any] class _TestAppsAssignTest(TestAppsAssignTest): DEFAULT_FILTER = {} # type: dict[str, Any] def main(): # type: () -> None parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Scan the required build tests') parser.add_argument('test_type', choices=TEST_LABELS.keys(), help='Scan test type') parser.add_argument('paths', nargs='+', help='One or more app paths') parser.add_argument('-b', '--build-system', choices=BUILD_SYSTEMS.keys(), default=BUILD_SYSTEM_CMAKE) parser.add_argument('-c', '--ci-config-file', required=True, help='gitlab ci config target-test file') parser.add_argument('-o', '--output-path', required=True, help='output path of the scan result') parser.add_argument('--exclude', nargs='*', help='Ignore specified directory. Can be used multiple times.') parser.add_argument('--extra_test_dirs', nargs='*', help='Additional directories to preserve artifacts for local tests') parser.add_argument('--preserve_all', action='store_true', help='add this flag to preserve artifacts for all apps') parser.add_argument('--build-all', action='store_true', help='add this flag to build all apps') parser.add_argument('--combine-all-targets', action='store_true', help='add this flag to combine all target jsons into one') parser.add_argument('--except-targets', nargs='+', help='only useful when "--combine-all-targets". Specified targets would be skipped.') parser.add_argument( '--config', action='append', help='Only useful when "--evaluate-parallel-count" is flagged.' 'Adds configurations (sdkconfig file names) to build. This can either be ' + 'FILENAME[=NAME] or FILEPATTERN. FILENAME is the name of the sdkconfig file, ' + 'relative to the project directory, to be used. Optional NAME can be specified, ' + 'which can be used as a name of this configuration. FILEPATTERN is the name of ' + 'the sdkconfig file, relative to the project directory, with at most one wildcard. ' + 'The part captured by the wildcard is used as the name of the configuration.', ) parser.add_argument('--evaluate-parallel-count', action='store_true', help='suggest parallel count according to build items') args = parser.parse_args() build_test_case_apps, build_standalone_apps = _judge_build_or_not(args.test_type, args.build_all) if not os.path.exists(args.output_path): try: os.makedirs(args.output_path) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise e SUPPORTED_TARGETS.extend(PREVIEW_TARGETS) if (not build_standalone_apps) and (not build_test_case_apps): for target in SUPPORTED_TARGETS: output_json([], target, args.build_system, args.output_path) SystemExit(0) idf_path = str(os.getenv('IDF_PATH')) paths = set([os.path.join(idf_path, path) if not os.path.isabs(path) else path for path in args.paths]) test_cases = [] for path in paths: if args.test_type == 'example_test': assign = _ExampleAssignTest(path, args.ci_config_file) elif args.test_type in ['test_apps', 'component_ut']: assign = _TestAppsAssignTest(path, args.ci_config_file) else: raise SystemExit(1) # which is impossible test_cases.extend(assign.search_cases()) ''' { : { 'test_case_apps': [], # which is used in target tests 'standalone_apps': [], # which is not }, ... } ''' scan_info_dict = defaultdict(dict) # type: dict[str, dict] # store the test cases dir, exclude these folders when scan for standalone apps default_exclude = args.exclude if args.exclude else [] build_system = args.build_system.lower() build_system_class = BUILD_SYSTEMS[build_system] for target in SUPPORTED_TARGETS: exclude_apps = deepcopy(default_exclude) if build_test_case_apps: scan_info_dict[target]['test_case_apps'] = set() test_dirs = args.extra_test_dirs if args.extra_test_dirs else [] for case in test_cases: if case.case_info['target'].lower() == target.lower(): test_dirs.append(case.case_info['app_dir']) for app_dir in test_dirs: app_dir = os.path.join(idf_path, app_dir) if not os.path.isabs(app_dir) else app_dir _apps = find_apps(build_system_class, app_dir, True, exclude_apps, target.lower()) if _apps: scan_info_dict[target]['test_case_apps'].update(_apps) exclude_apps.extend(_apps) else: scan_info_dict[target]['test_case_apps'] = set() if build_standalone_apps: scan_info_dict[target]['standalone_apps'] = set() for path in paths: scan_info_dict[target]['standalone_apps'].update( find_apps(build_system_class, path, True, exclude_apps, target.lower())) else: scan_info_dict[target]['standalone_apps'] = set() test_case_apps_preserve_default = True if build_system == 'cmake' else False output_files = [] build_items_total_count = 0 for target in SUPPORTED_TARGETS: # get pytest apps paths pytest_app_paths = set() for path in paths: pytest_app_paths.update(get_pytest_app_paths(path, target)) apps = [] for app_dir in scan_info_dict[target]['test_case_apps']: if app_dir in pytest_app_paths: print(f'WARNING: has pytest script: {app_dir}') continue apps.append({ 'app_dir': app_dir, 'build_system': args.build_system, 'target': target, 'preserve': args.preserve_all or test_case_apps_preserve_default }) for app_dir in scan_info_dict[target]['standalone_apps']: if app_dir in pytest_app_paths: print(f'Skipping pytest app: {app_dir}') continue apps.append({ 'app_dir': app_dir, 'build_system': args.build_system, 'target': target, 'preserve': args.preserve_all }) output_path = os.path.join(args.output_path, 'scan_{}_{}.json'.format(target.lower(), build_system)) with open(output_path, 'w') as fw: if args.evaluate_parallel_count: build_items = [] config_rules = config_rules_from_str(args.config or []) for app in apps: build_items += find_builds_for_app( app['app_dir'], app['app_dir'], 'build', '', app['target'], app['build_system'], config_rules, app['preserve'], ) print('Found {} builds'.format(len(build_items))) if args.combine_all_targets: if (args.except_targets and target not in [t.lower() for t in args.except_targets]) \ or (not args.except_targets): build_items_total_count += len(build_items) else: print(f'suggest set parallel count for target {target} to {len(build_items) // BUILD_PER_JOB + 1}') fw.writelines([json.dumps(app) + '\n' for app in apps]) if args.combine_all_targets: if (args.except_targets and target not in [t.lower() for t in args.except_targets]) \ or (not args.except_targets): output_files.append(output_path) else: print(f'skipping combining target {target}') if args.combine_all_targets: scan_all_json = os.path.join(args.output_path, f'scan_all_{build_system}.json') lines = [] for file in output_files: with open(file) as fr: lines.extend([line for line in fr.readlines() if line.strip()]) with open(scan_all_json, 'w') as fw: fw.writelines(lines) print(f'combined into file: {scan_all_json}') if args.evaluate_parallel_count: print(f'Total build: {build_items_total_count}. Suggest set parallel count for all target to {build_items_total_count // BUILD_PER_JOB + 1}') if __name__ == '__main__': main()